19 research outputs found
Many researches of employee engagement proved that engagement is an important factor in providing successful quality services in hospital. Engaged health workers who are energized, loyalty, dedicated, absorbed in their work have an important role in accelerate patient healing, tackling the shortage of health workers and sustainable cost efficiency. The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of organizational culture and servant leadership on health workers engagement in public hospital. The survey method design was used in the study to a public hospital in Tasikmalaya city, Indonesia. The Likert-scale questionnaires was used to measure the strength of 75 health workers engagement, organizational culture and servant leadership. The study had generated finding that the public hospital culture and the servant leadership of health workers have significant and positive effect to the health workers engagement. In addition, the effect of servant leadership was stronger than the organizational culture. Based on the result of research, it is necessary to develop servant leadership qualifications by increasing the spirit of supervisor service and fostering work-values based culture of the hospital to improve health workers engagement
Wind Ventilator Utilization for Electrical Mini Power Plant: Residential Lighting
The development of renewable energy potential in Indonesia is actively carried out to obtain alternative energy sources along with the depletion of available fossil energy reserves. One of the green energy without polluting the environment is wind energy. Indonesia is an archipelago located in the tropics with a large potential source of wind energy, but until now it has not been optimal enough to be used for electricity generation. Utilization of energy produced by the wind is by changing it into mechanical energy by using wind turbines. Furthermore, mechanical energy from the turbine will be used to drive a dc generator to produce electrical energy. As a simple application in this study, the wind ventilator in the form of a turbine that is mounted on the top of the house roof is applied to be a wind turbine. Ventilators will move if there is wind touches its blades and it will suck out the air in the house. The axis of the ventilator will be coupled to the dc generator using pulley and v-belt. So, when the ventilator rotates, the generator will also rotate and will produce electrical energy. The objective of this study is to meet the energy needs for lighting requirement of a house. The experimental test results show that the use of ventilators as an alternative ways for the wind energy utilization is worked well
Biogas adalah salah satu energi bahan bakar gas yang diperoleh dari degradasi anaerobik bahan-bahan organik oleh bakteri dalam lingkungan bebas oksigen. Digester portabel ini mampu menghasilkan biogas yang utamanya mengandung gas metana (CH4) dan gas ikutan lainnya. Proses pembentukan biogas khususnya gas metana pada digester dimonitor dengan sensor gas metana secara real time berbasis Internet of Things (IoT). Hasil pengukuran konsentrasi gas metana yang dilakukan selama 38 hari pada temperatur rata-rata 37,46°C, nilai konsentrasi terus meningkat sampai dengan hari ke 29, dengan konsentrasi gas sebesar 170.564,02 ppm atau persentase gas sebesar 71,07%. Pada hari ke 29 gas metana dalam digester sudah layak dimanfaatkan, dan untuk menjaga kontinyuitas produksi gas metana, setiap hari bahan baku biogas perlu ditambahkan ke digester sesuai kapasitas. Kata Kunci : Biogas, Digester
Study Of The Potential For Floating Solar Power Plant In Situ Gede Bogor City
Floating Solar Power Plant utilized in research is located in Situ Gede Bogor City. The utilization of the situ area which has a land area of . With a power plant area utilization plan of 1 Hectare the potential average solar radiation at Situ Gede is . The total energy generated is . This research uses a Interactive Microgrid as a solar power system configuration scheme. The components used are Monocrystalline solar modules with a capacity of 500 Wp totaling 4200 units, 22 inverter units with a capacity of 2458 kW, a battery unit value the total capacity is 3634,634 kW with a total of 1818 battery units, and the battery inverter capacity of 25000 W, with a total battery inverter capacity value of 8034,78 kW, which is the total use of 3 battery inverter units. The simulation results on PVSyts obtained the value of solar power plant in one year is 3148720 kWh a Performance Ratio of 84.48% and a Capacity Factor value of 17.19%. With a total initial investment cost of Rp85.033.240.352, the Payback Period is obtained in a period of 11 years with an estimated operating time of 20 years
Analyzing the deformation of copper conductor from a fire impact
