15 research outputs found

    Effect of Catheter-Based Patent Foramen Ovale Closure on the Occurrence of Arterial Bubbles in Scuba Divers

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    ObjectivesThis study sought to evaluate the effect of catheter-based patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure on the occurrence of arterial bubbles after simulated dives.BackgroundPFO is a risk factor of decompression sickness in divers due to paradoxical embolization of bubbles. To date, the effectiveness of catheter-based PFO closure in the reduction of arterial bubbles has not been demonstrated.MethodsA total of 47 divers (age 35.4 ± 8.6 years, 81% men) with a PFO (PFO group) or treated with a catheter-based PFO closure (closure group) were enrolled in this case-controlled observational trial. All divers were examined after a simulated dive in a hyperbaric chamber: 34 divers (19 in the PFO group, 15 in the closure group) performed a dive to 18 m for 80 min, and 13 divers (8 in the PFO group, 5 in the closure group) performed a dive to 50 m for 20 min. Within 60 min after surfacing, the presence of venous and arterial bubbles was assessed by transthoracic echocardiography and transcranial color-coded sonography, respectively.ResultsAfter the 18-m dive, venous bubbles were detected in 74% of divers in the PFO group versus 80% in the closure group (p = 1.0), and arterial bubbles were detected in 32% versus 0%, respectively (p = 0.02). After the 50-m dive, venous bubbles were detected in 88% versus 100%, respectively (p = 1.0), and arterial bubbles were detected in 88% versus 0%, respectively (p < 0.01).ConclusionsNo difference was observed in the occurrence of venous bubbles between the PFO and closure groups, but the catheter-based PFO closure led to complete elimination of arterial bubbles after simulated dives. (Nitrogen Bubble Detection After Simulated Dives in Divers With PFO and After PFO Closure; NCT01854281

    Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT Modification

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    The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the current state of the information system of a selected social enterprise operating in the field of administration outsourcing. Based on the findings of the analyses and primary empirical research, the state of efficiency and especially security of the enterprise information system is evaluated. The result of this work is the development of a plan for the implementation of the new system and the proposal of changes and measures leading to the elimination of identified deficiencies and mitigation of potential risks

    Business Plan - Extension of the Existing Non-residential Photovoltaic Power Plant by The Battery Storage System

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na vypracování podnikatelského plánu na rozšíření stávající komerční fotovoltaické elektrárny o bateriové úložiště. Práce se skládá z několika částí, v teoretické části je popsána problematika související s provozem fotovoltaických elektráren a bateriového úložiště. V praktické části je provedeno ekonomické zhodnocení investice a s využitím citlivostní analýzy definováno, za jakých podmínek bude projekt ziskový.The bachelor thesis is focused on the creation of a business plan for the extension of the existing commercial photovoltaic power plant by the battery storage system. The work consists of several parts, the theoretical part explains the operation of photovoltaic power plants and battery storage. In the practical part, an economic evaluation of the investment is performed and the sensitivity analysis is used to define the conditions under which the project will be profitable.

    Web application for displaying 3D graphical solution of linear programming tasks

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    Linear programming tasks with a maximum of three variables can be displayed graphically. Graphical solution serves primarily to facilitate the understanding of the task and its use, especially in study. There are not many applications that can display graphical solutions of problems with three structural variables, or they have various disadvantages. Therefore, this work was created, which aims to use a programming language Javascript to create a web application that displays a graphical solution to a given task of linear programming with three variables. The theoretical part of the work introduces to the scientific field of linear programming, explains the basic concepts of this field and the way in which the tasks of linear programming are solved in context with their graphical display. In the practical part, work continues with designing the application and gives a detailed description of the development of the application. Furthermore, the work explains the operation of the created application and describes in detail the individual parts of the created algorithm, along with some problems that occurred during development. Subsequently, the work presents how the application was tested and presents some specific test tasks. In the final, summarizes the fulfillment of the goals given in the beginning, explains some insufficiencies of the application and gives possibilities of further expansion of the application.Úlohy lineárního programování s maximálně třemi strukturními proměnnými lze zobrazit graficky. Grafické řešení slouží především ke snazšímu pochopení úlohy a využívá se zejména při studiu. Aplikací, které dokážou zobrazovat grafické řešení úloh se třemi strukturními proměnnými není mnoho, nebo mají různé nevýhody. Proto vznikla tato práce, která si klade za cíl pomocí programovacího jazyka Javascript vytvořit webovou aplikaci umožňující zobrazení grafického řešení zadané úlohy lineárního programování se třemi proměnnými. Teoretická část práce seznamuje s problematikou lineárního programování, vysvětluje základní pojmy této problematiky a způsob, jakým se úlohy lineárního programování řeší v souvislosti s jejich grafickým zobrazením. V praktické části práce pokračuje návrhem aplikace a podrobným popisem vývoje aplikace. Dále vysvětluje fungování vytvořené aplikace a podrobně popisuje jednotlivé části vytvořeného algoritmu, spolu s některými problémy, které při vývoji nastaly. Následně práce uvádí, jakým způsobem byla aplikace testována a prezentuje některé konkrétní testovací úlohy. V závěru je shrnuta míra dosažení stanovených cílů, uvedeny některé nedostatky aplikace a možnosti dalšího rozšíření aplikace

    Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT Modification

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    The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the current state of the information system of a selected social enterprise operating in the field of administration outsourcing. Based on the findings of the analyses and primary empirical research, the state of efficiency and especially security of the enterprise information system is evaluated. The result of this work is the development of a plan for the implementation of the new system and the proposal of changes and measures leading to the elimination of identified deficiencies and mitigation of potential risks

    SiC Traction Power Converter for Electromobility

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    The paper describes the design of a converter for use in automotive industry and it is designed as a so-called “Full SiC” converter. It aims to develop a traction converter with a high-power density of 100 kW/l, which brings the parameters close to the goals of the U.S. DRIVE project. The developed SiC converter should achieve a power of at least 200 kW using minimum switching frequency of 20 kHz with 900 VDC in the dc-link powered from the traction battery while reaching efficiency above 99%

    SiC Traction Power Converter for Electromobility

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    The paper describes the design of a converter for use in automotive industry and it is designed as a so-called “Full SiC” converter. It aims to develop a traction converter with a high-power density of 100 kW/l, which brings the parameters close to the goals of the U.S. DRIVE project. The developed SiC converter should achieve a power of at least 200 kW using minimum switching frequency of 20 kHz with 900 VDC in the dc-link powered from the traction battery while reaching efficiency above 99%

    Sudden releases of gases

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    Conurbations all over the world have enlarged for numberless years. The accidental or intentional releases of gases become more frequent. Therefore, these crises situations have to be studied. The aim of this paper is to describe experiments examining these processes that were carried out in the laboratory of Environmental Aerodynamics of the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR in Nový Knín. Results show huge puff variability from replica to replica