101 research outputs found


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    This research brought to see the efectivity of services given by nurses before and after receiving services excellent skill training. This research used servises excellent quality scale which reveals quality of services excellent of the subjects that based on the theory of Sugiarto (1999). This research consist of three phases. First, subjects fill the servises excellent quality scale then wechoose 18 subjects who had lowest scores. Second, those 18 subjects were separated in two groups, control group and experiment group. Experiment group was given services excellent training for three days. Third, 18 subjects fill the servises excellent quality scale once again. The data obtained was analyzed statistically use t-test to examine the differences of services excellent of the nurses between before and after receiving service excellent training.The results shows there is a significan difference of service excellent of the nurses (t=2,65; p=0,29) between before and after receiving service excellent training. The conclusion from this research is that service excellent training is effective enough to increase the quality of services excellent of the nurse at thehospital


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peranan kepribadian pada gangguan somatisasi serta memformulasikannya pada sebuah model yang menjelaskan gangguan somatisasi. Hipotesis model yang diajukan oleh peneliti, yaitu bahwa dimensi kepribadian berperan terhadap gangguan somatisasi, dan peranan tersebut tidak terlepas dari adanya stresor kehidupan sebagai faktor pemicu. Subjek penelitian ini dikategorikan pada dua kelompok, yaitu subjek penderita gangguan somatisasi (subjek pasien) dan subjek bukan penderita (subjek normal). Masing-masing kelompok berjumlah 106 subjek, sehingga total subjek penelitian berjumlah 212 subjek. Pengambilan data penelitian menggunakan instrumen berupa Adult Somatization Inventory (ASI), Skala Stresor Kehidupan, Skala Kemandirian, Skala Harga Diri Serta Skala Kepribadian Tahan Banting (hardiness). Temuan penelitian ini antara lain: pertama, harga diri, kemandirian, dan kepribadian tahan banting terbukti merupakan dimensi kualitas individu yang membentuk kepribadian. Kedua, kepribadian terbukti memberikan efek yang signifikan terhadap gangguan somatisasi. Melalui model yang tersusun didapatkan bahwa kepribadian dapat memprediksi gangguan somatisasi secara signifikan (β=-0,699;

    Proses Menjadi Tangguh Bagi Ibu yang Memiliki Anak dengan Gangguan Spektrum Autis

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    Keterbatasan-keterbatasan yang dialami anak dengan gangguan spektrum autis dapat menimbulkan berbagai kesulitan hingga dibutuhkan ketangguhan ibu dalam menjalankan pengasuhan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengalaman ibu hingga menjadi sosok yang tangguh selama mengasuh anak autis. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dan melibatkan lima orang responden penelitian. Hasil penelitian menemukan enam tema pengalaman ibu yang menjadikan mereka tangguh dalam mengasuh anak dengan gangguan spektrum autis, yaitu:  1) kondisi sulit, menekan, dan bertahan; 2) dukungan sosial; 3) pengetahuan dan informasi terkait anak dengan gangguan spektrum autis; 4) religius coping; 5) kebermaknaan hidup orang tua anak dengan anak berkebutuhan khusus; 6) optimisme. Sumber daya penentu berasal baik dari internal yaitu kemampuan mengontrol diri, keyakinan akan kemampuan diri, dan religious coping, maupun eksternal yaitu dukungan sosial, merupakan faktor utama yang memengaruhi ibu untuk tetap bertahan dalam mengasuh anak. 


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    Individu dengan penyakit parah seperti epilepsi dengan penyembuhan yang sulit dan terapi yang lama, kualitas hidup menjadi terlihat penting sebagai keluaran perawatan kesehatan yang diharapkan. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menguji interaksi optimisme, harapan dan dukungan sosial keluarga sebagai prediktor kualitas hidup pada Orang Dengan Epilepsi (ODE). Orang dengan epilepsi direkrut dari Klinik Epilepsi di Departemen Neurology Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Sebanyak 62 pasien epilepsi berhasil direkrut menjadi subjek dalam kurun waktu Mei 2009 sampai Juli 2009. Kualitas hidup orang dengan epilepsi, optimisme, harapan, dan dukungan sosial keluarga diukur menggunakan kuesioner dan juga melalui wawancara terhadap 5 orang pasien Klinik Epilepsi di Jakarta dan 4 orang di Semarang dan Yogyakarta. Optimisme, harapan, dukungan sosial keluarga memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap kualitas hidup. Menggunakan korelasi parsial tampak bahwa terdapat korelasi positif antara kualitas hidup dengan optimisme. Hasil wawancara memperlihatkan bahwa kualitas hidup secara efektif dipengaruhi oleh kesehatan fisik (aura, fungsi kognitif dan fisik), kesehatan psikis (kecemasan, kepercayaan diri, rasa malu, optimisme, harapan), dan kesehatan sosial (stigma, diskriminasi, dukungan sosial, peran sosial di pekerjaan dan pendidikan). Peran untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup ODE tidak hanya berfokus pada parahnya epilepsi yang diderita, namun juga efek sosial dan psikologis dari epilepsi itu sendiri

    Validitas Konstruk Ikhlas: Analisis Faktor Eksploratori terhadap Instrumen Skala Ikhlas

