390 research outputs found

    Mutations that disable the DNA repair gene XPG in a xeroderma pigmentosum group G patient

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    The human XPG (ERCC5) gene encodes a large acidic protein that corrects the ultraviolet light sensitivity of cells from both xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group G and rodent ERCC group 5. Here we characterize five XPG sequence alterations and a minor splicing defect in XP-G patient XP125LO. Three of these changes are polymorphic variants whereas the remaining two, one in each XPG allele, inactivate complementation in vivo. These single point mutations provide formal proof that defects in XPG give rise to the group G form of xeroderma pigmentosum, and their locations suggest ways in which this may occu

    The SwissLipids knowledgebase for lipid biology.

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    MOTIVATION: Lipids are a large and diverse group of biological molecules with roles in membrane formation, energy storage and signaling. Cellular lipidomes may contain tens of thousands of structures, a staggering degree of complexity whose significance is not yet fully understood. High-throughput mass spectrometry-based platforms provide a means to study this complexity, but the interpretation of lipidomic data and its integration with prior knowledge of lipid biology suffers from a lack of appropriate tools to manage the data and extract knowledge from it. RESULTS: To facilitate the description and exploration of lipidomic data and its integration with prior biological knowledge, we have developed a knowledge resource for lipids and their biology-SwissLipids. SwissLipids provides curated knowledge of lipid structures and metabolism which is used to generate an in silico library of feasible lipid structures. These are arranged in a hierarchical classification that links mass spectrometry analytical outputs to all possible lipid structures, metabolic reactions and enzymes. SwissLipids provides a reference namespace for lipidomic data publication, data exploration and hypothesis generation. The current version of SwissLipids includes over 244 000 known and theoretically possible lipid structures, over 800 proteins, and curated links to published knowledge from over 620 peer-reviewed publications. We are continually updating the SwissLipids hierarchy with new lipid categories and new expert curated knowledge. AVAILABILITY: SwissLipids is freely available at http://www.swisslipids.org/. CONTACT: [email protected] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Updates in Rhea-a manually curated resource of biochemical reactions.

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    Rhea (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/rhea) is a comprehensive and non-redundant resource of expert-curated biochemical reactions described using species from the ChEBI (Chemical Entities of Biological Interest) ontology of small molecules. Rhea has been designed for the functional annotation of enzymes and the description of genome-scale metabolic networks, providing stoichiometrically balanced enzyme-catalyzed reactions (covering the IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature list and additional reactions), transport reactions and spontaneously occurring reactions. Rhea reactions are extensively curated with links to source literature and are mapped to other publicly available enzyme and pathway databases such as Reactome, BioCyc, KEGG and UniPathway, through manual curation and computational methods. Here we describe developments in Rhea since our last report in the 2012 database issue of Nucleic Acids Research. These include significant growth in the number of Rhea reactions and the inclusion of reactions involving complex macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids and other polymers that lie outside the scope of ChEBI. Together these developments will significantly increase the utility of Rhea as a tool for the description, analysis and reconciliation of genome-scale metabolic models

    Updates in Rhea - an expert curated resource of biochemical reactions.

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    Rhea (http://www.rhea-db.org) is a comprehensive and non-redundant resource of expert-curated biochemical reactions designed for the functional annotation of enzymes and the description of metabolic networks. Rhea describes enzyme-catalyzed reactions covering the IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature list as well as additional reactions, including spontaneously occurring reactions, using entities from the ChEBI (Chemical Entities of Biological Interest) ontology of small molecules. Here we describe developments in Rhea since our last report in the database issue of Nucleic Acids Research. These include the first implementation of a simple hierarchical classification of reactions, improved coverage of the IUBMB Enzyme Nomenclature list and additional reactions through continuing expert curation, and the development of a new website to serve this improved dataset

    DNA single-strand break repair and spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy-1

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    DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) are the commonest DNA lesions arising spontaneously in cells, and if not repaired may block transcription or may be converted into potentially lethal/clastogenic DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Recently, evidence has emerged that defects in the rapid repair of SSBs preferentially impact the nervous system. In particular, spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy (SCAN1) is a human disease that is associated with mutation of TDP1 (tyrosyl DNA phosphodiesterase 1) protein and with a defect in repairing certain types of SSBs. Although SCAN1 is a rare neurodegenerative disorder, understanding the molecular basis of this disease will lead to better understanding of neurodegenerative processes. Here we review recent progress in our understanding of TDP1, single-strand break repair (SSBR), and neurodegenerative disease

