216 research outputs found

    Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff, Volcanologue : de la passion à la vocation

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    Cet ouvrage a comme sous-titre « De la passion Ă  la vocation », mais cela aurait pu ĂȘtre « ItinĂ©raire d’un volcanologue gĂąté ». En effet, Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff nous fait parcourir sa vie depuis son enfance dans la banlieue de Grenoble, ses annĂ©es lycĂ©e et surtout revient sur son parcours professionnel depuis les classes prĂ©paratoires jusqu’à sa soutenance de thĂšse. Le lecteur croisera au dĂ©tour d’une page, entre les nombreuses photos de l’auteur sur le terrain et de volcans, quelques gran..

    First paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar study of Paleoproterozoic rocks from the French Guyana (Camopi and Oyapok rivers), northeastern Guyana Shield

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    In order to understand the Paleoproterozoic geographic evolution of the Guyana Shield, paleomagnetic and 40Ar/39Ar investigations were carried out on granitoids and volcano-sedimentary rocks from the Oyapok and Camopi rivers (French Guyana–Brazil frontier). Scanning electronic microscope, thermomagnetic and isothermomagnetic experiments show that magnetite is the main magnetic remanent carrier in most of the samples. The metavolcano-sedimentary rocks (Paramaca) show a weak magnetization and scattered magnetic directions. Therefore, no reliable magnetic component could be isolated from these samples. Samples taken from tonalite and meta-ultrabasite rocks yield a characteristic magnetic direction, carried by subautomorphous magnetite, that is well defined and distinct from that of the present Earth field and that of nearby Jurassic dikes. A virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) deduced from this probable primary remanence was calculated, namely pole OYA, λ=28.0°S, φ=346.0°E, N=5, k=31.9 and A95=13.8°. Four 40Ar/39Ar ages, ranging from 2052 to 1973 Ma, were obtained from amphiboles and biotites of tonalite rocks, showing a relatively slow cooling rate of ca 4.8+2.6/−2.1°C Ma−1. The linear extrapolation of this cooling rate to the magnetite unblocking temperature (540 to 580°C) yields a magnetization age of 2036±14 Ma for pole OYA. Pole OYA differs significantly from available paleomagnetic results from Venezuela of the West Guyana Shield dated at 2000±10 Ma. This difference may indicate an important latitudinal movement of the Guyana Shield between 2036 and 2000 Ma with a velocity of 9±7 cm/year

    New geological and tephrochronological data on the palaeontological site of the SenĂšze maar (Early Pleistocene, Massif Central, France)

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    The volcanic system of SenĂšze (Domeyrat, Haute-Loire) comprises a basanite flow, scoriae, a maar crater and phreatomagmatic products. New field research and detailed cartography clarify their geometry and geological relationships. The maar contains an important palaeontological site of the Early Pleistocene that yielded forty species of mammals attributed to the biozone MNQ 18 (of which it is the reference locality). The excavations undertaken between 2001 and 2006 recovered new fossils and documented their stratigraphic and geodynamic context. The fossiliferous site is located on the shore of the palaeolake and includes several lacustrine and slope deposits linked to the contemporaneous climatic changes which in turn produced a number of locally fossiliferous findspots which appear to be close in age. The discovery of ten tephras emitted by the Mont-Dore strato-volcano, situated 60 km to the NW allowed development of a remarkable tephrochronological framework. Because of the intense weathering of the tephras, their composition is determined by their mineralogical content (feldspars, brown amphiboles, brown and green diopside, titanite, apatite, zircon, biotite-phlogopite, Fe-Ti oxides) and the chemical composition of feldspars (anorthoclase, sodic sanidine and plagioclases). The study of these tephras reveals the importance of the contemporaneous (mainly trachytic) pyroclastic activity and confirms the polyphased deposition of the site. The 40Ar/39Ar laser dating of alkali feldspars from five tephras shows a relatively narrow range of age comprised between 2.09 and 2.21 \textpm 0.02 Ma (1σ, age relative to ACs-2 standard at 1.201 Ma). SenĂšze is thus confirmed as a key Early Pleistocene palaeontological site in Europe

    Fontana Ranuccio (excavations 2019-2022) and Colle Marino (excavations 2020-2021): Middle Pleistocene chronostratigraphic evidence of the earliest inhabitants in the Anagni basin

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    Recent fieldwork of the Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Umana in the Anagni basin (Latin Valley, southern Latium, central Italy) has provided new insights into the dynamics of human settlement and adaptation in this area during the Middle Pleistocene. This paper summarizes the still partially unpublished data on the chronostratigraphy of two important prehistoric sites: Fontana Ranuccio, dating from about 400,000 years ago, and Colle Marino, whose lithic industry has so far been attributed to an early stage of the Middle Pleistocene. At Fontana Ranuccio, stratigraphic studies highlighted the depositional dynamics and the processes involved in the formation of the archeological unit, consisting of partly reworked volcanic material, which can be now divided into distinct sub-units. At Colle Marino, a 35-meter-deep core drilling and an excavation campaign allowed us to verify the nature and provenance of lithic artifacts found on the surface in past decades. Radiometric analyses dated these artifacts from about 700,000 years ago

