472 research outputs found

    Use of MODIS imagery for the optical characterization of Western Mediterranean waters

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    Electron spin relaxation in organic semiconductors probed through muSR

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    Muon spin spectroscopy and in particular the avoided level crossing technique is introduced, with the aim of showing it as a very sensitive local probe for electron spin relaxation in organic semiconductors. Avoided level crossing data on TMS-pentacene at different temperatures are presented, and they are analysed to extract the electron spin relaxation rate, that is shown to increase on increasing the temperature from 0.02 MHz to 0.33 MHz at 3 K and 300 K respectively.Comment: International Conference TSN2010 "Trends in spintronics and nanomagnetism

    On the discrimination of multiple phytoplankton groups from light absorption spectra of assemblages with mixed taxonomic composition and variable light conditions

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    According to recommendations of the international community of phytoplankton functional type algorithm developers, a set of experiments on marine algal cultures was conducted to (1) investigate uncertainties and limits in phytoplankton group discrimination from hyperspectral light absorption properties of assemblages with mixed taxonomic composition, and (2) evaluate the extent to which modifications of the absorption spectral features due to variable light conditions affect the optical discrimination of phytoplankton. Results showed that spectral absorption signatures of multiple species can be extracted from mixed assemblages, even at low relative contributions. Errors in retrieved pigment abundances are, however, influenced by the co-occurrence of species with similar spectral features. Plasticity of absorption spectra due to changes in light conditions weakly affects interspecific differences, with errors <21% for retrievals of pigment concentrations from mixed assemblages

    [Accepted Manuscript] Optimizing tubal ligation service delivery: a prospective cohort study to measure the task-sharing experience of Marie Stopes International Ethiopia.

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    The Ethiopian government implements a progressive task-sharing policy for health services as a strategy to address shortages of highly skilled providers and increase access to critical services, such as family planning. Since 2009, Marie Stopes International Ethiopia has trained health officers to provide tubal ligations, a permanent method of family planning, as part of its task-sharing strategy. The objectives of this research were to evaluate task-sharing tubal ligations to health officers at Marie Stopes International Ethiopia, specifically: (a) to investigate safety, as measured by the proportion of major adverse events; (b) to evaluate the feasibility, as measured by adherence to the standard tubal ligation procedure protocol and (c) to investigate acceptability to clients of the tubal ligation procedure provided by health officers. We established a prospective cohort of women aged  ≥18 years presenting for tubal ligation at Marie Stopes International Ethiopia sites in three regions in Ethiopia (March-May 2014). Data on adverse events (incomplete procedure, pain, bleeding, infection, perforation) were collected intra-operatively; peri-operatively (1-h post-procedure); and post-operatively (7 days post-procedure). To measure feasibility, 65% of procedures were selected for 'audit', where a nurse observed and scored health officers adherence to standard protocol using an 18-item checklist. To assess acceptability, women were asked about their satisfaction with the procedure. In total, 276 women were enrolled in the study. 97.5% of procedures took place in rural settings. All participants were followed up 7 days post-procedure (100% response rate). The overall proportion of major adverse events was 3% (95% CI 1-6%). The most frequent adverse event was 'failure to complete the TL' (2.2%, n = 6). The average score on protocol adherence was 96.9%. Overall, 98.2% (n = 271) of clients would recommend the procedure to a friend. Findings from this study, indicating safety, feasibility and acceptability, are consistent with the existing literature, which indicate safety and acceptability for task-sharing tubal ligations, and other methods of contraception with non-physician health providers. This study adds to scant literature on task-sharing tubal ligations in rural and low-resource settings.<br/

    Fibrocapsa japonica (Raphidophyceae) occurrence and ecological features within the phytoplankton assemblage of a cyclonic eddy, offshore the Eastern Alboran Sea

