439 research outputs found

    To Tell or Not to Tell: Predictors of Disclosure and Privacy Settings Usage in an Online Social Networking Site (Facebook)

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    Use of social networking sites has grown exponentially over the last decade. Facebook, a popular social networking site, currently boasts membership of over 500 million users (www.facebook.com). In the present research, four studies were conducted to examine factors that impact on self-disclosure and privacy settings use. The primary goal for Studies 1 A, B and C involved developing methods for organizing and understanding the information that individuals disclose through social networking sites. Specifically, in Study 1 A, a scoring tool was developed in order to comprehensively assess the content of the personal profiles. In Study 1 B, grouping categories (default/standard information, sensitive personal information, and potentially stigmatizing information) were developed to examine information pertinent to identity threat, personal and group threat. Finally, in Study 1 C, an alternative grouping strategy was developed to include all information present in Facebook, organized as a function of the content that was presented. Overall, these studies indicated that approximately 25% of all possible information that could potentially be disclosed by users was disclosed. Presenting personal information such as gender and age was related to disclosure of other sensitive and highly personal information as well as greater disclosure. As age increased, the amount of personal information in profiles decreased. Those seeking a relationship were at greater risk of threat, and disclosed the greatest amount of highly sensitive and potentially stigmatizing information. Study 2 examined whether giving participants stories to read that did or did not alert participants to potential dangers of disclosure and the media context (electronic or hard copy formats) impacted on disclosure and privacy settings use. In addition, the predictive power of gender and the virtual other (the audience in mind) was also examined. Females disclosed less sensitive information than males after reading a personal privacy invasion story. Disclosure was less when the target for whom the information was being posted was the same gender as the participant, and more when the target was the opposite gender of the participant. Disclosure of specific content areas also differed by gender of the discloser. Only 20.3% of participants employed privacy settings. When a virtual audience consisting of referents other than friends or the self was in mind, use of privacy settings increased. Lastly, participants who filled out Facebook profiles on paper-and-pencil disclosed more as compared to their online Facebook counterparts. Overall, these findings shed light on some of the factors that may be related to over-disclosure, and help to identify those users who are at particular risk when online. In addition, these studies examined a relatively novel but highly important area, privacy settings and the factors that relate to use. The notion of the virtual other is one that demands further examination and may prove useful in understanding how and why people choose to share highly personal information online, and most importantly, employ privacy settings

    Rodzaje ćwiczeń językowych na lekcjach fizyki dla cudzoziemców

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    High-risk sexual behaviour, computer experience and the Internet

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    This study examined the relationships between computer use, sexually explicit material found on the Internet, and sexual attitudes and behaviours and the use of the Internet for conducting large surveys. The first issue explored if and how computer experience contributed to online behaviour and perceptions about sexually explicit material. In addition, sexual attitudes and behaviours were examined with respect to computer experience to assess potential relationships. The methodological question contrasted the use of traditional supervised paper-and-pencil survey techniques with supervised and unsupervised use of the Internet. This design allowed for comparison of use as a function of supervision and format of the survey. In terms of the methodological investigation, results indicated an interaction between survey format and location of survey within the survey booklet. When compared to both online conditions, results revealed a higher number of missing items in the paper and pencil condition, specifically near the end of the booklet. More missing items were present in a sensitive measure assessing violent conflict. There were no gender differences in terms of missing items. In terms of the high-risk and computer use investigation, results indicated that gender was a significant predictor of both positive and negative attitudes about sexually explicit material online (pop-ups, inbox and junk mail messages). Gender also predicted the likelihood to search for sexual material online. An overall higher frequency of computer use predicted comfort and expertise with computers. Future directions and implications are discussed

    Factors which influtnce accuracy of application of the fluid layer on the polymer film

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    Проведено аналіз факторів які впливають на точність нанесення рідинного шару фотоемульсії на полімерну плівку при виробництві кіно- та фотоматеріалів екструзійним способом. Виявлені основні гідродинамічні та технологічні фактори які визначають товщину шару який наноситься. Отримані розрахункові залежності які дозволяють встановити вплив витрати емульсії і швидкості руху полімерної підкладки на товщину шару який наноситься. Запропонована конструктивна схема регулювання формуючої капілярної щілини екструзійного пристрою який застосовується у виробництві кіно- та фотоматеріалів.Analysis of factors affecting the accuracy of application of the photoemulsion fluid layer on the polymer film in the production of film and photographic materials by the extrusion method was given. Basic hydrodynamic and technological factors determining the thickness of the applied coating were identified. It has been shown that the coating thickness for the investigated structure of the die head is a function of two variables: the output of pump and velocity of the polymer film. Calculated dependences allowing determining the effect of the emulsion flow rate and motion speed of the polymer support on the thickness of the applied layer were obtained. The reasons for straightness errors forming the extrusion gap of the plate, associated with the process of their manufacturing were identified. There was proposed the constructive regulatory scheme of the molding capillary gap of extrusion apparatus used in the production of film and photographic materials, which provides air-tightness of the head and the ability to control the width of the forming channels. Production tests of extrusion dies showed an improvement in the photoemulsion coating uniformity across the width of the polymer support.Приведен анализ факторов, влияющих на точность нанесения жидкостного слоя фотоэмульсии на полимерную пленку при производстве кино- и фотоматериалов экструзионным способом. Выявлены основные гидродинамические и технологические факторы определяющие толщину наносимого покрытия. Получены расчетные зависимости позволяющие установить влияние расхода эмульсии и скорости движения полимерной подложки на толщину наносимого слоя. Предложена конструктивная схема регулирования формующей капиллярной щели экструзионного устройства применяемого в производстве кино- и фотоматериалов


