4 research outputs found

    Cultural Dimensions of Entitlement (Kulturowe wymiary postaw roszczeniowych)

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    W oparciu o dane z pr贸b studenckich z 27 kraj贸w (N = 6192) sprawdzano uniwersalno艣膰 tr贸jwymiarowego modelu postaw roszczeniowych - zar贸wno w obr臋bie badanych pr贸b krajowych, jak i na poziomie ponadkulturowym. W artykule przedstawiamy model teoretyczny umo偶liwiaj膮cy por贸wnania mi臋dzykulturowe w odniesieniu do postaw roszczeniowych oraz zwi膮zki wyr贸偶nionych postaw ze wska藕nikami rozwoju socjoekonomicznego spo艂ecze艅stw (w tym funkcjonowania demokracji i gospodarki) oraz warto艣ciami kulturowymi Schwartza. Uzyskane wyniki omawiamy w odniesieniu do modelu ekokulturowego Berry鈥檈go oraz teorii rozwoju ludzkiego Ingleharta.On the basis of findings obtained from students samples from 27 countries (N = 6192) applicability of three-dimensional entitlement model on individual and cultural level were tested. In the article we present theoretical model allowing for cross-cultural comparisons of entitlement attitudes and its relations to socioeconomic development of societies (including functioning of democracy and economy) and cultural values by Shalom Schwartz. Obtained results are discussed in the terms of John Berry鈥檚 eco-cultural model and Ronald Inglehart鈥檚 human development theory

    Characterization of the chromosomal translocation t(10;17)(q22;p13) in clear cell sarcoma of kidney

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    Clear cell sarcoma of kidney (CCSK) is classified as a tumour of unfavourable histology by the National Wilms' Tumor Study Group. It has worse clinical outcomes than Wilms' tumour. Virtually nothing is known about CCSK biology, as there have been very few genetic aberrations identified to act as pointers in this cancer. Three cases of CCSK bearing a chromosomal translocation, t(10;17)(q22;p13), have been individually reported but not further investigated to date. The aim of this research was to characterize t(10;17)(q22;p13) in CCSK to identify the genes involved in the translocation breakpoints. Using fluorescently labelled bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) and a chromosome-walking strategy on an index case of CCSK with t(10;17)(q22;p13) by karyotype, we identified the chromosomal breakpoints on 17p13.3 and 10q22.3. The translocation results in rearrangement of YWHAE on chromosome 17 and FAM22 on chromosome 10, producing an in-frame fusion transcript of similar to 3 kb, incorporating exons 15 of YWHAE and exons 2-7 of FAM22, as determined by RT-PCR using YWHAE- and FAM22-specific primers. The YWHAE-FAM22 transcript was detected in six of 50 further CCSKs tested, therefore showing an overall incidence of 12% in our cohort. No transcript-positive cases presented with stage I disease, despite this being the stage for 31% of our cohort. Tumour cellularity was significantly higher in the cases that were transcript-positive. Based on the chromosome 10 breakpoint identified by FISH and the sequences of the full-length transcripts obtained, the FAM22 members involved in the translocation in these CCSK cases include FAM22B and FAM22E. Elucidation of the role of YWHAE-FAM22 in CCSK will assist development of more efficient and targeted therapies for this childhood cancer, which currently has poor outcomes. Copyright (c) 2012 Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd