31 research outputs found

    The main early and late promoters of Bacillus subtilis phage ø29 form unstable open complexes with sA-RNA polymerase that are stabilized by DNA supercoiling

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    Most Escherichia coli promoters studied so far form stable open complexes with σ70-RNA polymerase which have relatively long half-lives and, therefore, are resistant to a competitor challenge. A few exceptions are nevertheless known. The analysis of a number of promoters in Bacillus subtilis has suggested that the instability of open complexes formed by the vegetative σA polymerase may be a more general phenomenon than in Escherichia coli. We show that the main early and late promoters from the Bacillus subtilis phage ø29 form unstable open complexes that are stabilized either by the formation of the first phosphodlester bond between the initiating nucleoside triphosphates or by DNA supercoiling. The functional characteristics of these two strong promoters suggest that they are not optimized for a tight and stable RNA polymerase binding. Their high activity is probably the consequence of the efficiency of further steps leading to the formation of an elongation complex.This investigation was aided by research grants from the National Institutes of Health (5ROI GM27242-13), Direccion General de Investigaci6n Cientifica y Tecnica (PB90 0091) and an institutional Grant from Fundacidn Ram6n Areces. F.R. was holder of a post-doctoral fellowship from M.E.C. B.N. and M.M were holders of pre-doctoral fellowships from M.E.C and Gobierno Vasco, respectively.Peer reviewe

    Cómo aplicar técnicas de marketing en el aula

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    En este Trabajo Fin de Máster se describen y aplican en el aula una serie de técnicas y herramientas de marketing que emplean las empresas en la actualidad. Debido al vínculo y relación encontrada entre la enseñanza y el marketing desde el punto de vista de captar y cautivar al alumnado con la materia y el diseño de actividades, estas herramientas pueden ser eficaces y novedosas para incrementar la motivación de los estudiantes y con ello llegar a un aprendizaje significativo

    Does Anxiety Increase the Risk of all-Cause Dementia? An Updated Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies

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    Background:Anxiety has been suggested as a potentially modifiable risk factor for dementia, but results are still controversial. Our main objectives are to develop an updated meta-analysis of prospective population-based studies on the relationship between anxiety and risk of dementia, and to estimate the population fraction of dementia attributable to anxiety (PAF).Methods:We searched for cohort studies listed on PubMed or Web of Science from January 2018 to January 2020 that reported risk estimates for the association between anxiety and incident dementia. These were added to cohort studies published before January 2018 that were used in a previously published meta-analysis. Fully adjusted RRs were pooled using random effects models. We estimated the proportion of incident dementia attributable to anxiety by using PAF.Results:The meta-analysis included nine prospective cohorts from eight studies, representing 29, 608 participants. The overall relative risk (RR) of dementia was 1.24 (95% CI: 1.06-1.46) and the PAF of dementia due to anxiety was 3.9%.Conclusions:Anxiety is significantly associated with an increased risk of all-cause dementia. The treatment or prevention of anxiety might help to reduce dementia incidence rates, but more research is needed to clarify whether anxiety is a cause of dementia rather than a prodrome

    Role of Microvesicles in the Spread of Herpes Simplex Virus 1 in Oligodendrocytic Cells

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    Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is a neurotropic pathogen that can infect many types of cells and establishes latent infections in the neurons of sensory ganglia. In some cases, the virus spreads into the central nervous system, causing encephalitis or meningitis. Cells infected with several different types of viruses may secrete microvesicles (MVs) containing viral proteins and RNAs. In some instances, extracellular microvesicles harboring infectious virus have been found. Here we describe the features of shedding microvesicles released by the human oligodendroglial HOG cell line infected with HSV-1 and their participation in the viral cycle. Using transmission electron microscopy, we detected for the first time microvesicles containing HSV-1 virions. Interestingly, the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line, which is resistant to infection by free HSV-1 virions, was susceptible to HSV-1 infection after being exposed to virus-containing microvesicles. Therefore, our results indicate for the first time that MVs released by infected cells contain virions, are endocytosed by naive cells, and lead to a productive infection. Furthermore, infection of CHO cells was not completely neutralized when virus-containing microvesicles were preincubated with neutralizing anti-HSV-1 antibodies. The lack of complete neutralization and the ability of MVs to infect nectin-1/HVEM-negative CHO-K1 cells suggest a novel way for HSV-1 to spread to and enter target cells. Taken together, our results suggest that HSV-1 could spread through microvesicles to expand its tropism and that microvesicles could shield the virus from neutralizing antibodies as a possible mechanism to escape the host immune response. IMPORTANCE Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is a neurotropic pathogen that can infect many types of cells and establishes latent infections in neurons. Extracellular vesicles are a heterogeneous group of membrane vesicles secreted by most cell types. Microvesicles, which are extracellular vesicles which derive from the shedding of the plasma membrane, isolated from the supernatant of HSV-1-infected HOG cells were analyzed to find out whether they were involved in the viral cycle. The importance of our investigation lies in the detection, for the first time, of microvesicles containing HSV-1 virions. In addition, virus-containing microvesicles were endocytosed into CHO-K1 cells and were able to actively infect these otherwise nonpermissive cells. Finally, the infection of CHO cells with these virus-containing microvesicles was not completely neutralized by anti-HSV-1 antibodies, suggesting that these extracellular vesicles might shield the virus from neutralizing antibodies as a possible mechanism of immune evasion

