142 research outputs found

    El lobby con la cara limpia

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    Resenha do livro: O 'lobby' da indústria no Congresso Nacional: empresariado e política no Brasil contemporâneoAutor: Wagner Pralon MancusoResenha do livro: O 'lobby' da indústria no Congresso Nacional: empresariado e política no Brasil contemporâneoAutor: Wagner Pralon Mancus

    O projeto Folha e a negação do quarto poder

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    Dissertação (Mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação,1994.Este trabalho pretendeu analisar o desempenho da imprensa contemporânea em relação a sociedade civil, através do estudo de um caso concreto: a Folha de S. Paulo e a implantação de seu Projeto Editorial. Consideramos que, após dez anos de implantação, o Projeto Folha tornou-se um significativo referencial de análise, por ter introduzido na imprensa nacional mudanças substanciais sobre o modo de fazer e conceber o jornalismo no Brasil. A solidez dos conceitos desenvolvidos pelo Projeto pode ser percebida através do sucesso alcançado pelo jornal na última década e pela adoção dos mesmos pressupostos por outros veículos da grande imprensa, que se mostravam céticos a seus resultados no início da implantação. O Projeto Editorial Folha entra para a história da imprensa brasileira como um marco divisor. A fundamentação para a análise que realizamos baseou-se na categoria de "esfera pública", desenvolvida pelo sociólogo alemão Jurgen Habermas; uma esfera distinta da economia e do Estado para a instituição de uma política democrática para os meios de comunicação. A esfera pública procura resgatar a importância da racionalidade e da universalidade como indispensáveis para a prática de uma política democrática. O estudo aprofundado dos fundamentos das teorias liberais da imprensa (teoria libertária e teoria da responsabilidade social da imprensa), foi utilizado para a compreensão da lógica aplicada pelo Projeto, já que o jornal é assumidamente um veículo liberal. Em suma, o trabalho se propõe a analisar criticamente as diversas heranças deixadas pelo Projeto Editorial Folha ao jornalismo brasileiro.This dissertation intended to analyse the contemporary press fulfilment in relation to a civil society through an case of the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo and its Editorial Project implementation. After its ten years implementation, with substancial changes for nacional press, the Folha becane a significative reference to analysis for having introducted a new method and a new concept of Brasil's journalism. The power of the concepts developed by this Project can be perceived through the success reached during the last decade. The others great newspaper which showed their skepticism to its results at the beginning of its implementation adopteded the same presuppotion afterwards. The Folha Project enter into Brasilian press history as a landmark. The fundamental of our analyses was based on the public sphere category, previously worked out by a German sociologist, Jurgen Habermas. This is a sphere distinct from the economy and state for a democratic policy intitution to the media. The public sphere trys to rescue the importance of racionality and universality as essential tools to the democratic policy practise. The deepen study about the fundamentais of press liberal theories (libertarian and press social responsability theories) was used order to achieve the understanding of the logic applyed by the Project as the newspaper tends to be liberal. To sum up, the reacherch aims a criticai analyses into the several inheritances left by the Folha Project to the Brasilian journalism

    Autophagy and rheumatoid arthritis: Current knowledges and future perspectives

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    Autophagy is a degradation mechanism by which cells recycle cytoplasmic components to generate energy. By influencing lymphocyte development, survival, and proliferation, autophagy regulates the immune responses against self and non-self antigens. Deregulation of autophagic pathway has recently been implicated in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Indeed, autophagy seems to be involved in the generation of citrullinated peptides, and also in apoptosis resistance in RA. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the role of autophagy in RA and discuss the possibility of a clinical application of autophagy modulation in this disease

    TNFα expressed on the surface of microparticles modulates endothelial cell fate in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with a high prevalence of atherosclerosis. Recently increased levels of microparticles (MPs) have been reported in patients with RA. MPs could represent a link between autoimmunity and endothelial dysfunction by expressing tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), a key cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of RA, altering endothelial apoptosis and autophagy. The aim of this study was to investigate TNFα expression on MPs and its relationship with endothelial cell fate. Methods: MPs were purified from peripheral blood from 20 healthy controls (HC) and from 20 patients with RA, before (time (T)0) and after (T4) 4-month treatment with etanercept (ETA). Surface expression of TNFα was performed by flow cytometry analysis. EA.hy926 cells, an immortalized endothelial cell line, were treated with RA-MPs purified at T0 and at T4 and also, with RA-MPs in vitro treated with ETA. Apoptosis and autophagy were then evaluated. Results: RA-MPs purified at T0 expressed TNFα on their surface and this expression significantly decreased at T4. Moreover, at T0 RA-MPs, significantly increased both apoptosis and autophagy levels on endothelial cells, in a dose-dependent manner. RA-MPs did not significantly change these parameters after 4 months of in vivo treatment with ETA. Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that MPs isolated from patients with RA exert a pathological effect on endothelial cells by TNFα expressed on their surface. In vivo and in vitro treatment with ETA modulates this effect, suggesting anti-TNF therapy protects against endothelial damage in patients with RA

