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    Analisis Administrasi Data Beasiswa Jabar Future Leader Scholarship (JFLS) dalam Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan

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    The Ministry of Education West Java Province provides scholarships for residents of Western Java called Jabar Future Leader Scholarship (JFLS) which is included in the Yuknis Regulations of Governor (Pergub) West Java and is based on the decision of the Governor of West Jawa Number: 305/HK.02.03/PSMA (JFLS). This research uses qualitative research, where the researcher intends to analyze the data on the Jabar Future Leader Scholarship (JFLS) from the start of the planning to the evaluation. The method used is a qualitative method with an analytical-descriptive approach. The JFLS program is designed to be accessible to the public, so its management or implementation requires an effective and efficient management system. In line with the main objective of the program, which is the dissemination of education, in its socialization there is an effort that utilizes information and technology, like the use of information media such as websites, social media platforms, and YouTube channels. Exhibitions and learning opportunities for students who have difficulty paying for education in particular the JFLS Graduate Program to the region as well as improving the quality of education in the West Java Territory. Inter-agency collaboration with scholars can be a source of inspiration and quality improvement. It is suggested that the institution motivate students more, so that students who take the scholarship program can improve their achievements in both academic and non-academic fields.Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat memberikan beasiswa bagi penduduk Jawa Barat yang disebut dengan Jabar Future Leader Scholarship (JFLS) yang mana tertuang dalam Juknis Peraturan Gubernur (Pergub) Jawa Barat dan bedasarkan Keputusan gubernur Jawa Barat Nomor 305/HK.02.03/PSMA. Dinas Pendidikan Jawa Barat telah membentuk TIM Teknis pada Program Beasiswa Jawa Barat Jabar Future Leader Scholarship (JFLS). Penelitian ini Menggunakan Penelitian Kualitatif dimana Peneliti bermaksud untuk menganalisa tentang data Beasiswa Jabar Future Leader Sholarship (JFLS) dari mulai perencanaan hingga evaluasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Program JFLS dirancang untuk dapat diakses oleh masyarakat sehingga dalam pengelolaan atau pelaksanaannya membutuhkan sistem manajemen yang efektif dan efesien. Sesuai dengan tujuan utama dari program tersebut yaitu pemerataan pendidikan maka dalam sosialisasinya terdapat upaya yang memanfaatkan informasi dan teknologi yaitu penggunaan media informasi berupa website, platform media sosial, dan kanal youtube. Pemerataan dan kesempatan belajar bagi mahasiswa yang mengalami kesulitan membayar pendidikan khususnya Program Basiswa JFLS ke daerah serta meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Wilayah Jawa Barat. Kolaborasi antar lembaga dengan penerima beasiswa dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi dan peningkatan kualitas. Oleh karena disarankan lembaga lebih memotivasi mahasiswa agar mahasiwa yang mengikuti program beasiswa dapat meningkatkan prestasi di bidang akademik maupun non akademik


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    Singing is the activity of making voices with dubious poems. The method of singing is a method that is very important for children in stimulating the development of the child's language in acknowledging and expressing language. This research is qualitative research, which is a method of research used in the form of descriptive exposure that attempts to describe all the information, symptoms, events, data obtained to be the focus of research then described. This research aims to find out the application of singing methods in developing language expression skills in children aged 4-5 at PAUD Calistung Tonjong Tajurhalag Bogor, with the number of subjects 1 teacher and object 13 students. The data collection techniques that researchers use are observations, interviews and documentation, while the data analysis techniques that they use are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawings. The results show that the use of singing methods to develop the expressive language skills of children of group A as follows: 1) Early 4-5 years of children's expressive linguistic skills are improved, because using the method of chanting gives a boost in the enthusiasm of fun learning 2) Teachers are developing using various methods of learning to develop aspects of the child's language such as; singing, talking, asking answers, playing roles, and games. 3) The singing methods used by Paud Calistung were successful in enhancing the development of children's language, especially the expressive language of children with appropriate data during pre-research and observation research


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    The National Assessment of Basic Educational Data (Dapodik) at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Majalaya determines the quality of education in designing strategies and policies, especially in data-based planning. This research is to find out whether there is implementation of the National Assessment of Basic Educational Data (Dapodik) in Improving the Quality of Education at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Majalaya, and to illustrate how much the implementation of the National Assessment of Basic Education Data has increased in improving the Quality of Education, the research method used by the author is a qualitative approach research method, the research findings are Planning (planning function) technical planning starts from data collection on Basic Education Data (Dapodik) where the technical provisions stipulate that educational report cards and basic educational data are taken from the results of the National Assessment of Basic Educational Data, Organizing (organizing) forms a team implementing activities by arranging committees according to their main tasks, Implementing (Actuating) this National Assessment is actually the teacher preparing the equipment in the form of modules including physical teaching materials as student reading material in facing the National Assessment, Supervision (Controlling), carried out by KCD Region VIII and the West Java Provincial Education Office with the implementation of the National Assessment of Basic Educational Data (Dapodik), it can be concluded that the unit portrait Education can be described comprehensively according to actual conditions

