606 research outputs found

    Investigation into Polyphenol Profile and Biological Activities of Enriched Persimmon/Apple Smoothies during Storage

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    Smoothies are becoming an increasingly popular product as a healthy alternative to snacks. The consumer expects from this product that, apart from its nutritional value, it will also be qualitatively stable during storage. Therefore, in this study, original smoothies obtained with persimmon fruit puree and apple juice (Dk/Md) enriched with Arbutus unedo fruits, Myrtus communis purple berry extract, Acca sellowiana, and Crocus sativus petal juice were evaluated for their polyphenol composition, antioxidant activity, and inhibition on targeted digestive enzymes, over six months of storage. The amount of polyphenols evaluated by UPLC-PDA analysis decreased in six months from 23.5% for both Dk/Md and enriched C. sativus smoothies to 42.5% for enriched A. sellowiana, with anthocyanins the most sensitive compounds (71.7–100% loss). Values of antioxidant assays generally strongly decreased during the first three months (up to ca. 60%) and to a lesser extent in the following three months (0.4–27%). In addition, inhibitory activity on α-amylase, α-glucosidase, and pancreatic lipase, especially on the last two enzymes, was negatively affected by time storage. The outcome of this study indicates that persimmon fruit is a good option for producing smoothies, and enrichment with other plant extracts can enhance the bioactive compound content and biological activities. It is recommended that appropriate storage strategies to preserve the properties of those smoothies should be developed

    Quality and quantity comparison study of corrosion casts of bovine testis made using two synthetic kits: Plastogen G and Batson no. 17

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    Background: Although corrosion casting has been implemented for almost five centuries, the choice of resin has a strong influence on the effectiveness of casting vessel formations. Our aim was to compare quality and quantity features of two groups of corrosion casts made using two kits: Plastogen G resin and Batson no. 17 resin. Materials and methods: Thirty corrosion casts were made of testicular arterial vessels (15 made using Plastogen G and 15 made using Batson no. 17) and their shape, colour, fragility and flexibility were evaluated. The following parameters were measured: maximal width of corrosion cast of testis, maximal length of centripetal and centrifugal arteries, diameter of testicular artery and its terminal branches. Based on these measurements, five indexes were calculated (Iq1–Iq5). Results: Generally both groups of corrosion casts demonstrated similar attributes. Only the rami tunicales minores displayed higher fragility and lower flexibility in the Plastogen G group than the Batson no. 17 group. The only observed quantitative difference was that Iq3 was significantly lower in the Plastogen G group (0.71 ± 0.01) than in Batson no. 17 group (0.79 ± 0.01; p = 0.0092). Conclusions: The two corrosion cast groups displayed similar qualitative and quantitative attributes. Batson no. 17 appears to be a good resin for three-dimensional visualisation of extra- and intratesticular arterial vessels

    A possible role of tachykinin-related peptide on an immune system activity of mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor L.

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    Tachykinin-related peptides (TRPs) are important neuropeptides. Here we show that they affect the insect immune system, especially the cellular response. We also identify and predict the sequence and structure of the tachykinin-related peptide receptor (TRPR) and confirm the presence of expression of gene encoding TRPR on Tenebrio molitor haemocytes. After application of the Tenmo-TRP-7 in T. molitor the number of circulating haemocytes increased and the number of haemocytes participating in phagocytosis of latex beads decreased in a dose- and time-dependent fashion. Also, Tenmo-TRP-7 affects the adhesion ability of haemocytes. Six hours after injection of TenmoTRP-7, a decrease of haemocyte surface area was observed under both tested Tenmo-TRP-7 concentrations (10-7 and 10-5 M). The opposite effect was reported 24 h after injection, which indicates that the influence of Tenmo-TRP-7 on modulation of haemocyte behaviour differs at different stages of stress response. Tenmo-TRP-7 application also resulted in increased phenoloxidase activity 6 and 24 h after injection. The assessment of DNA integrity of haemocytes showed that the injection of Tenmo-TRP-7 at 10-7 M led to a decrease in DNA damage compared to control individuals. This effect was only visible 6 h after Tenmo-TRP-7 application. After 24 h, Tenmo-TRP-7 injection increased DNA damage. We also confirmed the expression of immune-related genes in nervous tissue of T. molitor. Transcripts for genes encoding receptors participating in pathogen recognition processes and antimicrobial peptides were detected in T. molitor brain, retrocerebral complex and ventral nerve cord. These results may indicate a role of the insect nervous system in pathogen recognition and modulation of immune response similar to vertebrates. Taken together, our results support the notion that tachykinin-related peptides probably play an important role in the regulation of the insect immune system. Moreover, some resemblances with action of tachykininrelated peptides and substance P showed that insects can be potential model organisms for analysis of hormonal regulation of conserved innate immune mechanisms

