55 research outputs found

    Memorias colectivas como modelos culturales: una alternativa analítica a los elementos problemáticos del recuerdo comprometido

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    The article argues that collective memory is a process of production of cultural identities, stressing that dialogue between different interpretations of reality is necessary to produce memories that serve the improvement of life in general.El artículo argumenta que la memoria colectiva es un proceso de producción de identidades culturales, destacando que es necesario el diálogo entre distintas interpretaciones de la realidad para producir memorias que sirvan al mejoramiento de la vida en general

    The sark side of the institutionalization: the danger of an authoritarian Political Science

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    Este artículo propone una reflexión útil tanto para los interesados en los estudios disciplinares como para los tomadores de decisiones al interior de los departamentos de Ciencia Política. Aquí se discute la pertinencia de la institucionalización repasando los problemas que se derivan tanto de la confianza en el conocimiento que se autoproclama neutral como de la confianza en lo que viene del norte solo por proceder de allí. Se sostiene que el peligro de la institucionalización de la Ciencia Política es la aparición de una Ciencia Política autoritaria que no sea capaz de rescatar lo propio de esta disciplina en América Latina, y que imponga una única forma de ver y hacer las cosas.This article proposes a reflection useful to both interested in the disciplinary studies to decisionmakers within Political Science departments. Here the relevance of institutionalization is discussedreviewing the problems arising both confidence in the knowledge that proclaims itself neutral in theconfidence that comes from the north only to proceed from there. It is argued that the danger ofinstitutionalization of Political Science is the emergence of an authoritarian Political Science is unable to rescue what of itself can have this discipline in Latin America, and to impose a single way of seeing and doing the discipline

    ¿Ciencia política con sentido social? Colombia, el conflicto armado y los expertos

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    Este artículo sostiene que la ciencia política es una disciplina que en medio de su “institucionalización” ha venido tomando un papel cada vez más activo en el proceso de modernización del Estado colombiano a través de su participación en las comisiones de estudio de la violencia, teniendo así un particular “sentido social”. Esa certeza hace que el artículo reivindique los estudios disciplinares como un ejercicio que va más allá de narrar de manera épica las trayectorias de una disciplina. En esa medida se aboga por unos estudios disciplinares críticos y rigurosos que puedan dar cuenta de la relación entre experticia e instauración de un proyecto civilizacional como la modernidad. Al final se presentan una serie de cuestionamientos y apuestas metodológicas para superarlos. Cuestionamientos y estrategias se articulan con la apuesta del Grupo de Investigación en Historia de la Ciencia Política en América Latina.ABSTRACT This article argues that political science is a discipline that in the midst of its “institutionalization” has started playing an increasingly active role in the process of modernization of the Colombian State through its participation in the commissions for study of violence, thus acquiring a “social sense” in this context. This certainty makes the article authors claim that disciplinary studies are an exercise that goes beyond epic narrating of the trajectories of a discipline. For that reason, critical and rigorous disciplinary studies are required to perceive the relationship between expertise and the establishment of a civilizational project such as modernity. In the end, a series of questions and methodological challenges to be overcome are presented. Questions and strategies are articulated with the commitment and proposal of the Research Group on History of Political Science

    Long-term precipitation in Southwestern Europe reveals no clear trend attributable to anthropogenic forcing

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    We present a long-term assessment of precipitation trends in Southwestern Europe (1850-2018) using data from multiple sources, including observations, gridded datasets and global climate model experiments. Contrary to previous investigations based on shorter records, we demonstrate, using new long-term, quality controlled precipitation series, the lack of statistically significant long-term decreasing trends in precipitation for the region. Rather, significant trends were mostly found for shorter periods, highlighting the prevalence of interdecadal and interannual variability at these time-scales. Global climate model outputs from three CMIP experiments are evaluated for periods concurrent with observations. Both the CMIP3 and CMIP5 ensembles show precipitation decline, with only CMIP6 showing agreement with long term trends in observations. However, for both CMIP3 and CMIP5 large interannual and internal variability among ensemble members makes it difficult to identify a trend that is statistically different from observations. Across both observations and models, our results make it difficult to associate any declining trends in precipitation in Southwestern Europe to anthropogenic forcing at this stage.This work was supported by the research projects CGL2017-82216-R, CGL2017-83866-C3-3-R and PCI2019-103631, financed by the Spanish Commission of Science and Technology and FEDER; CROSSDRO project financed by the AXIS (Assessment of Cross(X) - sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation), JPI-Climate co-funded call of the European Commission and INDECIS which is part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate, and funded by FORMAS (SE), DLR (DE), BMWFW (AT), IFD (DK), MINECO (ES), ANR (FR) with co-funding by the European Union (Grant 690462)

