13 research outputs found


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    As palmeiras;plantas da família Palmae, são caractensticas da flora tropical, das quais pouco se conhece sobre o valor nutricional de seus frutos. Assim sendo, fez-se a determinação da composição centesimal aproximada, o perfil de ácidos graxos dos óleos e a concentração de alguns metais nas sementes das espécies Dypsis lutescens H. Wendl. (areca-bambu), Phoenix roebelenii O'Brien (robelínea), Phoenix canariensis Hort. ex Chabaud (das-canárias) e Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman Gerivá), visando estabelecer o potencial nutritivo de cada espécie. Detectou-se em todas as amostras elevado teor de fibras alimentares (20,12 a 63,18% p/p). A palmeira jerivá revelou alto valor lipídico (56,07% p/p) e maior conteúdo protéico dentre todas as especies (9,30% p/p), sendo em conseqüência, a mais energética (550 kcal/100 g). As demais amostras apresentaram teores de lip1dios de 1,95 a 6,2% p/p e de proteínas entre 4,96 e 6,48% p/p. Na fração oleosa de todas as amostras, predonunou o ácido láurico (21,75 a 48,13% p/p) dentre os ácidos graxos saturados e, do ácido oléico (5,82 a 39,02% p/p ), quanto aos insaturados. As palmeiras arecabambu e jerivá exibiram um srau significativo de ácidos graxos saturados no oleo (S-9,20% p/p, e 78,24% p/p, respectivamente), semelhante ao oleo de coco, enquanto os óleos da robelínea e dascanárias mostraram similaridade entre os valores dos ácidos saturados e insaturados (44 a 55% p/p). Os valores de alguns minerais, principalmente de Se, P, Mg e Ca, somados aos teores de lipídios e fibras alimentares, são fontes complementares à alimentação da fauna e sugerem o emprego das sementes como matéria pnma para as indústrias fannacêutica e oleoquímica

    Review of literature: carotenoids, chemical composition and dietary reference intake of buriti fruits

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    Although fruits and vegetables, sources of carotenoids, are widely available in Brazil, hypovitaminosis A constitutes a serious public health problem. There is lack of information available to the population about the dietary sources of carotenoids and factors affecting their bioavailability. The carotenoids also known as bioactive compounds have been associated with the reduction of the risk for degenerative diseases, such as cancer (modulators of immunological responses), cardiovascular diseases, macular degeneration and cataract. In Brazil the utilization of buriti fruit is not widespread; it is consumed only by the local population of some parts of the North and Central regions. Among those foods, out the foods of buritizeiro, the buriti has the highest content of β-carotene among the numerous foods already analyzed, as well as a source of oleic fatty acid, similar to olive oil. The buriti fruit provides the needs of DRI.s (Dietary Reference Intake) of vitamin A for adult, being a good source of nutrition, knowing the variety of foods that composes a balanced diet. Also, the buriti fruit is a natural source of β-carotene (provitamin A). Also, it has antioxidant power by having carotenoids, polyphenols, vitamin C compared to other vegetables, can be considered a functional food

    Impact of covid-19 on people living with HIV-1: care and prevention indicators at a local and nationwide level, Santo André, Brazil

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    The world has been dealing with Aids for forty years, covid-19 accentuated societal inequalities and promoted a rupture in care and prevention, including for people living with HIV. We compiled official HIV indicators, analyzed the impact of covid-19 in Brazil, at São Paulo State (SP), and compared it to the municipality of Santo André (in the state of São Paulo), which adopted linkage/retention strategies to mitigate the impact of covid-19. From 2019 to 2020, suppression/adhesion rates remained stable. The number of new treatments decreased both in Brazil (-19.75%) and São Paulo (-16.44%), but not in Santo André, where 80% of new patients started treatment within 30 days from their first TCD4 test (70% in São Paulo and 64% in Brazil). However, PrEP dispensing increased during this period. The distribution of 2,820 HIV self-tests in Santo André lead to only one documented new HIV diagnosis linked to care. Synergistic strategies to swiftly diagnose and connect new cases, ensuring retention as well as rescuing missing patients deserve priority in the fight against HIV, especially in times of covid-19

    Gestión del conocimiento. Perspectiva multidisciplinaria. Volumen 9

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    El libro “Gestión del Conocimiento. Perspectiva Multidisciplinaria”, volumen 9, de la Colección Unión Global, es resultado de investigaciones. Los capítulos del libro, son resultados de investigaciones desarrolladas por sus autores. El libro es una publicación internacional, seriada, continua, arbitrada de acceso abierto a todas las áreas del conocimiento, que cuenta con el esfuerzo de investigadores de varios países del mundo, orientada a contribuir con procesos de gestión del conocimiento científico, tecnológico y humanístico que consoliden la transformación del conocimiento en diferentes escenarios, tanto organizacionales como universitarios, para el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas del quehacer diario. La gestión del conocimiento es un camino para consolidar una plataforma en las empresas públicas o privadas, entidades educativas, organizaciones no gubernamentales, ya sea generando políticas para todas las jerarquías o un modelo de gestión para la administración, donde es fundamental articular el conocimiento, los trabajadores, directivos, el espacio de trabajo, hacia la creación de ambientes propicios para el desarrollo integral de las instituciones

    Undiagnosed acute HIV infection identified through RNA testing of pooled serum samples obtained during a dengue outbreak in São Paulo, Brazil

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    Abstract INTRODUCTION: Improving HIV diagnostics and treatment is necessary to end the AIDS epidemic. Pooled plasma can be used to identify patients with acute HIV disease, even before serological tests. During dengue outbreaks, patients having symptoms common to other acute viral diseases might seek medical care. METHODS: We evaluated HIV RNA in pooled seronegative dengue samples. RESULTS: After excluding individuals with a known HIV diagnosis, an HIV-1 prevalence of 0.73% [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.23-1.76; 4/546 samples] was found. CONCLUSIONS: Promoting strategies to diagnose these individuals and provide them with medical treatment might be instrumental for controlling the HIV epidemic

