7 research outputs found

    SCIENTIFIC APPROACH: AN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (ELT) APPROACH IN THE 2013 CURRICULUM a descriptive study of a teacher at one junior high school in Bandung

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    The primary focus of the study entitled Scientific Approach: An English Language Teaching (ELT) Approach in the 2013 Curriculum (A Descriptive Study of Teacher at One Junior High School in Bandung) is to investigate the practice of a teacher implementing scientific approach in English learning-teaching in one junior high school in Bandung and to reveal the difficulties encountered by the teacher in the process. In particular, this study portrays the occurrence of activities and the quality of the teaching process through pedagogical microscope. This study employs a descriptive-qualitative research design. The data were procured from classroom observation, teacher’s lesson plan analysis and interview. Those data were analyzed by Pedagogical Microscope instrument (Suherdi, 2009). The findings show to some extents. First, the finding shows that all the five stages of scientific approach were completely executed in four meetings of delivering one material or one Basic Competence (KD) although the five stages were not always conducted in every meeting which was different from lesson plan made. The teacher provided plenty activities in each stage. Scientific approach implemented by the teacher could engage students in active learning activities and develop various students’ contributions. The ways the teacher led the active learning activities and students’ contributions were varied depending on the stages. Scientific approach implemented successfully fostered students’ critical thinking and developed high-thinking level of students’ learning behaviours. Second, the difficulties encountered by the teacher during implementation were the problem on the students with low English proficiency, time allotment, and the teacher’s teaching management


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    The appointment of Nadiem Makarim as the new Minister of Education and Culture for Jokowi’s cabinet 2019-2024 term has been surprising. Although the background of the chosen Minister is not from educational sector as his predecessors, this digital venture entrepreneur’s presence in ministerial position brings hope on innovation and solutions that have never been explored before in Indonesia’s Educational system. Nadiem’s first speech in his inauguration as Minister of Education and Culture about his 100-day’s plans in attempts to improve Indonesia’s Education has drawn public attention. Hence, this study is aimed to investigate speech acts produced in Nadiem Makarim’s first speech as minister, especially their types and the implied meaning. Descriptive qualitative research design was employed in this study to get description of linguistics phenomenon. The data was the transcript of Nadiem Makarim’s speech. The data were analyzed based on theory of speech acts proposed by Searle (1976). The result shows to some extends which firstly commissive speech acts are dominantly occupied in the speech. Secondly, commissive speech acts are mostly realized as promise on his plan as the new Minister  and assurance about his capability of being Minister with the promises he made even he does not come from Education field


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    The primary focus of the study entitled Scientific Approach: An English Learning-Teaching (ELT) Approach In The 2013 Curriculum (A Descriptive Study of Teacher in One Junior High School in Bandung) is to investigate the practice of a teacher implementing scientific approach in English learning-teaching in one junior high school in Bandung and reveal the difficulties encountered by the teacher in the process. In particular, this study portrays the occurrence of activities and the quality of the teaching process through pedagogical microscope. This study employs a descriptive-qualitative research design. The data were procured from classroom observation, teacher’s lesson plan analysis and interview. Those data were analyzed by Pedagogical Microscope instrument (Suherdi, 2009). The findings show to some extents. First, the finding shows that all the five stages of scientific approach were completely executed in four meetings of delivering one material or one Basic Competence (KD) eventhough the five stages were not always conducted in every meeting which was different from lesson plan made. The teacher provided plenty activities in each stage. Scientific approach implemented by the teacher could engage students in active learning activities and develop various students’ contributions. The ways the teacher led the active learning activities and students’ contributions were varied depending on the stages. Scientific approach implemented successfully fostered students’ critical thinking and developed high-thinking level of students’ learning behaviour. Second, the difficulties encountered by the teacher during implementation were the problem on the students with low English proficiency, time allotment, and the teacher’s teaching management