    Borax-loaded injectable alginate hydrogels promote muscle regeneration in vivo after an injury

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    [EN] Muscle tissue possess an innate regenerative potential that involves an extremely complicated and synchronized process on which resident muscle stem cells play a major role: activate after an injury, differentiate and fuse originating new myofibers for muscle repair. Considerable efforts have been made to design new approaches based on material systems to potentiate muscle repair by engineering muscle extracellular matrix and/or including soluble factors/cells in the media, trying to recapitulate the key biophysical and biochemical cues present in the muscle niche. This work proposes a different and simple approach to potentiate muscle regeneration exploiting the interplay between specific cell membrane receptors. The simultaneous stimulation of borate transporter, NaBC1 (encoded by SLC4A11gene), and fibronectin-binding integrins induced higher number and size of focal adhesions, major cell spreading and actin stress fibers, strengthening myoblast attachment and providing an enhanced response in terms of myotube fusion and maturation. The stimulated NaBC1 generated an adhesion-driven state through a mechanism that involves simultaneous NaBC1/?5?1/?v?3 co-localization. We engineered and characterized borax-loaded alginate hydrogels for an effective activation of NaBC1 in vivo. After inducing an acute injury with cardiotoxin in mice, active-NaBC1 accelerated the muscle regeneration process. Our results put forward a new biomaterial approach for muscle repair.PR acknowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018096794) , and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) . CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund. The authors wish to thank also the intellectual and technical assistance from the ICTS "NANBIOSIS", more specifically by the Drug Formulation Unit (U10) of the CIBER in Bioengineering, Biomaterials & Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) at the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) . The authors are grateful to A. Miralles for the credit of image of the mouse included in the graphical abstract.Ciriza, J.; Rodriguez-Romano, A.; Nogueroles, I.; Gallego Ferrer, G.; Martín Cabezuelo, R.; Pedraz, JL.; Rico Tortosa, PM. (2021). Borax-loaded injectable alginate hydrogels promote muscle regeneration in vivo after an injury. Materials Science and Engineering C: Materials for Biological Applications (Online). 123:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2021.112003S11412

    Estudio arquitectónico y patológico de la vecindad de Peralvillo 15

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    La presente tesis tiene por objetivo la realización de un proyecto de rehabilitación de la vecindad de uno de los barrios más conflictivos y con menos recursos económicos de la Ciudad de México, situado en la calle Peralvillo nº15 en la Colonia Morelos. La vecindad, del siglo XVIII, se encuentra muy deteriorada debido a su antigüedad y la falta de mantenimiento. A través de un estudio histórico, gráfico y técnico, quedan identificadas y catalogadas las condiciones patológicas actuales. Es por ello que el estudio se ha estructurado en 3 grandes bloques: Memoria, Planos y Fichas Patológicas. El primer bloque se compone por la Memoria, que contiene una recopilación de información histórica y técnica, estructurada por los siguientes puntos: - Localización y emplazamiento: contextualización de la vecindad dentro del marco geográfico e histórico de la Ciudad de México. - Estado actual del edificio: descripción de las características físicas del edificio y estado actual de las zonas comunes y viviendas tipo de la vecindad. Se descri-ben también de manera introductoria las lesiones y patologías que la afectan. - Actuaciones recomendadas: el objetivo principal es establecer una relación de puntos a considerar antes de definir las propuestas de intervención. - Conclusiones: visión personal y valoración final del estudio. - Bibliografía: citación de los documentos utilizados para la redacción del proyecto. El segundo bloque del proyecto se compone de los siguientes Planos: - Llave: vecindad en su totalidad donde se determina una distribución en zonas para facilitar y adaptar el grafismo en los siguientes planos. - Arquitectónicos: levantamiento de plantas y alzados de la vecindad incluyendo cotas e información básica. - Patologías: grafismo de las patologías actuales en todas las zonas comunes. - Instalaciones: grafismo de las instalaciones hidráulica, eléctrica y evacuación ac-tual de la vecindad indicando sus puntos patológicos. - Nuevo estado: propuesta final del nuevo estado de la vecindad una vez realiza-das las intervenciones recomendadas. En el último bloque se encuentran anexadas la Fichas Patológicas tanto de la estructura como de las instalaciones. Su objetivo es el diagnóstico y análisis de cada lesión identificando los puntos de riesgo y la urgencia de intervención para recomendar los mejores métodos de actuación.Outgoin

