494 research outputs found

    O Didaktos OnLine: travessias digitais para uma cidadania reflexiva

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    A sociedade actual, marcada por grandes transformações científico-tecnológicas, sociais e políticas, vê-se cada vez mais confrontada com a necessidade de reintroduzir ou acentuar a formação no domínio moral e cívico. Como agente por excelência de socialização das gerações, a escola desempenha um importante papel neste contexto, assumindo um peso cada vez maior com o alargamento do tempo de permanência das crianças nas escolas, assim como pelo próprio aumento da escolaridade. Contudo, a promoção da Cidadania não poderá constituir um espaço meramente teórico de transmissão de conhecimentos, regras e comportamentos, ou de clarificação de direitos e deveres. Formar cidadãos é sinónimo de análise e reflexão critica de experiências que permitam ao aluno captar o que é efectivamente o exercício da cidadania. É, portanto, imprescindível, a introdução de práticas educativas inovadoras, capazes de facilitar o desenvolvimento de competências, atitudes e valores favoráveis ao desempenho de tarefas cívicas devidamente adaptadas, quer à realidade e contexto sóciocultural onde a escola se situe, quer a cada nível de escolaridade (Fonseca, 2003: 10). A investigação que se pretende apresentar, visa o desenvolvimento, em colaboração, de um programa de Cidadania no âmbito da área curricular não disciplinar de Formação Cívica. Consideramos essencial que a concretização dos desafios de Cidadania integrem transdisciplinaridade, colaboração e inovação. Neste sentido o estudo a levar a cabo basear-se-á numa metodologia de investigação-acção para o desenvolvimento de um programa de formação cívica com o suporte da plataforma DidaktosOnLine. Esta ferramenta distribuída permite aos seus utilizadores desenvolverem a flexibilidade cognitiva, pela característica de ter sido concebida com base na apresentação e exploração de um mesmo caso através de múltiplas perspectivas conceptuais. Estruturado numa metodologia de ensino baseado em casos, o DidaktosOnLine vai de encontro às necessidades de uma verdadeira Educação para a Cidadania, na qual é essencial a análise, a discussão e a reflexão crítica de temas e experiências. Promover competências de Cidadania nos alunos e apoiar os docentes na concretização da área curricular não disciplinar de Formação Cívica, incentivando comportamentos colaborativos, são as principais finalidades deste projecto. Com a investigação que será levada a cabo pretende-se sobretudo promover um programa colaborativo de formação cívica, consequente e adequado aos objectivos de uma Educação para a Cidadania coerente e participativa

    Reactive pad-batch dyeing in CORONA discharged fabrics

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    The present work aims to the study of the increase of pick-up, together with uniformity degree, concerning the application of reactive dyeing baths by padding in a dry cotton fabric previously treated with CORONA discharge. Dyeing recipes, with and without wetting agent, are compared and advantages of CORONA discharge are analysed. Reactive dyes are used, expecting also to increase washing fastness of the difficult dark colours due to higher penetration of the dye into the core of the fibres when submitted to plasmatic treatment. The use of CORONA discharge intends to modify hydrophility of cotton fabrics even when they are presented to padding in hydrophobic state. A good alternative to wetting agent presence in recipes is found and more uniform and intense dyeings are performed in all cases.(undefined

    Preparation of cotton materials using CORONA discharge

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    The present work concerns the study of preparation processes when this operation is preceded by a CORONA discharge made on dry raw fabrics. The influence in the whiteness degree, hydrophility, starch removal and uniformity of properties of the cellulosic material after preparation is studied. Combined preparation processes are widely used in order to replace solutions where desizing, alkaline boiling and bleaching are individual operations, being a main interest to find the optimal conditions to achieve alkaline oxidative treatments with an uniform and more intense cleaning action. CORONA discharge is able to strongly modify hydrophility of cotton fabrics in raw stage, which is determinant to increase liquids absorption and uniformity of processed fabrics. Results of long-bath, pad-roll, pad-batch and pad-steam bleaching processes in laboratory conditions are compared using or not wetting agent in the recipes and including CORONA discharge as a preparation operation. The transfer of this technology to industry regarding the implementation in textile plant in a very near future is being worked, supported by results as the present ones.(undefined

