47 research outputs found

    Particularities of application development for Windows Phone 8

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    There are more than 1.5 billion smartphone users and the use of mobile applications (apps) is steadily increasing. Most never succeed because of users' high expectations and market saturation. The aim of this thesis is to present the process of creating useful and successful apps for Windows Phone 8 (WP8). The data presented was collected with regard to the specifics that differentiate WP8 from other operating systems. App developers often disregard processes that should be present in the development of any quality product. They were merged with the data about app development. The theory is expanded with examples from the app "Shop or Drop". It was developed for people that need help deciding while clothes shopping. They can simply take a picture of themselves in the chosen clothes and send it to their friends. Their opinions are collected in the app and that helps the user to decide. It was developed in accordance with the processes and specifics of WP8 explained in the thesis

    Accuracy analysis of photogrammetric products from UAV images

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    Razvoj letalnikov je deloma spremenil potek dela v geodeziji, kjer bližnje slikovno aerofotografiranje predstavlja hitrejši in bolj optimalni način zajema prostorskih podatkov. Pri tem je pomembno, da se zavedamo tako prednosti kot tudi slabosti omenjene tehnologije. V diplomski nalogi sem primerjal položaje točk, pridobljenih z dvema metodama izmere na istem območju. Med seboj sem primerjal položajno odstopanje točk na načrtu, izdelanem s klasično terestrično metodo izmere, ter točk na fotogrametrično izdelanem načrtu. Oba načrta smo izdelali v programu AutoCAD. Za cenilko točnosti smo uporabili koren srednjega kvadratnega pogreška. Analizo sem naredil po treh vsebinskih skupinah točk po horizontalnem položaju (RMSE 2D) in po 3D položaju (RMSE 3D). V prvi skupini analiziranih točk so bili jaški, za katere smo dobili rezultat RMSE 2D 5,4 cm in RMSE 3D 7,1 cm. Druga skupina točk so točke na lomih in koncih linijskih objektov, katerih RMSE 2D znaša 3,7 cm, RMSE 3D pa 6,6 cm. V tretji skupini točk smo združili vse točke in dobili vrednost za RMSE 2D 4,6 cm in za RMSE 3D 6,9 cm.Development of UAVs (angl. unmanned aerial vehicles) has partly changed the workflow in geodesy, where close-range aero photogrammetry represents a faster and more efficient way of capturing spatial data. As with other technologies, there is important to become familiar with some advantages and disadvantages that users need to be acquired with. In the graduation thesis I compared the positions of the points acquired with two measurement methods in the same area. I compared the positional difference of the plan made with the classical terrestrial measurement method and the geodetic plan made with photogrammetry. Both plans were made in AutoCAD. We used root-mean-square error (RMSE) as a measure to estimate accuracy. I analyzed three sets of points, first one by horizontal position (RMSE 2D) and second by 3D position (RMSE 3D). The first group of points analyzed included shafts and get the computed RMSE 2D of 5.4 cm and RMSE 3D of 7.1 cm. The second group of points is composed of the fractures and ends of line objects whose RMSE 2D is 3.7 cm and RMSE 3D is 6.6 cm. In the third group of points we calculated RMSE for all points and get for the RMSE 2D 4.6 cm and for the RMSE 3D 6.9 cm

    Shear modulus of conventional and auxetic open-cell foam

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    This work analyses shear moduli of conventional and auxetic open-cell polymer foams. Shear moduli are i) measured directly and ii) calculated by applying elasticity theory for isotropic solid materials, using Young's moduli and Poisson's ratios from compression tests. Zero and negative Poisson's ratio foams are fabricated from conventional foams using a thermo-mechanical process. Fabricated and conventional foams are compression tested in three orthogonal directions, up to densification at ~60% compression, with full-field strain measurements obtained using Digital Image Correlation. Compression testing is followed by shear testing. The measured shear moduli vary from 16±7 kPa for negative Poisson's ratio foams to 38±2 kPa for zero Poisson's ratio foams, with conventional foams in between with a mean value of 32±8 kPa. The calculated shear moduli are typically lower than the measured values. The results suggest that the application of elasticity theory to calculate the low strain shear modulus of open-cell foam from Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio measured in compression tests is appropriate if the foam is isotropic

    Compressive behaviour of closed-cell aluminium foam at different strain rates

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    Closed-cell aluminium foams were fabricated and characterised at different strain rates. Quasi-static and high strain rate experimental compression testing was performed using a universal servo-hydraulic testing machine and powder gun. The experimental results show a large influence of strain rate hardening on mechanical properties, which contributes to significant quasi-linear enhancement of energy absorption capabilities at high strain rates. The results of experimental testing were further used for the determination of critical deformation velocities and validation of the proposed computational model. A simple computational model with homogenised crushable foam material model shows good correlation between the experimental and computational results at analysed strain rates. The computational model offers efficient (simple, fast and accurate) analysis of high strain rate deformation behaviour of a closed-cell aluminium foam at different loading velocities.publishe

    Electromagnetic compatibility testing of an electrodermal activity meter according to IEC EN 61000-4-39