    Pleistocene eruptive chronology of the GölcĂŒk volcano, Isparta Angle, Turkey. Chronologie des Ă©pisodes volcaniques plĂ©istocĂšnes du volcan GölcĂŒk, Angle d’Isparta, Turquie

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    In the Eastern Mediterranean region, the Isparta volcanic belongs to the post-collisional alkali-potassic to ultrapotassic magmatism active since the Miocene in this part of the Anatolian peninsula from Afyon to Isparta. In the so-called Isparta Angle (IA) the magmatism is contemporaneous with an extensional regime intiated during Late Miocene and active throughout the Pliocene and Quaternary. Previous K/Ar dating performed on lavas suggested that potassic-ultrapotassic magmatism occurred between 4.7 to 4 Ma. However, a more recent (Quaternary) activity of the GölcĂŒk volcano is evidenced by the present-day morphology and field evidence although it remained undated and poorly studied so far. Field mapping and new radiometric data indicate that the main volcano-forming stages of the GölcĂŒk volcano consist of three main eruptives cycles. (1) Cycle I, represented by more than 200m-thick pyroclastic flow deposits occasionally separated by paleosoils and corresponding to caldera-forming ignimbritic eruptions. (2) Cycle II, consisting of tephriphonolite lava dome-flows extruded throughout the caldera and currently found along the rim of the present crater. (3) Cycle III made up of tuff-ring deposits related to several phreatoplinian eruptions of a maar-type volcanic activity. This youngest cycle ends with trachytic domes protruding within the maar crater. Unspiked 40K/40Ar dating on mesostasis was performed on lavas (tephriphonolites and trachytic domes), and complemented by preliminary 40Ar/39Ar data on tephra deposits (sanidine). Our preliminary results show that the entire activity of GölcĂŒk volcano took place during the Pleistocene and was disconnected from the older Pliocene volcanism. This volcanic activity can be considered as a new volcanic cycle, starting (Cycle I) around 200 ka with major explosive, regional-scale, events represented by at least six ignimbrites sheets. Cycle II occurred between 115 ± 3 ka to 62 ± 2 ka with probably some associated tephra deposits. Tuff-ring of Cycle III formed from 72.7 ± 4.7 ka to 24 ± 2 ka. The associated phreatoplinian eruptions have almost entirely destroyed the previously formed flow-dome. This latest activity corresponds to several volcanic crises as illustrated by the two domes protrusions separated by about 30 ka. The volcanic history of GölcĂŒk ceased around 24 ka ± 2 ka, but the periodicity of eruptive events appears to be long and complex. Currently, the volcano is at rest, but there is no doubt that the Isparta town (more than 120 000 people) built on top of the most recent tephra falls is exposed to a major volcanic hazard in the future.En MĂ©diterranĂ©e Orientale, la rĂ©gion active d’Isparta est le siĂšge d’un magmatisme alcalin liĂ© Ă  la distension affectant cette partie de la PĂ©ninsule Anatolienne depuis le MiocĂšne supĂ©rieur. Le volcanisme PliocĂšne est alcalin et trĂšs potassique, depuis des magmas lamprophyriques Ă  lamproĂŻtiques, jusqu’à des tĂ©phriphonolites et des trachytes. La construction du volcan GölcĂŒk au sud d’Isparta marque le dĂ©but d’un nouveau cycle Ă©ruptif aprĂšs une longue pĂ©riode d’arrĂȘt et d’érosion. L’étude morpho-structurale du volcan couplĂ©e aux datations 40K/40Ar sur lave et 39Ar/40Ar sur monograin de feldspath-K indique une histoire Ă©ruptive complexe, nettement plus jeune que l’activitĂ© antĂ©rieure (PliocĂšne). Ces rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires montrent que l’activitĂ© volcanique du GölcĂŒk est situĂ©e dans le PlĂ©istocĂšne supĂ©rieur (PalĂ©olithique) entre environ 200 ka et 24 ka. Trois cycles volcaniques majeurs sont reconnus : (1) Cycle I dĂ©butant vers 200 ka avec des Ă©ruptions ignimbritiques majeures avec un ensemble de coulĂ©es pyroclastiques trachytiques comblant les palĂ©o-vallĂ©es ouvertes dans les formations sĂ©dimentaires et les formations volcaniques d’ñge pliocĂšne ; (2) Cycle II avec un Ă©pisode effusif de faible importance succĂšde entre 115 ± 3 ka et 62 ± 2 ka Ă  l’activitĂ© explosive initiale avec la mise en place d’un Ă©difice central constituĂ© de dĂŽmes-coulĂ©es tĂ©phri-phonolitiques ; (3) Cycle III entre 70 ka et 24 ka, l’activitĂ© devient phrĂ©atoplinienne et suit de prĂšs le cycle prĂ©cĂ©dent. Le dynamisme Ă©ruptif phrĂ©atomagmatique est celui d’un maar formĂ© d’un large cratĂšre d’explosion entourĂ© d’un anneau de tufs. La derniĂšre crise volcanique se termine par l’extrusion de plusieurs dĂŽmes de trachyte dans le cratĂšre et de tĂ©phras associĂ©s, de nouvelles coulĂ©es pyroclastiques se mettent vraisemblablement en place vers le nord-ouest. Les donnĂ©es de terrain et les Ăąges 40Ar/39Ar disponibles indiquent que ces derniĂšres manifestations (construction du maar) sont trĂšs rĂ©centes et sub-contemporaines du dernier niveau de retombĂ©es ponceuses sous les immeubles de la ville et des dĂŽmes de lave intra-caldeira. Cet Ăąge rĂ©cent est confirmĂ© par un Ăąge 14C obtenu sur des bois carbonisĂ©s. La morphologie du volcan actuel est relativement bien conservĂ©e, malgrĂ© l’érosion trĂšs active qui remodĂšle dĂ©jĂ  partiellement les pentes. La reprise Ă©ventuelle de l’activitĂ© du volcan constituerait un risque majeur Ă  l’échelle de la rĂ©gion et en particulier pour la ville d’Isparta Ă©tablie au pied de l’édifice, notamment sur les coulĂ©es pyroclastiques et les retombĂ©es ponceuses les plus rĂ©centes