    Impacto del confinamiento en la conducta adictiva de los universitarios riojanos

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    Una de las implicaciones de la crisis sanitaria de la COVID-19 ha sido el confinamiento de la población. La investigación previa muestra que las situaciones de confinamiento provocan cambios en las conductas adictivas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer el impacto del confinamiento en el patrón de las adicciones de los y las estudiantes universitarios con la intención de diseñar intervenciones ajustadas a las necesidades de esta población. La muestra no probabilística estuvo compuesta por 540 estudiantes de la Universidad de La Rioja, con una media de edad de 22,3 años y una proporción de mujeres del 69,3%. Los resultados indicaron un descenso significativo en el consumo de tabaco, alcohol y psicofármacos durante el confinamiento de los y las participantes tanto en el número de consumidores como en las cantidades consumidas. Respecto a las conductas relacionadas con las adicciones comportamentales, los y las participantes indicaron un aumento significativo del uso problemático de Internet y de videojuegos y eSports, aunque descendió el nivel de juego de apuestas. A pesar de que los patrones de consumo se vieron reducidos por el impacto que el confinamiento tuvo en los patrones de ocio y tiempo libre de este subgrupo poblacional, se identificaron algunos indicadores merecedores de atención por su aumento, como recaídas en el consumo de tabaco, aumento del número de participantes que consumen alcohol a diario y aumento en el nivel de malestar relacionado con el uso de Internet. Se analizan las implicaciones de los resultados y se examinan posibles acciones demandadas por el estudiantado.One of the consequences of the COVID-19 health crisis was the general lockdown. Research shows that lockdown situations may cause changes in addictive behaviors. The objective of the present study was to analyze the impact of lockdown on the addiction pattern of university students in order to design interventions adjusted to the students needs. The study was conducted through a non-probabilistic sample of 540 students, with a mean age of 22.3 years and a proportion of women of 69.3%. The results indicated a significant decrease in the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and psychotropic drugs during the participants lockdown, both in the number of users and in the amounts consumed. Regarding behaviors related to behavioral addictions, participants showed a significant increase in problematic Internet use and use of video games and eSports, although the level of gambling decreased. Despite the fact that consumption patterns were reduced due to changes in the leisure and free time patterns of this population subgroup, it was possible to identify some indicators that deserve attention due to their increase, such as relapses in smoking, an increase in the number of participants who drank alcohol on a daily basis and an increase in the level of discomfort related to the use of technology. The implications of the results are analyzed and possible actions demanded by the students are examined