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Etis terhadap Keterlibatan Karyawan dan Keberlanjutan Organisasi dalam Profesi Akuntansi terhadap Perusahasaan Aktif Indonesia

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    This study analyzes the influence of ethical leadership on the level of employee engagement and organizational sustainability in the accounting profession in Indonesia. Through quantitative research methods using Likert scale questionnaires 1-5, 20 employee respondents from active companies in Indonesia were taken as samples using random sampling techniques. The questionnaire was designed to measure variables of ethical leadership, employee engagement, and organizational sustainability. The collected data were analyzed using classical assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS version 26. Regression test results showed a significant positive relationship between ethical leadership and employee engagement and organizational sustainability. A positive B1 value (0.203) indicates that a one-unit increase in ethical leadership contributes to a 0.203-unit increase in employee engagement and organizational sustainability. These findings illustrate that investing in value-based ethical leadership can have a positive impact on employee engagement and organizational sustainability within the corporate environment in Indonesia


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    Pesatnya pertumbuhan wilayah perkotaan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mengakibatkan keterkaitan dan saling mempengaruhi antara rutinitas perjalanan harian penduduk kota dan penggunaan transportasi umum. Kepuasan pelayanan kepada penumpang merupakan hal yang sangat terkait dengan usaha armada taksi, dimulai dari proses penjemputan hingga pengantaran ke tujuan. Waktu menunggu taksi menjadi faktor penting bagi penumpang dalam memilih titik penjemputan yang tepat di lingkungan perkotaan. Mengidentifikasi sejarah permintaan penumpang taksi secara akurat dapat membantu pengelola armada taksi dalam mengalokasikan sumber daya terutama di wilayah perkotaan. Dalam penelitian ini, algoritma DBSCAN digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pola cluster yang muncul dari titik penjemputan dan titik pengantaran penumpang berdasarkan data perjalanan taksi. Data yang digunakan berasal dari Kaggle, dan fokus penelitian ini adalah perjalanan taksi di Kota Brooklyn. Pada titik penjemputan penumpang, teridentifikasi 3 cluster dengan pola sebaran jalur yang memiliki potensi area yang signifikan terletak di sekitar pusat perbelanjaan seperti Atlantic Avenue Barclays Center, Arena Barclays Center, Flatbush Avenue, dan Atlantic Avenue. Sementara itu, pada titik pengantaran penumpang, terdapat 2 cluster dengan pola sebaran jalur yang memiliki potensi area signifikan terletak di Myrtle Avenue, Flatbush Avenue, Lafayette Avenue, Williamsburg, dan Dumbo


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    This research was prepared with the aim of examining in more depth how the character education program developed at Madrasah Tsanawiyah  PPI 165 Arjasari was to overcome student bullying which often occurs in the madrasa environment and what results were achieved by the madrasah in its program development efforts. It is hoped that the results of this research can be useful for author and becomes a reference for other madrasas in their efforts to develop character education programs in their schools. The author in this research used a descriptive method to solve problems that occurred, in the form of actual problems. The data collected and compiled is explained up to the analysis stage in the form of observations, interviews and documentation studies. The results of the program implemented in this madrasa are able to minimize cases of bullying that have occurred before and are more developed so as to produce an output of madrasa students who respect each other and respect each other, because Madrasah Tsanawiyah  PPI 165 has its own way of implementing it, among the programs developed consists of 4 aspects, namely understanding morals, special formation, habituation and the allegiance ceremon

