201 research outputs found

    Possibilities for Improving the Handling Process of Reduced Mobility Air Passengers

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    Ovim završnim radom se ukazuje na probleme vezane za prihvat i otpremu putnika s ograničenom pokretljivošću, kao i na mogućnosti poboljšanja. Prilagođavanje infrastrukture vrstama invaliditeta je danas neizbježno, kako na zračnim lukama tako i u javnom prijevozu. Bez postojanja posebne opreme i vozila, zračne luke ne bi bile u mogućnosti obavljati prihvat i otpremu. Regulativom EC 1107/2006 su propisana prava i obveze prijevoznika i putnika prilikom korištenja zračnog prijevoza unutar Europske unije. Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb je putem posebno prilagođene infrastrukture i usluga koje nudi, olakšala korištenje zračnog prijevoza putnicima ograničene pokretljivosti.This final work is indicating problems related to handling passengers with reduced mobility, and the possibilities for improvement. Today, adapting infrastructure to all types of disabilities is inevitable, at airports and other public transport. Without the special equipment and vehicles, the airport would not be able to perform the acceptance and dispatch of these passengers. EC regulation 1107/2006 lays down the rights of passengers with reduced mobility and obligations of carriers for air transport within the European Union. Zagreb International Airport has a specially adjusted infrastructure and offered services for passengers with reduced mobility disposal

    Possibilities for Improving the Handling Process of Reduced Mobility Air Passengers

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    Ovim završnim radom se ukazuje na probleme vezane za prihvat i otpremu putnika s ograničenom pokretljivošću, kao i na mogućnosti poboljšanja. Prilagođavanje infrastrukture vrstama invaliditeta je danas neizbježno, kako na zračnim lukama tako i u javnom prijevozu. Bez postojanja posebne opreme i vozila, zračne luke ne bi bile u mogućnosti obavljati prihvat i otpremu. Regulativom EC 1107/2006 su propisana prava i obveze prijevoznika i putnika prilikom korištenja zračnog prijevoza unutar Europske unije. Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb je putem posebno prilagođene infrastrukture i usluga koje nudi, olakšala korištenje zračnog prijevoza putnicima ograničene pokretljivosti.This final work is indicating problems related to handling passengers with reduced mobility, and the possibilities for improvement. Today, adapting infrastructure to all types of disabilities is inevitable, at airports and other public transport. Without the special equipment and vehicles, the airport would not be able to perform the acceptance and dispatch of these passengers. EC regulation 1107/2006 lays down the rights of passengers with reduced mobility and obligations of carriers for air transport within the European Union. Zagreb International Airport has a specially adjusted infrastructure and offered services for passengers with reduced mobility disposal

    Aircraft Wake Vortex Prevention Standards

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    Ovim diplomskim radom ukazuje se na opasnost vrtložnih tragova generiranih od strane zrakoplova u svim fazama leta. Kategorizacija zrakoplova propisana od strane Međunarodne organizacije civilnog zrakoplovstva dobiva novi način primjene, a podjela zrakoplova na lake, srednje i teške dobiva nove potkategorije u novoj „RECAT - EU“. Ulijetanje zrakoplova u vrtložni trag prethodnika može biti opasno za sigurnost leta. Opisane su važeće regulative u Europi (Velika Britanija i Republika Hrvatska) i u svijetu (Sjedinjene Američke Države i Novi Zeland).The master thesis describes the danger of aircraft wake vortex during all flight phases. Aircraft categorization prescribed by the International Civil Aviation Organization gets a new way of application, and the division of light, medium and heavy aircraft gets new sub categories in the new "RECAT - EU". Flying into a wake vortex of another aircraft can be dangerous for the flight safety. Applicable regulations in Europe (Great Britain and the Republic of Croatia) and the world (The United States of America and New Zealand) are described

    Nanostructural characterization of CrN and Co thin films on silicon substrate, modified by ion bombardment

