213 research outputs found

    Applied WebQual 4.0 to Evaluate SMART System in RSAB Harapan Kita

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    Website hospital applications are one of the technological developments that affect service quality. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the quality of the information system provided in the hospital. The method used is webqual 4.0 with usability, information quality, and service interaction quality. Data collection was carried out used a questionnaire given to 232 health workers at RSAB Harapan Kita who interacted with the SMART application. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique with a quantitative approach and cross-sectional research design. The results of this study were 74.1% stated that the quality of the application was good and 25.9% said that the quality of the application was not good, as much as 43.5% stated that the quality was sufficient when viewed from the usability dimension, 40.9% in the information quality dimension, and 40. 1% for the service interaction quality dimension. The SMART application at RSAB Harapan Kita does not yet contain clear instructions or references, does not perfectly present relevant information, and the officer states that they do not feel safe about personal information on the SMART application

    Optimization Fuzzy Inference System based Particle Swarm Optimization for Onset Prediction of the Rainy Season

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    Rainfall which is occurred in an area explain the Onset Rainy Season (ORS). ORS is a characteristic of the rainy season which is important to know, but the characteristics of the rain itself is very difficult to predict. We use the method of Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) to predict ORS. Unfortunately, FIS is weak to determine parameters so that influences the working FIS method. In this study, we use PSO to optimize parameter of the FIS method to increase perform of the FIS method for onset prediction of the rainy season with the predictor Sea Surface Temperature Nino 3.4 and Index Ocean Dipole. We used coefficient correlation to determine the relationship between two variables as predictors and RMSE as evaluate to all methods. The experiment result has shown that the work of FIS-PSO after optimizing produced the good work with the coefficient correlation = 0.57 and RMSE = 2.96 that is the smallest value that is better performance if compared with other methods. It can be concluded that the method proposed can increase the onset prediction of the rainy season


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    The development of social media today makes changes to marketing methods. Marketing using social media is a cheap solution and does not pose a high risk for the users. With social media, it can be used a way to increase brand awareness. An effective digital marketing media is needed to increase brand awareness, one of them is Facebook ads. In the education sector, facebook ads are still rarely used, generally schools use conventional marketing methods, this method has weaknesses, such as: limited scope and inefficient marketing costs. Marketing used conventional methods is considered ineffective, it occur at out by BPAI School in 2019 only 10% of potential consumers contacted the school. The small number of marketing effectiveness is the influence of the low brand awareness of the BPAI School, therefore innovation is needed in marketing to increase brand awareness, it is by using facebook ads. The results of the implementation of facebook ads at BPAI School for 5 days concluded that facebook ads had significant effect in increasing brand awarenes

    Evaluation of Optima Regional Health Information System with HOT-Fit on Technology Aspects Approach in Johar Baru Health Center Jakarta

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    The Information technology development has affected various sectors, including health services. The several technologies have been used to improve health facilities performance. At Johar Baru Health center, central Jakarta, SIKDA (Sisitem Informasi Kesehatan Daerah) Optima application has been applied. Meanwhile, the implementation of SIKDA Optima is not as good as expected. There still many disruptions during the use of this application such a delay service and delivery of report was not in a real time, therefore an evaluation is needed. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of system, information, and service which is affecting the satisfaction of SIKDA Optima users at Johar Baru Health Center, Central Jakarta. This study used a quantitative approach with observational survey and cross-sectional design. The population in this study was 98 persons and the sample were 79 users of SIKDA Optima, consist of 19 doctors, 22 nurses, 17 midwives, 9 pharmacies, 2 medical recorder and 10 administration staffs. Data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression. The results of multiple linear regression test showed that the user satisfaction of SIKDA Optima = -3.832 + 0.549 (KS) + 0.757 (KI) + 0.359 (KL) with a p-value of KS 0.001<0.05), p-value KI 0,000 <0,05), and the p-value of KL is 0.009 <0.05. The conclusion of this study is the quality of system, information, and services that is used at Johar Baru Health Center have a significant influence on the satisfaction of SIKDA Optima users

    Implementasi Metode Certainty Factor Untuk Pengembangan Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Dan Monitoring Kasus Stunting

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    Berdasarkan data dari World Health Organization (WHO), menyatakan bahwa Asia Tenggara merupakan wilayah dengan penderita stunting tertinggi di dunia sebesar 31,9%. Sedangkan Indonesia menjadi negara ke-enam yang memiliki jumlah stunting tertinggi di Asia Tenggara dengan total 36,4%. Tujuan penelitan ini adalah mengembangkan sistem pakar berbasis website yang dapat digunakan sebagai diagnosa dan melakukan monitoring kasus stunting yang ada du wilayah Puskesmas Pondok Jagung Tanggerang Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode certainty factor, dan sistem diuji menggunakan metode blackbox. Hasil pengujian sistem dinyatakan sesuai dengan fungsi sistem yang diinginkan. Rules yang dihasilkan memiliki faktor keyakinan yang tinggi. Nilai certainty factor yang dihasilkan memiliki kesesuaian setelah melalui proses analisis dan diterima oleh pakar. Dengan adanya sistem pakar diagnose stunting, maka dapat mengurangi resiko stunting untuk ibu hamil. Kata Kunci—Diagnosa Stunting, Certainty Factor, Ibu Hamil, Sistem Paka

