11 research outputs found


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    Indonesia mempunyai jalur gunung api mulai dari Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Banda, Maluku hingga Papua. Hal ini menyebabkan Indonesia rawan terjadinya bencana akibat erupsi gunung berapi seperti lahar, abu vulkanik serta pencemaran udara yang mengandung zat berbahaya seperti sulfur dioksida (SO2) dan hidrogen sulfida (H2S). Sebaran abu vulkanik letusan gunung berapi menimbulkan banyak kerugian di sektor pertanian, kesehatan dan juga penerbangan. Pemantauan sebaran abu vulkanik menggunakan analisis penginderaan jauh satelit Himawari-8 pada erupsi Gunung Agung bertujuan untuk mendeteksi dan memantau abu vulkanik gunung berapi serta arah pergerakannya dan dikaitkan dengan aktivitas gunung tersebut. Pemantauan sebaran abu vulkanik menggunakan metode Two Band Split Windows (TBSW) dan Three Band Volcano Ash Product (TVAP) pada data citra satelit Himaawari-8 yang selanjutnya kedua metode tersebut akan dilakukan perbandingan mengenai arah, sebaran dan kedetailan dalam menangkap abu. Hasil pantauan sebaran abu vukanik menggunaka metode TVAP dapat menangkap dengan detail dan jelas dengan rona warna yang lebih jelas dibandingkan TBS

    Environmental education for the younger generation at the Taman Keanekaragam Hayati Subang

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    Integrasi kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah dan pendidikan lingkungan dinilai mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan perilaku yang positif terhadap lingkungan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Taman keanekaragaman hayati (Taman kehati) Subang dalam mendukung kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan siswa SMK Tri Surya Bangsa, Subang. Kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2020 dan diikuti oleh perwakilan siswa kelas X, XI, and XII sejumlah 10 orang dan 2 orang guru pendamping dengan metode penyampaian materi, praktik, dan permainan. Materi yang disampaikan meliputi budidaya organik, konservasi keanekaragaman hayati, persemaian dan pembuatan pupuk kompos, sumber air cipondoh, serta konservasi tanah dan air. Evaluasi pelaksanaan kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa siswa menilai Taman kehati memiliki jenis tanaman yang beragam dan sangat sesuai untuk mendukung kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan di sekolah. Siswa menilai bahwa kunjungan ke Taman kehati memberikan pengalaman baru yang dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan sumberdaya alam yang ramah lingkungan. Penyampaian materi dengan kombinasi kunjungan lapangan, praktik, dan permainan membuat materi yang disampaikan mudah dimengerti dan dapat dipraktikkan sehari hari. Berdasarkan hasil capaian kegiatan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa dan guru secara umum menilai bahwa Taman Kehati dapat mendukung integrasi pembelajaran di sekolah dan pendidikan lingkungan. Siswa sangat puas dengan kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan di Taman Kehati Subang.The integration of learning activities in schools and environmental education is considered capable of increasing students’ knowledge, understanding, and positive behavior towards the environment. The aim of the environmental education program at Taman Kehati Subang was to investigate its role in supporting environmental education activities of the students of SMK Tri Surya Bangsa, Subang. It was conducted on August 21, 2020 and was attended by 10 representatives’ students of class X, XI, and XII and 2 accompanying teachers. Outdoor activities, games, and field practice were used to deliver the material. It includes organic cultivation, biodiversity conservation, nurseries and compost making, cipondoh water sources, and soil and water conservation. Our evaluation showed that students hold high agreement that Taman Kehati has various types of plants and suitable to support environmental education activities in schools. Students assessed that a visit to Taman Kehati provided new experiences that could increase their knowledge of environmentally natural resource management. Delivering material with a combination of outdoor activities, field practice, and games makes them easy to be understood and can be practiced daily. It can be concluded that students and teachers generally consider that Taman Kehati is suitable to support the integration of learning in schools and environmental education. Students were very satisfied with the environmental education activities at Taman Kehati, Suban

    Pemberdayaan Anak dan Remaja dalam Pengoptimalan Taman Fontabaca sebagai Upaya Menumbuhkan Minat Literasi Membaca di Fontania Desa Tambun

