2,626 research outputs found

    Measurement of NO2 indoor and outdoor concentrations in selected public schools of Lahore using passive sampler

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    Higher levels of NO2 are a danger to human health especially for children. A seven day study was carried to find out the ambient concentrations of NO2in 27 schools of Lahore with the help of passive samplers. In each school three sites were selected, viz: laboratory, corridor and outdoors. After 7 days exposure the tubes were subjected to spectrophotometric analysis. Results showed that the maximum values measured in laboratory, outdoor and corridors were 376µg/m3 , 222µg/m3 and 77µg/m3 . Minimum values for laboratory, outdoor and corridors were 10µg/m3 , 20µg/m3 and 8µg/m3 . Factors affecting these values were laboratory activities and proximity to main roads. These values were significantly higher than the standard values defined by EPA. Therefore children in schools were at risk of developing health complications

    The Effects of Drying and Wetting on the Soil Chemical Properties of Acid Sulphate Soils of Kalimantan

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    This research aimed to study the effects of land reclamation (drying, wetting, flushing, and leaching) on the change of soil chemical properties of acid sulphate soils from Kalimantan. Randomized Complete Design (RCD) by two factors treatments with two replications is used in this research. Factor I was soil reactiveness that is define as (a) low reactive= R1; (b)moderate reactive =R2; (c) strong reactive= R3, and (d) very strong reactive= R4 respectively. Factor II was drying, wetting, and diluting that is define as (1) drying continuously after wetting = W1, (2) wetting continuously = W2; (3) drying after weeting and diluting =W3; and (4) wetting and diluting. The result of experiments show that continuous drying after wetting (W1) and drying after wetting and diluting (W3) or continuous weeting (W2) gave soils pH lower than the weeting and diluting (W4).Dried on the strong reactive soils (R4) not decrease soil pH significantly. The continouos drying after wetting (W1) can increase EC (electrical conductivity) higher than the continous wetting (W2) and wetting that followed diluting (W4) or drying after wetting and diluting (W3). The continouos wetting (W2) and the continouos drying after wetting (W1) has given the total soluble acidity of 63,30 dan 61,71 cmolc kg-1 respectively, higher than drying after wetting and diluting (W3) and wetting thatfollowed diluting (W4) that given total soluble acidity of 54,03 and 51,95 cmolc kg-1 respectively. The effects of drying, wetting, flushing, and leaching on the total soluble acidity, Soluble Al and soluble H, especially on the strong reactive soils are very significant. All of the exchangeble bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) on the continouos drying after wetting (W1) are lower than the continous wetting (W2) and wetting that followed diluting (W4)or drying after wetting and diluting (W3) respectively. The continouos drying after wetting (W1), the continous wetting (W2) and wetting that follow diluting (W4) or drying after wetting and diluting (W3) decrease exchangable Mg, especially on strong reactive soils (R4), but contradictive to low reactive soils (R1). The continouos drying after wetting (W1) increase exchangable Na, especially on low reactive soils (R1), but the wetting that followed diluting (W3, W4) decreases exchangable Na

    Variational Iteration Method for Solving Telegraph Equations

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    In this paper, we apply the variational iteration method (VIM) for solving telegraph equations, which arise in the propagation of electrical signals along a telegraph line. The suggested algorithm is more efficient and easier to handle as compare to the decomposition method. Numerical results show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed VIM

    Exposure to NO2 in occupational built environments in urban centre in Lahore

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    Increased economic growth, urbanisation and substantial rise in automobile vehicles has contributed towards the elevated levels of air pollution in major cities in Pakistan. Aone week study was conducted by using passive samplers to assess NO2 concentration in occupational built environments at two most congested and populated sites of Lahore. Both sites were locatedon the busy roads of Lahore. At Site-I the highest concentration was in outdoors followed by corridor and indoor. While at Site II all the sampling location wereindoors and level were comparable to that of outdoor levelsat Site I. The results suggest the likely contribution of ambient sources in exposure to indoor NO2 in educational and other occupational built environments in urban centres

