12 research outputs found

    Desalination using polyelectrolyte hydrogels

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    When the gel is put into contact with aqueous salt solution, it absorbs a solution with the ion composition different from the original one. The absorbed solution can be easily squeezed out from the gel by means of sieve or microfiltration membrane. In our previous work we proposed a fully reversible desalination cycle made of compression and swelling steps, which can in principle work on ideal thermodynamic efficiency. In this work we simulate the desalination process using theoretical and coarse-grained models of gel and prove the concept by experiment. We used Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics molecular simulations in the reaction ensemble to predict the degree of ionization of the weak polyelectrolyte hydrogel when it is put in contact with salt solution, and calculate the salt partitioning between the gel and bulk salt solution. We constructed laboratory apparatus based on swelling and pressing cycles of the gel. First, we let the polyelectrolyte gel swell with salt solution of defined concentration. Then we press the gel and the liquid is released. Due to the ion exchange in polyelectrolyte hydrogel, this released liquid has lower salt concentration than the initial one. We measure the salinity of the solution before and after this procedure and we compare the results with theoretically obtained salt partitioning. We also measure the pressure applied on the gel and corresponding gel volume and compare these results with respective computational results

    XXIV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 24th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings. The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 24rd International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 79 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism or regional public administration

    Women on labor market

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    The objective of this thesis is to analyze and verify the existence of causality between employment rate, unemployment rate as independent variable and fertility rate as dependent variable. Two stated hypotheses are being verified within this thesis. First of them says that by decreasing employment rate also the fertility rate decreases. Second says that decreasing unemployment rate has an impact on growth of fertility rate. The final part of essay deals with today´s often discussed concept of work life balance which in many countries supports high economical activity of women and higher fertility simultaneously. It draws attention on positives of alternative work arrangements as well as on negatives and deficits which goes together with its practicing. In the end of the thesis different possibilities of effective work life balance management are suggested

    The function and forms of the Chodsko's traditional costume in the past and present

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    V práci jsem popsala vývoj kroje od poloviny 19. až do 21. stolet'. Snažila jsem se o to, aby tato studie neměla jen deskriptivn' charakter, typický pro mnoho prac' předchoz'ch, ale vedle jeho popisu jsem uvedla i př'ležitosti, kam jej lidé nos', z jakých materiálřu se v 21. stolet' šije, proč jej stále ještě lidé oblékaj' a jaké tedy dnes pln' funkce. Kromě historického vývoje kroje jsem chtěla podat dřuraz zejména na současnost. Některé součásti kroje již ze života lid' vymizely (mužský kroj, svatebn' kroj), ale udržuj' se nadále d'ky m'stn'mu národopisnému souboru, jehož členky a členové si ho oblékaj' rády a zřustávaj' v něm i po vystoupen', nevn'maj' jej jen jako kostým. Jiné typy kroje si oblékaj' nejen členky souboru, ale i obyvatelky obou vs'. Mladš' generace většinou ke slavnostn'm př'ležitostem, na bály a masopust, starš' generace také do kostela a v několika př'padech jej nos' i jako všedn' oděv.In this thesis, I described the evolution of the traditional clothing from the half of the 19th century until the 21st century. It was my concern to achieve a work of not only descriptive content, which I found so frequent. I sought also for the occasions for wearing the traditional costume, on what occasion, the way the traditional costume changes when the original materials changes. I looked for the reasons why and with what functionality it is still worn by people living today. Among the historical evolution, I put emphasis also on the recent form and function of the traditional clothing.Institute of EthnologyÚstav etnologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Free Typographic Composition

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvoření souboru osmi velkoformátových typografických kompozic na téma kontrasty. Zvolenou technikou je počítačová vektorová grafika a následně digitální tisk. Součástí práce je popis procesu tvorby a zvolené techniky, popis jednotlivých kompozic, inspirační zdroje, historie typografie a typografického plakátu, teorie výtvarného kontrastu a výtvarného komponování.ObhájenoThe aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a set of eight large-format typographic compositions on the theme of contrasts. The chosen technique is computer vector graphics and digital print. Part of the work is the description of the process of creation and chosen techniques, the description of individual compositions, sources of inspiration, the history of typography and of typographic poster, the theory of art contrasts and of art composition

    The function and forms of the Chodsko's traditional costume in the past and present

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    In this thesis, I described the evolution of the traditional clothing from the half of the 19th century until the 21st century. It was my concern to achieve a work of not only descriptive content, which I found so frequent. I sought also for the occasions for wearing the traditional costume, on what occasion, the way the traditional costume changes when the original materials changes. I looked for the reasons why and with what functionality it is still worn by people living today. Among the historical evolution, I put emphasis also on the recent form and function of the traditional clothing

    Activities of the Club of Czech Tourist in Sušice in years 1890-1914

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    This thesis deals with the activities of the Klub českých turistů (Club of Czech Tourist) between the years 1890 and 1914. Using literature it recapitulates the problem of establishing the tourist association including legislative, culturally-historical and socio-economical perquisites. Following three main cores of the work are based on the primary sources research. The first is the socio-professional analysis of the member base. The others are two most prominent projects of the club; building of the view tower on the hill Svatobor and publishing of written tour guide Průvodce po Šumavě. At the same time the thesis concerns technical conditions of these projects as well as response to them and their impact on public. The last completing part puts these two big projects into context of other less prominent activities of the club and briefly compares quantity of work of Sušice´s section of Klub českých turistů to other sections

    Legal, Tax and Accounting Factors of Employee Welfare

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    The goal of this bachelor thesis is to analyse the influence that legal, tax, and accounting factors have that impact the employee welfare in a company. Certain influences are evaluated on how much they affect the employers and/or employees. Employee welfare is divided into three categories in this thesis - mandatory, stipulated, and voluntary. The applied research mainly focuses on the category of voluntary employee welfare. Two types of questionaires and semi-structured interviews with selected employers were used for the applied research. For social and demographic aspects that indicate which benefits are preferred research was carried out with employees, while among employers the legal and tax factors were the main focus. As part of the research, a comparison of employee welfare in two different companies was also conducted. Even though the two selected companies were vastly different in size and industry-specialisation, the differences regarding employee welfare were minimal

    Sušice, the Gate of Šumava Mountains. Development and Promotion of Tourism in the Region of Sušice in years 1918-1938

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    This thesis deals with the topic of development and promotion of tourism in the region of Sušice in years 1918 - 1938. It expands the field of research of the author´s bachelor thesis Activities of the Club of Czech Tourist in years 1890 - 1914. Firstly, three big building projects of the Club are observed: construction of Klostermann´s chalet in Modrava and chalet in Prášily, as well as the re-erection of Svatobor´s view tower. The following part focuses on the development of the possibilities of transport in the region: trains, regular and occasional tourist buses and cars. Marked tourist paths for walking are also considered. Later it´s examined whether the centre of the region - the town Sušice - conforms to the typical depiction of a summer resort. Main steps making the locality more attractive for tourists are explored. The changes in numbers of visitors in Sušice from the second half of 1920s are outlined. In the next part the author analyses the vacationers from the summer 1930 in social and vocational terms. The last part compares guidebooks and other promotional materials and based on them enquires, whether the presentation of town Sušice in the interwar period diverges from the end of the 19th century. The topic of nationalism is omnipresent in the whole thesis

    Analysis of economic activity in the Czech Republic with focus on the older working age groups

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je ekonomická aktivita starších osob ve věku 55 let a více v České republice. Cílem je analyzovat a popsat vývoj ekonomické aktivity prostřednictvím několika ukazatelů, hlavně pak počtem ekonomicky aktivních a mírou ekonomické aktivity, a to v období let 1995--2012 na základě údajů z Výběrového šetření pracovních sil. Trh práce byl významně ovlivněn změnami při stanovování věku pro odchod do důchodu, který začal růst od roku 1996. Z analýzy ukazatelů ekonomické aktivity vyplývá, že vliv na její růst mělo jak zvýšení podílu věkové skupiny osob 55ti letých a starších na celkovém počtu obyvatel, který vzrostl z 22,8 % na 30,6 %, tak i růst počtu zaměstnaných o téměř 400 tisíc osob. Druhý zmíněný vliv odráží legislativní změny týkající se prodlužování věku odchodu do důchodu, kdy jsou lidé nuceni setrvat déle ekonomicky aktivní, a současně zpřísňování pravidel pro výpočet předčasných důchodů od roku 2001. Nejvyšší zvýšení počtu ekonomicky aktivních i míry ekonomické aktivity starších osob je patrné jak u mužů, tak u žen především ve věku 55--59 let a dále ve skupině osob 60--64letých. Mezi nástroje zvyšování ekonomické aktivity starších osob patří nástroje aktivní politiky zaměstnanosti, alternativní pracovní úvazky, celoživotní vzdělávání, Diversity Management či Age Management.The subject of the bachelor's thesis is the economic activity of people of age 55 and more in the Czech Republic. The target is to analyse and describe development of economic activity through index numbers, mainly by number of economically active people and economic activity rate, during the period from 1995 to 2012 based on the data of Labour Force Survey. Labour market has been strongly affected by changes of retirement age, which started to escalate since 1996. Based on the analysis of economic activity the results are following: its growth has been affected by growth of ratio of group of people older than 55 years on total population, and that it increased from 22,8 % to 30,6 %. The growth also has been affected by increase of number of employed people by almost 400 thousands persons. This fact reflects legislative changes in retirement age and the restricting rules for calculating early retirements since 2001. Major increase in the number of economically active people and activity rates is apparent in the age (55--59) and (60--64) for both males and females. Among instruments that raise economic activity of older people can be included instruments such as active politics of employment, alternative work arrangements, life-long studies, Diversity Management or Age Management