    Hif1α down-regulation is associated with transposition of great arteries in mice treated with a retinoic acid antagonist

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Congenital heart defect (CHD) account for 25% of all human congenital abnormalities. However, very few CHD-causing genes have been identified so far. A promising approach for the identification of essential cardiac regulators whose mutations may be linked to human CHD, is the molecular and genetic analysis of heart development. With the use of a triple retinoic acid competitive antagonist (BMS189453) we previously developed a mouse model of congenital heart defects (81%), thymic abnormalities (98%) and neural tube defects (20%). D-TGA (D-transposition of great arteries) was the most prevalent cardiac defect observed (61%). Recently we were able to partially rescue this abnormal phenotype (CHD were reduced to 64.8%, p = 0.05), by oral administration of folic acid (FA). Now we have performed a microarray analysis in our mouse models to discover genes/transcripts potentially implicated in the pathogenesis of this CHD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analysed mouse embryos (8.5 dpc) treated with BMS189453 alone and with BMS189453 plus folic acid (FA) by microarray and qRT-PCR. By selecting a fold change (FC) ≥ ± 1.5, we detected 447 genes that were differentially expressed in BMS-treated embryos vs. untreated control embryos, while 239 genes were differentially expressed in BMS-treated embryos whose mothers had also received FA supplementation vs. BMS-treated embryos. On the basis of microarray and qRT-PCR results, we further analysed the <it>Hif1α </it>gene. In fact <it>Hif1α </it>is down-regulated in BMS-treated embryos vs. untreated controls (FC<sub>micro </sub>= -1.79; FC<sub>qRT-PCR </sub>= -1.76; p = 0.005) and its expression level is increased in BMS+FA-treated embryos compared to BMS-treated embryos (FC<sub>micro </sub>= +1.17; FC<sub>qRT-PCR </sub>= +1.28: p = 0.005). Immunofluorescence experiments confirmed the under-expression of Hif1α protein in BMS-treated embryos compared to untreated and BMS+FA-treated embryos and, moreover, we demonstrated that at 8.5 dpc, Hif1α is mainly expressed in the embryo heart region.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We propose that Hif1α down-regulation in response to blocking retinoic acid binding may contribute to the development of cardiac defects in mouse newborns. In line with our hypothesis, when Hif1α expression level is restored (by supplementation of folic acid), a decrement of CHD is found. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that links retinoic acid metabolism to Hif1α regulation and the development of D-TGA.</p

    Adsorption of the rhNGF Protein on Polypropylene with Different Grades of Copolymerization

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    The surface properties of drug containers should reduce the adsorption of the drug and avoid packaging surface/drug interactions, especially in the case of biologically-derived products. Here, we developed a multi-technique approach that combined Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Contact Angle (CA), Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), and X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS) to investigate the interactions of rhNGF on different pharma grade polymeric materials. Polypropylene (PP)/polyethylene (PE) copolymers and PP homopolymers, both as spin-coated films and injected molded samples, were evaluated for their degree of crystallinity and adsorption of protein. Our analyses showed that copolymers are characterized by a lower degree of crystallinity and lower roughness compared to PP homopolymers. In line with this, PP/PE copolymers also show higher contact angle values, indicating a lower surface wettability for the rhNGF solution on copolymers than PP homopolymers. Thus, we demonstrated that the chemical composition of the polymeric material and, in turn, its surface roughness determine the interaction with the protein and identified that copolymers may offer an advantage in terms of protein interaction/adsorption. The combined QCM-D and XPS data indicated that protein adsorption is a self-limiting process that passivates the surface after the deposition of roughly one molecular layer, preventing any further protein adsorption in the long term

    Exon-trapping assay improves clinical interpretation of COL11A1 and COL11A2 intronic variants in stickler syndrome type 2 and otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia