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    The better the literacy of the people, the better the level of thinking and the achievement of the progress of the community in various aspects of life. However, in reality our current literacy culture is still low.  Currently the partner has a side of the reading garden established in 2021 known as Fontabaca Park. But unfortunately, the establishment of a reading garden was not fully utilized by children and teenagers. This is exacerbated by the lack of reading material available in the reading garden. The lack of interest in reading or borrowing books is partly due to the lack of socialization related to literacy activities to children and adolescents in the Fontania region. The method of implementing activities starts from counseling, training, mentoring and evaluation. The results of each stage of the implementation activity start from the counseling activities carried out by analyzing the problem then continued with mapping the solutions provided for partners. Followed by providing training activities related to reading literacy and the formation of reading garden cadres. Mentoring activities are in the form of procurement of needed reading book materials and involving participants to label and collect reading books. Evaluation activities obtained an average percentage of 98% of the impact of activities carried out by the implementation team as an effort to optimize the existing Fontabaca park.The better the literacy of the people, the better the level of thinking and the achievement of the progress of the community in various aspects of life. However, in reality our current literacy culture is still low.  Currently the partner has a side of the reading garden established in 2021 known as Fontabaca Park. But unfortunately, the establishment of a reading garden was not fully utilized by children and teenagers. This is exacerbated by the lack of reading material available in the reading garden. The lack of interest in reading or borrowing books is partly due to the lack of socialization related to literacy activities to children and adolescents in the Fontania region. The method of implementing activities starts from counseling, training, mentoring and evaluation. The results of each stage of the implementation activity start from the counseling activities carried out by analyzing the problem then continued with mapping the solutions provided for partners. Followed by providing training activities related to reading literacy and the formation of reading garden cadres. Mentoring activities are in the form of procurement of needed reading book materials and involving participants to label and collect reading books. Evaluation activities obtained an average percentage of 98% of the impact of activities carried out by the implementation team as an effort to optimize the existing Fontabaca park.   Keywords: Children and Youth, Fontabaca, Cadres, Literacy, Reading, Reading Garde

    Utilizing Random Forest with iForest-based outlier detection and SMOTE to detect movement and direction of RFID tags

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    In recent years, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has been utilized to monitor product movements within a supply chain in real time. By utilizing RFID technology, the products can be tracked automatically in real-time. However, the RFID cannot detect the movement and direction of the tag. This study investigates the performance of machine learning (ML) algorithms to detect the movement and direction of passive RFID tags. The dataset utilized in this study was created by considering a variety of conceivable tag motions and directions that may occur in actual warehouse settings, such as going inside and out of the gate, moving close to the gate, turning around, and static tags. The statistical features are derived from the received signal strength (RSS) and the timestamp of tags. Our proposed model combined Isolation Forest (iForest) outlier detection, Synthetic Minority Over Sampling Technique (SMOTE) and Random Forest (RF) has shown the highest accuracy up to 94.251% as compared to other ML models in detecting the movement and direction of RFID tags. In addition, we demonstrated the proposed classification model could be applied to a web-based monitoring system, so that tagged products that move in or out through a gate can be correctly identified. This study is expected to improve the RFID gate on detecting the status of products (being received or delivered) automatically.Web of Science153art. no. 10

    Optimal use of tocilizumab for severe and critical COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Several studies have revealed the potential use of tocilizumab in treating COVID-19 since no therapy has yet been approved for COVID-19 pneumonia. Tocilizumab may provide clinical benefits for cytokine release syndrome in COVID-19 patients. Methods: We searched for relevant studies in PubMed, Embase, Medline, and Cochrane published from March to October 2020 to evaluate optimal use and baseline criteria for administration of tocilizumab in severe and critically ill COVID-19 patients. Research involving patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, treated with tocilizumab and compared with the standard of care (SOC) was included in this study. We conducted a systematic review to find data about the risks and benefits of tocilizumab and outcomes from different baseline criteria for administration of tocilizumab as a treatment for severe and critically ill COVID-19 patients. Results: A total of 26 studies, consisting of 23 retrospective studies, one prospective study, and two randomised controlled trials with 2112 patients enrolled in the tocilizumab group and 6160 patients in the SOC group, were included in this meta-analysis. Compared to the SOC, tocilizumab showed benefits for all-cause mortality events and a shorter time until death after first intervention but showed no difference in hospital length of stay. Upon subgroup analysis, tocilizumab showed fewer all-cause mortality events when CRP level ≥100 mg/L, P/F ratio 200-300 mmHg, and P/F ratio <200 mmHg. However, tocilizumab showed a longer length of stay when CRP <100 mg/L than the SOC. Conclusion: This meta-analysis demonstrated that tocilizumab has a positive effect on all-cause mortality. It should be cautiously administrated for optimal results and tailored to the patient's eligibility criteria

