103 research outputs found


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    [En] A rectangular stela was found in the vicinity of Tell Heboua I by accident early 2020. The stela was uncovered 500 m to the west of the fortification walls of Heboua I, during a land reclamation project which is going on at the western vicinity of Tell Heboua I. Our well-trained guard Hassan al-Masody, recognized the limestone slab on top of the embankment of a small drainage canal. When turning this recognizable piece of stone, he found it to be decorated of a limestone stela. Inscribed materials that were discovered at Heboua area are still limited compared to the long history of the site and the extensive and continuous archaeological work done. This obviously due to the scarcity of the stone at this sandy remote area. In addition, every piece of stone in the North Sinai archeological sites was taken from its original place and reused along the history till now. [Ar] لوحه من تل حبوة-شمال سيناء لوحة مستطيلة الشكل عثر عليها مصادفة فى أوائل عام 2020. وذلك على بعد 500 متر إلى الغرب من الجدران المحصنة لمدينة ثارو - حبوة 1 ، واللوحة من الحجر الجيري الابيض تم العثور عليها مكسورة الى قطعتين من المنتصف ، وكانت فى حالة سيئة وتم ترميمها مبدئيا فى الموقع. ظهر اللوحة خشن به العديد من علامات الأزميل المحفورة. تم تزيين اللوحة بنقوش غائرة. تمثل زخرفة اللوحة أحد العناصر الرئيسية التى تشير إلى صورة أسد راقد برأس كبش criosphinx مع حامل قرابين فى المقدمة. يمكن التعرف على الكبش على أنهOvis platyura aegyptiaca بناءً على القرون المنحنية للأمام. كبش بلاتيورا ، المخلوق المقدس البارز لآمون ، أصبح أحد أكثر الحيوانات قداسة فى مصر القديمة من خلال ارتباطه بالإله آمون ، الذي كان ، مثل آمون رع ، الإله البدائى والإله الأعلى للآلهة المصرية ، تاجه يرمز إلى السماء ، ويتكون من تاج يعلوه ريشتان مرتفعتان. لا يوجد نص على اللوحة ؛ يمكن تصنيفها على أنها لوحة نذرية ، وهى لا تحتوى على صورة الشخص الذى وهبها ولكن مثل عليها الاله فقط. ومن المرجح طبقا لما عثر عليه فى منطقة تل حبوة 1 انها تؤرخ بعصر الدولة الحديثة

    Effect of Simulation-Based Training on Maternity Nurses' Performance and Self-Efficacy Regarding Management of Preeclampsia

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    Context: The use of simulation is one solution to the problem of integrating new care. New nurses must be competent to care for patients in a fast-paced setting where clinical competence and precise and timely decision-making are valued. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the effect of simulation-based training on maternity nurses' performance and self-efficacy regarding the management of preeclampsia. Methods: A quasi-experimental (pre/post-test) design was used. The study was conducted at the obstetric clinical laboratory in the faculty of nursing at port said university and gynecological specialty hospital in Port Said city. A convenient sample of 40 nurses was recruited for the study. Three tools were used for data collection: A structured self-administered questionnaire, nurses’ observational checklists, and a self-efficacy assessment scale. Results: The present study findings revealed a sample mean age of 29.03±7.66 and a highly statistically significant difference between pre-intervention, immediate post-intervention, and eight weeks post-intervention (p<0.0001) regarding nurses' knowledge, practice, and self-efficacy concerning the management of preeclampsia. Conclusion: According to the findings, simulation-based training is an effective strategy for increasing midwives' performance and self-efficacy in managing preeclampsia. So, it is recommended that simulation-based training be used in teaching nurses working in the obstetrics and gynecology emergency department to manage high-risk pregnancies

    Prevalence, determinants, and characteristics of extemporaneous compounding in Jordanian pharmacies