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    The Raphidophycean Fibrocapsa japonica Toriumi & Takano was detected for the first time offshore in the Eastern Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) in October 2006. Its distribution appeared very localised and atypical, as it was abundant only in the open waters of a cyclonic eddy. Microscope counts of the natural phytoplankton assemblages revealed that F. japonica was dominant in the microplankton, together with Dinophyceae, within and below the cyclonic nutrient-rich dome (25 - 30 m). Bacillariophyceae were the primary microplanktonic fraction in only a few samples. Moderately high abundances of F. japonica (maximum of 60 cells ml-1), with preliminary cysts and many cells aggregated in mucous nets, indicated a senescent phase. We also suggest a Mediterranean origin for this species. This was confirmed by molecular identification and by a water temperature of 15 °C, which could have favoured pre-cyst formation. Finally, we hypothesise that F. japonica, which is generally a coastal species, could have a coastal origin. Since F. japonica was confined to the cyclonic waters, which typically derive from coastal waters, it was collected at a depth of 40-60 m at the coastal sites and it is generally a coastal species, we hypothesise that it could have a coastal origin and it was entrapped by the cyclonic eddy, which could have carried offshore this harmful species

    Prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralization among school children in Rome, Italy

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    Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a highly prevalent condition associated with increased caries experience, dental pain and treatment need. Aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and severity of MIH in a group of 7–8 years old primary school children living in Rome, Italy; and to assess the association with caries experience and possible perinatal risk factors. A survey has been conducted in the city of Rome, between April 2019 and March 2020 with a total of 49 primary schools and 176 2nd grade primary school classes and a total of 3611 children being involved. Of these, a subset of 346 children of 21 primary schools was selected for the epidemiological investigation. The prevalence of MIH was of 18.2%, with girls showing twice the probability of being subject to a mild-severe condition. Molar location was present in 71.4%, while location on both molar plus incisor was present in 28.6% of cases. The mean DMFT was 0.44 ± 0.78, “D” was 0.17 ± 0.58; the mean dmft was 1.7 ± 2.56, “d” was 1.32 ± 2.21. Female gender, caries experience, insufficient oral hygiene were risk factors. The incidence of MIH is increasing in the pediatric population. Knowledge about diagnosis and treatment options should be disseminated among dental professionals.publishedVersio

    Importance of Spin-Orbit Interaction for the Electron Spin Relaxation in Organic Semiconductors

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    Despite the great interest organic spintronics has recently attracted, there is only a partial understanding of the fundamental physics behind electron spin relaxation in organic semiconductors. Mechanisms based on hyperfine interaction have been demonstrated, but the role of the spin-orbit interaction remains elusive. Here, we report muon spin spectroscopy and time-resolved photoluminescence measurements on two series of molecular semiconductors in which the strength of the spin-orbit interaction has been systematically modified with a targeted chemical substitution of different atoms at a particular molecular site. We find that the spin-orbit interaction is a significant source of electron spin relaxation in these materials

    Muon spin rotation study of magnetism and superconductivity in Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 single crystals

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    Using muon spin rotation (muSR) we investigated the magnetic and superconducting properties of a series of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 single crystals with 0 =< x =< 0.15. Our study details how the antiferromagnetic order is suppressed upon Co substitution and how it coexists with superconductivity. In the non-superconducting samples at 0 < x < 0.04 the antiferromagnetic order parameter is only moderately suppressed. With the onset of superconductivity this suppression becomes faster and it is most rapid between x = 0.045 and 0.05. As was previously demonstrated by muSR at x = 0.055 [P. Marsik et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 57001 (2010)], the strongly weakened antiferromagnetic order is still a bulk phenomenon that competes with superconductivity. The comparison with neutron diffraction data suggests that the antiferromagnetic order remains commensurate whereas the amplitude exhibits a spatial variation that is likely caused by the randomly distributed Co atoms. A different kind of magnetic order that was also previously identified [C. Bernhard et al., New J. Phys. 11, 055050 (2009)] occurs at 0.055 < x < 0.075 where Tc approaches the maximum value. The magnetic order develops here only in parts of the sample volume and it seems to cooperate with superconductivity since its onset temperature coincides with Tc. Even in the strongly overdoped regime at x = 0.11, where the static magnetic order has disappeared, we find that the low energy spin fluctuations are anomalously enhanced below Tc. These findings point toward a drastic change in the relationship between the magnetic and superconducting orders from a competitive one in the strongly underdoped regime to a constructive one in near optimally and overdoped samples.Comment: 33 Pages, 9 Figure