11 research outputs found

    Analisis Kepuasan Wisatawan dengan Pendekatan Bauran Pemasaran di Desa Wisata Rumah Dhome

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    To be able to support the success of the tourist village destination, marketing activities can be done by using all marketing tools in the form of products, prices, locations, and promotions, which are often called the marketing mix to get tourist satisfaction so that it can result in long term prosperity. In this study, a closed questionnaire was given to tourists incidentally. Documentation and literature studies are carried out to support existing data. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression. The results showed that all marketing mix variables significantly influence tourist satisfaction both simultaneously and partially. In this study, the most influential variable in satisfaction is promotion


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    Abstract The concept of community-based tourism in the dome house tourism village has succeeded in becoming a tool to trigger the development of the dome house resident and its environment. All of the development can be obviously seen from the economic, social, cultural, environmental and political aspects with a very enthusiastic participation of the resident. The rapid development of the resident and their high participation can emerge a strategy to make the tourist village survive from the tourism industry competition. In this case, the author found that there is a connection between the high level of community participation and the rapid development as the result of it.  Therefore, the more the resident willing to participate, the more it will affect the development of the resident and its environment. This research uses qualitative method. The data were obtained by conducting interview, observation, and documentation. After those steps, the data were processed by interactive and SWOT analysis. Then, questionnaire was used to validate the data towards 21 residents. Keyword: Community Based tourism, Ladder of participatio


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    Tourism trends are starting to shift from being oriented towards mass tourism to alternative tourism. The tendency of tourists to back to nature, making ecotourism, is growing in interest. These changes can affect tourist decision making when visiting a tourism destination. The study aims to determine the effect of alternative tourism trends on millennial tourists visiting findings (a study of ecotourism destinations in Yogyakarta). Quantitative research was conducted by passing out questionnaires to 100 respondents who had seen the ecotourism destination in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (Ancient Volcano Nglanggeran, Mount Merapi Nation Park, and Mudal River Park). Sampling was done using cluster sampling and proportionate stratified random sampling techniques. Analysis using simple linear regression  Based on the results of research at a significant level of 5% shows that alternative tourism trends have a positive and significant effect on the decision to visit millennial tourists (a study of ecotourism destinations in Yogyakarta). This is proved by the results of t-test analysis obtained at 4,966 > 1,665, then Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted. Based on the results of the coefficient determination (R²), an Adjusted R Square value of 0,201 shows that alternative tourism trends contributed 20,1% to the decision of visiting millennial tourists at ecotourism destinations in Yogyakarta


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    The purpose of this research is to identify the most influential factors including cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors on the investor's decision to trade on the IDX. This research is descriptive research, with the study population is Bengkulu community investors who transact on the IDX with the sampling technique used accidental sampling. The data analysis technique used is the validity and reliability test and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study are cultural, social, personal and psychological factors partially or simultaneously a positive and significant effect on investors' decisions to trade on the IDX. Psychological factors are the most dominant factors influencing investors' decisions to trade on the IDX

    Identifikasi faktor pendukung pariwisata halal

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    Perkembangan pariwisata di Indonesia berkembang seiring kemajuan wilayah. Perkembangan setiap wilayah menghasilkan tempat pariwisata yang menarik dikunjungi. Indonesia dengan penduduk muslim terbesar di dunia dan memiliki daerah wisata yang beraneka ragam diharapkan menjadi tempat pariwisata halal. Sulawesi selatan sebagai salah satu potensial untuk dilakukan penerapan pariwisata hala diharapkan memiliki kelengkapan untuk mendukungnya, dimana penelitian ini akan meneliti dengan melakukan identifikasi faktor pendukung pariwisata halal. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah wawacara dan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner kepada Stakeholders di Kota Makassar selanjutnya akan di analisis dengan SWOT. SWOT adalah singkatan dari Strengths (kekuatan), Weaknesses (kelemahan), Opportunities (peluang), dan Threats (ancaman). Hasil didapat dari identifikasi faktor ini adalah Peningkatan layanan dan pengelolaan wisata halal secara baik, Mengoptimalkan promosi dan citra sebagai penggerak pariwisata halal serta Pengembangan yang infrastruktur pendukung pariwisata halal, Membuat paket wisata halal yang lebih menarik dan Melakukan promosi ke setiap daerah dengan penduduk muslim dominan di Indonesia, Pelatihan dan peningkatan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat daerah berpotensi pariwisata halal. Faktor diatas diharapkan dapat dikembangkan untuk mempersiapkan pariwisata Halal agar dapat berkembang dan berkelanjutan

    Pelatihan Pengolahan Makanan dengan Bahan Hasil Pertanian Masyarakat

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    The Sosok Peak tourist destination in the village of Bawuran has abundant natural resources in the form of Moringa plants. Until now, the community has not been able to use Moringa plant to be used as a variety of processed products and has a resale value. This community service program aims to increase the knowledge and skills regarding the use of Moringa leaves. To train and grow an entrepreneurial spirit to the community so that it can improve the economy of the Bawuran village community. The targets of community service activity are the people of Bawuran village, Sosok Peak’s tourism manager and the merchants. The method used in this community service is carried out in several stages including identification, socialization, training and assistance. Community service has provided several benefits to the community, namely an increase in community knowledge about the benefits of Moringa and its use as well as introducing an entrepreneurial spirit. For traders, they can increase their knowledge about processing various food products that can be sold at Sosok Peak. For the tourism manager, this training can create a product image (typical food) for the Sosok Peak tourist destination