Fire is an oxidation reaction of the three elements (fuel, oxygen, heat) that can result in loss of property, injury, even death. Electricity potential that may results on fire is the short circuit current that occurs on the equipments and electrical installation cables. The remaining wires at the first fire location are subject to fire damage and can cause electrical short circuit. The purpose of this study is to analyze the short-circuit electrical deformation of copper cable using SEM EDS and MICRO XRF instrument. Based on the study result, there is a dominant change of oxygen elements in single cable and fiber sample causing fire that is 35,96% and 21,24%, those values are higher than Oxygen on a burned short circuited cable that is 19,54% and 12,1%. The microstructure of the cable that causes fire looks like irregular clumps whereas the burned cable looks like a clump of clumps
Abstract: Analysis of Principal Technology Leadership Indicators as Leaders of 21st Century Technology Implementation21st century principals must be leaders in technology implementation by using technology as the primary tool for transforming teaching and learning. Through technological leadership, principals can utilize the talents and potential of teachers to produce superior pedagogical methods based on information and communication technology (ICT). This study aims to describe technological leadership and the indicators that mark the principal's technological leadership style as a leadership style that must be developed in the 21st century. The study was conducted using the literature study method, where information was obtained from journals, literature books, research reports, mass media, and written sources, both printed and electronic. Based on the results of the study obtained 7 indicators to measure the principal's technological leadership, namely: (1) vision, planning, and management; (2) interpersonal and communication skills; (3) teacher development and training; (4) technology and infrastructure support; (5) excellence in professional practice; (6) digital learning and teaching culture; (7) digital citizenship; and (8) evaluation and assessment. Strengthening the principal's technological leadership is expected to optimize the innovative behavior of teachers which can improve the quality of education. Abstrak: Analisis Indikator Kepemimpinan Teknologi Kepala Sekolah Sebagai Pemimpin Implementasi Teknologi Abad 21Kepala sekolah abad 21 harus menjadi pemimpin implementasi teknologi dengan menggunakan teknologi sebagai alat utama untuk mengubah pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Melalui kepemimpinan teknologi, kepala sekolah dapat memanfaatkan bakat dan potensi guru untuk menghasilkan metode pedagogis yang unggul berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kepemimpinan teknologi dan indikator-indikator yang menandai gaya kepemimpinan teknologi kepala sekolah sebagai gaya kepemimpinan yang harus dikembangkan pada abad 21. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan, dimana informasi diperoleh dari jurnal, buku literatur, laporan penelitian, media masa, dan sumber-sumber tertulis baik cetak maupun elektronik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh 7 indikator untuk mengukur kepemimpinan teknologi kepala sekolah yaitu: (1) visi, perencanaan, dan manajemen; (2) keterampilan interpersonal dan komunikasi; (3) pengembangan dan pelatihan guru; (4) dukungan teknologi dan infrastruktur; (5) keunggulan dalam praktik professional; (6) budaya belajar dan mengajar digital; (7) digital citizenship; dan (8) evaluasi dan penilaian. Penguatan kepemimpinan teknologi kepala sekolah diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan perilaku inovatif guru yang dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan
The implementation of the BPJS Kesehatan program for MSME seller is a hope to provide adequate and sustainable protection. But on the other hand it has quite real challenges. The related challenges are, the inherent nature of participation and makes BPJS a requirement for the issuance of business licenses for the readiness (willingness and ability) of MSME seller who have economic capacity to participate in the program, considering that program contributions will be borne by Wage Givers and Workers. Consumer perceptions do not only depend on stimuli in physical form, but also depend on the stimuli that are around them and the conditions that exist in a person and perceptions are more important than reality in marketing, because perceptions can influence consumers' behavior, besides that people can have different perceptions over the same object. This research is about the perception of MSME actors on the implementation of the BPJS Health program, especially in Bogor City. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the BPJS Health program and to determine the perceptions of MSME sellers on the implementation of the BPJS Health program in Bogor City. The research method used is descriptive research based on respondents' responses with the case study method in which direct field surveys, observations, interviews were carried out to 100 respondents in 6 districts in Bogor City. The sampling method used was purposive sampling technique and data analysis method used descriptive analysis, validity test and reliability test. The data was tested using SPSS version 23. The results showed 1) The results of descriptive analysis on the perception variable of MSME sellers with the lowest value were found in the statement of the high level of ability to pay BPJS health contributions with a percentage of 57%, while the highest value was in the statement of MSME sellers has received clear socialization of the BPJS Kesehatan program with a percentage value of 99% with very good interpretation. 2) The results of descriptive analysis on the BPJS Kesehatan implementation variable with the lowest value are in the statement that BPJS Kesehatan provides professional services to BPJS Kesehatan participants with a percentage of 66.25%, while the highest value is in the statement of the level of health insurance benefits provided by BPJS Kesehatan with a percentage value of 79.75% with good interpretation
Evaluation Study of Waste Materials for Renewable Energy through 3R Model in Bogor City
Waste is one the critical issues in Indonesia which can pose a badly influence both to human’s health and nature preservation if it is not properly managed for productive use. Hence, the increasing production in municipal waste is directly proportional to the increasing number of population, in which raises the waste production in big cities in Indonesia, such as in Bogor. In Bogor, a waste processing facility (TPS) using biogas for renewable energy has been developed. The volume of wastes in Bogor at the year of 2016 has reached 2.734,03 m³ per day. There are 12 locations for waste processing facility with the TPS 3R (Reduce, Re-use and Recycle) model but there are only 3 locations that uses biogas for Renewable Energy. 3 of these biogas-based waste processing facilities can be found in the region of Taruna, Ceremai, and Dharmais. The wastes' capacity of each regions (Taruna, Ceremai, and Dharmais) consecutively is 3.300 kg,2.400 kg, and 2.520 kg with the number of organic materials that are being processed into biogas for renewable energy is 85 kg, 85 kg, and 55 kg
Prototype of CO, CO2 , UV Light, Temperature and Humidity Detection Device Based on IoT and Solar Cells
Exposure to air pollution, excessive ultraviolet (UV) light, and changes in environmental temperature and humidity can have serious impacts on human health. Therefore, a tool design was created that combines Solar Cell-based technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) to detect potential dangers from air pollution, exposure to UV rays, and changes in environmental temperature and humidity. This tool uses an ESP32 microcontroller as its brain, which allows data to be collected from the sensors used. The sensors used include the MQ2 Sensor for toxic gas detection, the MQ135 Sensor for CO2 pollutant gas detection, the UV Sensor for monitoring harmful UV radiation, and the DHT11 Sensor for measuring environmental temperature and humidity. The information collected by these sensors is displayed in real-time via an OLED display, giving users an instant understanding of the level of danger that may exist in their surroundings. Apart from that, this tool uses Solar Cells as a power source, so it can operate independently and is environmentally friendly. This tool has great potential for use in a variety of environments, including residential areas, work spaces and open areas. It helps society as a whole to maintain their health and safety by providing accurate and real-time information about the dangers that may be around them. KEYWORDS: DHT-11, ESP-32, GUVA S12SD, Internet of Things (IoT), MQ-2, MQ-135 Solar Cell
Peran Faktor Pengaruh Dinamika Organizational Commitment: Mengentaskan Melemahnya Eksistensi UKM Kuliner di Bogor
This research aims to identify and analyze the role and influence of the determinants of organizational commitment dynamics on the continued existence of culinary SMEs in Bogor; against the identified background of the weakening of its existence. Using mixed methods, this study randomly selected 210 samples using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) and AHP-FAHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process-Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process) analysis techniques. The research results show that perceived organizational support, creativity and employee work motivation are determining factors that have a significant influence on organizational commitment, which ultimately contributes to the resilience and growth of culinary SMEs in Bogor