410 research outputs found

    Deriving the full-reducing Krivine machine from the small-step operational semantics of normal order

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    We derive by program transformation Pierre Crégut s full-reducing Krivine machine KN from the structural operational semantics of the normal order reduction strategy in a closure-converted pure lambda calculus. We thus establish the correspondence between the strategy and the machine, and showcase our technique for deriving full-reducing abstract machines. Actually, the machine we obtain is a slightly optimised version that can work with open terms and may be used in implementations of proof assistants

    Immediate implants with buccal defects filled with bone from the tuberosity or a xenograft : 1-year randomized trial

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    The aim of this study was to compare the use of autologous bone from tuberosity (TUBER) and deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) in immediate implants with buccal bone defects. A total of 31 patients with one single tooth in the upper anterior region indicated for extraction presenting tomographic buccal bone defect were analyzed. Immediate implantation was conducted for all patients. In one group, DBBM and a collagen membrane were inserted into the buccal defect; in the other group, a small block of bone from tuberosity was used. The primary outcome was facial-palatal ridge thickness (FPT) measured in casts 1 year after function. The implant success rate was 100% in both groups. FPT changes were 0.05). No significant differences were observed between groups for patient’s esthetic, satisfaction, pain and quality of life. Pink esthetic scores for the DBBM and TUBER were 11.5±1.7 and 10.8±1.9, respectively (p=0.37). It can be concluded that DBBM and TUBER did not differ in terms of ridge alterations, peri-implant clinical parameters and patient-reported outcomes

    Penetration by Botryosphaeriaceae species in avocado, guava and persimmon fruit during postharvest

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    Botryosphaeriaceae species have a wide host range and a worldwide distribution. These fungal species can colonize several plant organs, such as the trunk, leaves and fruit. Some Botryosphaeriaceae species cause important diseases on persimmon, avocado and guava fruit. However, there is a lack of information regarding the mechanisms of penetration by Botryosphaeriaceae species on these tropical and subtropical fruits. This study aimed to better understand the mechanisms involved in fungal penetration, host specificity and aggressiveness of Botryosphaeria dothidea, Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae and Neofusicoccum parvum on avocado (Persea americana), guava (Psidium guajava) and persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruit. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image analysis showed that in avocado fruit, the three studied Botryosphaeriaceae species penetrated through lenticels. In guava fruit, penetration through stomata was verified for Botryosphaeria dothidea and Neofusicoccum parvum. In persimmon fruit, an appressoria-like structure was observed for B. dothidea, which suggests direct penetration. Disease incidence in wounded fruit was 24% higher than in non-wounded fruit. L. pseudotheobromae and N. parvum showed differences in aggressiveness in guava fruit. The longest incubation period was observed for N. parvum inoculated on guava, with an average of 4.5 days, and the shortest incubation period was verified for B. dothidea inoculated on avocado, with an average of 2.8 days. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) did not differ between Botryosphaeriaceae species on avocado, whereas on guava and persimmon fruit, the AUDPC was lower for B. dothidea. The information regarding penetration mechanisms and aggressiveness is important to improve postharvest disease control strategies.EEA BalcarceFil: Ludwig Navarro, Barbara. University of São Paulo. Luiz de Queiroz Agriculture College. Department of Plant Pathology and Nematology; Brasil.Fil: Edwards Molina, Juan Pablo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina.Fil: Edwards Molina, Juan Pablo. University of São Paulo. Luiz de Queiroz Agriculture College. Department of Plant Pathology and Nematology; Brasil.Fil: Nogueira Júnior, Antonio F. University of São Paulo. Luiz de Queiroz Agriculture College. Department of Plant Pathology and Nematology; Brasil

    Producción de mielatos en colonias de abejas afectadas por el mal del río en Uruguay