    Reconstruction of the Holocene seismotectonic activity of the Southern Andes from seismites recorded in Lago Icalma, Chile, 39°S

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 259 (2008): 301-322, doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2007.10.013.South-central Chile is one of the most geodynamically active areas in the world, characterised by frequent volcanic eruptions and numerous earthquakes, which are both recorded in lake sediments. In Lago Icalma (39°S), long piston and short gravity coring, as well as 3.5 kHz high-resolution seismic profiling, has been carried out in order to study the Holocene sedimentary infill of the lake, with a special focus on earthquake-triggered deposits. Macroscopic description of sediment cores and detailed grain-size analyses allow us to identify four types of seismically-induced deposits, or “seismites”: slump deposits, chaotic deposits, turbidites s.s. and homogenites. Homogenites are characterized by the occurrence of three distinct units on grain-size profiles (coarse base, thick homogenous unit topped by a thin layer of very fine sediment) and by the typical distribution of the grain-size parameters in a skewness-sorting diagram, while turbidites s.s. are characterized by a continuous fining upward trend. Radiocarbon, 210Pb dating, and tephrochronology allow us to demonstrate that the regional seismotectonic activity was probably very high between 2200 and 3000 cal. yr. BP as well as between 7000 and 8000 cal. yr. BP and that none of the historically documented earthquakes have triggered any seismite in Lago Icalma. The most recent seismite recognized in the sediments of Lago Icalma is a slump deposit dated at 1100 ± 100 AD, i.e. older than the period covered by historical records. The remarkable record of seismites between 2200 and 3000 cal. yr. BP is probably influenced by a major eruption of Sollipulli volcano at 3000 cal. yr. BP, which has rejuvenated the stock of terrigenous particles available for erosion, by depositing a thick layer of pumices all over the watershed of Lago Icalma and by clearing the vegetation covering the volcanic ash soils. This paper demonstrates that the record of seismically-triggered deposits in lake sediments is not only controlled by the intensity of the triggering earthquake and the occurrence of unstable sediment along the lake slopes but also by the presence of particles available for erosion/remobilisation in the watershed.This research is supported by the Belgian OSTC project EV/12/10B "A continuous Holocene record of ENSO variability in southern Chile"

    Evolution géodynamique des cratons des Guyanes et d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Apport des données paléomagnétiques, géochronologiques (40Ar/39Ar) et géochimiques en Guyane et CÎte-d'Ivoire.

