79 research outputs found


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    Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan E-Learning untuk SMAN 3 MOJOKERTO, dengan mengadopsi model alur pengembangan DDDE (Decide, Design, Develop, Evaluate). Untuk mengetahui kualitas E-Learning dilakukan validasi media pembelajaran melibatkan ahli materi pembelajaran dan ahli media/desain pembelajaran. Ujicoba skala kecil E-Learning dilakukan oleh tiga orang guru teman sejawat dan ujicoba pemakaian skala besar dilakukan oleh 36 siswa. Subjek uji ditentukan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Dalam pengumpulan data penelitian memberikan subjek uji angket. Data dari angket yang telah dikumpulkan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil validasi dari ahli desai media sebesar 94% dan ahli materi sebesar 89% menunjukkan bahwa E-Learning sangat layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran. Hasil uji coba skala kecil oleh 3 guru teman sejawat diperoleh angka sebesar 94% dan uji coba skala besar oleh siswa di peroleh angka sebesar 89%. Ini berarti media E-Learning layak bagi siswa SMAN 3 MOJOKERTO

    Emerging Risk Factors for Impaired Lung Function in Chemical Industry Workers of Faisalabad

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    Objective: To determine the impact, obesity and age on the lung functions determined by PEFR of healthy workers of chemical industries. Methodology:  This was a cross sectional study performed at private medical college of Faisalabad. Three days medical camp was arranged during 2nd to 4th  September 2020 after taking approval from institutional ethical committee. All relevant information including age, residence and history about chemical exposure were recorded in a structured proforma. Obesity was determined on basis of BMI grading. BMI was calculated from estimated Height and weight   PEFR of each participant was determined using Wright’s Peak flow meter.  Data was analyzed by SPSS21. Results: Mean± SD age, height and weight of the studied population was 38.85 ± 12.1, 170.07  ±12.0   and 78.12 ±12.7. lowest PEFR value was found in subjects with age range 61 to 70 years as compred to youger subjects . The mean PEFR value were significantly different  with respect to various age catagoeies with  p value= 0.000 Highest mean PEFR values were found in  taller subjects having height ≄ 180 cm and lowest values were found in subjects with height 150-159 cm,  the difference in means was statisticaly significant with p value= 0.05. Morbid  obese subjects showing comparatively  lower PEFR values in morbid obese  with significant p value =0.002. . PEFR was found to be negatively associated with age ( p- value= 0.000*)  and BMI( p value =0.001*). Our results also showed weak positive association of PEFR with height, however this relation was not found to be statistically significant (p value= 0.081). Conclusion: Peak expiratory flow rate is negatively associated with increasing BMI and age, reflecting that elderly and obese subjects are more prone to have affected lung function due to exposure to chemical

    Emerging Risk Factors for Impaired Lung Function in Chemical Industry Workers of Faisalabad

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    Objective: To determine the impact, obesity and age on the lung functions determined by PEFR of healthy workers of chemical industries. Methodology:  This was a cross sectional study performed at private medical college of Faisalabad. Three days medical camp was arranged during 2nd to 4th  September 2020 after taking approval from institutional ethical committee. All relevant information including age, residence and history about chemical exposure were recorded in a structured proforma. Obesity was determined on basis of BMI grading. BMI was calculated from estimated Height and weight   PEFR of each participant was determined using Wright’s Peak flow meter.  Data was analyzed by SPSS21. Results: Mean± SD age, height and weight of the studied population was 38.85 ± 12.1, 170.07  ±12.0   and 78.12 ±12.7. lowest PEFR value was found in subjects with age range 61 to 70 years as compred to youger subjects . The mean PEFR value were significantly different  with respect to various age catagoeies with  p value= 0.000 Highest mean PEFR values were found in  taller subjects having height ≄ 180 cm and lowest values were found in subjects with height 150-159 cm,  the difference in means was statisticaly significant with p value= 0.05. Morbid  obese subjects showing comparatively  lower PEFR values in morbid obese  with significant p value =0.002. . PEFR was found to be negatively associated with age ( p- value= 0.000*)  and BMI( p value =0.001*). Our results also showed weak positive association of PEFR with height, however this relation was not found to be statistically significant (p value= 0.081). Conclusion: Peak expiratory flow rate is negatively associated with increasing BMI and age, reflecting that elderly and obese subjects are more prone to have affected lung function due to exposure to chemical