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    Zbog cinjenice da posjeduju svojstva koja se znatno razlikuju od komadnog materijala, tankoslojne strukture su našle primjenu u raznim oblastima savremenih nanotehnologija. U posljednjih nekoliko decenija posebna pažnja je posvecena istraživanjima na polju modifikacije tankih slojeva korišcenjem jonskih snopova. Medu tehnikama se posebno istakla jonska implantacija, kao metoda koja omogucuje ugradivanje atoma necistoca u materijal u strogo kontrolisanim uslovima. Kao neravnotežna tehnika (nije kontrolisana zakonima difuzije), jonska implantacija omogucuje dobijanje novih materijala, koji se drugim postupcima ne mogu formirati. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je sticanje novih fundamentalnih znanja u oblasti modifikacije sistema tanak sloj./.Si primjenom jonskog zracenja. Predstavljeni rad se sastoji iz dva dijela. U prvom dijelu eksperimenta su posmatrane promjene koje jonska implantacija indukuje unutar tankog sloja – ispitivan je efekat razlicitih jonskih vrsta na mikrostrukturu, opticka i elektricna svojstva hrom-nitrida (CrN). Drugi dio eksperimenta se odnosi na ispitivanje promjena koje uslijed jonske implantacije nastaju na granici tanak sloj./.podloga – proucavan je uticaj jonskog bombardovanja na proces atomskog transporta kod Co/Si sistema i mogucnost formiranja kobalt-silicida u toku procesa jonskog zracenja i./.ili odgrijavanja uzoraka. Spektrometrija Rutherford-ovim povratnim rasijanjem (RBS) je iskorišcena za dobijanje dubinskih koncentracionih profila elemenata i odredivanje stehiometrije slojeva. Za strukturnu analizu i identifikaciju prisutnih faza u uzorcima korišcena je difrakcija X-zracenja (XRD), transmisiona elektronska mikroskopija u kombinaciji sa elektronskom difrakcijom na odabranoj površini (TEM./.SAD) i visoko-rezoluciona elektronska mikroskopija uz ii analizu pomocu Fourier-ove transformacije (HRTEM./.FFT). Opticka svojstva modifikovanih CrN slojeva su odredena korišcenjem infracrvene spektrofotometrije (IR), a elektricna otpornost je mjerena metodom ”cetiri tacke”...Thin film structures own significantly different properties than the bulk material and consequently they found applications in various fields of modern nanotechnology. In the past few decades, special attention was paid to research in the field of ion beams modification of thin films. Among the techniques ion implantation is particularly emphasized, as a method that allows the incorporation of impurity atoms in the material with the possibility of precise control of process parameters. As non-equilibrium technique (not controlled by diffusion laws), ion implantation enables production of a new materials, that can not be produced with other conventional methods. The main objective of this research was to gain new fundamental knowledge in the field of modification of thin film./.Si systems induced by ion irradiation. The present work consists of two parts. In the first part of the experiment the changes induced by ion implantation inside of the thin layer were examined – effects of different ionic species on the microstructure, optical and electrical properties of chromium nitride (CrN) were investigated. The second part of the experiment refers to the examination of changes at the thin film./.substrate interface due to ion implantation – the influence of ion bombardment on the ion beam mixing of Co/Si system was investigated as well as formation of cobalt-silicides during the process of ion irradiation and./.or annealing of the samples. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) was used to obtain concentration depth profiles of elements and to determine the stoichiometry of the layers. Structural and phase analyses of the systems were performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy combined with selected area diffraction (TEM./.SAD) and high-resolution electron microscopy analysis together with v fast Fourier transformations (HRTEM./.FFT). Optical properties of modified CrN layers were determined using infrared spectroscopy (IR) and electrical resistivity was measured using four point probe method..

