5,688 research outputs found

    AMS and IRM studies in the late-variscan Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (Ossa-Morena Zone, Portugal)

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    The Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (SEPC) is a calc-alkaline granitic body, with an area of 400 km2, and is located in the north of the Ossa Morena Zone of the Variscan Iberian sector, near the limit with the Central Iberian Zone. SEPC is considered late-Variscan because it cross-cuts the regional variscan structures. The host rocks are metamorphic formations from Upper Proterozoic to Lower Paleozoic. The SEPC has two main granitic facies with different compositions and textures. From the rim to the core, there is a medium-to coarse-grained pink granite (G0), which involves large elongated masses of mafic to intermediate rocks (M); and a central grey monzonitic granite (G1) which presents a dominant medium granular facies, and also a slight porphyritic texture close to G0. AMS and IRM studies were conducted to characterise these rocks, from 61 sampling sites: 29 in G0, 27 in G1 and 5 in M. The Km values range between 41.6 and 7343.7 x 10-6 SI in granitic rocks: G0, with Km > 10-3 SI (mean: 1357.4 x 10-6 SI) which supports the presence of magnetite, and G1 with Km< 10-4 SI (mean: 97.0 x 10-6 SI). In M, Km values are homogeneous with a mean of 620.9 x 10-6 SI. The magnetic anisotropy (P%) and the ellipsoid shape (T) were only determined in granites. The mean values of P% are 6.2% and 3.1% in G0 and G1, respectively. T shows the strongest oblate ellipsoids in central G1 (mean: 0.365) and slightly oblate in G0 (mean: 0.099). The magnetic foliations are subvertical ENE-WSW-striking in G0 and G1. Magnetic lineations are subvertical in G0 and moderately plunge to the SE in G1.The saturation IRM (SIRM) mean values are 9.345 A/m in G0, 0.027 A/m in G1 and 2.634 A/m in M. In G0 and M, the IRM acquisition curves show saturation between 0.3 and 0.4 T, followed by a small increase in increasing fields, suggesting that the main carrier of remanence is low magnetite or Ti-magnetite. In G1, the acquisition curves demonstrate paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic fractions, but a small magnetite fraction can also be present. SIRM/K have mean values of 7.119 kA/m, 0.298 kA/m and 3.425 kA/m for Go, G1 and M, respectively. The AMS and SIRM data support that G0 and G1 have a distinct magnetic behaviour. G0 is controlled by a ferrimagnetic fraction. G1, with Km< 10-4 SI, shows a paramagnetic behaviour due to ferromagnesian minerals, such as biotite and ilmenite. In M, Km is typical of gabbros and granodiorites and is due to the high contents of ferromagnesian minerals. The magnetic behaviours of G0 and G1 suggest different redox conditions in the magma genesis. Magnetic anisotropy is higher in G0 due to the presence of magnetite, but microscope observations also show signs of a post-magmatic deformation in G0. Although magnetic foliations are subvertical ENE-WSW-striking in both granites, magnetic lineations are different. The differences reflect distinct redox processes at magmatic sources and different emplacement mechanisms of M, G0 and G1

    Semilinear elliptic equations in thin regions with terms concentrating on oscillatory boundaries

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    In this work we study the behavior of a family of solutions of a semilinear elliptic equation, with homogeneous Neumann boundary condition, posed in a two-dimensional oscillating thin region with reaction terms concentrated in a neighborhood of the oscillatory boundary. Our main result is concerned with the upper and lower semicontinuity of the set of solutions. We show that the solutions of our perturbed equation can be approximated with ones of a one-dimensional equation, which also captures the effects of all relevant physical processes that take place in the original problem

    Unscented Bayesian Optimization for Safe Robot Grasping

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    We address the robot grasp optimization problem of unknown objects considering uncertainty in the input space. Grasping unknown objects can be achieved by using a trial and error exploration strategy. Bayesian optimization is a sample efficient optimization algorithm that is especially suitable for this setups as it actively reduces the number of trials for learning about the function to optimize. In fact, this active object exploration is the same strategy that infants do to learn optimal grasps. One problem that arises while learning grasping policies is that some configurations of grasp parameters may be very sensitive to error in the relative pose between the object and robot end-effector. We call these configurations unsafe because small errors during grasp execution may turn good grasps into bad grasps. Therefore, to reduce the risk of grasp failure, grasps should be planned in safe areas. We propose a new algorithm, Unscented Bayesian optimization that is able to perform sample efficient optimization while taking into consideration input noise to find safe optima. The contribution of Unscented Bayesian optimization is twofold as if provides a new decision process that drives exploration to safe regions and a new selection procedure that chooses the optimal in terms of its safety without extra analysis or computational cost. Both contributions are rooted on the strong theory behind the unscented transformation, a popular nonlinear approximation method. We show its advantages with respect to the classical Bayesian optimization both in synthetic problems and in realistic robot grasp simulations. The results highlights that our method achieves optimal and robust grasping policies after few trials while the selected grasps remain in safe regions.Comment: conference pape