    Mineralogical and petrographic characterization of Preguiça and Vila Ruiva mines

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    This study was performed on the Preguiça and Vila Ruiva mines and aimed at petrographic and mineralogical characterization of various geological media. The Preguiça and Vila Ruiva mines are two examples of the different types of Zn-Pb(-Ag-Sb-Au) deposits that occur in the Ossa Morena Zone, more specifically in the Moura-Ficalho region. Both deposits are in Serra da Preguiça, Beja district, and were explored for Fe-Zn-Pb in the early 20th century and between 1960 and 1966. In Preguiça and Vila Ruiva mines, the old exploration mainly targeted supergene enrichment areas, and information available on the primary mineralisation is scarce. The geology of the Preguiça-Vila Ruiva mining area consists of carbonate rocks that are affected by significant hydrothermal alteration (dolomitization and chertification), essentially composed of dolomite, calcite, and minor ankerite. Recent studies suggest that the Preguiça and Vila Ruiva deposits correspond to very rich secondary Zn-ores located in metadolostones of Lower Cambrian age due to strong in situ oxidation and supergene enrichment processes on previous sulphide mineralisation. Rock samples were collected from the gossans and the host rocks in the spring of 2022. In addition, local soil was sampled from the first 15cm of the soil profile. All rock and soil samples collected from Preguiça and Vila Ruiva were analysed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and the host rock specimens were further studied using a petrographic microscope. The study of the Preguiça and Vila Ruiva thin sections suggests that the host rocks correspond to dolomitic meta-limestones manly with granoblastic texture, composed of dolomite, calcite, quartz, and opaque minerals. For the Preguiça mine, XRD shows that the dolomitic metalimestone has average dolomite contents of ~30%, while Vila Ruiva shows significantly higher contents (~80%) of this mineral. The Preguiça gossan is characterized by significant amounts of willemite (~52%), quartz (~40%), and iron oxides (goethite, hematite, and minor magnetite). Accessory minerals include chalcophanite and anglesite. At Vila Ruiva, the gossan is dominated by iron oxides, manly magnetite (~33%) and minor hematite (~17%) and goethite (~12%). In this mine, mineral phases such as willemite, chalcophanite and anglesite were not identified. The soils of Vila Ruiva present slightly higher amounts of quartz and lower contents of carbonate minerals than Preguiça soils. However, smithsonite (~12%) was only identified for Vila Ruiva, while cerussite (~3%) was identified only for Preguiça. Hematite is the most abundant iron oxide in the soils of both mines. Although the results suggest some differences in the gossans mineralogy of both mines, the small number of samples analysed largely justify further investigation

    Geological setting of the chipindo mine: a preliminary analysis

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    As a contribution to the metallogenic model for the Chipindo mineral deposit, the preliminary characterization of the geology of the area is presented. The open-pit mine is located in Huíla, Angola, and currently explores primary gold. It is included in the South Sheet D-33/J of Caconda from the Geological Map of Angola at 1:250 000 scale. - essentially, composed by leucocratic granites, with potassium feldspar phenocrysts of idiomorphic habit and poikilitic texture. The exploration targets mineralised quartz veins. For this work, and as part of a PhD thesis of Kumoleha A., a total of 49 rock and mineral samples were collected in the mining area for the lithological and mineralogical characterization of the deposit. 21 samples were collected in the mining area, including the mineralized structures, and host rocks. The field description encompasses i) Quartz associated with leucogranites; ii) Mineralized quartz veins; iii) Pegmatitic veins; iv) Strongly fractured quartz; v) Quartz veins with en-echelon structures; vi) Weakly mineralized quartz; vii) Highly altered and deformed volcanic tuffs; viii) Volcanic rocks, with copper sulphides (mainly bornite); ix) Altered dolerite rock. To characterise the regional geological setting, 20 rock samples were collected in the following geological units: a) Acid metavulcanites; b) Granites to biotitic-amphibolic, porphyroid granodiorites; c) Gabbros, diorites and quartz-diorites, variably foliated, metamorphosed and/or metasomatized; d) Coarse-grained porphyroid leucogranites. Eight samples of mine waste were collected from the floatation tanks for geochemical analysis and study of tailings, including the potential environmental impact. The sampling and sample description already carried out allows the preliminary characterization of this gold deposit. Future investigation will include mineralogical, geochemical, petrographic and metallographic studies that will certainly increase our understanding of the processes that formed this mineral deposit

    On the ordeal of quinolone preparation via cyclisation of aryl-enamines; synthesis and structure of ethyl 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-(3-iodo-4-methylphenoxy)-quinoline-3-carboxylate

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    Recent studies directed to the design of compounds targeting the bc(1) protein complex of Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite responsible for most lethal cases of malaria, identified quinolones (4-oxo-quinolines) with low nanomolar inhibitory activity against both the enzyme and infected erythrocytes. The 4-oxo-quinoline 3-ester chemotype emerged as a possible source of potent bc(1) inhibitors, prompting us to expand the library of available analogs for SAR studies and subsequent lead optimization. We now report the synthesis and structural characterization of unexpected ethyl 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-(3-iodo-4-methylphenoxy)quinoline-3-carboxylate, a 4-aryloxy-quinoline 3-ester formed during attempted preparation of 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-oxo-quinoline-3-carboxylate (4-oxo-quinoline 3-ester). We propose that the 4-aryloxy-quinoline 3-ester derives from 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-hydroxy-quinoline-3-carboxylate (4-hydroxy-quinoline 3-ester), the enol form of 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-oxo-quinoline-3-carboxylate. Formation of the 4-aryloxy-quinoline 3-ester confirms the impact of quinolone/hydroxyquinoline tautomerism, both on the efficiency of synthetic routes to quinolones and on pharmacologic profiles. Tautomers exhibit different cLogP values and interact differently with the enzyme active site. A structural investigation of 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-oxo-quinoline-3-carboxylate and 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-hydroxy-quinoline-3-carboxylate, using matrix isolation coupled to FTIR spectroscopy and theoretical calculations, revealed that the lowest energy conformers of 6-methyl-7-iodo-4-hydroxy-quinoline-3-carboxylate, lower in energy than their most stable 4-oxo-quinoline tautomer by about 27 kJ mol(-1), are solely present in the matrix, while the most stable 4-oxo-quinoline tautomer is solely present in the crystalline phase.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT - Portugal) [UID/Multi/04326/2013]; QREN-COMPETE-UE; CCMAR; FCT [SFRH/BD/81821/2011, RECI/BBB-BQB/0230/2012, UI0313/QUI/2013, UID/FIS/04564/2016]; FEDER/COMPETE-UE; [PTDC/QEQ-QFI/3284/2014 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016617]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    InSAR Meteorology: High-Resolution Geodetic Data Can Increase Atmospheric Predictability

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    AbstractThe present study assesses the added value of high‐resolution maps of precipitable water vapor, computed from synthetic aperture radar interferograms , in short‐range atmospheric predictability. A large set of images, in different weather conditions, produced by Sentinel‐1A in a very well monitored region near the Appalachian Mountains, are assimilated by the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model. Results covering more than 2 years of operation indicate a consistent improvement of the water vapor predictability up to a range comparable with the transit time of the air mass in the synthetic aperture radar interferograms footprint, an overall improvement in the forecast of different precipitation events, and better representation of the spatial distribution of precipitation. This result highlights the significant potential for increasing short‐range atmospheric predictability from improved high‐resolution precipitable water vapor initial data, which can be obtained from new high‐resolution all‐weather microwave sensors

    Perspectivas para a sustentabilidade: o caso dos Açores

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    O desenvolvimento sustentável assume a protecção e gestão optimizada dos recursos naturais,mas também implica, necessariamente, o desenvolvimento económico e social. O modelo de desenvolvimento a implementar deve permitir a formulação e aplicação de uma estratégia assente em pressupostos de sustentabilidade, assumidos numa perspectiva de participação e envolvimento de todas as partes interessadas. Neste contexto, a situação periférica da Região Autónoma dos Açores potencia fragilidades e acentua vulnerabilidades, mas as especificidades existentes também proporcionam possibilidades de diferenciação que podem (devem) concretizar oportunidades privilegiadas para a implementação de uma estratégia inovadora de desenvolvimento. É neste sentido que importa concretizar na Região Autónoma dos Açores osdesideratos da Estratégia Nacional para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável e acautelar a incorporação das especificidades regionais em futuras revisões da mesma permitindo, desta forma, a salvaguarda das particularidades ambientais, económicas e sociais dos Açores no contexto nacional e comunitário. A presente comunicação apresenta alguns contributos para este fim, desenvolvidos no âmbito dos Estudos de Base do Plano Regional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Região Autónoma dos AçoresDirecção Regional do Ambient

    Developments in preparation and dyeing of CORONA discharged cellulosic materials

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    The preparation and dyeing of cellulosic fabrics hás important problems such as uniformity of aspect, cleaning efficiency, level of bleaching, conformity and fastness of colours, and ecological impact. Combination of preparation processes can give optimal solutions, regarding economy and ecology, especially if superior quality items are achieved in final products. In fact, high standards concerning whiteness, starch removal and hidrophilicity are considered a good basis for leveled, cleaner and intense dyeing. A better white basis, escellent hidrophilicity and enough removal of impurities are obtained if desizing is omitted and a CORONA discharge is made over dry grey material. Exhaustion dyeings with different classes of direct dyes show similar behavior concerning the positive influence of the discharge in the intensity of colours and their fastness. Good penetration of dyes in coronised cotton materials is assured and consequently a good fastness is abtained