6,508 research outputs found

    Definitive spectroscopic determination of the transverse interactions responsible for the magnetic quantum tunneling in Mn12-acetate

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    We present detailed angle-dependent single crystal electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) data for field rotations in the hard plane of the S=10 single molecule magnet Mn12-acetate. A clear four-fold variation in the resonance positions may be attributed to an intrinsic fourth order transverse anisotropy (O44). Meanwhile, a four-fold variation of the EPR lineshapes confirms a recently proposed model wherein disorder associated with the acetic acid of crystallization induces a locally varying quadratic (rhombic) transverse anisotropy (O22). These findings explain most aspects of the magnetic quantum tunneling observed in Mn12-acetate.Comment: 7 pages, including figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Public gains from entrepreneurial research: Inferences about the economic value of public support of the Small Business Innovation Research program.

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    This article presents a systematic analysis of the net economic benefits associated with the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. We offer a derivation of producer and consumer surplus to estimate economic benefits. Fundamental to the implementation of these models is a specific value of the elasticity of demand, but in its absence we estimate what its value would be when the benefit-to-cost ratio associated with public support of the SBIR program equals unity. We infer from these calculations, and from general knowledge about the ability of SBIR-funded firms to exploit their monopoly position, that the SBIR program likely generates positive net economic benefits to society

    Seeing double with K2: Testing re-inflation with two remarkably similar planets around red giant branch stars

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    Despite more than 20 years since the discovery of the first gas giant planet with an anomalously large radius, the mechanism for planet inflation remains unknown. Here, we report the discovery of EPIC228754001.01, an inflated gas giant planet found with the NASA K2 Mission, and a revised mass for another inflated planet, K2-97b. These planets reside on ~9 day orbits around host stars which recently evolved into red giants. We constrain the irradiation history of these planets using models constrained by asteroseismology and Keck/HIRES spectroscopy and radial velocity measurements. We measure planet radii of 1.31 +\- 0.11 Rjup and and 1.30 +\- 0.07 Rjup, respectively. These radii are typical for planets receiving the current irradiation, but not the former, zero age main sequence irradiation of these planets. This suggests that the current sizes of these planets are directly correlated to their current irradiation. Our precise constraints of the masses and radii of the stars and planets in these systems allow us to constrain the planetary heating efficiency of both systems as 0.03% +0.03%/-0.02%. These results are consistent with a planet re-inflation scenario, but suggest the efficiency of planet re-inflation may be lower than previously theorized. Finally, we discuss the agreement within 10% of stellar masses and radii, and planet masses, radii, and orbital periods of both systems and speculate that this may be due to selection bias in searching for planets around evolved stars.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, accepted to AJ. Figures 11, 12, and 13 are the key figures of the pape

    Amustaline-glutathione pathogen-reduced red blood cell concentrates for transfusion-dependent thalassaemia

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    Transfusion-dependent thalassaemia (TDT) requires red blood cell concentrates (RBCC) to prevent complications of anaemia, but carries risk of infection. Pathogen reduction of RBCC offers potential to reduce infectious risk. We evaluated the efficacy and safety of pathogen-reduced (PR) Amustaline-Glutathione (A-GSH) RBCC for TDT. Patients were randomized to a blinded 2-period crossover treatment sequence for six transfusions over 8–10 months with Control and A-GSH-RBCC. The efficacy outcome utilized non-inferiority analysis with 90% power to detect a 15% difference in transfused haemoglobin (Hb), and the safety outcome was the incidence of antibodies to A-GSH-PR-RBCC. By intent to treat (80 patients), 12·5 ± 1·9 RBCC were transfused in each period. Storage durations of A-GSH and C-RBCC were similar (8·9 days). Mean A-GSH-RBCC transfused Hb (g/kg/day) was not inferior to Control (0·113 ± 0·04 vs. 0·111 ± 0·04, P = 0·373, paired t-test). The upper bound of the one-sided 95% confidence interval for the treatment difference from the mixed effects model was 0·005 g/kg/day, within a non-inferiority margin of 0·017 g/kg/day. A-GSH-RBCC mean pre-transfusion Hb levels declined by 6·0 g/l. No antibodies to A-GSH-RBCC were detected, and there were no differences in adverse events. A-GSH-RBCCs offer potential to reduce infectious risk in TDT with a tolerable safety profile

    Connecting Lunar Meteorites to Source Terrains on the Moon

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    The number of named stones found on Earth that have proven to be meteorites from the Moon is approx. 180 so far. Since the Moon has been mapped globally in composition and mineralogy from orbit, it has become possible to speculate broadly on the region of origin on the basis of distinctive compositional characteristics of some of the lunar meteorites. In particular, Lunar Prospector in 1998 [1,2] mapped Fe and Th at 0.5 degree/pixel and major elements at 5 degree/pixel using gamma ray spectroscopy. Also, various multispectral datasets have been used to derive FeO and TiO2 concentrations at 100 m/pixel spatial resolution or better using UV-VIS spectral features [e.g., 3]. Using these data, several lunar meteorite bulk compositions can be related to regions of the Moon that share their distinctive compositional characteristics. We then use EPMA to characterize the petrographic characteristics, including lithic clast components of the meteorites, which typically are breccias. In this way, we can extend knowledge of the Moon's crust to regions beyond the Apollo and Luna sample-return sites, including sites on the lunar farside. Feldspathic Regolith Breccias. One of the most distinctive general characteristics of many lunar meteorites is that they have highly feldspathic compositions (Al2O3 approx. 28% wt.%, FeO <5 wt.%, Th <1 ppm). These compositions are significant because they are similar to a vast region of the Moon's farside highlands, the Feldspathic Highlands Terrane, which are characterized by low Fe and Th in remotely sensed data [4]. The meteorites provide a perspective on the lithologic makeup of this part of the Moon, specifically, how anorthositic is the surface and what, if any, are the mafic lithic components? These meteorites are mostly regolith breccias dominated by anorthositic lithic clasts and feldspathic glasses, but they do also contain a variety of more mafic clasts. On the basis of textures, we infer these clasts to have formed by large impacts that excavated and mixed rocks from depth within the lunar crust and possibly the upper mantle. One of the key questions is whether the mafic materials are ferroan or magnesian, which remote sensing does not clearly distinguish, and if mafic, whether they might contain mantlederived components such as olivine (dunite). Many but not all have mainly ferroan mafic components, consistent with a ferroan crustal source that is complementary to the ferroan anorthositic suite and that represents primary magma-ocean-derived feldspathic crust. Meteorites such as ALH 81005 [5] and Shir 161 [6], however, contain coarse-grained magnesian mafic clasts (Fig. 1a) derived from deeply seated and melted material associated with impact basins. Comparison to LP gamma-ray data [2] supports an origin for magnesian feldspathic meteorites such as these (e.g., Shir 161) as shown in Fig. 1b. Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 169. Another distinctive but much less common composition is represented by relatively mafic impact-melt breccia that is rich in incompatible elements known as KREEP. These meteorites can be related to the western nearside Procellarum KREEP Terrane, especially through a combination of Fe and Th contents. Among the most enriched is SaU 169, which has been related to high- Th impact-melt breccia found at the Apollo 12 site [7]. Through detailed EPMA and ion microprobe analysis we have shown that these two rock types are related in age and origin

    Semiconductive and Photoconductive Properties of the Single Molecule Magnets Mn12_{12}-Acetate and Fe8_8Br8_8

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    Resistivity measurements are reported for single crystals of Mn12_{12}-Acetate and Fe8_8Br8_8. Both materials exhibit a semiconductor-like, thermally activated behavior over the 200-300 K range. The activation energy, EaE_a, obtained for Mn12_{12}-Acetate was 0.37 ±\pm 0.05 eV, which is to be contrasted with the value of 0.55 eV deduced from the earlier reported absorption edge measurements and the range of 0.3-1 eV from intramolecular density of states calculations, assuming 2Ea2E_a= EgE_g, the optical band gap. For Fe8_8Br8_8, EaE_a was measured as 0.73 ±\pm 0.1 eV, and is discussed in light of the available approximate band structure calculations. Some plausible pathways are indicated based on the crystal structures of both lattices. For Mn12_{12}-Acetate, we also measured photoconductivity in the visible range; the conductivity increased by a factor of about eight on increasing the photon energy from 632.8 nm (red) to 488 nm (blue). X-ray irradiation increased the resistivity, but EaE_a was insensitive to exposure.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Political institutions and debt crises

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    This paper shows that political institutions matter in explaining defaults on external and domestic debt obligations. We explore a large number of political and macroeconomic variables using a non-parametric technique to predict safety from default. The advantage of this technique is that it is able to identify patterns in the data that are not captured in standard probit analysis. We find that political factors matter, and do so in different ways for democratic and non-democratic regimes, and for domestic and external debt. In democracies, a parliamentary system or sufficient checks and balances almost guarantee the absence of default on external debt when economic fundamentals or liquidity are sufficiently strong. In dictatorships, high stability and tenure play a similar role for default on domestic debt

    Realism about the Wave Function

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    A century after the discovery of quantum mechanics, the meaning of quantum mechanics still remains elusive. This is largely due to the puzzling nature of the wave function, the central object in quantum mechanics. If we are realists about quantum mechanics, how should we understand the wave function? What does it represent? What is its physical meaning? Answering these questions would improve our understanding of what it means to be a realist about quantum mechanics. In this survey article, I review and compare several realist interpretations of the wave function. They fall into three categories: ontological interpretations, nomological interpretations, and the \emph{sui generis} interpretation. For simplicity, I will focus on non-relativistic quantum mechanics.Comment: Penultimate version for Philosophy Compas

    Characterization of the S = 9 excited state in Fe8Br8 by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

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    High Frequency electron paramagnetic resonance has been used to observe the magnetic dipole, Δ\Delta Ms_s = ±\pm 1, transitions in the S=9S = 9 excited state of the single molecule magnet Fe8_8Br8_8. A Boltzmann analysis of the measured intensities locates it at 24 ±\pm 2 K above the S=10S = 10 ground state, while the line positions yield its magnetic parameters D = -0.27 K, E = ±\pm0.05 K, and B40_4^0 = -1.3×\times 10−6^{-6} K. D is thus smaller by 8% and E larger by 7% than for S=10S = 10. The anisotropy barrier for S=9S = 9 is estimated as 22 K,which is 25% smaller than that for S=10S = 10 (29 K). These data also help assign the spin exchange constants(J's) and thus provide a basis for improved electronic structure calculations of Fe8_8Br8_8.Comment: 7 pages, Figs included in text, submitted to PR
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