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    Namen te naloge je proučiti merilno opremo za preskus in predstaviti povsem nov postopek testiranja, ga izvesti na izdelku in s tem preveriti ujemanje s standardom, ob tem pa tudi spoznati princip elektrodermalne aktivnosti in zakaj je koristna ter se vedno več uporablja v raziskovalnih vodah. Preko postopka pisanja te naloge sem spoznal standard IEC EN61000-4-39 in pridobil nekaj izkušenj z praktično izvedbo preskusa.The aim of this thesis is to learn about the measuring equipment used for the test and to introduce a completely new test method, to carry it out on a product to check compliance with the standard and to learn about the principle of electrodermal activity and why it is useful and increasingly used in research waters. Through writing this paper I have become familiar with the IEC EN61000-4-39 standard and have gained some experience of carrying out the test in practice

    Geometry and load transfer interface for coupled computational simulations with Abaqus

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    V okviru magistrskega dela je bil razvit vmesnik za prenos geometrije in obremenitev za vezane računalniške simulacije s programskim paketom Abaqus. Vmesnik je osnovan na izmenjavi podatkov o geometriji in obremenitvah med programom Abaqus in poljubno programsko kodo s pomočjo uporabniških podprogramov VUFIELD in VUAMP v programskem paketu Abaqus. Vmesnik lahko uporabimo za vezane simulacije različnih fizikalnih pojavov, pri katerih je obremenitveno stanje odvisno od geometrije. Za verifikacijo so predstavljeni trije testni primeri, kjer je analiziran pravilen prenos obremenitev in ohranitev energije. S testnimi primeri je ovrednotena tudi učinkovitost vmesnika. V nadaljevanju je predstavljeno delovanje vmesnika na primeru obremenjevanja konstrukcije napolnjene s porozno APM strukturo, katere obremenitveno stanje se preračunava v ločeni programski kodi. Nakazane so tudi možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj in uporabo tega vmesnika.In this master work interface for geometry and load transfer for coupled computational simulations with Abaqus was developed. Interface is based on data exchange on the geometry and loads between Abaqus and any other program code with user subroutines VUFIELD and VUAMP. We can use this interface for coupled computational simulations for many physical phenomenon in which the load state depending on the geometry. Verification and effectiveness analysis of interface are based on three simple examples. The following is also present test case of sphere impact on porous sandwich structure made from APM elements. Possibilities for further development and use are suggested

    Real-time video transmission between mobile platforms with Android operating system

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    V diplomskem delu je bila izdelana aplikacija za sprotni prenos videa med dvema mobilnima napravama z vmesniki Bluetooth, WiFi ali WiFi Direct. Aplikacija deluje na operacijskem sistemu Android ter omogoča hitro in varno povezovanje med vmesniki v načinu strežnik-odjemalec. Prilagaja se specifikacijam kamere na snemalni mobilni napravi in lastnostim zaslona na mobilni napravi za predvajanje. Narejene so bile optimizacije, testiranja in analize prenosa video vsebin. Najkvalitetnejši in najhitrejši prenosi video posnetkov so prikazani v rezultatih testiranj.In this thesis, an application was created for real-time video transmission between mobile platforms using wireless technologies Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct. The application runs on Android operating system with fast and safe connection between the server and the client. An adjustment in video transmission is made according to the cameras specifications on the recording mobile device and according to the screen properties on the displaying mobile device. Optimization and analysis of video transmission are reported. Finally, the implemented solutions supporting the fastest transmission and the highest video quality are discussed in details

    Digital image correlation based crack detection during vibration fatigue

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    V zaključni nalogi je predstavljena metoda za identifikacijo razpok s pomočjo digitalne korelacije fotografij. Metodologija zajema sintetični preizkus delovanja optičnih metod, nato pa realni eksperiment, pri katerem smo vzorce iz aluminija na stresalniku vzbujali in s hitro kamero opazovali visoko frekvenčno odpiranje razpoke. Analiza posnetkov je bila opravljena v programskem okolju Python. Na vseh treh vzorcih so bile identificirane razpoke v zgodnji fazi nastanka.The final thesis presents a crack identification method based on the digital image correlation technique. The methodology included synthetic testing of optical methods, followed by a real experiment in which we excited aluminum samples by a shaker and observed the high-frequency crack opening with a fast camera. The image analysis was performed in the Python software environment. In all the three samples, cracks were identified at an early stage

    Stiffness evaluation of UniPore cellular structures with computer simulations

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    UniPore celična struktura je bila pred kratkim razvita v Shock Wave and Condensed Matter Research Center Univerze v Kumamotu na Japonskem. Prototipne UniPore celične strukture imajo določene posebne lastnosti, ki so zelo zanimive za gradnjo učinkovitih modernih lahkih konstrukcij. Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo računalniških simulacij določiti materialne lastnosti bakra (osnovnega gradiva) in togosti UniPore celične strukture. Računski model je bil osnovan na osnovi rekonstruirane geometrije izdelanih vzorcev in nato preračunan v programu ABAQUS. Vrednotenje rezultatov računalniških simulacij je temeljilo na primerjavi z rezultati eksperimentalnih testov.UniPore material has been recently developed at Shock Wave and Condensed Matter Research Centre at Kumamoto University in Japan. UniPore material has a structure with some particular properties, which are very attractive for building efficient modern lightweight structures. The purpose of this work is to define base material (cooper) properties and stiffness evaluation of UniPore cellular structures. The computational model of the cellular structure was based on reconstructed irregular geometry of the manufactured specimens and analysed using ABAQUS. Evaluation of computational simulation results were based on a comparison with the results of experimental tests