    Obesogenic dietary intake in families with 1-year-old infants at high and low obesity risk based on parental weight status: baseline data from a longitudinal intervention (Early STOPP)

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    PURPOSE: To compare dietary intake in 1-year-old infants and their parents between families with high and low obesity risk, and to explore associations between infant dietary intake and relative weight. METHODS: Baseline analyses of 1-year-old infants (n = 193) and their parents participating in a longitudinal obesity intervention (Early STOPP) were carried out. Dietary intake and diet quality indicators were compared between high- and low-risk families, where obesity risk was based on parental weight status. The odds for high diet quality in relation to parental diet quality were determined. Associations between measured infant relative weight and dietary intake were examined adjusting for obesity risk, socio-demographics, and infant feeding. RESULTS: Infant dietary intake did not differ between high- and low-risk families. The parents in high-risk families consumed soft drinks, French fries, and low-fat spread more frequently, and fish and fruits less frequently (p < 0.05) compared to parents in low-risk families. Paternal intake of vegetables and fish increased the odds for children being consumers of vegetables (OR 1.7; 95 % CI 1.0-2.9) and fish, respectively (OR 2.5; 95 % CI 1.4-4.4). Infant relative weight was weakly associated with a high intake of milk cereal drink (r = 0.15; p < 0.05), but not with any other aspect of dietary intake, obesity risk, or early feeding patterns. CONCLUSIONS: At the age of one, dietary intake in infants is not associated with family obesity risk, nor with parental obesogenic food intake. Milk cereal drink consumption but no other infant dietary marker reflects relative weight at this young age.published_or_final_versio

    Forgetting of emotional information is hard: an fMRI study of directed forgetting

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    Strong evidence suggests that memory for emotional information is much better than for neutral one. Thus, one may expect that forgetting of emotional information is difficult and requires considerable effort. The aim of this item-method directed forgetting functional magnetic resonance imaging study was to investigate this hypothesis both at behavioral and neural levels. Directed forgetting effects were observed for both neutral and emotionally negative International Affective Picture System images. Moreover, recognition rate of negative to-be-forgotten images was higher than in case of neutral ones. In the study phase, intention to forget and successful forgetting of emotionally negative images were associated with widespread activations extending from the anterior to posterior regions mainly in the right hemisphere, whereas in the case of neutral images, they were associated with just one cluster of activation in the right lingual gyrus. Therefore, forgetting of emotional information seems to be a demanding process that strongly activates a distributed neural network in the right hemisphere. In the test phase, in turn, successfully forgotten images--either neutral or emotionally negative--were associated with virtually no activation, even at the lowered P value threshold. These results suggest that intentional inhibition during encoding may be an efficient strategy to cope with emotionally negative memories

    How active can preschoolers be at home? Parents' and grandparents' perceptions of children's day-to-day activity, with implications for physical activity policy

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    Background The importance of physical activity in early childhood for establishing long-term health is well understood, yet with the exception of recent WHO guidelines, public health initiatives rarely focus on children below school age. Moreover, little is known about how domestic spaces and day-to-day caring activities influence preschool-age children's physical activity. To examine this, we explore caregivers' perceptions of young children's activities within and outside the home, and we consider how lived experiences of caregiving align (or not) with current physical activity policy. Methods Semi-structured interviews with 49 parents and grandparents from 16 families were conducted in Oregon, USA; each family had a child aged 3–5 years. Questions focused on caregivers' perceptions of and involvement with children's body weights, activities, and food practices. The interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Our analysis drew on a materialities framework, attending to relationships between children, caregivers, spaces in and around the home, and everyday activities. Results Four themes were developed: appropriateness of outside versus inside spaces for physical activity; making accommodations for physical activity in the home; active spaces of care, referring to relationships among space, activity type, and caregiver attention; and mundane movement, or the low-intensity movement of everyday life. Together, the results highlight that children's day-to-day activities cut across a spectrum of movement, mediated by available spaces and caregiving affordances. Conclusions Attending to the full spectrum of children's movements highlights how children's activities interlink with family routines, available indoor and outdoor spaces, and the intended uses of these spaces. These interplays between space, care, and physical activity enacted at the household level should inform an integrated, systems-level public health approach to increasing health and well-being for preschool-age children. Suggestions for improvement include coordinating policy development across multiple fields (e.g., housing design, urban planning) that structure the activities of children and their caregivers across ‘home’ and ‘outside’ spaces