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    Renaud GABY : Directeur de Recherche – CNRS Montpellier – RapporteurJean-Pascal COGNE : Professeur – Paris VII – RapporteurYan CHEN : MaĂźtre de ConfĂ©rence – ISTO OrlĂ©ans – ExaminateurGeorges HAURET : Professeur – CRMHT OrlĂ©ans – ExaminateurAndrĂ© POUCLET : Professeur – ISTO OrlĂ©ans – PrĂ©sidentHervĂ© THEVENIAUT : IngĂ©nieur – BRGM OrlĂ©ans – ExaminateurGilbert FERAUD : Directeur de Recherche – CNRS Nice – ExaminateurIn order to better constraint the Paleoproterozoic and Mesozoic geodynamic of the French Guyane and Ivory Coast, a multidisciplinary study (paleomagnetism, geochronology Ar/Ar and geochemistry) were done in dolerites, granitoĂŻdes and sesimentary rocks.The combined paleomagnetic and geochronological studies in paleoproterozoic rocks frim the French Guyana indicate that the Jurassic magmatic activity have not perturbed the magnetic remanence and the Argon geochronometer. The calculate cooling rates were low (3,5+2/-1,6°C/Ma et 4,8+2,6/-2,1°C/Ma) and homogeneous from the North to the South. We have highlighted the later cooling of the high anisotropic (P') southern Oyapok zone. Three paleoproterozĂŻc poles were computed ‘OYA, A et B). The magnetic remanence ages varies from 2050 to 1990 Ma. The poles from French Guyana were compared with the C1, C2, C3 (2100 to 2000 Ma) from Ivory Coast, permitted to build two paleoproterozoĂŻc apparent polar wander paths for the Guyana shield and West African craton. The two APWP were coherent after 2020 Ma confirming that the two blocks constituted one block at around 2000 Ma. The older poles were not compatible. Two hypothesis were proposed : I) The two contiental blocks were separate before 2020 Ma ; II) The two blocks were together but the missing data betwween 2080 et 2040 Ma do not allow to prove it.Our new data from the central Atlantic magmatic province indicates that the French Guyana dolerites have particular geochemical and geochronological features as in Amapa Liberia and Ivory Coast. This restricted zone corresponds to high Ti tholeiites, wich have asthenospheric origin and were horizontally fed during multiples pulses. Moreover they are younger (197 to 192 Ma, 40Ar/39 ages) than those of rest of the central Atlantic magmatic province.Afin de mieux comprendre la gĂ©odynamique palĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻque et mĂ©sozoĂŻque en Guyane et CĂŽte-d'Ivoire, une Ă©tude pluridisciplinaire (palĂ©omagnĂ©tisme, gĂ©ochronologie 40Ar/39Ar, et gĂ©ochimie a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur des dolĂ©rites, granitoĂŻdes et roches sĂ©dimentaires.L'Ă©tude combinĂ©e palĂ©omagnĂ©tique et gĂ©ochronologique en Guyane sur les roches palĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻques a montrĂ© que l'activitĂ© magmatique jurassique n'a pas pertubĂ© la rĂ©manence magnĂ©tique et le gĂ©ochronomĂštre Argon. Les vitesses de refroidissement sont lentes (3,5+2/-1,6°C/Ma et 4,8+2,6/-2,1°C/Ma) et rĂ©guliĂšre du Nord au Sud. Un refroidissement tardif du sud de l'Oyapok, marquĂ© par une forte anisotropie (P') a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence. Trois pĂŽles palĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻques (OYA, A et B) ont Ă©tĂ© acquis, dont l'Ăąge de la rĂ©manence est compris entre 2050 et 1990 Ma. Ces trois pĂŽles comparĂ©s avec les pĂŽles C1, C2, C3 (2100 et ~ 2000 Ma) acquis en CĂŽte-d'Ivoire ont permis de construire deux courbes apparentes de dĂ©rive des pĂŽles palĂ©oprotĂ©rozoĂŻques pour les cratons de Guyane et d'Afrique de l'Ouest. La comparaison de ces courbes montre une cohĂ©rence entre elles aprĂšs 2020 Ma, confirmant que les deux cratons constituent un bloc unique Ă  2000 Ma. Les pĂŽles plus anciens ne sont pas compatibles. Deux propositions sont proposĂ©s I) les deux blocs continentaux Ă©taient sĂ©parĂ©s avant 2020 Ma ; II) les deux blocs Ă©taient ensembles mais le manque de donnĂ©es palĂ©omagnĂ©tiques entre 2080 et 2040 Ma ne permet pas de le voir.Nos nouvelles donnĂ©es sur la province magmatique jurassique centrale Atlantique montrent que la Guyane fait partie d'une zone restreinte (Amapa, LibĂ©ria, CĂŽte-d'Ivoire) ayant des traits gĂ©ochimiques et gĂ©ochronologiques particuliers. Cette zone correspond Ă  la prĂ©sence majoritaire de tholĂ©iites riches en titane d'origine asthĂ©nosphĂ©rique mises en place par injection horizontale du magma et en plusieurs injections successives. Ces dolĂ©rites ont un Ăąge 40Ar/39Ar plus jeune (197 Ă  192 Ma) que le reste de la province magmatique centrale Atlantique (~200 Ma)
