6 research outputs found


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    Manajemen kelas merupakan kegiatan-kegiatan yang mempertahankan dan menciptakan kondisi yang optimal bagi terjadinya proses belajar mengajar dikelas. Keberadaannya cukup berpengaruh dalam pergeseran paradigma pendidikan, peserta didik bukan lagi objek yang selalu pasif tetapi sebagai subjek yang harus selalu aktif, sedangkan guru bukan lagi sebagai pusat pembelajaran melainkan berindak sebagai fasilitator, guru lebih kreatif dalam pembelajaran teamatik karena dalam satu tema mencakup semua pelajaran yang saling berkaitan dan manajer kelas serta bertanggung jawab pada pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran yang kondusif dan bermakna dengan jalan memberdayakan segala komponen dalam kelas dan hal-hal yang mendukung lainnya. Pembelajaran tematik sudah diterapkan di Sekolah Dasar. Dalam implementasinya diperlukan pengelolaan kelas saat proses pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam upaya mengumpulkan dan penulis menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan sifat penelitian ini termasuk penelitian termasuk deskriptif kualitatif. Analisa data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisa induktif yaitu berangkat dari fakta-fakta atau peristiwa byang khusus, kemudian ditarik kesimpulan atau generalisasi yang bersifat umum. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan melalui tujuan pengajaran, pengaturan waktu, pengaturan ruangan (fasilitas) dan pengelompokan siswa dalam belajar. Dari beberapa pelaksanaan yang telah diterapkan disebabkan kendala yang sangat berarti bagi guru yakni ketidak ketahuan tentang pelaksanaan tersebut. Kemudian kendala yang terakhir adalah keterbatasan dana yang dimiliki sekolah untuk mengganti saran dan prasarana sebagai fasilitas kelas yang sudah tidak layak dipakai, sebenarnya hal ini merupakan kendala yang berada diluar wewenang guru. Sedangkan pengelolaan kelas secara fisik meliputi meliputi pengaturan posisi papan tulis, modifikasi tempat duduk, mading dan pengaturan ventilasi dalam ruang kelas. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pustaka dalam mengelola kelas pada pembelajaran tematik. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah, manajemen kelas dalam pembelajaran tematik di SDN 1 Pinang Jaya meliputi pengaturan siswa/pengelompokan, pengaturan ruangan (fasilitas), mempertahankan organisasi kelas, dan menyampaikan materi pelajaran Kata Kunci: Pelaksanaan Manajemen Kelas Dan Pembelajaran Temati

    Relationship between demographic characteristics and hand grip measurement of students in UTMKL

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    Biomechanical motion analysis is concerned with the investigation of movement of a subject. In particular, this project is interested in the movement found in nature, in biological systems such as human pinch and human grip. The motion is to be investigated with a view of analyzing the mechanical aspects of it, such as grip rate and force values in Newton and kilograms using a Digital Pinch/Grip Analyser. The hand grip strength (HGS) is an important test used to measure deficiency in hand muscle power, assessment of surgical treatments and rehabilitation evaluation. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between demographic characteristics on HGS of UTMKL students. Additionally, this study also observes the relation of some anthropometric variables such as weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and hand circumferences with the HGS. Overall, 30 participants participated in this study. Data were collected for demographic variables, medical history, and lifestyle behavior. Maximum dominant hand grip strength (DHGS) in male was at the age of 23 (mean= 276.446N) and 26 years (mean=276.1N) and for female in age 22 (mean=166.1778N). The mean difference in DHGS between both genders was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The mean difference in DHGS between each side was statistically significant (p < 0.05) in the right-hand dominant group, but not in the left-hand dominant group. The dominant hand is stronger than the non-dominant. Right-hand dominance is stronger than left-hand dominance. Besides, DHGS differed significantly across ethnicity and residential area. The DHGS also has positive correlations with age and height in males, and with all measurements (age, height, weight, BMI, hand circumferences) in females. Our study has shown the relationship between HGS with demographic and anthropometric data

    Relationship between demographic characteristics and hand grip measurement of students in UTMKL

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    Biomechanical motion analysis is concerned with the investigation of movement of a subject. In particular, this project is interested in the movement found in nature, in biological systems such as human pinch and human grip. The motion is to be investigated with a view of analyzing the mechanical aspects of it, such as grip rate and force values in Newton and kilograms using a Digital Pinch/Grip Analyser. The hand grip strength (HGS) is an important test used to measure deficiency in hand muscle power, assessment of surgical treatments and rehabilitation evaluation. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between demographic characteristics on HGS of UTMKL students. Additionally, this study also observes the relation of some anthropometric variables such as weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and hand circumferences with the HGS. Overall, 30 participants participated in this study. Data were collected for demographic variables, medical history, and lifestyle behavior. Maximum dominant hand grip strength (DHGS) in male was at the age of 23 (mean= 276.446N) and 26 years (mean=276.1N) and for female in age 22 (mean=166.1778N). The mean difference in DHGS between both genders was statistically significant (p < 0.05). The mean difference in DHGS between each side was statistically significant (p < 0.05) in the right-hand dominant group, but not in the left-hand dominant group. The dominant hand is stronger than the non-dominant. Right-hand dominance is stronger than left-hand dominance. Besides, DHGS differed significantly across ethnicity and residential area. The DHGS also has positive correlations with age and height in males, and with all measurements (age, height, weight, BMI, hand circumferences) in females. Our study has shown the relationship between HGS with demographic and anthropometric data