268 research outputs found

    Artificial Motor Control For Electrically Stimulated Upper Limbs Of Plegic Or Paretic People

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    Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a technique used in the restoration and generation of movements performed by subjects with neuromuscular disorders such as spinal cord injury (SCI). The purpose of this article is to outline the state of the art and perspectives of the use of FES in artificial motor control of the upper limbs in paretic or plegic people. Methods: The databases used in papers selection were Google Scholar and Capes’ Portals as well as proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS). Results: Approximately 85% of the reviewed studies showed FES profile with pulse duration ranging from 1 to 300 μs and modulating (burst) frequency between 10 and 40 Hz. Regarding the type of electrodes, 88% of the studies employed transcutaneous electrodes. Conclusion: We concluded that FES with closed-loop feedback and feedforward are the most used and most viable systems for upper limbs motor control, because they perform self-corrections slowing neuromuscular adaptation, allowing different planes and more range of movement and sensory-motor integration. One of the difficulties found in neuroprosthesis systems are electrical wires attached to the user, becoming uninteresting in relation to aesthetics and break. The future perspectives lead to a trend to miniaturization of the stimulation equipment and the availability of wireless networks, which allow the attachment of modules to other components without physical contact, and will become more attractive for daily use. © 2016, Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia Biomedica. All rights reserved.32219921

    Experimentos em parcelas subdivididas com tratamentos primários em blocos incompletos parcialmente balanceados I: uma solução das equações normais

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    The objective of this study was to develop a suitable methodology for the solution of normal equations in split-plot experiments involving two-way treatment structures when the design for the whole plot experimental units is a partially balanced incomplete block design.O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo para obtenção de uma solução adequada das equações normais de experimentos em parcelas subdivididas com tratamentos primários dispostos segundo uma estrutura de blocos incompletos parcialmente balanceados

    Species richness and biomass of understory vegetation in a Eucalyptus globulus Labill. coppice as affected by slash management

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different slash management practices on understory biodiversity and biomass in Eucalyptus globulus coppices in Central Portugal. The experiment consisted of four treatments: (a) removal of slash (R), (b) broadcast over the soil (S), (c) as in S but concentrating woody residues between tree rows (W) and (d) incorporation of slash into soil by harrowing (I). Understory vegetation was surveyed during 1–6, 9, and 10 years, the proportion of soil cover by plant species estimated, and diversity and equitability indexes determined. Above ground understory biomass was sampled in years 2–6, 9, and 10. The highest number of species in most years occurred in plots where slash was removed. Differences between treatments in the proportion of plant soil cover were never significant, whereas differences in diversity index were only occasionally significant and apparently related to the number of species. Thus, differences in the equitability index were not significant. Understory biomass did not decrease during the rotation period, and was usually highest in R and I, and lowest in S, but not significantly different. At the end of the rotation period, understory biodiversity indices and biomass were apparently independent of slash treatment

    Superparasitism and host discrimination by Neodohrniphora elongata (Diptera: Phoridae), a parasitoid of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    The leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel is parasitized by several species of Phoridae flies, one of which is Neodohrniphora elongata Brown. The female of this fly oviposits inside the head of larger workers of the Atta colony, emerging only one fly from each cephalic capsule. The objective of this study was to investigate the occurrence of superparasitism by.N. elongata on workers of A. sexdens rubropilosa in the laboratory and to describe if the female of this parasitoid is able to discriminate between non-parasitized and previously parasitized workers by itself and between non-parasitized and previously parasitized workers by another female of the same species. The tests were conducted in a glass observation chamber where 15 parasitized and 15 non-parasitized workers and one fly were released at a time. The flies laid eggs preferentially in non-parasitized workers rather than workers parasitized by themselves (n=11) or parasitized by other females (n=18). In both cases females of N. elongata were able to discriminate the parasitized host, rejecting most of them, but did not avoid superparasitism. Based on the high indices of superparasitism found (29.4% ofselfsuperparasitismand49.5%of conspecific superparasitism), the process of host discrimination by N. elongata seems to be of little efficiency at least under experimental conditions

    An internet-based intervention for depression in primary care in Spain: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Depression is the most prevalent cause of illness-induced disability worldwide. Face-to-face psychotherapeutic interventions for depression can be challenging, so there is a need for other alternatives that allow these interventions to be offered. One feasible alternative is Internet-based psychological interventions. This is the first randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the effectiveness of an Internet-based intervention on depression in primary health care in Spain. Objective: Our aim was to compare the effectiveness of a low-intensity therapist-guided (LITG) Internet-based program and a completely self-guided (CSG) Internet-based program with improved treatment as usual (iTAU) care for depression. Methods: Multicenter, three-arm, parallel, RCT design, carried out between November 2012 and January 2014, with a follow-up of 15 months. In total, 296 adults from primary care settings in four Spanish regions, with mild or moderate major depression, were randomized to LITG (n=96), CSG (n=98), or iTAU (n=102). Research completers at follow-up were 63.5%. The intervention was Smiling is Fun, an Internet program based on cognitive behavioral therapy. All patients received iTAU by their general practitioners. Moreover, LITG received Smiling is Fun and the possibility of psychotherapeutic support on request by email, whereas CSG received only Smiling is Fun. The main outcome was the Beck Depression Inventory-II at 3 months from baseline. Mixed-effects multilevel analysis for repeated measures were undertaken. Results: There was no benefit for either CSG (B coefficient=-1.15; P=.444)] or LITG (B=-0.71; P=.634)] compared to iTAU, at 3 months. There were differences at 6 months iTAU vs CSG (B=-4.22; P=.007); iTAU vs LITG (B=-4.34; P=.005)] and 15 months iTAU vs CSG (B=-5.10; P=.001); iTAU vs LITG (B=-4.62; P=.002)]. There were no differences between CSG and LITG at any time. Adjusted and intention-to-treat models confirmed these findings. Conclusions: An Internet-based intervention for depression combined with iTAU conferred a benefit over iTAU alone in the Spanish primary health care system

    Erratum To: Quality Of Sweat Test (st) Based On The Proportion Of Sweat Sodium (na) And Sweat Chloride (cl) As Diagnostic Parameter Of Cystic Fibrosis: Are We On The Right Way?

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    During production of the original article [1] the Methods section included an incorrect sentence. The following sentence "For the analysis of variables with numerical distribution, Fisher's exact test and one-way analysis of variance were used" should be corrected as "For the analysis of variables with numerical distribution, Student's t-test and one-way analysis of variance were used". © The Author(s).12
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