    Strategi Pengembangan Brand Identity dalam Industri Fashion Brand HIRKA Shoes

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    In the fashion industry, forming a brand identity serves various crucial functions. This research focuses on brand identity development strategies in the fashion industry with a case study on the HIRKA brand. The research method employed is qualitative literature review. The findings indicate that the majority of respondents are unfamiliar with the HIRKA brand, indicating significant opportunities for brand development and increased brand awareness. In the analysis of brand identity, four dimensions are found to be important: product, organizational, personality, and symbolic. Despite implementing several innovations in products and marketing approaches, HIRKA still faces challenges in brand recognition. Based on brand development strategies by Tjiptono, this research suggests HIRKA pursue product development, refinement, modification, or new brand development through research and development to enhance consumer awareness and preference. In conclusion, branding success can be achieved through continuous innovation, hard work, and perseverance, as demonstrated by the HIRKA case study. These findings provide valuable insights for companies in the fashion industry striving to build and strengthen their brand identities. Keywords: brand development, brand identity, fashion, productsDalam industri fashion, pembentukan identitas brand memegang berbagai fungsi penting. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada strategi pengembangan identitas brand dalam industri fashion dengan studi kasus pada brand HIRKA. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden tidak dikenal dengan merek HIRKA, menunjukkan adanya peluang besar untuk pengembangan brand dan peningkatan kesadaran merek. Dalam analisis identitas brand, empat dimensi ditemukan penting: produk, organisasional, kepribadian, dan simbolis. Meski telah melakukan sejumlah inovasi dalam produk dan pendekatan pemasaran, HIRKA masih menghadapi tantangan pengenalan merek. Berdasarkan strategi pengembangan brand oleh Tjiptono, penelitian ini menyarankan HIRKA untuk mengejar perkembangan produk, penyempurnaan, modifikasi, atau pengembangan brand baru melalui riset dan pengembangan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan preferensi konsumen. Kesimpulannya, kesuksesan branding dapat dicapai melalui inovasi berkelanjutan, kerja keras, dan ketekunan, seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh studi kasus HIRKA. Penemuan ini memberikan wawasan berharga untuk perusahaan dalam industri fashion yang berusaha membangun dan memperkuat identitas merek mereka. Kata Kunci: pengembangan brand, brand identity, fashion, produ


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun aplikasi permainan matematika berbasis Android yang diperuntukkan bagi siswa Sekolah Dasar dengan konsep endless running, yang diberi nama "Math Runner". Rancangan gim ini difokuskan pada pengembangan keterampilan matematika siswa dengan menggunakan pendekatan permainan yang interaktif dan menghibur. Penelitian melibatkan siswa Sekolah Dasar sebagai partisipan utama yang menggunakan aplikasi Math Runner. Evaluasi dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas gim dalam meningkatkan pemahaman matematika siswa dan menilai tingkat minat mereka terhadap pembelajaran matematika melalui permainan Android berbasis endless running. Harapannya, hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan metode pembelajaran matematika yang inovatif dan menarik di tingkat Sekolah Dasar


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    The boredom in the teaching and learning process is very much felt, especially in the new normal era. This is felt by both lecturers and students. So that an effective and interesting learning media is needed in its delivery, of course the lecturers think hard about the right solution so that the material is conveyed and students can understand it. Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the interactive media in learning, its appearance in the form of 3D objects, as well as sound and image improvisation that supports it, is expected to be interesting and fun in learning, especially at Nusantara Islamic University. It is hoped that this method can answer "saturation in learning" because it can attract the focus and attention of students. In order to prepare students to face social, cultural, world of work changes and rapid technological advances, student competencies must be prepared for the needs of the times. Link and match not only with the world of industry and the world of work but also with the rapidly changing future. Higher Education is required to be able to design and implement innovative learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes covering aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skills optimally and always relevant. The Freedom to Learn Policy - Merdeka Campus is expected to create a better quality of human resources


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    One aspect that can be used to overcome learning quality problems is by updating the curriculum. Currently, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia has initiated a new curriculum called the independent learning curriculum. This is also implemented at SMA Negeri 1 Purwakarta, a school that implements the Independent Learning Curriculum. The objectives to be achieved in this research are: (1) To determine the planning of the independent learning curriculum in improving the quality of learning economy at SMA Negeri 1 Purwakarta, (2) To determine the implementation of the independent learning curriculum in improving the quality of learning economy at SMA Negeri 1 Purwakarta, (3) To find out the evaluation of the independent learning curriculum in improving the quality of learning economy at SMA Negeri 1 Purwakarta. In this research, researchers used descriptive qualitative research. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique uses the Miles Huberman and Saldana model which includes data collection, data condensation and presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this research are: (1) Planning for the independent learning curriculum at SMA Negeri 1 Purwakarta was carried out in June 2022 involving all stack holders. The procedure begins with preparing files, human resources and also facilities and infrastructure, then the planning results are uploaded to the page. The reference used is the Merdeka Mengajar Platform. (2) The procedure for implementing the independent learning curriculum has four stages, namely initial, developing, ready and proficient. The initial stage is the stage of composing the learning flow, the second stage is the developing stage, which is the stage of making adjustments to the learning flow, the third stage is the ready stage, which is the stage where the teacher arranges the learning flow according to the material and the fourth stage is the advanced stage, which is the stage of developing the learning flow in the learning process. In preparing learning, teaching modules are used and the strategies used in its application are knowledge obtained from training. Meanwhile, the learning model requires students to be active and independent. (3) Evaluation of the implementation of the independent learning curriculum is carried out using formative and summative evaluations. Formative evaluation is an evaluation carried out by assessing self-assessment while summative evaluation is carried out by giving assignments to students. Follow-up in the implementation of the independent learning curriculum is also highly expected. Development needs to be carried out so that the implementation of the independent learning curriculum can be carried out further


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