53 research outputs found

    The NN2 Flux Difference Method for Constructing Variable Object Light Curves

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    We present a new method for optimally extracting point-source time variability information from a series of images. Differential photometry is generally best accomplished by subtracting two images separated in time, since this removes all constant objects in the field. By removing background sources such as the host galaxies of supernovae, such subtractions make possible the measurement of the proper flux of point-source objects superimposed on extended sources. In traditional difference photometry, a single image is designated as the ``template'' image and subtracted from all other observations. This procedure does not take all the available information into account and for sub-optimal template images may produce poor results. Given N total observations of an object, we show how to obtain an estimate of the vector of fluxes from the individual images using the antisymmetric matrix of flux differences formed from the N(N-1)/2 distinct possible subtractions and provide a prescription for estimating the associated uncertainties. We then demonstrate how this method improves results over the standard procedure of designating one image as a ``template'' and differencing against only that image.Comment: Accepted to AJ. To be published in November 2005 issue. 16 page, 2 figures, 2 tables. Source code available at http://www.ctio.noao.edu/essence/nn2

    Beryllium in the Ultra-Lithium-Deficient,Metal-Poor Halo Dwarf, G186-26

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    The vast majority of low-metal halo dwarfs show a similar amount of Li; this has been attributed to the Li that was produced in the Big Bang. However, there are nine known halo stars with T >> 5900 K and [Fe/H] << −-1.0 that are ultra-Li-deficient. We have looked for Be in the very low metallicity star, G 186-26 at [Fe/H] = −-2.71, which is one of the ultra-Li-deficient stars. This star is also ultra-Be deficient. Relative to Be in the Li-normal stars at [Fe/H] = −-2.7, G 182-26 is down in Be by more than 0.8 dex. Of two potential causes for the Li-deficiency -- mass-transfer in a pre-blue straggler or extra rotationally-induced mixing in a star that was initially a very rapid rotator -- the absence of Be favors the blue-straggler hypothesis, but the rotation model cannot be ruled-out completely.Comment: Accepted for Ap.J. Letters 10 pages, 4 figure

    XMM−NewtonXMM-Newton Ω\Omega project: III. Gas mass fraction shape in high redshift clusters

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    We study the gas mass fraction, f_gas,f\_{\rm gas}, behavior in XMM−NewtonXMM-Newton Ω\Omega project. The typical f_gasf\_{\rm gas} shape of high redshift galaxy clusters follows the global shape inferred at low redshift quite well. This result is consistent with the gravitational instability picture leading to self similar structures for both the dark and baryonic matter. However, the mean f_gasindistantclustersshowssomedifferencestolocalones,indicatingadeparturefromstrictscaling.Thisresultisconsistentwiththeobservedevolutionintheluminosity−temperaturerelation.Wequantitativelyinvestigatethisdeparturefromscalinglaws.Withinthelocalsampleweused,amoderatebutclearvariationoftheamplitudeofthegasmassfractionwithtemperatureisfound,atrendthatweakensintheouterregions.Thesevariationsdonotexplaindeparturefromscalinglawsofourdistantclusters.Animportantimplicationofourresultsisthatthegasfractionevolution,atestofthecosmologicalparameters,canleadtobiasedvalueswhenappliedatradiismallerthanthevirialradius.Fromourf\_{\rm gas} in distant clusters shows some differences to local ones, indicating a departure from strict scaling. This result is consistent with the observed evolution in the luminosity-temperature relation. We quantitatively investigate this departure from scaling laws. Within the local sample we used, a moderate but clear variation of the amplitude of the gas mass fraction with temperature is found, a trend that weakens in the outer regions. These variations do not explain departure from scaling laws of our distant clusters. An important implication of our results is that the gas fraction evolution, a test of the cosmological parameters, can lead to biased values when applied at radii smaller than the virial radius. From our XMM$ clusters, the apparent gas fraction at the virial radius is consistent with a non-evolving universal value in a high matter density model and not with a concordance.Comment: Accepted, A&A, in pres

    23 High Redshift Supernovae from the IfA Deep Survey: Doubling the SN Sample at z>0.7

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of 23 high redshift supernovae spanning a range of z=0.34-1.03, 9 of which are unambiguously classified as Type Ia. These supernovae were discovered during the IfA Deep Survey, which began in September 2001 and observed a total of 2.5 square degrees to a depth of approximately m=25-26 in RIZ over 9-17 visits, typically every 1-3 weeks for nearly 5 months, with additional observations continuing until April 2002. We give a brief description of the survey motivations, observational strategy, and reduction process. This sample of 23 high-redshift supernovae includes 15 at z>0.7, doubling the published number of objects at these redshifts, and indicates that the evidence for acceleration of the universe is not due to a systematic effect proportional to redshift. In combination with the recent compilation of Tonry et al. (2003), we calculate cosmological parameter density contours which are consistent with the flat universe indicated by the CMB (Spergel et al. 2003). Adopting the constraint that Omega_total = 1.0, we obtain best-fit values of (Omega_m, Omega_Lambda)=(0.33, 0.67) using 22 SNe from this survey augmented by the literature compilation. We show that using the empty-beam model for gravitational lensing does not eliminate the need for Omega_Lambda > 0. Experience from this survey indicates great potential for similar large-scale surveys while also revealing the limitations of performing surveys for z>1 SNe from the ground.Comment: 67 pages, 12 figures, 12 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The XMM–NEWTON ℩ Project: I. The X-ray luminosity – temperature relation at z>0.4