    Regional trade in south Asia-impediments and the way forward

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    The paper sets out to suggest that regional trade between South Asia is quite low when compared to other regional blocks like NAFTA, EU 15, ASEAN, and MERCOUSER. The paper identifies non cooperation between India and Pakistan to be the main reason behind low trade in South Asia. The paper focuses on the pending trade issues between both countries that are preventing India and Pakistan to increase bilateral trade and economic cooperation. The first issue discussed in the paper is granting of MFN status to India by Pakistan. The paper finds that it is in the benefit of both countries if Pakistan gives MFN status to India. But before such a step is taken, it is essential that Pakistan moves from a positive list approach to a negative list approach. Pakistan can include industries like textiles in the negative list to prevent the flood of cheap Indian textiles. Once MFN status is granted to India, Pakistan would be able to raise more substantive issues, notably Indian NTBs, subsidies, and protective tariffs. Currently India practices various forms of NTBs against Pakistan. The visa restrictions and absence of financial services are the major NTBs. Such NTBs have prevented Pakistan to export more to India. Another trade issue highlighted in the paper is that of transit facility. India does not provide Pakistan a transit route to Nepal and Bhuttan. In contrast Pakistan has provided Afghanistan transit route to India, though Pakistan does not allow India a transit route to Afghanistan or beyond. The paper finds that there is a high risk of informal trade in case Pakistan provides India with the land route to Afghanistan through its territory. It is anticipated that most Indian exports to Afghanistan would be smuggled back into Pakistan affecting Pakistan’s local industry. The transit facility is by far the most complicated trade issue of the three. Though the paper concludes in favor of granting India MFN and against the imposition of NTBs, It only gives a conditional recommendation in favor of granting India transit route to Afghanistan in case India provides Pakistan transit route to Nepal and Bhuttan.Regional Trade Agreements, Barriers to Trade, WTO

    Penentuan Letak dan Kapasitas Optimal Bank Kapasitor pada Jaring Transmisi 150 kV Sumatera Utara Menggunakan Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

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    Listrik merupakan suatu kebutuhan mutlak yang harus dipenuhi untuk menjamin keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat masa kini. Kebutuhan ini terus meningkat seiring dengan pertumbuhan beban yang semakin bertambah dari tahun ke tahun. Pertumbuhan beban yang diikuti dengan peningkatan permintaan suplai daya reaktif akibat beban bersifat induktif meningkat menyebabkan perencanaan dan operasi dari sistem interkoneksi menjadi lebih kompleks sehingga kualitas sistem menjadi kurang dapat diandalkan. Aliran daya reaktif dapat menyebabkan drop tegangan dan kerugian daya dalam sistem transmisi. Untuk itu dilakukan penentuan letak dan kapasitas kapasitor shunt untuk mengurangi kerugian daya dengan menggunakan Newton-Raphson dan metode optimisasi Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Pada percobaan ini dilakukan pemasangan lima kapasitor dengan jumlah koloni sebesar 50 dan Max Cycle Number sebesar 150. Hasil simulasi menggunakan metode Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm menunjukkan bahwa pemasangan kapasitor pada Jaring Transmisi 150 kV Sumatera Utara dapat menurunkan kerugian daya aktif sebesar 8,37%

    Changes in Serum Lipid Profile among Patients Suffering from Chronic Liver Disease Secondary to Hepatitis C