    Genetische Beratung: Konzepte, Missverständnisse, Perspektiven

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    Genetische Beratung Die Medizinische Genetik hat sich von einem Randgebiet zu einer zentralen klinischen Disziplin in der Medizin entwickelt. Der enorme Wissenszuwachs der letzten Jahre zu Phänotypen und Genotypen, zu Ätiologie und Verlauf seltener und häufiger Krankheiten wirkt sich auf alle Fachbereiche der klinischen Medizin aus. Viele haben jedoch nur eine vage Vorstellung, was eine genetische Beratung beinhaltet. = Génétique Bien que marginale à ses débuts, la médecine génétique s’est développée en une discipline clinique essentielle. L’énorme croissance des connaissances de ces dernières années en ce qui concerne les phénotypes et génotypes ainsi que l’étiologie et l’évolution de maladies rares et fréquentes entraîne des répercussions sur toutes les spécialités de la médecine. Cependant, beaucoup n’ont qu’une vague idée de ce que devrait contenir un conseil génétique

    The SwissLipids knowledgebase for lipid biology

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    Motivation: Lipids are a large and diverse group of biological molecules with roles in membrane formation, energy storage and signaling. Cellular lipidomes may contain tens of thousands of structures, a staggering degree of complexity whose significance is not yet fully understood. High-throughput mass spectrometry-based platforms provide a means to study this complexity, but the interpretation of lipidomic data and its integration with prior knowledge of lipid biology suffers from a lack of appropriate tools to manage the data and extract knowledge from it. Results: To facilitate the description and exploration of lipidomic data and its integration with prior biological knowledge, we have developed a knowledge resource for lipids and their biology—SwissLipids. SwissLipids provides curated knowledge of lipid structures and metabolism which is used to generate an in silico library of feasible lipid structures. These are arranged in a hierarchical classification that links mass spectrometry analytical outputs to all possible lipid structures, metabolic reactions and enzymes. SwissLipids provides a reference namespace for lipidomic data publication, data exploration and hypothesis generation. The current version of SwissLipids includes over 244 000 known and theoretically possible lipid structures, over 800 proteins, and curated links to published knowledge from over 620 peer-reviewed publications. We are continually updating the SwissLipids hierarchy with new lipid categories and new expert curated knowledge. Availability: SwissLipids is freely available at http://www.swisslipids.org/. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    SwissGenVar: A Platform for Clinical-Grade Interpretation of Genetic Variants to Foster Personalized Healthcare in Switzerland

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    Large-scale next-generation sequencing (NGS) germline testing is technically feasible today, but variant interpretation represents a major bottleneck in analysis workflows. This includes extensive variant prioritization, annotation, and time-consuming evidence curation. The scale of the interpretation problem is massive, and variants of uncertain significance (VUSs) are a challenge to personalized medicine. This challenge is further compounded by the complexity and heterogeneity of the standards used to describe genetic variants and the associated phenotypes when searching for relevant information to support clinical decision making. To address this, all five Swiss academic institutions for Medical Genetics joined forces with the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) to create SwissGenVar as a user-friendly nationwide repository and sharing platform for genetic variant data generated during routine diagnostic procedures and research sequencing projects. Its aim is to provide a protected environment for expert evidence sharing about individual variants to harmonize and upscale their significance interpretation at the clinical grade according to international standards. To corroborate the clinical assessment, the variant-related data will be combined with consented high-quality clinical information. Broader visibility will be achieved by interfacing with international databases, thus supporting global initiatives in personalized healthcare

    SwissGenVar: A platform for clinical grade interpretation of genetic variants to foster personalized health care in Switzerland

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    Large-scale next-generation sequencing (NGS) germline testing is technically feasible today, but variant interpretation represents a major bottleneck in analysis workflows including the extensive variant prioritization, annotation, and time-consuming evidence curation. The scale of the interpretation problem is massive, and variants of uncertain significance (VUS) are a challenge to personalized medicine. This challenge is further compounded by the complexity and heterogeneity of standards used to describe genetic variants and associated phenotypes when searching for relevant information to inform clinical decision-making. For this purpose, all five Swiss academic Medical Genetics Institutions joined forces with the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) to create SwissGenVar as a user-friendly nationwide repository and sharing platform for genetic variant data generated during routine diagnostic procedures and research sequencing projects. Its objective is to provide a protected environment for expert evidence sharing about individual variants to harmonize and up-scale their significance interpretation at clinical grade following international standards. To corroborate the clinical assessment, the variant-related data are combined with consented high-quality clinical information. Broader visibility will be gained by interfacing with international databases, thus supporting global initiatives in personalized health care