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    Stickler syndrome (SS) is a hereditary connective tissue disorder affecting bones, eyes, and hearing. Type 2 SS and the SS variant otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia (OSMED) are caused by deleterious variants in COL11A1 and COL11A2, respectively. In both genes, available database information indicates a high rate of potentially deleterious intronic variants, but published evidence of their biological effect is usually insufficient for a definite clinical interpretation. We report our previously unpublished intronic variants in COL11A1 (c.2241 + 5G&gt;T, c.2809 − 2A&gt;G, c.3168 + 5G&gt;C) and COL11A2 (c.4392 + 1G&gt;A) identified in type 2 SS/OSMED individuals. The pathogenic effect of these variants was first predicted in silico and then investigated by an exon-trapping assay. We demonstrated that all variants can induce exon in-frame deletions, which lead to the synthesis of shorter collagen XI α1 or 2 chains. Lacking residues are located in the α-triple helical region, which has a crucial role in regulating collagen fibrillogenesis. In conclusion, this study suggests that these alternative COL11A1 and COL11A2 transcripts might result in aberrant triple helix collagen. Our approach may help to improve the diagnostic molecular pathway of COL11-related disorder

    82. Cftr Gene Targeting in Murine ES Cells Mediated by the SFHR Technique

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    Small Fragment Homologous Recombination (SFHR)-mediated targeting is a gene therapy strategy where a specific genomic locus is modified through a target exchange between a small DNA fragment (SDF) and genomic DNA. Here we demonstrate that SFHR can stably introduce a 3-bp deletion (corresponding to |[Delta]|F508) within Cftr (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator) locus in the genome of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. SDFs (about 6.4|[times]|105 molecules per cell) carrying the |[Delta]|F508 mutation were transfected by nucleofection protocol. About 12% of transcript corresponding to deleted allele was detected and about 60% of the electroporated cells no longer had measurable CFTR-dependent chloride efflux. The CFTR activity was also analyzed by measuring the chloride efflux by the fluorescence microscopy-coupled digital video imaging system in each ES cell colony, previously loaded with MQAE, a chloride sensitive dye. An average of 4-6 regions for each cell colony was analysed to verify the genotypic homogeneity of each colony. In fact all regions examined in each colony showed a similar significant chloride efflux after PKA activation. Moreover on twelve electroporated ES colonies analysed, eight were successfully mutated (Cl- efflux not significantly different from zero) while four colonies showed Cl-efflux CFTR-dependent not significantly different from the untreated ones

    Polar Electrophoresis: Shape of Two-Dimensional Maps Is as Important as Size

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    The performance of two-dimensional electrophoresis in conventional gels in Cartesian coordinates (2-DE) vs. polar coordinates (2-PE) is here evaluated. Although 2-DE is performed in much longer Immobiline gels in the first dimension (17 cm) vs. barely 7-cm in 2-PE, an equivalent resolving power is found. Moreover, due to the possibility of running up to seven Immobiline strips in the radial gel format, the reproducibility of spot position is seen to be higher, this resulting in a 20% higher matching efficiency. As an extra bonus, strings of “isobaric” spots (i.e. polypeptides of identical mass with different pI values) are more resolved in the radial gel format, especially in the 10 to 30 kDa region, where the gel area fans out leaving extra space for spot resolution. In conclusion, this novel gel format in the second dimension of 2D gels is seen as an important improvement of this technique, still one of the most popular in proteome analysis

    Case report: Neonatal-onset inflammatory bowel disease due to novel compound heterozygous mutations in DUOX2

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    Very Early Onset Inflammatory Bowel Disease (VEO-IBD) is potentially associated with genetic disorders of the intestinal epithelial barrier or inborn errors of immunity (IEI). Dual oxidase 2 (DUOX2), an H2O2-producing NADPH oxidase expressed at apical enterocyte membranes, plays a crucial role in innate defense response. Biallelic DUOX2 mutations have been described only in two patients with VEO-IBD to date. We report the case of a 1-month-old female infant who presented persistent high C-reactive protein (CRP) levels from birth and anemia. Positive occult blood and very high calprotectin in the stool were detected and abdominal ultrasound showed thickened last ileal loop. Full endoscopy evaluation revealed important colon stenosis with multiple pseudo-polyploidy formations that resulted refractory to steroid therapy, requiring a partial colic resection. Histological examination of biopsy samples showed morphological features of IBD. Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) disclosed compound heterozygous variants in the DUOX2 gene: the pathogenic c.2524C&gt;T; p.Arg842Ter and the variant of uncertain significance (VUS) c.3175C&gt;T; p.Arg1059Cys. Molecular and functional studies showed the presence of mutant DUOX2 in the intestinal epithelium of the patient, albeit with at least 50% decreased catalytic activity. In conclusion, we describe the third patient to date with compound heterozygous variants of DUOX2, responsible for monogenic neonatal-IBD. This case expands the knowledge about Mendelian causes of VEO-IBD and DUOX2 deficiency. We suggest that DUOX2 should be part of the diagnostic evaluation of patients with suspected monogenic VEO-IBD