    Undiagnosed acute HIV infection identified through RNA testing of pooled serum samples obtained during a dengue outbreak in São Paulo, Brazil

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    <div><p>Abstract INTRODUCTION: Improving HIV diagnostics and treatment is necessary to end the AIDS epidemic. Pooled plasma can be used to identify patients with acute HIV disease, even before serological tests. During dengue outbreaks, patients having symptoms common to other acute viral diseases might seek medical care. METHODS: We evaluated HIV RNA in pooled seronegative dengue samples. RESULTS: After excluding individuals with a known HIV diagnosis, an HIV-1 prevalence of 0.73% [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.23-1.76; 4/546 samples] was found. CONCLUSIONS: Promoting strategies to diagnose these individuals and provide them with medical treatment might be instrumental for controlling the HIV epidemic.</p></div

    Prevalence of HIV-1 transmitted drug resistance and viral suppression among recently diagnosed adults in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    HIV-1 transmitted drug resistance (TDR) mutations may reduce the efficacy of antiretroviral therapy (ART), but pre-treatment testing to determine the virus genotype can improve the efficacy of ART. Unfortunately, issues related to cost and logistics of pre-treatment testing limit its use in resource-limited settings. We studied 596 ART-naive individuals who were newly diagnosed from 2014 to 2016 in SAo Paulo, Brazil, to evaluate TDR and virological outcome after 48weeks of genotype-guided therapy. One or more TDR (based on the WHO surveillance list) was observed in 10.9% (CI 95%, 8.6-13.6) of the sequences, the most common of which was the K103N mutation, which confers resistance to first-generation drugs of the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) antiretroviral drug class. Dual-class (1%, 6/596) and triple-class (0.34%, 2/596) resistance were uncommon. After 48weeks of treatment with ART, infection was suppressed to below 200 copies/mL in most patients (95%), with full suppression (RNA target not detected) in 65%. The following characteristics at patient enrollment were independently associated with a lack of full suppression: CD4 T cell counts below 500 cells/mu L, viremia above 100,000 copies/mL, older age, and TDR to NNRTI. The rates of resistance were intermediate, but genotype-guided therapy resulted in high rates of viral suppression. The observed resistance profile should not be an obstacle to the use of the dolutegravir-based regimen now recommended in Brazil, but genotype testing may be warranted before initiating first-generation NNRTI-based regimens1643699706FAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa Do Estado De São Paulo2013/19441-7; 2016/14813-

    Flujos de capitales, choques externos y respuestas de política en países emergentes

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    Las crisis financieras recientes han incrementado de manera significativa la complejidad de la política económica. Hoy día es necesario estar preparado para enfrentar huracanes financieros que surgen de lugares inesperados y que se expanden alrededor del mundo como reguero de pólvora. Para peor, estas crisis producen un profundo desconcierto entre inversores y analistas —incluyendo al propio Fondo Monetario Internacional—. La presente obra contiene un conjunto importante de artículos de alto calibre profesional que se enfocan sobre los nuevos desafíos que enfrenta la política económica en estas circunstancias. Los artículos estudian las características de los flujos de capitales, tanto en su totalidad como en su composición (capital de cartera, inversión directa, etc.) y su interrelación con el mercado de commodities (café y petróleo, en particular). Esto se complementa con un estudio cuidadoso de las vulnerabilidades financieras y un detallado análisis del papel de todos estos factores en la economía colombiana. El libro se convierte en un verdadero pionero en esta literatura y debería transformarse en referencia obligada para todos aquellos que quieran entender los nuevos fenómenos y desarrollar herramientas para prevenir sus peores consecuencias o paliar sus costos en economías emergentes, como la colombiana

    Evolution over Time of Ventilatory Management and Outcome of Patients with Neurologic Disease∗

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the changes in ventilator management over time in patients with neurologic disease at ICU admission and to estimate factors associated with 28-day hospital mortality. DESIGN: Secondary analysis of three prospective, observational, multicenter studies. SETTING: Cohort studies conducted in 2004, 2010, and 2016. PATIENTS: Adult patients who received mechanical ventilation for more than 12 hours. INTERVENTIONS: None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Among the 20,929 patients enrolled, we included 4,152 (20%) mechanically ventilated patients due to different neurologic diseases. Hemorrhagic stroke and brain trauma were the most common pathologies associated with the need for mechanical ventilation. Although volume-cycled ventilation remained the preferred ventilation mode, there was a significant (p &lt; 0.001) increment in the use of pressure support ventilation. The proportion of patients receiving a protective lung ventilation strategy was increased over time: 47% in 2004, 63% in 2010, and 65% in 2016 (p &lt; 0.001), as well as the duration of protective ventilation strategies: 406 days per 1,000 mechanical ventilation days in 2004, 523 days per 1,000 mechanical ventilation days in 2010, and 585 days per 1,000 mechanical ventilation days in 2016 (p &lt; 0.001). There were no differences in the length of stay in the ICU, mortality in the ICU, and mortality in hospital from 2004 to 2016. Independent risk factors for 28-day mortality were age greater than 75 years, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II greater than 50, the occurrence of organ dysfunction within first 48 hours after brain injury, and specific neurologic diseases such as hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke, and brain trauma. CONCLUSIONS: More lung-protective ventilatory strategies have been implemented over years in neurologic patients with no effect on pulmonary complications or on survival. We found several prognostic factors on mortality such as advanced age, the severity of the disease, organ dysfunctions, and the etiology of neurologic disease