    Clustering Villages Based on Distance and Accessibility to Health Facilities Using the K-Means Method

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    There are 47 very underdeveloped and 63 underdeveloped villages in Melawi regency. More than 50% of the villages have no health facilities, and the percentage of road lengths with good condition is only 20.53% in Melawi County. One of the most important factors influencing health problems is the physical aspect such as the availability of health facilities. In addition, the distance and easy access to health facilities also influence how quickly people are treated and vaccinated during the Covid 19 pandemic. The objective of this study is to determine the degree of accessibility of health facilities in villages by forming village clusters that are likely to be important to the government in ensuring treatment and distribution of Covid 19 vaccine. The clustering method used is the K-Means method with Euclidean spacing to calculate the spacing of the data and the Elbow method to determine the optimal number of clusters on the data, and the Silhouette coefficient evaluation method to test the degree of accuracy of the model created with K-Means. The results of the Elbow method showed the optimal number of clusters to be 2 clusters. Based on the results of the K-Means algorithm process, the clusters that have a larger average distance and access is rated as difficult are cluster 1 with 92 villages in it, and cluster 1 has a smaller average distance and access is relatively easy with 77 villages in it. The result of the evaluation with the silhouette coefficient is 0.299

    Analisis Sosiologi Sastra Himpunan Cerita Pendek Jalan Menuju Bahagia Karya Budi Hatees

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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan aspek sosial dan pengaruh lingkungan sosial dalam himpunan cerita pendek Jalan Menuju Bahagia karya Budi Hatees. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskripsi kualitatif, Subjek penelitian ini adalah teks himpunan cerita pendek Jalan Menuju Bahagia . Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik teknik pustaka dan teknik catat. Teknik pustaka menggunakan buku dan teori-teori yang membahas tentang struktural dan sosiologi. Teknik catat, mencatat data-data berupa kutipan yang telah ditemukan dalam nota pencatat data. Menggunakan Teknik analisis isi untuk mengkaji dan membahas unsur struktural dan sosiologi dalam himpunan cerita pendek Jalan Menuju Bahagia Karya Budi Hatees. Dari hasil kajian data diperoleh bahwa aspek sosial dalam himpunan cerita pendek Jalan Menuju Bahagia Karya Hatees meliputi (1) aspek moral (2) aspek cinta kasih, (3) aspek perekonomian, (4) aspek pendidikan, (5)  aspek religius. Pengaruh lingkungan sosial terhadap perilaku tokoh utama dalam himpunan cerita pendek Jalan Menuju Bahagia Karya Budi Hatees


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan audit sumber daya manusia, mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas kinerja karyawan, mengetahui bagaimana sistem penilaian kinerja dalam perusahan, serta untuk mengetahui peranan audit sumber daya manusia dalam peningkatan efektivitas kinerja karyawan pada PT. Petrokimia Gresik. Perusahaan ini mengalami permasalahan dalam sistem penilaian kinerja karyawan yang berimplikasi pada kinerja perusahaan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan gambaran yang tepat tentang keadaan maupun gejala tertentu untuk menentukan hubungan antara suatu gejala dengan gejala yang lain. Sedangkan pendekatan kualitatif adalah suatu pendekatan dimana penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan data berupa kalimat tertulis, hasil wawancara, peristiwa yang tejadi dan pengetahuan. Dimana proses penelitian ini menitik beratkan pada pemikiran, pemahaman,dan persepsi penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa PT. Petrokimia Gresik telah melaksanakan aktivitas Pengendalian sumber daya manusia secara optimal dan efisien. Namun dalam hal penilaian kinerja karyawan,Metode Penilaian 360 Derajat belum efektif. Dengan melakukan sistem pembobotan nilai pada Penilaian 360 Derajat perusahan dapat melakukan produktif yang efektif dan efisien. Kata Kunci : Sumber daya manusia, Penilaian Kinerja, Sistem 360 Derajat, Audit Operasional

    Design Application of Augmented Reality-Based Computer Device Assembly Practicum Modules

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    The adaptation and use of digital technology have presented various opportunities and challenges for actors involved in educational services, i.e., colleges, educators, and students. Augmented reality has recently emerged as one of the digital technologies that have attracted the attention of many academies and practitioners; in addition, AR technology has brought about a change in the way users and machines interact that can teach and direct students to handle the topic of lessons differently and more proactively. This study aims to design and build an android-based Augmented Reality (AR) computer hardware assembly practicum module application as an alternative learning media in the computer hardware device assembly practicum module, which is expected in a learning activity to be more exciting and increase students' skills about computer assembly through AR technology can be one of the solutions to overcome the practicum module which was previously still in the form of a textbook and was not yet technology-based. The research method used is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC), which consists of six stages, namely concept, design, material, collection, assembly, testing, and distribution. The results of the practicum module application with Augmented Reality technology can be run on mobile devices with an Android operating system for version 5.1 and above, and this module has a feature that can introduce 3-D objects of hardware devices and simulate the assembly of hardware devices 3D objects 3D IC processor components and mainboards that are driven with the touch of a finger by pairing elements (Drag and Drop)
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