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    Majority Community Nglepen of initially was as a farmer for livelihoods. After the disastrous earthquake of a 5.9 magnitude which caused severe damage on May 27, 2006. The village was relocated to another area and built building earthquake resistant with house-shaped dome (dome). The uniqueness of the design of the dome House thus became the attraction. On the other hand, the process of transition social-cultural society became a tourism society is very attractive to be observed. This article presents an overview the challenges in the development of Community-Based Tourism residents of Nglepen. Examined based on the theory of community participation through a descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the higher the participation of citizens, then the higher its impact on society. Impact found tend to be worth positive for the community, economically and socially-cultural. Furthermore, the positive impact perceived, tend to affect the level of participation in the development of touris

    Community Based Tourism Tantangan Dusun Nglepen dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata

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    ABSTRAK Masyarakat Dusun Nglepen pada awalnya adalah masyarakat pedesaan yang mayoritas menggantungkan mata pencaharian sebagai petani. Setelah bencana gempa bumi 5,9 skala richter yang menimbulkan kerusakan parah pada Sabtu 27 Mei 2006, Dusun Nglepen direlokasi ke wilayah lain, dibangun dengan bangunan rumah tahan gempa berbentuk kubah (dome). Keunikan desain rumah dome justru menjadi daya tarik desa wisata yang sangat diminati. Disisi lain, peralihan sosio-kultural masyarakat Dusun Nglepen menjadi masyarakat pariwisata sangat menarik untuk diamati. Artikel ini menyajikan gambaran tantangan dalam pengembangan Community Based Tourism Dusun Nglepen yang dikaji berdasarkan teori partisipasi masyarakat melalui analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi partisipasi warga, maka semakin tinggi dampaknya tehadap masyarakat. Dampak yang ditemukan cenderung bernilai positif bagi masyarkat baik secara ekonomi maupun sosial budaya. Selanjutnya dampak positif yang dirasakan masyarakat cenderung mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi dalam pengembangan pariwisata. Kata kunci : Community-Based Tourism, Desa Wisata, Partisipasi Masyarakat ABSTRACT In the beginning, the community of the village dwellers that worked as a farmer. After the disastrous earthquake of a 5.9 magnitude earthquake that caused severe damage on Saturday, May 27, 2006, the village relocated to other areas, houses constructed with earthquake resistant with the shape of a dome (dome). The uniqueness of the design of the House, thus becoming an attraction. On the other hand, the transition of social-cultural into tourism community is very interesting to observe. This article presents an overview of the challenges in the development of community-based tourism, based on the theory of community participation through a descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the higher the participation of citizens, then the higher the impact on the community. The impact positive for society, both economically, socially and culturally. In addition, the positive impact affected the level of community participation in tourism development. Key words : Community-Based Tourism, Tourism Village, Community Participatio


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    The concept of community-based tourism in the dome house tourism village has succeeded in becoming a tool to trigger the development of the dome house resident and its environment. All of the development can be obviously seen from the economic, social, cultural, environmental and political aspects with a very enthusiastic participation of the resident. The rapid development of the resident and their high participation can emerge a strategy to make the tourist village survive from the tourism industry competition. In this case, the author found that there is a connection between the high level of community participation and the rapid development as the result of it. Therefore, the more the resident willing to participate, the more it will affect the development of the resident and its environment. This research uses qualitative method. The data were obtained by conducting interview, observation, and documentation. After those steps, the data were processed by interactive and SWOT analysis. Then, questionnaire was used to validate the data towards 21 residents

    Community Based Tourism Tantangan Dusun Nglepen dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata : Tinjauan Berdasarkan Teori Partisipasi Masyarakat

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    Masyarakat Dusun Nglepen pada awalnya adalah masyarakat pedesaan yang mayoritas menggantungkan mata pencaharian sebagai petani. Setelah bencana gempa bumi 5,9 skala richter yang menimbulkan kerusakan parah pada Sabtu 27 Mei 2006, Dusun Nglepen direlokasi ke wilayah lain, dibangun dengan bangunan rumah tahan gempa berbentuk kubah (dome). Keunikan desain rumah dome justru menjadi daya tarik desa wisata yang sangat diminati. Disisi lain, peralihan sosio-kultural masyarakat Dusun Nglepen menjadi masyarakat pariwisata sangat menarik untuk diamati. Artikel ini menyajikan gambaran tantangan dalam pengembangan Community Based Tourism Dusun Nglepen yang dikaji berdasarkan teori partisipasi masyarakat melalui analisis diskriptif kualitatif. Hasil menunjukan bahwa semakin tinggi partisipasi warga, maka semakin tinggi dampaknya tehadap masyarakat. Dampak yang ditemukan cenderung bernilai posistif bagi masyarkat baik secara ekonomi maupun sosial budaya. Selanjutnya dampak positif yang dirasakan masyarakat cenderung mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi dalam pengembangan pariwisat