    Bill Gates Covid19 Conspiracy in Reddit Memes: A Semiotic Approach

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    Covid19 as global issue connects other social variables such as Bill Gates conspiracy issue that becomes the most predominant covid19 issue discussed globally in public (Shalini, 2020). Memes as meaningful entities exist to influence internet public in facing Bill Gates  issue even without rational and empirical inquiry for some particular people that believe in them. Reddit website as  easily accessible website becomes one of memes website that shares actively more numerous memes related to Bill Gates conspiracy issue than the other websites. The memes contain cultural values represented by verbal forms and visual forms to exchange belief and rational arguments.This study conducts interpretation data based on qualitative mtethod. Associating particular signifiers to Bill Gates in whole data refer to Bill Gates’ negative track record, past ideas, ambitions, and pace. Several data contain visual signifier and written signifier that support each other to acquire signified in a data such as Bill Gates in virus form who injects an old man. Signifiers reflect predominatly negative assosiations related to Bill Gates. It explicates negative connotation that exists consistently. Myths which exist represent that Bill Gates’s vaccine as a danger, Bill Gates as a mastermind behind the pandemic, and Bill Gates as an opportunist who concerns on expansion of business to reach vaccine business


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    Hashtags of #CharlieHebdo becomes trending in Twitter when a knife attack incident happened in front of former Charlie Hebdo magazine’s office on 25 September 2020. If #JeSuisCharlie was used to show empathy and support for the victim and freedom of speech value, #CharlieHebdo still remains question on what topics around the Twitter discussion using the hashtag. Thus, using corpus linguistic analysis method, which are keyword and concordance analysis, this study aims to investigate the significant topic of corpus containing #CharlieHebdo. The tweet corpus which contains 8.604 tweets and retweets and words in total are 177.352 tokens (words) was constructed from the tweets scrapped by the researcher using Python and Twitter API. The result of analysis shows that there are at least 13 categories of keywords which indicate significant topics of the tweet corpus. They are place, attacker, act, weapon, religion/belief, motive, victims, figures, emotion evoked, law enforcement and other topics

    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) dengan Metode Basic Recipe untuk Menurunkan Tekanan Darah

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    Hypertension impacts on coronary artery blockage, infarction, heart failure, stroke, anxiety, and depression and cause of death; thus, a proper treatment must be done. One of the treatments is EFT therapy. This study aimed to analyze the effects of emotional freedom technique (EFT) therapy twice a week with the basic recipe method on lowering blood pressure. The design used in this study was a true experimental approach with a pre-posttest and control design. The sample of 50 people with hypertension was obtained by the consecutive sampling technique. They were divided 25-25 into the intervention and the control group. The data analysis used t-test. The results showed that the average systolic pressure before giving EFT therapy was 147.60 mmHg and the average diastolic pressure was 88.60 mmHg. Meanwhile, the average systolic pressure after giving EFT therapy was 136.20 mmHg and the average diastolic pressure was 76.24 mmHg. The blood pressure of the intervention group after EFT therapy showed a significant difference both in the systolic pressure (p value 0.020) and in the diastolic pressure (p value< 0.001). The analysis results showed that the blood pressures were lowered significantly after EFT therapy was given twice a week. EFT therapy is very useful for hypertensive patients as an alternative treatment to control their blood pressure.Hipertensi berdampak pada penyumbatan arteri koroner, infark, gagal jantung, stroke, kecemasan dan depresi, serta menjadi penyebab kematian sehingga penanganan yang tepat harus dilakukan. Penanganan yang dapat dilakukan yaitu terapi emotional freedom technique (EFT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh terapi EFT dua kali dalam satu minggu dengan metode basic recipe dalam menurunkan tekanan darah. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pendekatan true experiment dengan pre-posttest dan desain kontrol. Sampel 50 orang penderita hipertensi didapatkan dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Sampel dibagi menjadi 25 orang pada kelompok intervensi dan 25 orang pada kelompok kontrol. Analisis data menggunakan t-test. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tekanan darah sistolik sebelum terapi EFT diberikan adalah 147,60 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastolik 88,60 mmHg.  Rata-rata tekanan darah sistolik setelah terapi EFT diberikan adalah 136,20 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastolik 76,24 mmHg. Tekanan darah setelah terapi EFT pada kelompok intervensi menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna baik pada tekanan darah sistolik (nilai p 0,020) maupun tekanan diastolik (nilai p< 0,001). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tekanan darah turun secara bermakna setelah diberikan terapi EFT sebanyak dua kali dalam seminggu. Terapi ini sangat bermanfaaat bagi penderita hipertensi sebagai pengobatan alternatif untuk mengontrol tekanan darah mereka