    Possibilities for Improving the Handling Process of Reduced Mobility Air Passengers

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    Ovim završnim radom se ukazuje na probleme vezane za prihvat i otpremu putnika s ograničenom pokretljivošću, kao i na mogućnosti poboljšanja. Prilagođavanje infrastrukture vrstama invaliditeta je danas neizbježno, kako na zračnim lukama tako i u javnom prijevozu. Bez postojanja posebne opreme i vozila, zračne luke ne bi bile u mogućnosti obavljati prihvat i otpremu. Regulativom EC 1107/2006 su propisana prava i obveze prijevoznika i putnika prilikom korištenja zračnog prijevoza unutar Europske unije. Međunarodna zračna luka Zagreb je putem posebno prilagođene infrastrukture i usluga koje nudi, olakšala korištenje zračnog prijevoza putnicima ograničene pokretljivosti.This final work is indicating problems related to handling passengers with reduced mobility, and the possibilities for improvement. Today, adapting infrastructure to all types of disabilities is inevitable, at airports and other public transport. Without the special equipment and vehicles, the airport would not be able to perform the acceptance and dispatch of these passengers. EC regulation 1107/2006 lays down the rights of passengers with reduced mobility and obligations of carriers for air transport within the European Union. Zagreb International Airport has a specially adjusted infrastructure and offered services for passengers with reduced mobility disposal

    Thin film deposition of multilayers on silicon substrate laser pre-patterned

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    In scientific and commericial needs, there was a great demand for the modification of biomaterials that would replace damaged tissue in the body. Today, titanium alloys are mostly used for these purposes in combination with metals of similar physicochemical properties. In this context, there is an increased interest in the development of novel biocompatible materials with enhanced surface interface. The experimental results of a Ti/Zr/Ti thin film system deposited on a substrate pre-patterned by a dynamic femtosecond laser are presented. Surface pattering with micrometre characteristics in the form of spikes is being investigated in order to generate arrayed surface patterns for biomedical pruposes. Femtosecond laser pulses were used to acquire black silicon surfaces adorned with conical structures under 0,65 bar in SF6 ambient pressure. The silicon surface contains high aspect ratio spikes with conical morphologies of about 2μm, 400 angle opening, and 13·106 cm-2 density that is roughly uniform over the treatment area. Ion sputtering was employed on sech a prepared surface to make a unique composite thin film composed of two layers of Ti and a subsurface layer of Zr. The deposited Ti/Zr/Ti cpomiste has a thickness of 400 nm. The composition and surface morphology were evaluated using FESEM-EDS and XPS methods. Transmission electron spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy demonstrated that post-deposition of Ti/Zr/Ti over Si laser-patterned resulted in diffusion of Ti and Zr layers.Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 – December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    Microstructure – Properties relationship in laser-welded AZ31B magnesium alloy

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    The AZ31B magnesium alloy was laser-welded at three different (1.2, 1.6, and 2 kW) laser output powers in the present work. All the butt weld joints are almost defect-free. The size of the weld joint slightly increases with increasing laser output power. The weld metal is formed by columnar grains of the alpha phase at the weld metal/base metal interface, but a finely equiaxed grain microstructure is formed in the centres of fusion zones. The minor phases are Mg17Al12 and (Al,Mg)8Mn5. The weld metal microstructure manifests clear refinement with a decrease in laser output power. Microstructural changes are reflected in changes in mechanical properties; weld joints prepared at the lowest laser output power manifest the highest microhardness, ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, and almost 90% joint efficiency. This is related to the different extents of strengthening mechanisms that act most effectively in weld joints made at 1.2 kW laser output power. Detail analysis of fracture surfaces confirmed that lower laser output power and general microstructural refinement favours the formation of plastically deformed material, which is in excellent agreement with both the experimentally determined and the calculated values of yield strength

    Correlation Between Serum Biochemical Markers and Early Amniocentesis in Diagnosis of Congenital Fetal Anomalies

