12 research outputs found

    Playing Football Creating Education Character In Youth Perspective In Nighborhood Environment

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    The objective of this research to discover character value in playing football from a youth perspective in nighborhood football team. The research method approach exerts qualitative and ethnographic. The method is implied because the research intends to find out character value in football playing based on community perspective in nighborhood football group. The data are gathered with an in-depth interview. Sample are selected through purposive technique. The result is probed meticulously through triangulation technique and triangulation sources. The result shows that playing football has numerous value in creating character including teamwork, honesty, responsibility, role in society, and Sportif value. The other is playing football have social capital value because football match creating social networking, trusting, solidarity, mutual assisting and social connection among the member in group or group of a competitor. The other is to vanish some of the ailment such as heart attack, obesity, abolish the rate of human stress, and lung ailment. Lastly, it can improve the prosperity of societies around because the community have the opportunity to trade some of the meal and drink when the football is conducte

    Social and Religion Value of Muludan and Mutual Assisting in Community

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    Penelitian bertujuan menemukan nilai-nilai sosial dan perilaku lingkungan pada kegiatan jumat berkah, muludan dan kerjabakti. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif. Pengambilan data dengan teknik purposive. Sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dengan responden. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat bekerjasa dengan anggota masyarakat yang lain pada kegiatan acara muludan dan saling membantu kepada anggota masyarakat yang sedang sakit. Nilai sosial dan pahala juga terdapat pada jumat berkah dimana hari ini dianggap momen terbaik untuk bersedekah. Pada saat acara muludan, social capital nampak ketika ibu-ibu sangat kompak untuk melaksanakan kegiatan muludan terutama pada saat menyediakan konsumsi dan perencanaan kegiatan muludan. Disamping itu, ada social networking pada masyarakat sebagai jembatan penghubung secara sosial kepada dunia luar untuk mendapatkan ustad yang berpotensi sebagai penceramah. Pada saat ini terjadi pemilihan sumberdaya manusia yang berkualitas karena atas rekomendasi dari anggota masyarakat yang mengenal calon yang mengisi acara muludan. Pada saat itu juga terdapat nilai-nilai pemberdayaan gender menjadi bagian dalam kegiatan ini karena peran perempuan dan laki-laki bisa optimal. Disamping itu, kegiatan kerja bakti juga dilakukan oleh pemuda untuk bersih-bersih sungai-sungai agar terhindar dari bencana dan lingkunga

    Tradition Of Cleaning For Reacting Social, Religion And Environment Education

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    This research aims to investigate the tradition of cleaning value for education. The research method uses an ethnographic qualitative approach. This method is implied because this research is related to society and culture as well as the tradition of community. To gather data was used as an in-depth interview. Sample are selected through purposive technique. The result is probed meticulously through triangulation technique and triangulation sources. The result shows the societies still preserve tradition cleaning to tighten social connection and save the societies from an ailment which is impacted by poor hygiene as well as avoiding from a natural disaster. Another is societies make garbage bank as the method to reduce an-organic sewage and decline organic garbage because the societies bury organic sewage in biopori hole. As a result, It can combat nature disaster. The other is there is social education because the tradition as exemplary to young generation to continue this habit in the future and as a model to build social solidarity among societies. It also has environmental education because the societies have to learn to care about nature environment and religion value because religion teaches the societies to perform hygiene in environment, body, house and the place for worshi

    Embedding Social Charity and Children’s Education Amid Pandemic Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui covid-19 sebagai momen untuk bakti sosial dan pendidikan anak-anak di rumah seperti agama, kebersihan, pengajian sehari-hari serta pendidikan pertanian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa malapetaka covid-19 sebagai ujian bagi manusia dari Tuhan meskipun sudah selayaknya kekuatan manusia untuk menghadapinya. Ketika orang tua makan bersama di meja makan, anak-anak dapat belajar moralitas ketika mereka makan dan membangun hubungan sosial dalam keluarga karena anggota keluarga dapat tinggal bersama di rumah. Selain itu, anak-anak dapat belajar dalam aktivitas sehari-hari termasuk membersihkan lantai dan halaman. Ini menetapkan tingkat kemandirian anak-anak untuk menyesuaikan perilaku mereka. Orang tua juga memiliki waktu luang untuk memperbaiki dan memberikan pembelajaran agar anak bisa mandi tanpa dibantu. Bahkan orang tua dapat merangsang kegiatan sederhana untuk memberikan pendidikan seperti tindakan pertanian. Hal ini membuat anak-anak mengerti tentang benih, mengolah dan memelihara tanaman di tengah pandemi

    Ethnomathematic Value in Traditional Building in Kampung Budaya Bogor Jawa Barat

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    Mathematic value in traditional building have been overdued typically for traditional building in sundaness tribe. The goal of this research to discover ethnomathematics value in some building of sunda in kampung budaya in Bogor West Java. This study uses a qualitative method. The sampling technique was carried out purposively, namely the head of kampung Budaya and the key person of kampung budaya sunda sindang Barang Bogor Jawa Barat. Data were collected by in-depth interviews. The sample was selected through a purposive technique. The results were carefully examined through triangulation and source triangulation techniques. The results show that in leuit as the place for saving paddies contain numerous ethnomathematical including in the leuit building, especially on the roof of leuit which is in front there are mathematical elements such as a triangle facing each other but in the middle between the two there is a square and there is an equilateral triangle. While in traditional Sundanese houses there is woven on the walls where the wicker contains mathematical values ​​ranging from straight lines, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and horizontal lines. Besides that, on the door, there are four right triangles where one pair is opposite, but the other pair is positioned upside down to the other

