147 research outputs found

    When do you not listen to your doctor

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    Gout is a disease caused by an inflammatory response to crystals of sodium monourate, which occurs in people with elevated uric acid levels. There are acute and chronic forms. Acute forms arise as sudden, self-limiting bouts of arthritis (swelling, flushing, pain and heat of a joint), while chronic forms result in the deposition of crystal aggregates in and around the joints, with progressive joint destruction. In addition to joint manifestations, uric gout has renal manifestations (kidney stones and renal insufficiency) and metabolic manifestations (hypertension, elevated triglycerides). Patients are often obese, have high alcohol consumption and insulin resistance. It is a very painful and disabling illness. Gout is more common in men and usually begins in the 40's and 60's. Analytically the patient had uric acid values of 10.2 mg/dL (2.0-7.0 mg/dL) despite being daily medicated with alopurinol 300mg for more than 5 years. It has an abnormality of fasting glycemia and triglycerides of 305 mg/dl. However it maintains consumptions of alcohol and a diet rich in meat, seafood and fats. He did not diet to lose weight and sometimes he does not take the medication (alopurinol). He already shows involvement and destruction of the joints and deformation on the feet and the hand that currently prevent him from fulfilling the necessary safety norms in his profession

    Representing temporal patterns in computer-interpretable clinical Guidelines

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    Computer-interpretable Guidelines (CIGs) as machine-readable versions of clinical protocols have to provide appropriate constructs for the representation of different aspects of medical knowledge, namely administrative information, workflows of procedures, clinical constraints and temporal constraints. This work focuses on the latter, by aiming to develop a comprehensive representation of temporal constraints for machine readable formats of clinical protocols and provide a proper execution engine that deals with different time patterns and constraints placed on them. A model for the representation of time is presented for the CompGuide ontology in Ontology Web language (OWL) along with a comparison with the available formalisms in this field.This work is part-funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-028980 and project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013.The work of Tiago Oliveira is supported by a FCT grant with the reference SFRH/BD/85291/2012.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Automatically identifying drug conflicts in clinical practice guidelines

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    Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) are documents developed in a systematic way that aim to improve the quality of health care, reduce variations in medical practice, and reduce health care costs. However, when concurrently apply them, this can lead to adverse drug-drug interactions that can impair the patient’s condition. Several efforts have been made in order to provide systems capable of identifying these conflicts. However, the current approaches for this purpose have some limitations. This paper presents a solution that represents CPGs as Computer-Interpretable Guidelines (CIGs) and allows for the automatic drug conflict identification and resolution. Also, we provide the identification of improvements to include in a future model. Moreover, this system provides clinical recommendations in an agenda, being capable of identifying drug interactions when drugs are prescribed simultaneously and provide conflict-free alternatives.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-0070 43 and FCT Fundac¸ao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013. The work of Tiago Oliveira was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP18K18115

    Transforming medical advice into clinical activities for patient follow-up

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    The delivery of Computer-Interpretable Guidelines occurs mainly in the form of tools following a Q&A strategy for the interaction with users. Despite the interactivity conferred by this style of communication, currently available tools do not possess control mechanisms to ensure the fulfilment of clinical recommendations. With the CompGuide personal assistant web application for scheduling clinical tasks, besides the normal input of information and the production of recommendations by an execution engine, there is a mapping of these recommendations to an agenda of activities for the health care professional. These activities are also monitored and notifications are produced to ensure their delivery times.POFC - Programa Operacional Temático Factores de Competitividade(POCI-01-0145-FEDER-0070 43

    A framework using open-source software for land use prediction and climate data time series analysis in a protected area of Portugal: Alvão Natural Park

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    Changes in land use and land cover (LULC) in protected areas can lead to an ecological imbalance in these territories. Temporal monitoring and predictive modeling are valuable tools for making decisions about conserving these areas and planning actions to reduce the pressure caused by activities such as agriculture. This study accordingly developed an LULC analysis framework based on open-source software (QGIS and R language) and predictive methodology using artificial neural networks in the Alvão Natural Park (PNA), a protected area in northern Portugal. The results show that in 2041, Agriculture and Open Space/Non-vegetation classes will evidence the greatest decrease, while Forest and Bushes will have expanded the most. Spatially, the areas to the west and northeast of the protected area will experience the most significant changes. The relationship of land use classes with data from the climate model HadGEM3-GC31-LL (CMIP6) utilizing scenarios RCP 4.5 and 8.5 demonstrates how through the period 2041–2060 there is a tendency for increased precipitation, which when combined with the dynamics of a retraction in classes such as agriculture, favors the advancement of natural classes such as bushes and forest; however, the subsequent climate data period (2061–2080) projects a decrease in precipitation volumes and an increase in the minimum and maximum temperatures, defining a new pattern with an extension of the period of drought and precipitation being concentrated in a short period of the year, which may result in a greater recurrence of extreme events, such as prolonged droughts that result in water shortages and fires.This research was funded by the European Regional Development Fund. Climate Change Resilient Tourism in Protected Areas of Northern Portugal (CLICTOUR-Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000079)

    A Importância das Ações de Bola Parada e das 2as Bolas nos sub-16 do Clube Desportivo Trofense

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    O presente estudo pretende investigar a influência e importância das ações de bola parada no decorrer de um jogo de Futebol, contendo o subdomínio de observação de 2as bolas no decorrer destas mesmas ações.Neste mesmo sentido, e também com a finalidade de realizar o meu Relatório de Estágio, foi realizado um estágio profissionalizante no Clube Desportivo Trofense, como Treinador Principal do escalão de Juvenis Sub-16, durante a época desportiva de 2018/2019. Neste contexto de formação, o propósito de investigação foi sistematizar e operacionalizar todo o processo de treino dos lances de bola parada, fazendo o seu transfere para os jogos competitivos, para realizar uma posterior análise a todos os resultados obtidos.O estágio decorreu durante toda a época desportiva, compreendida entre 7 de Agosto e 1 de Junho na qual tive presença em cerca de 150 treinos e 26 jogos realizados.O treino das ações de bola parada foi realizado sempre no último treino do microciclo semanal, tendo sempre a preocupação de simular e prever as realidades do jogo.Num total de 109 golos marcados e sofridos, verifica-se que 33 foram marcados através de bola parada e 76 provenientes de jogada (transições ou ataque organizado). Em termos percentuais, 30% dos golos marcados nos nossos jogos do campeonato 2018/2019 foram provenientes de lances de bola parada. Dos 26 jogos realizados na época desportiva, em 20 jogos verificou-se a existência um ou mais golos através de bola parada, ou seja 77% do total dos jogos realizados. Do total de 33 golos provenientes de bola parada ao longo de todo o campeonato, 12 golos, ou seja 36%, foram provenientes do ganho da 2ª bola. No que diz respeito à influência direta no resultado, podemos verificar que em 3 jogos, o resultado foi influenciado diretamente por lances de bola parada.The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence and the importance of the set plays in the course of a Football match, including the subdomain of observation of 2nd balls during these same set plays.Simultaneously, and with the aim of executing my Internship Report, a professional internship at Clube Desportivo Trofense was executed, as a Principal Coach in the Clube Desportivo Trofense Sub-16, during the sports season of 2018/2019. In this context of youth training, the purpose of investigation was to make all the training of the set plays systematic and operational, and transfer it to the competitive games, in order to complete a forward analysis of all the results obtained.The internship took place during the whole sporting season, between August 7 and June 1 in which I had presence in about 150 training sessions and 26 games.The training of the set plays was at all times executed in the last session of the microcycle training, while always making sure that simulation and prediction of the game's realities is always in action.Of the total of 109 goals, both scored and conceded, 33 were scored through set plays and 76 from move (transitions or organized attack). In terms of percentage, 30% of the scored goals in our 2018/2019 championship matches were a result of set plays. In 26 matches of the sports season, there was at least 1 goal that resulted from set plays, meaning 77% of the total of the executed matches. From the total 33 goals resulted from set plays throughout the whole championship, 12 were a result of the 2nd ball, meaning 33% of the goals. When it comes to the direct influence on the result, it is possible to conclude that in 3 games, the result was a direct influence from the set play