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    Background: Pharmaceutical compounding is an essential component in pharmacy practice allowing pharmacists to provide dosage forms or strengths that are commercially unavailable. Medications compounded for patient-specific needs contribute to personalized medicine. Extemporaneous compounding provided by pharmacies overcomes the market shortage of these therapeutic products. The aim of this study is to investigate and characterize the prevalence, characteristics, and determinants of extemporaneous compounding in Jordanian pharmacies. Methods: This study was based on a cross-sectional questionnaire and included 431 randomly selected pharmacies in the twelve governorates of the country. Data were collected via face to face interviews of pharmacists who voluntarily and verbally responded to the questions. Results: Results revealed that 223 (51.7%) of the surveyed pharmacies practiced extemporaneous compounding. The main reason for not providing extemporaneous compounding services was lack of prescription orders for compounded preparations (53.8%). The second reason was lack of the equipment and supplies necessary for compounding (24.4%). Extemporaneous compounding prescriptions were mainly issued by dermatologists (98.2%); dermatological indication was the most common of all extemporaneous compounded prescriptions. The main reason for requesting compounded medications was the lack of a commercially available product (87.9%). The vast majority of the compounded dosage forms were creams (99.6) and ointments (91.5), followed by solutions (23.3%). Only 5 (2.2%) of the studied compounding pharmacies prepared sterile products. The major sources for compounding protocols were the physician order (94.2%), and ‘in-house’ protocols (44.8%). However, the main resource for estimating compounded medications expiration date was information based on pharmacist’s experience (57.8%) and the physician’s order (53.4%). Conclusions: Extemporaneous compounding is a common element of pharmaceutical care. Topical preparations are the most commonly compounded products. Finding from this study suggest that there is a need for standardizing the compounded product formularies, product quality testing, and improving the consistency in estimation of an expiration date of compounded products

    Mismatch Repair Proteins and Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Carcinoma (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2): Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Study

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    BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Microsatellite instability (MSI) is detected in about 15% of all colorectal cancers. CRC with MSI has particular characteristics such as improved survival rates and better prognosis. They also have a distinct sensitivity to the action of chemotherapy.AIM: The aim of the study was to detect microsatellite instability in a cohort of colorectal cancer Egyptian patients using the immunohistochemical expression of mismatch repair proteins (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2).MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cases were divided into Microsatellite stable (MSS), Microsatellite unstable low (MSI-L) and Microsatellite unstable high (MSI-H). This Microsatellite stability status was correlated with different clinicopathological parameters.RESULTS: There was a statistically significant correlation between the age of cases, tumor site & grade and the microsatellite stability status. There was no statistically significant correlation between the gender of patients, tumor subtype, stage, mucoid change, necrosis, tumor borders, lymphocytic response, lymphovascular emboli and the microsatellite stability status.CONCLUSION: Testing for MSI should be done for all colorectal cancer patients, especially those younger than 50 years old, right sided and high-grade CRCs

    Preclinical evaluation of novel synthesised nanoparticles based on tyrosine poly(ester amide) for improved targeted pulmonary delivery

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    Fixed dose combinations (FDCs) incorporating two or three medicines in a single inhaler have been created to enhance patient compliance and hence clinical outcomes. However, the development of dry powder inhalers (DPIs), particularly for FDCs, faces challenges pertinent to formulation uniformity and reproducibility. Therefore, this project aimed to employ nanotechnology to develop a FDC of DPIs for market-leading medicines—fluticasone propionate (FP) and salmeterol xinafoate (SAL)—for asthma management. Nanoaggregates were prepared using a novel biocompatible and biodegradable poly(ester amide) based on the amino acid tyrosine, utilising a one-step interfacial polymerisation process. The produced tyrosine poly (ester amide) drug-loaded nanoparticles were evaluated for content uniformity, PSA, FTIR, TEM, DSC, XRD and aerodynamic performance (in vitro and in vivo). The optimised formulation demonstrated high entrapment efficiency– > 90%. The aerodynamic performance in terms of the emitted dose, fine particle fraction and respirable dose was superior to the carrier-based marketed product. In-vivo studies showed that FP (above the marketed formulation) and SAL reached the lungs of mice in a reproducible manner. These results highlight the superiority of novel FDC FP/SAL nanoparticles prepared via a one-step process, which can be used as a cost-effective and efficient method to alleviate the burden of asthma