    Long-term variability and trends in meteorological droughts in Western Europe (1851-2018)

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    We analyzed long-term variability and trends in meteorological droughts across Western Europe using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). Precipitation data from 199 stations spanning the period 1851-2018 were employed, following homogenisation, to derive SPI-3 and SPI-12 series for each station, together with indices on drought duration and severity. Results reveal a general absence of statistically significant long-term trends in the study domain, with the exception of significant trends at some stations, generally covering short periods. The largest decreasing trends in SPI-3 (i.e. increasing drought conditions) were found for summer in the British and Irish Isles. In general, drought episodes experienced in the last two or three decades have precedents during the last 170 years, emphasising the importance of long records for assessing change. The main characteristic of drought variability in Western Europe is its strong spatial diversity, with regions exhibiting a homogeneous temporal evolution. Notably, the temporal variability of drought in Western Europe is more dominant than long-term trends. This suggests that long-term drought trends cannot be confirmed in Western Europe using precipitation records alone. This study provides a long-term regional assessment of drought variability in Western Europe, which can contribute to better understanding of regional climate change during the past two centuries.This work was supported by the research projects PCIN-2015-220 and CGL2017- 82216-R financed by the Spanish Commission of Science and Technology and FEDER, IMDROFLOOD financed by the WaterWorks 2014 co-funded call of the European Commission, CROSSDRO financed by the AXIS (Assessment of Cross(X) – sectorial climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation) JPI-Climate co-funded call of the European Commission, INDECIS, which is part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate, and funded by FORMAS (SE), DLR (DE), BMWFW (AT), IFD (DK), MINECO (ES), ANR (FR), FCT (PT) with co-funding by the European Union (Grant 690462), Irish Research Council COALESCE grant 2019/43

    Transcriptome characterization by RNA sequencing identifies a major molecular and clinical subdivision in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) has heterogeneous clinical and biological behavior. Whole-genome and -exome sequencing has contributed to the characterization of the mutational spectrum of the disease, but the underlying transcriptional profile is still poorly understood. We have performed deep RNA sequencing in different subpopulations of normal B-lymphocytes and CLL cells from a cohort of 98 patients, and characterized the CLL transcriptional landscape with unprecedented resolution. We detected thousands of transcriptional elements differentially expressed between the CLL and normal B cells, including protein-coding genes, noncoding RNAs, and pseudogenes. Transposable elements are globally derepressed in CLL cells. In addition, two thousand genes-most of which are not differentially expressed-exhibit CLL-specific splicing patterns. Genes involved in metabolic pathways showed higher expression in CLL, while genes related to spliceosome, proteasome, and ribosome were among the most down-regulated in CLL. Clustering of the CLL samples according to RNA-seq derived gene expression levels unveiled two robust molecular subgroups, C1 and C2. C1/C2 subgroups and the mutational status of the immunoglobulin heavy variable (IGHV) region were the only independent variables in predicting time to treatment in a multivariate analysis with main clinico-biological features. This subdivision was validated in an independent cohort of patients monitored through DNA microarrays. Further analysis shows that B-cell receptor (BCR) activation in the microenvironment of the lymph node may be at the origin of the C1/C2 differences