    Modelos reológicos para caracterização de caldas hidráulicas

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    De entre as diversas técnicas de consolidação de alvenarias antigas a injeção de caldas surge como uma solução que promove o monolitismo da alvenaria sem comprometer o valor arquitetónico do edifício. As caldas são compostas preferencialmente por ligante hidráulico e adjuvantes que se adicionam na água originando uma suspensão que é injetada no núcleo da alvenaria de forma a preencher os vazios e aumentar a coesão dos seus elementos. Apesar dos estudos já realizados no âmbito da caracterização reológica de suspensões cimentícias, ainda não se encontrou um consenso em relação ao(s) modelo(s) reológico(s) que mais se adequa(m) ao escoamento de caldas para consolidação de alvenarias. Assim, a presente dissertação investiga os desempenhos e adequabilidade dos modelos reológicos mais comuns para a previsão do comportamento reológico de caldas hidráulicas com pozolanas e adjuvantes em termos de tensões de corte, taxas de corte, viscosidade aparente e tensão de cedência. Também se ensaiam algumas propriedades físicas e mecânicas das caldas, tais como as resistências à flexão e compressão, a massa volúmica e a porosidade aberta, para estimar o seu comportamento no estado endurecido. Após uma análise dos resultados dos ensaios e aplicação de modelos, são indicadas as caldas hidráulicas com melhores propriedades reológicas, com melhores propriedades físicas e os modelos com melhor adequabilidade às várias composições

    Step count and classification using sensor information fusion

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    In order to suppress the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) limitation to track persons in indoor or in dense environments, a pedestrian inertial navigation system can be used. However, this type of systems have huge location estimation errors due to the Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR) characteristics and the use of low-cost inertial sensors. To suppress some of these errors we propose a system that uses several sensors spread in person's body combined with information fusion techniques. Information fusion techniques provide lighter algorithms implementations, to count and classify the type of step, to run in mobile devices. Thus, improving pedestrian inertial navigation systems accuracy.This work is part-funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124- FEDER-028980 (PTDC/EEI-SII/1386/2012). Ricardo also acknowledge FCT for the support of his work through the PhD grant SFRH/DB/70248/2010.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A localização GPS como meio de obtenção de prova no Processo Penal Português

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    O novo método de aquisição probatória, designado GPS, é um instrumento fundamental na prevenção e no combate à criminalidade organizada. Porém, este método atentatório de direitos fundamentais, não se encontra regulado no direito interno. Baseada numa pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, esta dissertação procura explorar esta problemática tanto no plano nacional, por via da doutrina e da jurisprudência, como no plano europeu, através do direito comparado e do TEDH, mostrando os diversos entendimentos e soluções. Concluímos que para ser admissível, a localização GPS deveria estar regulamentada, e, que está nas mãos do nosso legislador acompanhar e regular devidamente esta nova tecnologia tão importante para a realização da Justiça, para bem do Estado de Direito.The new method of gathering evidence, known as GPS, constitutes an important tool in prevention and combating the organized crime. However, this method that goes against fundamental rights, is not regulated in the domestic law. Based on bibliographic and documental research, this thesis seeks to explore such problematic, both in the national level with doctrine and jurisprudence, as in the european level, through the comparative law and the ECHR, by displaying the different understandings and solutions. We conclude that to be admissible GPS should be regulated and that it is now up to the legislator to get down to work on regulating these new technology of key importance for the realization of the Justice, and for the good of the Rule of Law