    Caracterización del Banco de La Concepción

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    Se integra información hidrográfica, geomorfológica, sedimentológica, biológica, sobre hábitats marinos y pesquera, para establecer las bases ecológicas necesarias para la protección y conservación del Banco de La ConcepciónEl proyecto INDEMARES ha permitido utilizar amplios medios económicos y personales para estudiar en detalle y desde múltiples perspectivas la zona del Banco de La Concepción. Se han aplicado metodologías para el estudio de la hidrografía, caracterizando la región, describiendo sus principales masas de agua y la hidrodinámica de las corrientes. También se ha abordado la geología de la zona, incluyendo levantamientos batimétricos, perfiles sísmicos, muestreos de sedimento y petrológicos, obteniendo modelos digitales del terreno, mapas de tipos de fondo, geomorfológicos. Se han caracterizado las comunidades bentopelágicas, demersales, epibentónicas y endobentónicas, prestando especial atención a aquellas que conforman o estructuran los hábitats sensibles cuyo inventariado y cartografía era objeto principal del proyecto. Los trabajos de identificación de hábitats se han realizado con muestreadores directos, pero también con muestreadores visuales, que han permitido hacer un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo sin aumentar el impacto sobre los fondos de la zona. Por otro lado se ha estudiado la huella pesquera de la zona por medio del análisis de los datos VMS y los cuadernos de pesca proporcionados por la SGP, además de una ardua labor a pie de puerto de entrevistas y encuestas. Toda la información ha sido gestionada y analizada por diferentes grupos de investigación de diferentes centros (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, Centro Oceanográfico de Santander y Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga del Instituto Español de Oceanografía, …), aunque el grueso de esta labor, además de la coordinación, se ha llevado a cabo en el Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias del Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Los resultados permiten tener un conocimiento profundo y multidisciplinar de la zona de estudio comparable a pocos proyectos de investigación marina en la macaronesia. El estudio oceanográfico, el geológico, y el de las comunidades biológicas, ha permitido la caracterización de los hábitats de la zona, y su cartografiado mediante el intenso muestreo y la aplicación de análisis de idoneidad de hábitats.INDEMARES Project made possible to bring together economic and staff resources to study in detail, and from multiple perspectives, the area of Banco de La Concepción. Methodologies have been applied to study hydrography, making a regional characterization, depicting main water masses, and current hydrodynamics. Geology has been tackled including bathymetric uplifting, seismic profiles, sediment and petrological sampling, obtaining digital terrain models, type of bottom maps, geomorphological maps, as an output. Benthopelagic, demersal, epibenthic and endobenthic communities have been characterized, paying special attention to sensitive habitats which inventory and mapping was the project’s main aim. Habitat identification has been made with direct and visual samplers, the latter making a major sampling effort possible without an increase of bottom impact. Moreover, fisheries footprint has been identified by Vessel Monitoring System data, together with logbooks from Secretaría General de Pesca (Fisheries Ministry), as well as a hard interviewing and surveying task at landing points. Information has been managed and analysed by different research groups from different Centres (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, Centro Oceanográfico de Santander y Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga del Instituto Español de Oceanografía), although the main body of the work, plus coordination, has been made by the Canary Islands Oceanographic Centre, from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Results let us have a multidisciplinary profound knowledge of the study zone, comparable to few other marine research projects off Macaronesia. The study about oceanography, geology and biologic communities has allowed the habitats characterization and mapping by means of intensive sampling and habitat suitability analysis.Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Comisión Europea Programa LIFE+, Fundación Biodiversida

    Caracterización del Sur de Fuerteventura

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    Se integra información hidrográfica, geomorfológica, sedimentológica, biológica, sobre hábitats marinos y pesquera, para establecer las bases ecológicas necesarias para la protección y conservación del Sur de Fuerteventura (Montes de Amanay y El Banquete)El proyecto INDEMARES ha permitido utilizar amplios medios económicos y personales para estudiar en detalle y desde múltiples perspectivas la zona del Sur de Fuerteventura (montes de Amanay y El Banquete). Se han aplicado metodologías para el estudio de la hidrografía, caracterizando la región, describiendo sus principales masas de agua y la hidrodinámica de las corrientes. También se ha abordado la geología de la zona, incluyendo levantamientos batimétricos, perfiles sísmicos, muestreos de sedimento y petrológicos, obteniendo modelos digitales del terreno, mapas de tipos de fondo, geomorfológicos. Se han caracterizado las comunidades bentopelágicas, demersales, epibentónicas y endobentónicas, prestando especial atención a aquellas que conforman o estructuran los hábitats sensibles cuyo inventariado y cartografía era objeto principal del proyecto. Los trabajos de identificación de hábitats se han realizado con muestreadores directos, pero también con muestreadores visuales, que han permitido hacer un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo sin aumentar el impacto sobre los fondos de la zona. Por otro lado se ha estudiado la huella pesquera de la zona por medio del análisis de los datos VMS y los cuadernos de pesca proporcionados por la SGP, además de una ardua labor a pie de puerto de entrevistas y encuestas. Toda la información ha sido gestionada y analizada por diferentes grupos de investigación de diferentes centros (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, Centro Oceanográfico de Santander y Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga del Instituto Español de Oceanografía, …), aunque el grueso de esta labor, además de la coordinación, se ha llevado a cabo en el Centro Oceanográfico de Canarias del Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Los resultados permiten tener un conocimiento profundo y multidisciplinar de la zona de estudio comparable a pocos proyectos de investigación marina en la Macaronesia. El estudio oceanográfico, el geológico, y el de las comunidades biológicas, ha permitido la caracterización de los hábitats de la zona, y su cartografiado mediante el intenso muestreo y la aplicación de análisis de idoneidad de hábitats.Abstract: INDEMARES Project made possible to bring together economic and staff resources to study in detail, and from multiple perspectives, the area of South of Fuerteventura (Amanay and El Banquete Semounts). Methodologies have been applied to study hydrography, making a regional characterization, depicting main water masses, and current hydrodynamics. Geology has been tackled including bathymetric uplifting, seismic profiles, sediment and petrological sampling, obtaining digital terrain models, type of bottom maps, geomorphological maps, as an output. Benthopelagic, demersal, epibenthic and endobenthic communities have been characterized, paying special attention to sensitive habitats which inventory and mapping was the project’s main aim. Habitat identification has been made with direct and visual samplers, the latter making a major sampling effort possible without an increase of bottom impact. Moreover, fisheries footprint has been identified by Vessel Monitoring System data, together with logbooks from Secretaría General de Pesca (Fisheries Ministry), as well as a hard interviewing and surveying task at landing points. Information has been managed and analysed by different research groups from different Centres (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona, Centro de Investigaciones Medioambientales del Atlántico, Centro Oceanográfico de Santander y Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga del Instituto Español de Oceanografía), although the main body of the work, plus coordination, has been made by the Canary Islands Oceanographic Centre, from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography. Results let us have a multidisciplinary profound knowledge of the study zone, comparable to few other marine research projects off Macaronesia. The study about oceanography, geology and biologic communities has allowed the habitats characterization and mapping by means of intensive sampling and habitat suitability analysis.Instituto Español de Oceanografía, Comisión Europea Programa LIFE+, Fundación Biodiversida

