1,192 research outputs found

    Students’ Psychosocial Perception of Automobile Technology Learning Environment and Attitudinal Outcomes in North-eastern Nigeria Tertiary Institutions

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    AbstractStudents’ perception of their learning environment is a crucial factor in improving quality of learning. Several researches revealed that students’ perception of the learning environment has a significant impact on the students’ academic performance and attitude. This study investigated relationships between students’ perception of automobile technology learning environments and their attitude towards automobile technology in north-eastern tertiary institutions of Nigeria. The research design of the study was a correlational survey design and the sample comprised 474 students offering automobile technology as a course in the institutions. The data were collected using ATLEI and ATAQ and these were analyzed using descriptive statistics, simple correlation, and multiple correlation analysis. The findings revealed that the automobile technology learning environments remain traditional and students anxiety-dominated the learning environment in the north-eastern tertiary institutions of Nigeria. It was recommended that lecturers in the institutions of learning should be sensitized on the importance of students’ perception of learning environment and enhanced student-student and student-lecturer relationships in their institutions

    Type Ia supernova Hubble diagram with near-infrared and optical observations

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    We main goal of this paper is to test whether the NIR peak magnitudes of SNe Ia could be accurately estimated with only a single observation obtained close to maximum light, provided the time of B band maximum and the optical stretch parameter are known. We obtained multi-epoch UBVRI and single-epoch J and H photometric observations of 16 SNe Ia in the redshift range z=0.037-0.183, doubling the leverage of the current SN Ia NIR Hubble diagram and the number of SNe beyond redshift 0.04. This sample was analyzed together with 102 NIR and 458 optical light curves (LCs) of normal SNe Ia from the literature. The analysis of 45 well-sampled NIR LCs shows that a single template accurately describes them if its time axis is stretched with the optical stretch parameter. This allows us to estimate the NIR peak magnitudes even with one observation obtained within 10 days from B-band maximum. We find that the NIR Hubble residuals show weak correlation with DM_15 and E(B-V), and for the first time we report a possible dependence on the J_max-H_max color. The intrinsic NIR luminosity scatter of SNe Ia is estimated to be around 0.10 mag, which is smaller than what can be derived for a similarly heterogeneous sample at optical wavelengths. In conclusion, we find that SNe Ia are at least as good standard candles in the NIR as in the optical. We showed that it is feasible to extended the NIR SN Ia Hubble diagram to z=0.2 with very modest sampling of the NIR LCs, if complemented by well-sampled optical LCs. Our results suggest that the most efficient way to extend the NIR Hubble diagram to high redshift would be to obtain a single observation close to the NIR maximum. (abridged)Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures, accepted by A&

    Insight into the Sustainable Integration of Bio- and Petroleum Refineries for the Production of Fuels and Chemicals.

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    A petroleum refinery heavily depends on crude oil as its main feedstock to produce liquid fuels and chemicals. In the long term, this unyielding dependency is threatened by the depletion of the crude oil reserve. However, in the short term, its price highly fluctuates due to various factors, such as regional and global security instability causing additional complexity on refinery production planning. The petroleum refining industries are also drawing criticism and pressure due to their direct and indirect impacts on the environment. The exhaust gas emission of automobiles apart from the industrial and power plant emission has been viewed as the cause of global warming. In this sense, there is a need for a feasible, sustainable, and environmentally friendly generation process of fuels and chemicals. The attention turns to the utilization of biomass as a potential feedstock to produce substitutes for petroleum-derived fuels and building blocks for biochemicals. Biomass is abundant and currently is still low in utilization. The biorefinery, a facility to convert biomass into biofuels and biochemicals, is still lacking in competitiveness to a petroleum refinery. An attractive solution that addresses both is by the integration of bio- and petroleum refineries. In this context, the right decision making in the process selection and technologies can lower the investment and operational costs and assure optimum yield. Process optimization based on mathematical programming has been extensively used to conduct techno-economic and sustainability analysis for bio-, petroleum, and the integration of both refineries. This paper provides insights into the context of crude oil and biomass as potential refinery feedstocks. The current optimization status of either bio- or petroleum refineries and their integration is reviewed with the focus on the methods to solve the multi-objective optimization problems. Internal and external uncertain parameters are important aspects in process optimization. The nature of these uncertain parameters and their representation methods in process optimization are also discussed

    Effects of environmental factors on development of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) apothecia on oilseed rape debris