    The Impact of Antiepileptic Drugs on Thyroid Function in Children with Epilepsy: New Versus Old

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     Abstract ObjectivesTo investigate the effects of traditional antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) versus newer AEDs on the thyroid hormone profile of children with epilepsy.Materials & MethodsA total of 80 children with epilepsy were included in this study and were divided into two groups. Group 1 included 40 children with epilepsy on traditional AEDs, and group 2 included 40 children with epilepsy on newer AEDs. Forty healthy children were also included as the control group (group 3). We analyzed the serum levels of free triiodothyronine (FT3), free thyroxine (FT4), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).Results: Epileptic children treated with traditional drugs showed a statistically significant decrease in the serum fT4 and increase in TSH concentrations compared to the control group (P < 0.001). Whereas epileptic children treated with newer drugs showed no statistically significant changes in the serum fT3, fT4 and TSH concentrations compared to the control group Conclusions: Traditional AEDs have a significant impact in the thyroid hormone profile compared to the newer AEDs

    Association Between Lipid Profile and Diabetic Foot Ulcer

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    Diabetic foot ulcer is a serious disabling consequence of Diabetes Mellitus. They are characterized by the breakdown of skin and underlying tissues in the feet, and are a major cause of lower limb amputations. Various risk factors have been identified for the development of diabetic foot ulcers, including poor glycemic control, peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease, and impaired wound healing. it is considered that the lipid profile is one of many factors that contribute to the formation and progression of diabetic foot ulcers. To stratify the incidence of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), biomarkers are required. The aim of this review is to assess the relationship between the risk of DFU and lipid profile in diabetic patients

    The Palestinian Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna Preserved at the Biology Exhibitions of the Universities of the Gaza Strip

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    The Gaza Strip (365 km2 ) of Palestine (27,000 km2 ) is home to a wealth of terrestrial vertebrate fauna. Some of these faunistic species find their ways to preservation at the local universities. Hence, the current study comes to document the Palestinian terrestrial vertebrate fauna acquired by the biology exhibitions (BEs) of Al-Azhar University, Islamic University of Gaza and Al-Aqsa University that are located at the Gaza City of the Gaza Strip. The amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals preserved at BEs of the universities in question were surveyed and scientifically classified during a three-month period extending from January to March, 2012. The study showed that all BEs of local universities are underdeveloped, lacking attention and suffer from specimen scarcity and good preservation. The BE at Al-Azhar University is the best in the arrangement and preservation of bird specimens. A total number of 200 specimens belonging to 54 terrestrial vertebrate fauna species, 39 families and 17 orders was recorded at BEs. Reptiles constituted 40.7% of the total species recorded, followed by birds (38.9%), mammals (14.8%) and amphibians (5.6%). The Islamic University of Gaza was considered the best in terms of the number of preserved species (39.8%), followed by Al-Azhar University (36.3%) and Al-Aqsa University (23.9%). The Common Toad (Bufo viridis) was the most preserved among the amphibian species recorded. Squamata was the biggest reptilian order, comprising 20 species (8 lizards and 12 snakes), with the Syrian Black Snake (Coluber jugularis asianus) was the commonest. The Palestine Viper (Vipera palaestinae) is endemic to Palestine and most venomous and dangerous to human health. The Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) was the largest Palestinian bird preserved at BE of Al-Azhar University. The Egyptian Mongoose (Herpestes ichneumon) and the Common Badger (Meles meles) were the biggest mammalian specimens preserved, while the Palestine Mole-rat (Spalax leucodon ehrenbergi) was the only Palestine endemic species encountered among the preserved mammals. Finally, the improvement of BEs of local universities and the construction of a Central Museum of Natural History is highly recommended in order to change the Palestinians’ attitudes toward a sustainable ecological conservation in the Gaza Strip