    The epidemiology of renal replacement therapy in two different parts of the worldThe Latin American Dialysis and Transplant Registry versus the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association Registry

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2018 Pan American Health Organization. All rights reserved.Objective: To compare the epidemiology of renal replacement therapy (RRT) for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in Latin America and Europe, as well as to study differences in macro-economic indicators, demographic and clinical patient characteristics, mortality rates, and causes of death between these two populations. Methods: We used data from 20 Latin American and 49 European national and subnational renal registries that had provided data to the Latin American Dialysis and Renal Transplant Registry (RLADTR) and the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry, respectively. The incidence and prevalence of RRT in 2013 were calculated per million population (pmp), overall and by subcategories of age, sex, primary renal disease, and treatment modality. The correlation between gross domestic product and the prevalence of RRT was analyzed using linear regression. Trends in the prevalence of RRT between 2004 and 2013 were assessed using Joinpoint regression analysis. Results: In 2013, the overall incidence at day 91 after the onset of RRT was 181 pmp for Latin American countries and 130 pmp for European countries. The overall prevalence was 660 pmp for Latin America and 782 pmp for Europe. In the Latin American countries, the annual increase in the prevalence averaged 4.0% (95% confdence interval (CI): 2.5%-5.6%) from 2004 to 2013, while the European countries showed an average annual increase of 2.2% (95% CI: 2.0%-2.4%) for the same time period. The crude mortality rate was higher in Latin America than in Europe (112 versus 100 deaths per 1 000 patient-years), and cardiovascular disease was the main cause of death in both of those regions. Conclusions. There are considerable differences between Latin America and Europe in the epidemiology of RRT for ESRD. Further research is needed to explore the reasons for these differences.Peer reviewe

    Phage phi 29 regulatory protein p4 stabilizes the binding of the RNA polymerase to the late promoter in a process involving direct protein-protein contacts

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    Transcription from the late promoter, PA3, of Bacillus subtilis phage phi 29 is activated by the viral regulatory protein p4. A kinetic analysis of the activation process has revealed that the role of protein p4 is to stabilize the binding of RNA polymerase to the promoter as a closed complex without significantly affecting further steps of the initiation process. Electrophoretic band-shift assays performed with a DNA fragment spanning only the protein p4 binding site showed that RNA polymerase could efficiently retard the complex formed by protein p4 bound to the DNA. Similarly, when a DNA fragment containing only the RNA polymerase-binding region of PA3 was used, p4 greatly stimulated the binding of RNA polymerase to the DNA. These results strongly suggest that p4 and RNA polymerase contact each other at the PA3 promoter. In the light of current knowledge of the p4 activation mechanism, we propose that direct contacts between the two proteins participate in the activation process.This investigation has been aided by Research Grant SRO1 GM27242-13 from the National Institutes of Health, by Grant PB90-0091 from Direcci6n General de Investigaci6n Cientfifca y Tecnica, and by an Institutional Grant from Fundaci6n Ram6n Areces. B.N. and F.R. were holders of pre- and postdoctoral fellowships, respectively, from Ministerio de Educaci6n y CienciaPeer reviewe

    Control de la transcripción de los genes tardíos del bacteriófago ø29 de Bacillus subtilis

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leida en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 199