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    Objective: To find out the changes in lipid metabolism among patients suffering from chronic liver disease secondary to hepatitis C. Study Design: Hospital based observational study. Setting: Medical Unit-I, Ward–5, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi. Duration: July 2013 to December 2013. Patients and Methods: About 110 patients admitted in Medical Unit-I with a diagnosis of chronic liver disease were included in the study. Patients suffering from DM, HTN, CKD were excluded from the study. Fasting lipid profile was done in all cases. Results and Observations: There were 44 (40%) male and 66 (60%) female patients. Mean age of the patients was 50.18 (±11.7) years. Total cholesterol was decreased in 76 (69.09%) patients. Normal range was present in 34 (30.91%) patients. None of the patient had hypercholesterolemia. Serum triglyceride levels were low in 14 (12.72%) patients, normal in 82 (74.54%), borderline high in 7 (6.36%) and hypertriglyceridemia was seen in 7 (6.36%). HDL-c was below normal in 26 (23.63%) cases, normal in 78 (70.91%), and high in 6 (5.45%). LDL was near optimal/above optimal in only 5 (4.5%) patients. Mean TC/HDL ratio was 2.53 (±1.02). Mean LDL/HDL ratio was 1.23 (±0.73). Mean TC of HCV +ve patients was 130.5 mg/dl as compared to that of HCV –ve patients which was 82.85 mg/dl (P-value: 0.011). Mean TGs of HCV +ve group was 151.5 mg/dl while that of HCV –ve was 79.9 mg/dl (P-value: 0.025). Mean HDL & LDL levels were 43.67 mg/dl and 39.78 mg/dl in HCV group while 34.83 mg/dl & 64.67 mg/dl in the other group with P-value of 0.026 and 0.081 respectively. Conclusion: When it comes to its relationship with lipid metabolism, HCV is a remarkable virus. Its interaction with lipoproteins and its ability to induce massive steatosis are quite unique and idiosyncratic. Despite of causing hepatic steatosis, chronic HCV infection is associated with a paradoxically favorable lipid profile, although its reason cannot be enlightened precisely. There is a need for very well settled molecular and genetic studies to well understand HCV infection and lipid metabolism

    Backpropagation with BFGS Optimizer for Covid-19 Prediction Cases in Surabaya

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    Covid-19 is a new type of corona virus called SARS-CoV-2. One of the cities that has contributed the most to infected Covid-19 cases in Indonesia is Surabaya, East Java. Predicting the Covid-19 is the important thing to do. One of the prediction methods is Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The backpropagation algorithm is one of the ANN methods that has been successfully used in various fields. However, the performance of backpropagation is depended on the architecture and optimization method. The standard backpropagation algorithm is optimized by gradient descent method. The Broyden - Fletcher - Goldfarb - Shanno (BFGS) algorithm works faster then gradient descent. This paper was predicting the Covid-19 cases in Surabaya using backpropagation with BFGS. Several scenarios of backpropagation parameters were also tested to produce optimal performance. The proposed method gives better results with a faster convergence then the standard backpropagation algorithm for predicting the Covid-19 cases in Surabaya


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    The number of claims plays an important role the profit achievement of health insurance companies. Prediction of the number of claims could give the signiïŹcant implications in the profit margins generated by the health insurance company. Therefore, the prediction of claim submission by insurance users in that year needs to be done by insurance companies. Machine learning methods promise the great solution for claim prediction of the health insurance users.  There are several machine learning methods that can be used for claim prediction, such as the NaĂŻve Bayes method, Decision Tree (DT), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The previous studies show that the SVM has some advantages over the other methods. However, the performance of the SVM is determined by some parameters. Parameter selection of SVM is normally done by trial and error so that the performance is less than optimal. Some optimization algorithms based heuristic optimization can be used to determine the best parameter values of SVM, for example Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA). They are able to search the global optimum, easy to be implemented. The derivatives aren’t needed in its computation. Several researches show that PSO give the better solutions if it is compared with GA. All particles in the PSO are able to find the solution near global optimal. For these reasons, this article proposes the health claim insurance prediction using SVM with PSO. The experimental results show that the SVM with PSO gives the great performance in the health claim insurance prediction and it has been proven that the SVM with PSO give better performance than the SVM standard

    An Overview of 5G Wireless Networks- Past, Present and Future

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    5G stands for fifth generation mobiles. Fromgeneration 1G to 2.5G and from 3G to 5G this world of telecommunication got improvement along with improve performance with every passing day. Due to this rapid improvement the world become like a little village where we can interact, work, learn and spread our knowledge etc. over the world. This improvement makes our daily life so much easy.By 2020 all networks will support voice, videoand a complex range of communication services for more 9 billion users and billions of connected Around the same time the next generation 5G of telecom technology, equipment and devices will become commercially available.It is the next generation of telecom networks designed to meet a more advanced and complex set of performance requirement. It represents new way of thinking. The main purpose of 5G networks is that, user can simultaneously connect to multiple wireless technologies and can switch between them.5G will offer the service like Documentations, Supporting electronic transmissions such as e-payment-transaction