    Frequência de linfócitos T e células NK produtoras de TNF-alfa em fumadores

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    É objectivo do nosso estudo avaliar a frequência de linfócitos T e células NK produtores TNF-α, e analisar a relação do hábito tabágico com a resposta imune, num grupo de 7 indivíduos fumadores e 10 não fumadores. O habito tabágico causa uma resposta inflamatória crónica nos pulmões, sendo caracterizada pelo aumento do número de neutrófilos e macrófagos na circulação pulmonar, é responsável por uma supressão da resposta imune humoral, tendo também influência na resposta celular. Verificou-se um aumento estatisticamente significativo na percentagem das células T CD3+/CD56+ nos indivíduos fumadores. Nas células T CD3+/CD56- não há diferença na sua percentagem entre fumadores e não fumadores. Nas células NK CD56+ dos indivíduos fumadores, verificámos uma diminuição estatisticamente significativa na sua percentagem em relação aos não fumadores. Este estudo permitiu verificar que os linfócitos T CD3+/CD56- e as células NK dos indivíduos fumadores, apresentam uma maior tendência para produzir TNF-α, o que pode estar associado a um processo inflamatório residual causado pelo fumo do cigarro

    Migrações internas: tentativas de se buscar uma teoria

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    Intenta-se capitular, sintetizar e tentar refletir sobre algumas das contribuições que pretenderam dotar as migrações internas de uma teoria, na falta de um marco que considere, de forma completa, os vários aspectos inerentes ao fenômeno. São muitos e bastante complexos os aspectos que envolvem o tema das migrações internas, cabendo até dúvidas quanto a ser este um fenômeno plausível de teoria. Então, para que qualquer pesquisa, como as das migrações internas, tenha esse caráter de ciência, torna-se imprescindível, antes de tudo, o seu marco teórico, que é, na realidade, sua referência de inserção no processo de conhecimento de um todo. Assim, enquanto as migrações internas continuarem carecendo de um marco teórico definitivo, esse será um tema cada vez mais desestimulante de ser pesquisado, visto que a cobrança desse marco teórico e várias outras preocupações são e ainda continuarão a ser recorrentes


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    This paper attempts a critical assessment of the standard Sraffian interpretation of Ricardo Particularly, we take issue with the idea that Sraffa's is the canonical Ricardian model We argue that it is not a return to Ricardo's standpoint The following assessment is based on the discussion of the tole of tastes and demand in the explanation of the economic process.Este trabalho procura analisar criticamente a tradicional interpretação sraffiana de Ricardo Particularmente, discorda-se da idéia de que o modelo de Sraffa é o modelo canônico ricardiano. Argumenta-se que ele não é um retorno à perspectiva tomada por Ricardo A análise toma como base a discussão do papel dos gostos e da demanda na explicação do processo econômico

    Classical trajectory simulations of collisions between polyatomic molecules and a self-assembled monolayer surface

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    Los sistemas de tamaño nanométrico presentan propiedades muy interesantes debido a su tamaño mesoscópico. En las últimas décadas, gracias al gran desarrollo de técnicas experimentales, cada vez más complejas, el campo de la nanotecnología ha experimentado un gran crecimiento. Las superficies monocapa autoensambladas (SAMs) son ampliamente utilizadas como modelo para llevar a cabo estudios sobre el comportamiento de dichos nanomateriales. Su síntesis relativamente sencilla, así como su fácil caracterización, han originado que este tipo de superficies sean cada vez más utilizadas. Uno de los procesos ampliamente investigados en los últimos años, tanto de manera experimental como teórica, es la colisión de iones y moléculas neutras contra este tipo de superficies. Estas colisiones dan lugar a una gran variedad de procesos reactivos y no reactivos, sobre todo en el rango de energías hipertérmico (1-100 eV). El estudio del mecanismo que opera en este tipo de procesos proporciona información acerca de las características del nanomaterial, y por tanto acerca de sus posibles aplicaciones. Muchos de los detalles dinámicos del mecanismo de colisión son de difícil o imposible visualización y análisis desde el punto de vista experimental. Es aquí donde las simulaciones cobran importancia. El método de trayectorias clásicas ha sido aplicado con éxito en los últimos años a una gran variedad de procesos diferentes, entre los cuales se encuentran las colisiones gas/superficie. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es llevar a cabo simulaciones, mediante el método de trayectorias clásicas, de colisiones inelásticas entre moléculas poliatómicas y una superficie monocapa autoensamblada. En concreto, los proyectiles investigados fueron el CO2, el NO y los iones SiNCS+ y (CH3)2SiNCS+; la superficie modelo utilizada está formada por cadenas de octanotiol perfluorado CF3(CF2)7S adsorbidas sobre una capa de Au{111} de un átomo de espesor. A lo largo de esta tesis esta superficie es denominada F-SAM (perfluorinated self-assembled monolayer) El programa utilizado para integrar las ecuaciones del movimiento fue el VENUS05, desarrollado por Hase y colaboradores