31 research outputs found

    Microscopic Structure of the Calcium Isotopes

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 87-1440

    The Charge Form Factor of the Neutron from the Reaction \pol{2H}(\pol{e},e'n)p

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    We report on the first measurement of spin-correlation parameters in quasifree electron scattering from vector-polarized deuterium. Polarized electrons were injected into an electron storage ring at a beam energy of 720~MeV. A Siberian snake was employed to preserve longitudinal polarization at the interaction point. Vector-polarized deuterium was produced by an atomic beam source and injected into an open-ended cylindrical cell, internal to the electron storage ring. The spin correlation parameter A^V_{ed} was measured for the reaction \pol{2H}(\pol{e},e'n)p at a four-momentum transfer squared of 0.21 (GeV/c)^2 from which a value for the charge form factor of the neutron was extracted.Comment: 4 pages, 5 file

    Methods for Optical Calibration of the BigBite Hadron Spectrometer

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    The techniques for optical calibration of Jefferson Lab's large-acceptance magnetic hadron spectrometer, BigBite, have been examined. The most consistent and stable results were obtained by using a method based on singular value decomposition. In spite of the complexity of the optics, the particles' positions and momenta at the target have been precisely reconstructed from the coordinates measured in the detectors by means of a single back-tracing matrix. The technique is applicable to any similar magnetic spectrometer and any particle type. For 0.55 GeV/c protons, we have established the vertex resolution of 1.2 cm, angular resolutions of 7 mrad and 16 mrad (in-plane and out-of-plane, respectively), and a relative momentum resolution of 1.6%.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Precision Measurement of the p(e,e ' p)pi(0) Reaction at Threshold

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    New results are reported from a measurement of π0\pi^0 electroproduction near threshold using the p(e,ep)π0p(e,e^{\prime} p)\pi^0 reaction. The experiment was designed to determine precisely the energy dependence of ss- and pp-wave electromagnetic multipoles as a stringent test of the predictions of Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). The data were taken with an electron beam energy of 1192 MeV using a two-spectrometer setup in Hall A at Jefferson Lab. For the first time, complete coverage of the ϕπ\phi^*_{\pi} and θπ\theta^*_{\pi} angles in the pπ0p \pi^0 center-of-mass was obtained for invariant energies above threshold from 0.5 MeV up to 15 MeV. The 4-momentum transfer Q2Q^2 coverage ranges from 0.05 to 0.155 (GeV/c)2^2 in fine steps. A simple phenomenological analysis of our data shows strong disagreement with pp-wave predictions from ChPT for Q2>0.07Q^2>0.07 (GeV/c)2^2, while the ss-wave predictions are in reasonable agreement.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    High Precision Measurement of the Proton Elastic Form Factor Ratio μpGE/GM\mu_pG_E/G_M at low Q2Q^2

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    We report a new, high-precision measurement of the proton elastic form factor ratio \mu_p G_E/G_M for the four-momentum transfer squared Q^2 = 0.3-0.7 (GeV/c)^2. The measurement was performed at Jefferson Lab (JLab) in Hall A using recoil polarimetry. With a total uncertainty of approximately 1%, the new data clearly show that the deviation of the ratio \mu_p G_E/G_M from unity observed in previous polarization measurements at high Q^2 continues down to the lowest Q^2 value of this measurement. The updated global fit that includes the new results yields an electric (magnetic) form factor roughly 2% smaller (1% larger) than the previous global fit in this Q^2 range. We obtain new extractions of the proton electric and magnetic radii, which are ^(1/2)=0.875+/-0.010 fm and ^(1/2)=0.867+/-0.020 fm. The charge radius is consistent with other recent extractions based on the electron-proton interaction, including the atomic hydrogen Lamb shift measurements, which suggests a missing correction in the comparison of measurements of the proton charge radius using electron probes and the recent extraction from the muonic hydrogen Lamb shift.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    A Compton backscattering polarimeter for measuring longitudinal electron polarization

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    U diplomskom radu je prikazana geokemijska karakterizacija i ocjena stanja kakvoće podzemne vode u odnosu na maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije (MDK) pojedinih pokazatelja prema Direktivi 2006/118/EZ Europskog parlamenta i vijeća o zaštiti podzemnih voda od onečišćenja i pogoršanja stanja. Podatci su analizirani za područje vodocrpilišta Nedelišće i Prelog u Međimurskoj županiji za razdoblje od 2017. do 2018. godine. Rezultati analiza prikazani su grafički za 12 analiziranih pokazatelja kakvoće podzemne vode ispitivanog područja. Između ostalog, unosom vrijednosti najbitnijih kationa i aniona u Piperov dijagram utvrđen je geokemijski facijes za vodu na području vodocrpilišta.The master's thesis presents the geochemical characterization and assessment of the state of the groundwater quality in relation to the maximum allowed concentrations (MDK) of individual indicators according to the European Parliament's Directive 2006/118/EZ and the Council for protection of groundwater from pollution and deterioration. The data was analyzed for the water pumping area in Nedelišće and Prelog in the county of Međimurje in the period from 2017. to 2018. Results of the analysis are graphically presented for 12 analyzed groundwater quality indicators of the studied area. Among other things, by entering the values of the most important cations and anions into the Piper diagram, the geochemical facies for water in the water pumping area has been determined

    A large acceptance spectrometer for the internal target facility at NIKHEF

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    A non-focusing magnetic spectrometer, BigBite, has been built for use at the Internal Target Facility of the AmPS ring at NIKHEF. It allows detection of particles with momentum in the range of 200\u2013900 MeV/c, with an angular resolution of about 4 mrad, and a design momentum resolution of 5 7 10 123. The track of a particle after passage through the field of a single dipole magnet is determined by two multi-wire drift chambers each of which has two planes. The four planes contain a total of 338 sense wires. For each plane, both sense wires and cathode strips are used to make measurements of each coordinate. The trigger consists of coincident signals from a single scintillator and a diffusely reflecting aerogel Cherenkov detector. The latter also provides discrimination between electrons and pions. Details of the signal handling and first results on the performance of the complete system will be discussed