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    In this study, the construct validity of ikhlas was examined. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted and followed with testing the correlation among the factors of ikhlas, metaneeds, and altruism. The subjects in this study amounted to 205 people who participated in the fulfilling scale. The results show that the construct of ikhlas consists of four dimensions i.e transcendental motives, emotional control, superiority feeling, and conception as the Servant of God. Emotionalcontrol is a region that overlaps with metaneeds and altruism. This indicates that the construct of ikhlas has some areas that overlap with the other constructs, but rather as a whole, it still can be saidthat there is a unique region described by ikhlas


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    The purpose of this research is to find the correlation between self esteem and adolescent’s sexual behavior on dating. Self esteem has been measured on specific and connected with sexuality context. Frequency of changing partners has become covariable. Senior high school students who are on dating became the sample of this research, consist of 85 boys and 87 girls. The result of this research indicate that the correlation between adolescent’s sexual behavior on dating with their self esteem wasn’t significant among boys and was among the girls. Keywords: Adolescent’s sexual behaviour

    Literasi Kesehatan Mental dan Sikap Komunitas sebagai Prediktor Pencarian Pertolongan Formal

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    Abstract. Mental illness had contributed 23% of global mental health burden. The high number of mental illness prevalence had impact on social and economic burden, yet only 10% was treated by professional treatment. This study aimed to find out the significance of mental health literacy and community attitude toward mental illness toward formal help seeking. The hypothesis was mental health literacy and community attitude toward mental illness predicted formal help-seeking. The method was quantitative approach, in which data were collected by paper-pen survey. Total respondent was 168 people living in urban area. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data. The result showed mental health literacy and community attitude toward mental illness significantly predicted the formal help seeking simultaneously (F=3,466; p<0,05). This study implied that people who well literate in mental health issues and having positive community attitude in their environment can affect their help seeking to professional treatment.  Abstrak. Gangguan mental berkontribusi sebesar 23% terhadap beban kesehatan mental dunia. Tingginya angka prevalensi gangguan mental berdampak pada beban sosial dan ekonomi, namun hanya 10% yang menerima penanganan profesional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan signifikansi literasi kesehatan mental dan sikap komunitas terhadap gangguan mental terhadap pencarian pertolongan formal. Hipotesisnya adalah literasi kesehatan mental dan sikap komunitas terhadap gangguan mental memprediksi pencarian pertolongan formal. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan survei kertas-pulpen. Jumlah responcen 168 orang yang tinggal di area perkotaan. Analisis regresi ganda digunakan untuk analisa data. Hasil menunjukkan literasi kesehatan mental dan sikap komunitas terhadap gangguan mental secara bersama-sama signifikan memprediksi pencarian pertolongan formal (F=3,466; p<0,05). Implikasi dari penelitian ini bahwa orang yang memiliki literasi kesehatan mental yang tinggi dan sikap komunitas yang positif memengaruhi pencarian pertolongan ke penanganan profesional.Kata kunci: literasi kesehatan mental, pencarian pertolongan formal, sikap komunita

    Dinamika Kontrol Sosial Keluarga dan Teman Sebaya pada Remaja Berisiko Penyalahgunaan NAPZA

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    The purpose of this research is to know in depth how the dynamics of social control family and peers on adolescents who are at risk of drug abuse. Method: This research method using a qualitative research method, which uses data collecting interviews and observation. Participant: This study focused on participants who are at risk of drug abuse with the following criteria: (a) willing to be a participant, (b) gender to male or female, (c) ± adolescents aged 15-18 years, (d) adolescents who are indicated are at risk of drug abuse. Result: The results of this study indicate that adolescents who are at risk of drug abuse are smoking and drinking. High-risk factors cause adolescents to be at risk for drug abuse, ie family conflicts, negative parental models, the involvement of negative activities with peers, and peer-to-peer conformity. This is supported by the weakness of protective factors in adolescent behavior at risk of drug abuse. Weak family controls supported by weak peer control will increase the risk rate for adolescent drug abuse behavior. This suggests that family and peer social controls are very influential to reduce the risk of adolescent drug abusers, especially in prevention and intervention.


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    This study examined the effects of economic pressure, job satisfaction and religiosity on psychological well being (PWB). 53 subjects (40 male, 13 female) rated themselves with 4 self rating scales. All subjects were married, and aged between 25-29 year (M=39.3 years). Regression analysis was used in this study. Results revealed that there is significant effect of three factors (economic pressure, job satisfaction, and religiosity) on PWB (Freg=3,987

    Pengujian Model Peranan Kecakapan Hidup terhadap Kesehatan Mental

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    The aim of this study was to test conceptual model that showed the role of life skills to mental health. Participants of this study was teachers (N=260) from various provinces in Indonesia who are following event by Diknas in Jakarta. Life skills was measured by Life Skills Scale that consist six life skill dimensions, while mental health was measured by the Life Satisfaction Scale and Quality of Life Scale. Those measurement model each variables was tested by measurement model of Structural Equation Model/SEM that produces the fit model (χ2=23.20; p>0:05 and χ2=11.54; p>0.05). Analysis using SEM showed that model has goodness fit indices (χ2=52.13 p>0.05). The role of life skills that includes six dimensions:emotional skills, social skills, self-esteem, communication, critical thinking and problem solving are able to predict individual mental health. These results provide strong support tothe activities of mental health improvement of individuals through life skills programs
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