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    Publication no. P-2001-0221-01R. This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source. The American Phytopathological Society, 2001The development of Pyrenopeziza brassicae (light leaf spot) apothecia was studied on petiole debris from artificially infected oilseed rape leaves incubated at temperatures from 6 to 22 degreesC under different wetness regimes and in 16 h light/8 h dark or continuous darkness. There was no significant difference between light treatments in numbers of apothecia that developed. Mature apothecia developed at temperatures from 5 to 18 degreesC but not at 22 degreesC. The rate of apothecial development decreased as temperature decreased from 18 to 5 degreesC; mature apothecia were first observed after 5 days at 18 degreesC and after 15 days at 6 degreesC. Models were fitted to estimates of the time (days) for 50% of the maximum number of apothecia to develop (t(1); model 1, t(1) = 7.6 + 55.8(0.839)(T)) and the time for 50% of the maximum number of apothecia to decay (t(2); model 2, t(2) = 24.2 + 387(0.730)(T)) at temperatures (T) from 6 to 18 degreesC. An interruption in wetness of the petiole debris for 4 days after 4, 7, or 10 days of wetness delayed the time to observation of the first mature apothecia for approximate to4 days and decreased the number of apothecia produced (by comparison with continuous wetness). A relationship was found between water content of pod debris and electrical resistance measured by a debris-wetness sensor. The differences between values of tl predicted by model 1 and observed values of t(1) were 1 to 9 days. Model 2 did not predict t(2); apothecia decayed more quickly under natural conditions than predicted by model 2.Peer reviewe

    Antibacterial activity of methanolic crude extracts from selected plant against Bacillus cereus

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    Bacillus cereus is a well-known food-poisoning bacterium. In this study, six methanolic crude extracts, from Azadirachta indica, Choromolaena odorata, Justicia gendarussa, Mangifera odorata, Strobilanthes crispus and Tinospora crispa, were investigated for their antibacterial activities against B. cereus. For this purpose, different concentrations of the methanol solvent crude extract from selected plants were used (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, and 20 mg/ml) and the diameter of B. cereus growth inhibition zone was measured at every 24 hours for 5 days. The antibacterial assay for all the crude extracts showed the inhibition of B. cereus growth by concentrations ranging from 2 mg/ml to 20 mg/ml, with a significant correlation between the extract concentrations and degrees of antibacterial activity. Rapid formation of inhibition zones within 24 hours of incubation was obtained, before a slight reduction in the inhibition of the diameter of zone was observed after 120 hours of incubation. The Minimal Inhibition Concentration (MIC) value for J. gendarussa, M. odorata and S. crispus crude extracts were at 2 mg/ml, while A. indica, C. odorata and T. crispa were at 6 mg/ml, 8mg/ml and 10 mg/ml, respectively. However, the Minimal Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) for all the crude extracts were at much higher concentration with the crude extract of J. gendarussa, M. odorata and S. crispus obtained the MBC values at 6mg/ml, whereas A. indica, C. odorata and T. crispa were at 10 mg/ml

    Constraints on CDM cosmology from galaxy power spectrum, CMB and SNIa evolution

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    We examine the constraints that can be obtained on standard cold dark matter models from the most currently used data set: CMB anisotropies, type Ia supernovae and the SDSS luminous red galaxies. We also examine how these constraints are widened when the equation of state parameter ww and the curvature parameter Ωk\Omega_k are left as free parameters. For the Λ\LambdaCDM model, our 'vanilla' model, cosmological parameters are tightly constrained and consistent with current estimates from various methods. When the dark energy parameter ww is free we find that the constraints remain mostly unchanged, i.e. changes are smaller than the 1 sigma uncertainties. Similarly, relaxing the assumption of a flat universe leads to nearly identical constraints on the dark energy density parameter of the universe ΩΛ\Omega_\Lambda , baryon density of the universe Ωb\Omega_b , the optical depth τ\tau, the index of the power spectrum of primordial fluctuations nSn_S, with most one sigma uncertainties better than 5%. More significant changes appear on other parameters: while preferred values are almost unchanged, uncertainties for the physical dark matter density Ωch2\Omega_ch^2, Hubble constant H0H_0 and σ8\sigma_8 are typically twice as large. We found that different methodological approaches on large scale structure estimates lead to appreciable differences in preferred values and uncertainty widths. We also found that possible evolution in SNIa intrinsic luminosity does not alter these constraints by much, except for ww, for which the uncertainty is twice as large. At the same time, this possible evolution is severely constrained. We conclude that systematic uncertainties for some estimated quantities are similar or larger than statistical ones.Comment: Revised version, 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Properties of polylactic acid biocomposite foamed treated via supercritical carbon dioxide