    High-dose vs low-dose steroid in pregnancy patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Management of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and lupus nephritis (LN) in pregnancy has been improving in recent decades. However, SLE can still lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes if not appropriately treated. Optimal dose of steroids, as one of the most commonly used for the treatment of SLE and LN in pregnancy is still a subject of debate. In this review, we determine the pregnancy outcomes in SLE and LN patients treated with low vs high doses of steroids. Methods: ProQuest, Pubmed, Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science were carefully searched for relevant studies published in English. A total of 2,596 studies were reviewed. We extracted the data from previous studies showing the use of steroids treatment in high-dose and low-dose related to pregnancy outcomes. We provide larger data about maternal (preterm rupture of membrane, fetal loss, pre-eclampsia, and flare up) and fetal outcomes (prematurity, small gestational age, low birth weight) receiving high vs low steroid in patients with SLE and LN in this systematic review and meta-analysis. Results: A total of 13 studies were included. Of these, one study discussed a group with LN and 12 other studies discussed SLE with related maternal and fetal outcomes. Maternal outcome in the group with low-dose steroid showed a lower risk of fetal loss (odds ratio (OR): 1.93; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01-3.70), but there were no differences in other maternal outcomes. The low-dose steroid group showed a better fetal outcome, with a lower risk of prematurity (OR: 3.06; 95% CI 1.98-4.71), small gestational age (OR: 2.63; 95% CI 1.15-6.00), and low birth weight (OR: 2.43; 95% CI 1.23-4.79). Conclusions: In pregnant patients with SLE or LN, high-dose steroids are associated with the high risk of fetal loss during pregnancy, preterm birth, small gestational age, and low birth weight

    Computational Study of Asian Propolis Compounds as Potential Anti-Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Agents by Using Inverse Virtual Screening with the DIA-DB Web Server, Tanimoto Similarity Analysis, and Molecular Dynamic Simulation

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    Propolis contains a wide range of pharmacological activities because of their various bioactive compounds. The beneficial effect of propolis is interesting for treating type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) owing to dysregulation of multiple metabolic processes. In this study, 275 of 658 Asian propolis compounds were evaluated as potential anti-T2DM agents using the DIA-DB web server towards 18 known anti-diabetes protein targets. More than 20% of all compounds could bind to more than five diabetes targets with high binding affinity (&lt;&minus;9.0 kcal/mol). Filtering with physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties, including ADMET parameters, 12 compounds were identified as potential anti-T2DM with favorable ADMET properties. Six of those compounds, (2R)-7,4&prime;-dihydroxy-5-methoxy-8-methylflavone; (RR)-(+)-3&prime;-senecioylkhellactone; 2&prime;,4&prime;,6&prime;-trihydroxy chalcone; alpinetin; pinobanksin-3-O-butyrate; and pinocembrin-5-methyl ether were first reported as anti-T2DM agents. We identified the significant T2DM targets of Asian propolis, namely retinol-binding protein-4 (RBP4) and aldose reductase (AKR1B1) that have important roles in insulin sensitivity and diabetes complication, respectively. Molecular dynamic simulations showed stable interaction of selected propolis compounds in the active site of RBP4 and AKR1B1. These findings suggest that Asian propolis compound may be effective for treatment of T2DM by targeting RBP4 and AKR1B1

    Interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression of lung tissue in COVID-19 patient severity through core biopsy post mortem