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    We describe XMM-Newton Guaranteed Time observations of a sample of eight high redshift (0.45 < z < rvirial) bolometric luminosities, performed ÎČ-model fits to the radial surface profiles and made spectral fits to a single temperature isothermal model. We describe data analysis techniques that pay particular attention to background mitigation. We have also estimated temperatures and luminosities for two known clusters (Abell 2246 and RXJ1325.0-3814), and one new high redshift cluste r candidate (XMMU J084701.8 +345117), that were detected o ff-axis. Characterizing the L x − Tx relation as L x = L 6 ( T 6keV ) α , we find L 6 = 15 . 9 + 7 . 6 − 5 . 2 × 1044erg s − 1 and α =2.7 ±0.4 for an ℩ Λ = 0 . 0 , ℩ M = 1 .0, H0 = 50 km s − 1 Mpc − 1 cosmology at a typical redshift z ∌ 0 .55. Comparing with the low redshift study by Markevitch, 1998, we find α to be in agreement, and assuming L x − Tx to evolve as (1 + z ) A , we find A =0.68 ±0.26 for the same cosmology and A = 1 .52 + 0 .26 − 0 .27 for an ℩ Λ = 0 . 7 , ℩ M = 0 . 3 cosmology. Our A values are very similar to those found previously by Vikhlinin et al., 2002 using a compilation of Chandra observations of 0 .39 < z < 1 .26 clusters. We conclude that there is now evidence from both XMM-Newton and Chandra for an evolutionary trend in the L x − Tx relation. This evolution is significantly below the level expected from the predictions of the self-similar model for an ℩ Λ = 0 . 0 , ℩ M = 1 .0, cosmology, but consistent with self-similar model in an ℩ Λ = 0 . 7 , ℩ M = 0 . 3 cosmology. Our observations lend support to the robustness and completeness of the SHARC and 160SD surveys

    The XMM-LSS survey: the Class 1 cluster sample over the initial 5 square degrees and its cosmological modelling

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    We present a sample of 29 galaxy clusters from the XMM-LSS survey over an area of some 5deg2 out to a redshift of z=1.05. The sample clusters, which represent about half of the X-ray clusters identified in the region, follow well defined X-ray selection criteria and are all spectroscopically confirmed. For all clusters, we provide X-ray luminosities and temperatures as well as masses. The cluster distribution peaks around z=0.3 and T =1.5 keV, half of the objects being groups with a temperature below 2 keV. Our L-T(z) relation points toward self-similar evolution, but does not exclude other physically plausible models. Assuming that cluster scaling laws follow self-similar evolution, our number density estimates up to z=1 are compatible with the predictions of the concordance cosmology and with the findings of previous ROSAT surveys. Our well monitored selection function allowed us to demonstrate that the inclusion of selection effects is essential for the correct determination of the evolution of the L-T relation, which may explain the contradictory results from previous studies. Extensive simulations show that extending the survey area to 10deg2 has the potential to exclude the non-evolution hypothesis, but that constraints on more refined ICM models will probably be limited by the large intrinsic dispersion of the L-T relation. We further demonstrate that increasing the dispersion in the scaling laws increases the number of detectable clusters, hence generating further degeneracy [in addition to sigma8, Omega_m, L(M,z) and T(M,z)] in the cosmological interpretation of the cluster number counts. We provide useful empirical formulae for the cluster mass-flux and mass-count-rate relations as well as a comparison between the XMM-LSS mass sensitivity and that of forthcoming SZ surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication by MNRAS. Full resolution images as well as additional cluster data are available through a dedicated database at http://l3sdb.in2p3.fr:8080/l3sdb

    Development of a chemically defined medium and discovery of new mitogenic growth factors for mouse hepatocytes: Mitogenic effects of FGF1/2 and PDGF

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    Chemically defined serum-free media for rat hepatocytes have been useful in identifying EGFR ligands and HGF/MET signaling as direct mitogenic factors for rat hepatocytes. The absence of such media for mouse hepatocytes has prevented screening for discovery of such mitogens for mouse hepatocytes. We present results obtained by designing such a chemically defined medium for mouse hepatocytes and demonstrate that in addition to EGFR ligands and HGF, the growth factors FGF1 and FGF2 are also important mitogenic factors for mouse hepatocytes. Smaller mitogenic response was also noticed for PDGF AB. Mouse hepatocytes are more likely to enter into spontaneous proliferation in primary culture due to activation of cell cycle pathways resulting from collagenase perfusion. These results demonstrate unanticipated fundamental differences in growth biology of hepatocytes between the two rodent species. Copyright: © 2014 Reekie et al

    The XMM--NEWTON Omega Project: II.Cosmological implications from the high redshift L-T relation of X-ray clusters

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    The evolution with redshift of the temperature-luminosity relation of X-ray galaxy clusters is a key ingredient to break degeneracies in the interpretation of X-ray clusters redshift number counts. We therefore take advantage of the recent measurements of the temperature-luminosity relation of distant clusters observed with XMM-Newton and Chandra satellites to examine theoretical number counts expected for different available X-rays cluster samples, namely the RDCS, EMSS, SHARC, 160deg^2 and the MACS at redshift greater than 0.3. We derive these counts without any adjustment, using models previously normalized to the local temperature distribution function and to the high-z (z = 0.33) TDF. We find that these models having Omega_M in the range [0.85-1.] predict counts in remarkable agreement with the observed counts in the different samples. We illustrate that this conclusion is weakly sensitive to the various ingredients of the modeling. Therefore number counts provide a robust evidence of an evolving population. A realistic flat low density model (Omega_M = 0.3), normalized to the local abundance of clusters is found to overproduce cluster abundance at high redshift (above z = 0.5) by nearly an order of magnitude. This result is in conflict with the popular concordance model. The conflict could indicate a deviation from the expected scaling of the M-T relation with redshift.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, A&A Letters, accepte