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    The Paris Climate Change Agreement has become an additional incentive for clean power development. The global warming problem has encouraged major economies to ramp up renewables share in the energy mix. This paper discusses the issue of a forthcoming transformation in the global energy sector and its implications for the Russian Federation. The Russian economy remains highly dependent on raw materials exports, which hinders its proper development. The country’s coal industry faces large losses, while the coal’s role in the power sector at a global level is forecasted to diminish. For this reason, Russia’s plans on increasing the coal production and launching new coal-fired plants until 2030, for which purpose large sums are laid out, should be reconsidered. The country, in turn, has a natural and technological potential in developing renewables, mainly hydropower, which is underutilized nowadays. Clean energy development in Russia is viewed to be beneficial to the economy, feasible, and crucial for meeting climate change-related obligations declared at the international level.Парижское соглашение по климату стало дополнительным стимулом развития экологически чистой энергии. Проблема изменения климата побудила наиболее развитые индустриальные страны увеличивать долю возобновляемых источников энергии в энергобалансе. В статье рассмотрен вопрос предстоящих изменений в секторе энергетики на мировом уровне и их последствий для России. На сегодняшний день сохраняется высокая зависимость российской экономики от сырьевого экспорта, что препятствует ее полноценному развитию. Угольная промышленность страны терпит значительные убытки, тогда как на мировом уровне прогнозируется снижение доли угля в энергетическом комплексе. В этой связи представляется необходимым пересмотреть планы Российской Федерации по увеличению добычи угля и строительству новых угольных электростанций на период до 2030 г. Страна обладает как природными, так и технологическими возможностями развития возобновляемых источников энергии, прежде всего, гидроэнергетики, потенциал которой в настоящее время недоиспользован. Развитие экологически чистой энергии в России представляется благоприятным для экономики, осуществимым и необходимым для выполнения взятых на международном уровне обязательств, связанных с изменением климата

    HDR Tone-Mapping Acceleration on Xilinx Zynq Platform

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    Tato diplomová práca je zameraná predovšetkým na syntézu na systémovej úrovni (HLS). Prvá časť obsahuje teoretické detaily a postupy, ktoré sa využívajú v HLS nástrojoch. Ďalej nasleduje popis syntézy v nástroji Vivado HLS, ktorý je využitý pri implementácii aplikácie. Druhá časť obsahuje potrebné teoretické poznatky z oblasti obrazu s vysokým dynamickým rozsahom a mapovania tónov. Tretia časť je venovaná návrhu a implementácií aplikácie, ktorá realizuje metódy mapovania tónov v HDR snímkach. Vybrané metódy sú implementované vo Vivado HLS a jazyku C++. Táto aplikácia je postavená na platforme Xilinx Zynq a využíva multiexpozičnú kameru pre záznam snímok HDR. Snímky sú predané do FPGA na spracovanie, kde prebieha mapovanie tónov.This diploma thesis focuses on the High-level synthesis (HLS). The first part deals with theoretical details and methods that are used in HLS tools. This is followed by a description of the synthesis tool Vivado HLS which will be used for implementation of an application. In the second part is briefly introduced high dynamic range images (HDR) and tone mapping. The third part is dedicated to design and implementation of the aplication which implements tone mapping methods in HDR images. This methods are implemented in Vivado HLS and language C++. This application is based on platform Xilinx Zynq and it uses multiexposure camera for capturing HDR images. Images are transmitted to FPGA for tone mapping processing.

    Die Plattform Medienbiografie: Medienbiografie in der Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung von LehrerInnen

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    The focus of this work is a method of exergy-economizing calculation for the recuperative and regenerative heat-exchangers that are built-in the thermal cyclic machines. The method is intended for the analysis of efficiency of a prospective design and material for the heat-exchanger that is incorporated into the closed thermodynamic cycle of thermal machines at the initial stage of designing


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    Creation high-loaded hyperboloid gears with improved and extreme geometrykinematic parameters on the basis of quasi hyperboloid gearings – a perspective and effective direction in increase of technical and economic characteristics of reducers. Use of any reserves in manufacture hyperboloid gears and reducers can give and already really gives considerable economic benefit at the expense of improvement of a design, increase of labor productivity, improvement of quality, decrease in the cost price, increase of competitiveness of production