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    In Uruguay, the excretions of the flatidae Epormenis cestri when located in sarandí colorado trees (Sebastiania schottiana) are the cause of the massive death of young honeybee larvae, a phenomenon that beekeepers call River disease. A strong income of honeydew is frequently observed in these affected colonies despite the con-tinuous loss of bees due to lack of replacement. The aim of this study was to determine a handling of the colonies that allows obtaining honeydew honey. Forty-eight colonies were transported to an apiary affected by River disease and were divided into 5 groups according to the following treatments: Group 1: regular honeydew har-vest, adding of brood and sugar syrup supply (N=10); Group 2: regular honeydew harvest and sugar syrup supply (N=10); Group 3: regular honeydew harvest and adding of brood (N=10); Group 4: regular honeydew harvest (N=10); Group 5: only one harvest of honeydew once the study had finished (N=8). The colonies from groups 1 and 3 produced the biggest amount of honeydew honey, averaging 32.0 and 28.6kg, respectively. The physicochemical analysis of honeydew honey showed characteristics of this product such as high electrical conductivity (0.98-1.14 mS/cm), diastase activity (>50%) and color (71-83 mm Pfund). This study provides the basis of a colony handling that allows beekeepers to obtain important harvests of a honeydew honey not yet known in the international market.En Uruguay, las excreciones de los flátidos Epormenis cestri, cuando se localizan en árboles de sarandí colo-rado (Sebastiania schottiana), causan mortalidad masiva de larvas jóvenes de abejas melíferas, fenómeno que los apicultores denominan «mal del río». Frecuentemente se observa una fuerte entrada de mielatos en las colonias afectadas a pesar del despoblamiento de abejas generado por la falta de reemplazo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar un manejo de las colonias que permita obtener mielatos. Se transportaron 48 colo-nias a un colmenar afectado por el mal del río y se dividieron en 5 grupos de acuerdo con el tratamiento: Grupo 1: cosecha regular de mielatos, adición de cría y suministro de jarabe de azúcar (N = 10); Grupo 2: cosecha regular de mielatos y suministro de jarabe de azúcar (N = 10); Grupo 3: cosecha regular de mielatos y adición de cría (N = 10); Grupo 4: cosecha regular de mielatos (N = 10); Grupo 5: solo una cosecha de mielatos una vez finalizadas las secreciones de E. cestri (N = 8). Las colonias de los grupos 1 y 3 produjeron la mayor cantidad de mielatos, con un promedio de 32,0 y 28,6 kg, respectivamente. El análisis fisicoquímico de los mielatos mostró características de este producto, como alta conductividad eléctrica (0.98-1.14 mS / cm), activi-dad diastasa (> 50%) y color (71-83 mm Pfund). Este estudio proporciona la base de un manejo de las colonias que permite a los apicultores obtener cosechas importantes de un mielato aún no conocido en el mercado internacional

    Does sustainability score impact mutual fund performance?

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    Given that sustainable investing constitutes a major force across global financial markets, in 2016 Morningstar began reporting Morningstar Sustainability scores. We used the 2016, 2017 and 2018 scores to study the e ects of socially responsible investments (SRI) on European equity fund performance. Sustainability scores impacted positively on performance, which was consistent with the idea that the mutual funds invested in companies with better scores generate better risk-adjusted and not-risk adjusted performance. We also tested the relation on mutual fund flows and risk. The sustainability score in the previous year is significant on the flows, so higher-rated funds receive a larger volume of funds. In terms of risk, the level of sustainability is negatively related to the value at risk (VaR) of the fund, supporting that higher scored mutual funds o er better protection against extreme lossesThis research was funded by (1) the Galician Regional Government ED431B 2017/34 and ED431D 2017/19 co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) within the period 2014-2020 and (2) the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI) and European Regional Development Fund (RTI2018-100702-B-I00 MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)S

    Effect of sugar syrup on larval survival in honey bee colonies affected by River disease

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    La muerte masiva de larvas de abejas Apis mellifera que ocurre cuando las abejas colectan las excreciones del flátido Epormensis cestri es conocida como Mal del Río en Uruguay. Los apicultores que encuentran afectadas sus colonias en primavera verano deben trasladarlas hacia otras zonas para evitar pérdidas importantes por despoblamiento. Algunos apicultores han tratado de disminuir la pérdida de larvas suministrando jarabe de azúcar reportando resultados dispares. Para determinar en qué medida el aporte de jarabe de azúcar reducía la mortalidad larval se instalaron en un apiario afectado por el Mal del Río tres grupos de 10 colonias cada uno. A dos grupos se les suministró dos litros de jarabe de azúcar 1:1 (peso:volumen) en 6 oportunidades a lo largo de 19 días, a uno a través de un alimentador interno y a otro a través de un alimentador externo. El tercer grupo de colonias no recibió jarabe de azúcar. En ese periodo se estimó en cuatro oportunidades la viabilidad de la cría mediante análisis de fotografías. El jarabe de azúcar, independientemente del tipo de alimentador empleado, permitió que sobrevivieran 53-64 % de las larvas en la primera semana, pero estos valores decayeron rápidamente alcanzando 7 días después un máximo de 24 %. En las colonias control la mortalidad de la cría fue menor a 2 %. Estos resultados muestran que el efecto del jarabe de azúcar en la reducción de mortalidad larval es acotado y de corta duración, por lo que no se aconseja a los apicultores recurrir a este manejo en colonias afectadas por el Mal del Río.The massive larvae death of the honey bee Apis mellifera that occurs when the bees collect the excretions of the flatidae Epormensis cestri is known in Uruguay as River disease. The beekeepers that find their colonies affected during spring-summer must move them to a safe place to prevent significant losses due to depopulation. Some beekeepers have tried to reduce the loss of larvae by adding sugar syrup, reporting different results. In order to evaluate in what measure, if any, the sugar syrup reduced the larvae mortality, 3 groups of 10 colonies each were installed in an apiary infected by River disease. Two of these groups were given two liters of sugar syrup 1:1 (weight:volume) in 6 opportunities throughout 19 days, one of them through an internal feeder and the other through an external feeder. The third group of colonies did not receive sugar syrup. In this period, the viability of the brood was estimated four times through photographic analysis. The sugar syrup, regardless of the type of feeder used, allowed 53-64 % of the larvae to survive the first week, but these values quickly decreased, reaching after 7 days a maximum survival of 24 %. In the control colonies the brood mortality was below 2 %. These results show that the effect that sugar syrup has on larvae mortality is narrow and of short duration, so it is not advised that beekeepers resort to this practice in colonies affected by River disease.INIA: FPTA 32