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    Introduction: In COVID-19 patients, Interleukin-6 (IL-6) will increase, and the production of antigens will be excessive, which will cause excessive inflammation of the tissues, especially the respiratory tract, which causes fibrosis in the lungs and can lead to death. Objective: To analyze IL-6 expression of lung tissue in COVID-19 patient severity. Methods: The study is an observational analytic design from July to December 2020. COVID-19 patient severity who died was examined for IL-6 expression on lung tissue. The lung tissue sampling uses the core biopsy method. Results: The total number of samples obtained was 38 samples. Characteristics of patients with a mean age of patients were 48 years, male, the most common chief complaint was shortness of breath, mean symptom onset was 5 days, patient length of stay was 10 days, the most common cause of death was a combination of septic shock and ARDS and the most common comorbid diabetes mellitus. There is an increased WBC, neutrophils, platelets, procalcitonin, CRP, BUN, creatinine serum, AST, ALT, and D-dimer. In this study, the average tissue IL- 6 expression was 72.63, with the highest frequency of strong positive 47.4%. Conclusion: An increase in IL-6 expression on lung tissue showed the severity of COVID-19 infection

    Differences in interleukin-6 and interleukin-17 expression in covid-19 post-mortem lung tissue biopsy compared with noncovid- 19

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    Abstract: Background: COVID-19 has spread rapidly around the world. It is necessary to study lung tissue of postmortem COVID19 patients to determine the molecular alteration particularly the role of IL-6 and IL-17 in causing fatality. Objective: This study aims to determine the differences in the expressions of IL-6 and IL-17 in lung tissue of post-mortem COVID-19 patients compared to non-COVID-19 patients. This study also aimed to analyze the correlation between the expressions of IL-6 and IL-17 in lung tissue of post-mortem COVID-19 patients. Methods: This research is an observational analytic study with crosssectional approach. The samples were 15 paraffin blocks of post-mortem lung tissue biopsy of COVID-19 patients, and 15 paraffin blocks of inflammatory lung tissue biopsy or surgery of non-COVID-19 patients. IL-6 and IL-17 expressions were evaluated by immunohistochemical procedure. Result: There was a significant difference in the expression of IL-6 in the COVID-19 group and the non-COVID-19 group with a p-value = 0.001 (p < 0.05). There was a significant difference in the expression of IL-17 in the COVID-19 group and the non-COVID-19 group with p-value = 0.001 (p < 0.05). There was a significant correlation between the expressions of IL-6 and IL-17 in the COVID-19 group, with the Spearman coefficient value (rs) of 0.548 with p = 0.034 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: There are differences in the expression of IL-6 and IL-17 between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 lung tissue. There is a significant correlation between the expressions of IL-6 and IL-17 in post-mortem lung tissue of COVID-19 patients

    Correlation between interleukin-6 expression in post-mortem core liver biopsy and degree of liver injury in patients with fatal COVID-19

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    ABSTRACT Excessive release of interleukin-6 (IL-6) during the progression of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) induces cytokine storms, resulting in multi-organ damages including liver injury, similar in nature with mechanism of viral hepatitis. Systemic IL-6 has been associated with the incidence of liver injury among COVID-19 patients; however, studies on IL-6 expression in the liver tissue are completely lacking. The aim of this study was to measure the IL-6 expression in the liver tissues and to determine its correlation with the degree of liver injury in fatal COVID-19 patients. Through this first cross-sectional study, IL-6 expression was measured through immunohistochemical staining and the degree of liver injury was identified based on level of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT). The Spearman correlation test was used to identify the correlation between IL-6 expression and the degree of liver injury. A total of 47 deceased COVID-19 patients were included and IL-6 expression was observed in all post-mortem liver specimens, ranging from mild to strong expression. Liver injury at various degrees (mild to severe) was found in more than half (59.5%) of the cases. The Spearman correlation analysis suggested a statistically insignificant correlation between liver IL-6 expression and the degree of liver injury (r=0.152; p=0.309). In conclusion, even IL-6 expression was observed in all post-mortem liver specimens, there was an insignificant correlation between IL-6 expression in the liver tissue with the degree of liver injury among fatal COVID-19 patients, suggesting that IL-6 was not the only main factor contributing to liver damage in COVID-19 patients