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Petani Padi Sawah Berdasarkan Luas Lahan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Buahdua, Kecamatan Buahdua, Kabupaten Sumedang yang merupakan daerah yang masih mengandalkan padi sebagai komoditas utamanya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui struktur pendapatan dan pengeluaran rumah tangga petani padi sawah berdasarkan luas lahan di Desa Buahdua (2) Mengetahui tingkat kesejahteraan petani padi sawah berdasarkan luas lahan di Desa Buahdua. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan parameter kesejahteraan menurut Sudana (2008) untuk mengetahui Nilai Tukar Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Petani (NTPRP) serta parameter 11 indikator tingkat kesejahteraan BPS-SUSENAS 2012. Metode yang digunakan adalah Proportional Random Sampling dan diperoleh 39 petani padi responden yang terdiri dari 3 petani padi lahan luas, 12 petani padi lahan sedang dan 24 petani padi lahan sempit.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin luas pemilikan lahan, semakin besar kontribusi pendapatan sektor pertanian terhadap pendapatan total rumah tangga petani. Analisis tingkat kesejahteraan rumah tangga petani padi sawah dengan menggunakan beberapa indikator menunjukkan hasil tingkat kesejahteraan yang berbeda.Tingkat kesejahteraan menggunakan indikator ekonomi menunjukkan adanya rumah tangga petani yang termasuk kategori miskin (tidak sejahtera), namun jika menggunakan indikator ekonomi dan sosial (BPS-SUSENAS 2012) menunjukkan hasil seluruh rumah tangga petani termasuk tingkat sejahtera tinggi. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani diperlukan kebijakan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan melalui berbagai aspek yang menunjang peningkatan sektor pertanian dan non pertanian

    Variational Iteration Method for Solving Initial and Boundary Value Problems of Bratu-type

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    In this paper, we present a reliable framework to solve the initial and boundary value problems of Bratu-type which are widely applicable in fuel ignition of the combustion theory and heat transfer. The algorithm rests mainly on a relatively new technique, the variational iteration method. Several examples are given to confirm the efficiency and the accuracy of the proposed algorithm

    Kearifan Lokal dalam Sistem Agribisnis Padi Sawah, Desa Sukanagara, Kecamatan Lakbok, Kabupaten Ciamis, Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan kearifan lokal dalam sistem agribisnis padi sawah yang ada di Desa Sukanagara. Pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data yang dianalisis adalah dari hasil wawancara, observasi, studi kepustakaan, dan hasil dokumentasi lapangan. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini, pada umumnya petani masih mengadopsi perilaku dan pengetahuan petani zaman dulu. Misalnya seperti membuat pupuk atau obat hama yang diracik sendiri, penentuan musim tanam mengacu pada kalender pranata mangsa, melakukan perhitungan hari baik dalam melakukan penanaman atau pemanenan, melakukan pemipitan sebelum pemanenan, dan membuat sesajen

    Novel conducting polymer current limiting devices for low cost surge protection applications

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    We report on the development of novel intrinsic conducting polymer two terminal surge protection devices. These resettable current limiting devices consist of polyaniline nanofibres doped with methane sulphonic acid electrochemically deposited between two 55 μm spaced gold electrodes. At normal applied voltages, the low resistance devices act as passive circuit elements, not affecting the current flow. However during a current surge the devices switch from ohmic to non-ohmic behaviour, limiting current through the device. After the current surge has passed, the devices reset back to their original state. Our studies show that a partial de-doping/re-doping process caused by the rapid diffusion of moisture out of or into the polymer film during joule heating/cooling is the underlying mechanism responsible

    Social Capital, Entrepreneurship and Rural Development

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    Arjowilangun Village is one of the most significant areas of origination in the Malang Regency for Indonesian migrant workers aiming to work overseas. The remittance sent by Indonesian migrant workers can be utilised to support the Designative program, by establishing and developing entrepreneurship. The growth and development of entrepreneurship can be formed from theparticipation of the village community. Community participation in developing independent entrepreneurship can in turn boost village development. In line with Indonesian culture, rural communities still put forward kinship, trust, mutual cooperation, networking and high social norms (social capital component). This research aims to identify the social capital of retiredIndonesian migrant workers and their decision to start business entrepreneurship. The results of the Social Network Analysis (SNA) as identified through three approaches: rate of participation, density and centrality showed that 14 respondents had the potential to be key figures in spreading information to increase community participation in village development. While the results of the correlation analysis indicate that the decision to start a business were influenced by the high value of their social capital, higher social capital can encourage the community to become entrepreneurs, enabling them to have a positive influence on village development
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