    Housing Estate for Sustainable Social, Economic and Environment Development

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    Residential areas are growing rapidly in big cities. The purpose of this study is to find social, cultural and economic values in residential areas. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Meanwhile, the research sample used purposive sampling technique. Data was collected by means of in-dept-interview, documentation and observation. The results of the study indicate that social life, such as the establishment of social relations between residents, is associated with facilities such as mosques because mosques contain direct social values. Friendship is also built through religious activities such as tahlilan and at the playground. At the playground children can hone their social skills because they meet children who bring differences in terms of culture and religion. The advantage is that children can appreciate cultural and religious differences from an early age. Even hone togetherness because playing with toys requires other people. At the same time establishing friendship between mothers because when their children play in the garden, the mothers will supervise so that there is a greeting between mothers. Economically, traders may enter residential areas so that traders can profit economically. At the same time growing opportunities to become security officers and household assistants. Finally, there is environmental value because the playground is a green zone so that it can be used as a water catchment area and overcome flooding and reduce emissions

    Health, Social and Culture Value of Food Trading Based on Angkringan in Bogor West Java

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    Culture and traditions have started to become extinct so it needs to be investigated further to save the values of tradition and culture. This study aims to find social and cultural capital as well as the economic value of angkringan. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. While the sampling was done by purposive technique. The results showed that there were social values in the angkringan culinary tradition because the traders or owners interacted socially with consumers from various groups. Even consumers between consumers can say hello and between consumers and angkringan owners. In addition, there is the value of mutual help because the prices of food and drinks at angkringan are very affordable so that they can help consumers who lack funds during the Covid-19 period. In addition, there is a health value because the drinks served at angkringan include ginger drinks and wedang uwuh which are useful for maintaining health, especially during the covid-19 period. Then, angkringan is a cultural element that must be maintained through the traditional food and beverage. Angkringan also using social media to adapt the outbreak of covid-19. Lastly, to maintain the quality of the food, the cook should not change so that it does not change in terms of tast

    The Drawbacks and Advantages of Tiktok in Student Amid Pandemic Covid-19

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    Tiktok has become a part of life in today's digital era. This study aims to find out the negative and positive effects of TikTok on school children. This study uses a qualitative method. The sampling technique was carried out purposively, namely school teachers. Data were collected through in-depth interviews. The sample was selected through a purposive technique. The results were carefully examined through triangulation and source triangulation techniques. The results show that Tiktok is a digital literacy method for students so they can keep up with the times. Tiktok is also a fairly good learning medium for students when the content of TikTok includes religious lectures, religious values, and moral values that exist in religion. Even TikTok is useful as an interesting learning medium for students during a pandemic when teachers use TikTok as material for distributing material. The features of TikTok make the material interesting for children because of the many color combinations, music, and not boring. Plus there are economic values because TikTok is also a trading medium for many people. This is a trigger for entrepreneurship education for students. However, TikTok also has a bad impact on children because school children can spend time playing TikTok, spending cellphone credit, being lazy, and following the TikTok style that is not following religious teachings. The attitude of children who are still imitating can imitate what is seen on TikTok. For this reason, parents play a role in supervising children by looking at the history of what children open on their cellphones and giving understanding to which children are worthy to be seen and which are no

    The Factors and Detrimental Impact Of Parent Divorce

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    Divorce becomes a reality in life even though neither husband and wife want this problem to occur. This study aims to find the causes of divorce and the impact of divorce on children. The research method used is the literature review method or a method that does not use the field method but uses a variety of existing literature in the library and sources from articles. Data collection is done by directly collecting scientific articles from empirical research, recording findings, and analyzing each finding. At the same time comparing the findings of previous studies. The results showed that divorce did not occur immediately but there were triggers including economic problems and environmental problems. The troubled economy will also affect disharmony in the household because it is related to meeting needs. Money is not everything but money is needed to buy basic needs when basic needs are not met continuously it can lead to divorce. Coupled with the infidelity between a husband and wife with another person who becomes the third person, it triggers conflict and leads to divorce. The impact on children is that children do not get love, motivation to learn can be low, sad, lonely, and learning achievement decreases. Although there are children who are increasingly enthusiastic in the midst of the problems they are experiencin

    Economic, Education, and Perception of Parents for Pursuing Education for Their Children

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    Education has an important role in human life. This study aims to find out whether the factors of education, economy, and perceptions of education affect the mindset and also the desire of parents to provide education to their children. The research method used is the literature review method. Data collection is done by collecting various sources of scientific research including journals and books. The results showed that parents' perceptions of education influenced the parents' desire to continue their education for their children or not. If the perception of parents is getting better, the parents will send the child to school. Likewise, with economic factors, providing schools for children costs money because schools include costs so that low-income parents consider the sustainability of education for their children. Although there are also parents who continue to send their children to school. While the education factor is a factor that influences parents to provide school to their children. When parents have a higher education then the child will be given a proper education. Even though there are parents who have low education, they still provide proper education for their children