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    In this study, polylactic acid (PLA) was incorporated with durian skin nanofibre (DSNF) and cinnamon essential oil (CEO), where the DSNF was extracted through freeze drying process. Supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) acts as physical foaming agent for PLA biocomposite. The tensile strength and chemical interaction between PLA, DSNF, and CEO were investigated. The tensile strength of PLA biocomposite foamed reduced in presence of DSNF, however when only CEO incorporated in PLA the tensile increase and through FTIR graph functional group of PLA biocomposite foamed were identified. The foam structure produced after PLA biocomposite treated via SCCO2 was not fully nucleated and unstable as shown through SEM. The addition of DSNF and CEO did affect the PLA biocomposite foam

    In vitro assessment of anti-proliferative effect induced by α-mangostin from Cratoxylum arborescens on HeLa cells

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    Natural medicinal products possess diverse chemical structures and have been an essential source for drug discovery. Therefore, in this study, α-mangostin (AM) is a plant-derived compound was investigated for the apoptotic effect on human cervical cancer cells (HeLa). The cytotoxic effects of AM on the viability of HeLa and human normal ovarian cell line (SV40) were evaluated by using MTT assay. Results showed that AM inhibited HeLa cells viability at concentration- and time-dependent manner with IC50 value of 24.53 ± 1.48 µM at 24 h. The apoptogenic effects of AM on HeLa were assessed using fluorescence microscopy analysis. The effect of AM on cell proliferation was also studied through clonogenic assay. ROS production evaluation, flow cytometry (cell cycle) analysis, caspases 3/7, 8, and 9 assessment and multiple cytotoxicity assays were conducted to determine the mechanism of cell apoptosis. This was associated with G2/M phase cell cycle arrest and elevation in ROS production. AM induced mitochondrial apoptosis which was confirmed based on the significant increase in the levels of caspases 3/7 and 9 in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, the MMP disruption and increased cell permeability, concurrent with cytochrome c release from the mitochondria to the cytosol provided evidence that AM can induce apoptosis via mitochondrial-dependent pathway. AM exerted a remarkable antitumor effect and induced characteristic apoptogenic morphological changes on HeLa cells, which indicates the occurrence of cell death. This study reveals that AM could be a potential antitumor compound on cervical cancer in vitro and can be considered for further cervical cancer preclinical and in vivo testing

    Diagnosis and grading of radiographic osteoporotic vertebral deformity by general radiologists after a brief self-learning period

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    Background: The expanded semi-quantitative (eSQ) osteoporotic vertebral deformity (OVD) classification has minimal, mild, moderate, moderately-severe, severe, and collapsed grades with <20%, 20-25%, >25%-1/3, >1/3-40%, >40%-2/3, >2/3 vertebral height loss respectively. This study evaluates the performance of using this grading criterion by radiology readers who did not have former training in OVD assessment. Methods: Spine radiographs of 44 elderly women with 278 normal appearing vertebrae and 65 OVDs were selected, with two senior readers agreed the reference reading. Three readers from Italy and three readers from China were invited to evaluate these radiographs after reading five reference articles including one detailing eSQ criteria with illustrative examples. Before the second round of reading, the readers were asked to read an additional explanatory document. For the readers in Italy an additional on-line demonstration was given on how to measure vertebral height loss in another five cases of OVD. Two Chinese readers had a third round of reading after a 90 minutes' on-line lecture. Results: The final absolute agreement rate with the reference reading (i.e., exactly the same grading as the reference) ranged between 46.2% to 68.2% for the six readers, and the final relative agreement (with one eSQ grade difference allowed) ranged between 78.5% to 92.5%. The >1 grade disagreement rate was all below 11%, and mostly below 7%. The missed OVD were mostly minimal grade. The rate for missing a ≥ mild OVD was <4.5%, and false positive rate was generally <1.4% among the final reading. If the minimal grade was removed and the remaining gradings were converted to Genant's semi-quantitative (GSQ) grading, the mean kappa values against the reference reading for SQ grades-1,2,3 were 0.813, 0.814, and 0.916 respectively. Conclusions: This study demonstrates good performance of the six learner readers for assessing radiographic after a brief self-learning period