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    A combined test performed at the 12th week of gestation enables us to classify the pregnancy as high risk (risk higher than 1:300) or low risk (risk lower than 1:300) for congenital foetal anomalies, with great accuracy of 85 - 90%. According to the available data, the frequency of false positive results is estimated at around 5%. The objective of the study was to examine possible correlation between the serum marker values and amniocentesis results in prenatal diagnostics of congenital foetal anomalies. The study included 745 pregnant women monitored by the Genetic Counselling Service of the Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the Clinics Centre Kragujevac. The subjects were included in the study under condition that CRL (embryonic crown-rump length) was from 45 to 84 mm and that the gestational age was at 11-13+6 weeks. Free β HCG and PAPP-A were determined from venous blood using commercial DPS-USA tests. Tests were based on the analytic principle of the immuno-chemiluminescence technique and were performed by application of the automatic Immulite 2000 analyzer by DPC-USA. The foetal nuchal translucency thickness (NT) and CRL were measured by Colour Doppler. The chromosome identification was performed after a certain number of cell divisions by stopping the cell division in metaphase of mitosis when the chromosomes were the most distinguishable. The foetal karyotype was prepared using G bands. In the total sample of pregnant women (n=745), there were six cases of pathological foetal karyotype. A statistical paradox in the frequency of congenital foetal anomalies in favour of younger population was noticed. A high coefficient of Spearman’s rank correlation suggests great importance of the combined test in the detection of congenital foetal anomalies (p<0,05). A high consistency was also proved for components of biochemical screening and ultrasonographic markers. The combined test, as a method of prenatal screening in the first trimester of pregnancy, if used at 11 - 13+6 weeks’ gestation and for CRL of 45-84 mm, has a great importance in the detection of congenital foetal anomalies

    Synthesis and characterization of Na0.4MnO2 as cathode material for aqueous sodium-ion batteries

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    The application of rechargeable batteries is growing significantly and there is a need for developing cheaper batteries with good performances. Sodium-ion batteries could be a viable option due to higher abundance of sodium against lithium mineral resources, its low price and similar principles intercalate Na+ ions as Li+ ions in lithium-ion batteries. Different materials as manganese oxides and vanadium oxide are used as electrode materials in sodium batteries. Na0.44MnO2 was regarded as one of the most promising cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries due to its high specific capacity and good cyclability. In this work, Na0.4MnO2 was synthesized using glycine-nitrate method (GNM). The structure of synthesized powder was characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), while the particles morphology was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The elemental mapping was performed by energy-dispersive Xray spectroscopy (EDS). XRD results showed that the phase structure of Na0.4MnO2 was orthorhombic with tunnel structure. TEM and SEM micrographs of obtained powder material showed uniformed rod-like shape particles with the average lengths and widths of 300 nm and 80 nm, respectively and EDS analysis confirmed that the sample contains Na, Mn, and O in an appropriate ration. The electrochemical behavior of Na0.4MnO2 was investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) in a saturated aqueous solution of NaNO3 at scan rates from 20 to 400 mV•s-1. The initial discharge capacity of Na0.4MnO2 in NaNO3 solution was 50 mA•h•g- 1, while after 15 cycles its value increased for 9%. while the efficiency (the ratio of the capacity charge and discharge) was amounting to ~ 95%. This indicates that material synthesized by GNM can be used as cathode material in aqueous sodium-ion batterie

    Synthesis and Characterization of Na0.4MnO2 as a Positive Electrode Material for an Aqueous Electrolyte Sodium-ion Energy Storage Device

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    Due to the increasing use of batteries in everyday life and in industry, there is a need for developing cheaper batteries than the widely used lithium ion batteries. Lower price and higher abundance of sodium compared to lithium mineral resources intensified the development of Na-ion batteries. Aqueous lithium/ sodium rechargeable batteries have attracted considerable attention for energy storage because they do not contain flammable organic electrolytes as commercial batteries do, the ionic conductivity of the aqueous electrolyte is about two orders of magnitude higher than in non-aqueous electrolyte and the electrolyte salt and solvent are cheaper. Various materials such as manganese oxides, vanadium oxide and phosphates have been used as electrode materials (cathodic and anodic) in sodium batteries due to high sodium intercalation ability in both, organic and aqueous electrolytes. The most frequently used type of manganese oxides are Li–Mn–O or Na–Mn–O systems due to their tunnel or layered crystal structures which facilitate the lithium/sodium intercalation-deintercalation. In this work, a glycine-nitrate method (GNM) was applied for the synthesis of cathode material Na0.4MnO2