    Los procesos de acreditación de carreras en el MERCOSUR: ¿la carrera de veterinaria de Uruguay acreditaría con los niveles de exigencia de las agencias de Argentina y Brasil?

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    MERCOSUR created the ARCU-SUR system as a regional mechanism for accreditation of undergraduate programmes. The Veterinary career in Uruguay achieved accreditation by ARCU-SUR in 2010. As re-accreditation approaches an evaluation of the career with the Brazilian and Argentinian national standards of accreditation was simulated due to their strong influence on the definition of the regional criteria. Institutional self-assessment was updated and compared with the accreditation indicators of the Brazilian and Argentinian agencies. The idea of quality of the accreditation system in Brazil emphasizes the training of the teaching staff while in Argentina emphasizes the teaching and learning processes. The career could achieve accreditation with the Argentinian parameters but should improve aspects of the academic training of their teachers to achieve accreditation in Brazil. This work made it possible to adjust the Development Plan of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.El MERCOSUR creó el Sistema ARCU-SUR como mecanismo regional de acreditación de carreras universitarias. La carrera de Veterinaria de Uruguay fue acreditada por ARCU-SUR en el 2010. Al aproximarse la reacreditación se simuló la evaluación de la carrera con las normas nacionales de Acreditación de Argentina y Brasil por la fuerte influencia que ejercen sobre la definición de los criterios regionales. Se actualizó la Autoevaluación Institucional y se comparó con los indicadores de acreditación de las agencias argentina y brasilera. La lógica de calidad del sistema de acreditación de Brasil pone énfasis en la formación del plantel docente y Argentina pone énfasis en los procesos de enseñanza y de aprendizaje. La carrera acreditaría con los parámetros argentinos pero debe mejorar aspectos de la formación académica de sus docentes para lograr acreditar en Brasil. Este trabajo permitió ajustar el Plan de Desarrollo de la Facultad de Veterinaria.

    Apelin Enhances the Effects of Fusobacterium nucleatum on Periodontal Ligament Cells In Vitro.

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    This study aimed to explore effects of Fusobacterium nucleatum with or without apelin on periodontal ligament (PDL) cells to better understand pathomechanistic links between periodontitis and obesity. First, the actions of F. nucleatum on COX2, CCL2, and MMP1 expressions were assessed. Subsequently, PDL cells were incubated with F. nucleatum in the presence and absence of apelin to study the modulatory effects of this adipokine on molecules related to inflammation and hard and soft tissue turnover. Regulation of apelin and its receptor (APJ) by F. nucleatum was also studied. F. nucleatum resulted in elevated COX2, CCL2, and MMP1 expressions in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Combination of F. nucleatum and apelin led to the highest (p < 0.05) expression levels of COX2, CCL2, CXCL8, TNF-α, and MMP1 at 48 h. The effects of F. nucleatum and/or apelin on CCL2 and MMP1 were MEK1/2- and partially NF-κB-dependent. The combined effects of F. nucleatum and apelin on CCL2 and MMP1 were also observed at protein level. Moreover, F. nucleatum downregulated (p < 0.05) the apelin and APJ expressions. In conclusion, obesity could contribute to periodontitis through apelin. The local production of apelin/APJ in PDL cells also suggests a role of these molecules in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

    The Management of Innovation Networks: Possibilities of Collaboration in Light of Game Theory

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    The purpose of the present article is to demonstrate how understanding the rationality of the agents of innovation networks can be useful to strategically formulate their management, in light of the prisoner’s dilemma. This research was undertaken using a theoretical test that addresses the topics of network governance and management, collaboration and game theory. The results may contribute to the literature on network governance and management, more specifically to the field of innovation networks, by proposing scenarios upon which network managers can build in order to develop governance strategies. Moreover, management mechanisms are also proposed, adjusted to the innovation networks, in order to encourage collaboration among the participants of these innovative environments