16 research outputs found

    The joint evaluated fission and fusion nuclear data library, JEFF-3.3

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    The joint evaluated fission and fusion nuclear data library 3.3 is described. New evaluations for neutron-induced interactions with the major actinides 235^{235}U, 238^{238}U and 239^{239}Pu, on 241^{241}Am and 23^{23}Na, 59^{59}Ni, Cr, Cu, Zr, Cd, Hf, W, Au, Pb and Bi are presented. It includes new fission yields, prompt fission neutron spectra and average number of neutrons per fission. In addition, new data for radioactive decay, thermal neutron scattering, gamma-ray emission, neutron activation, delayed neutrons and displacement damage are presented. JEFF-3.3 was complemented by files from the TENDL project. The libraries for photon, proton, deuteron, triton, helion and alpha-particle induced reactions are from TENDL-2017. The demands for uncertainty quantification in modeling led to many new covariance data for the evaluations. A comparison between results from model calculations using the JEFF-3.3 library and those from benchmark experiments for criticality, delayed neutron yields, shielding and decay heat, reveals that JEFF-3.3 performes very well for a wide range of nuclear technology applications, in particular nuclear energy

    Reconciling surrogate-reaction probabilities and neutron-induced cross sections

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    International audienceSince its inception, the so-called surrogate-reaction method (SRM) has motivated the development and improvement of theories in connection to direct reactions. This paper reassesses some of the developments carried out in previous decades to deal with the representation of direct reaction probability data. It is believed that the experimental probabilities assimilation in the neutron cross section evaluation process can be better estimated using tools resulting from the efforts made over the years. This paper provides a new perspective on this issue both in terms of fission and γ-ray emission probabilities. In addition to the “natural” assimilation path that considers analyzing probabilities jointly with cross sections to extract nuclei structural properties, this article puts forward a prescription to convert, with a good level of confidence, measured direct-reaction induced probabilities to pseudoexperimental neutron-induced cross sections. This approach is named after the SRM as extended SRM (ESRM)

    Study on neutron scattering in light water

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    International audienceIt is presented a method to produce covariance matrices of the light water total cross section from thermal scattering laws of the JEFF-3.1.1 nuclear data library and CAB model. The generalized least square method was used to fit the LEAPR module parameters of the processing tool NJOY with light water experimental transmission measurements at 293.6K with CONRAD code. The marginalization technique was applied to account for systematic uncertainties

    Evaluation of Neutron-induced Cross Sections and their Related Covariances with Physical Constraints

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    International audienceNuclear data, along with numerical methods and the associated calculation schemes, continue to play a key role in reactor design, reactor core operating parameters calculations, fuel cycle management and criticality safety calculations. Due to the intensive use of Monte-Carlo calculations reducing numerical biases, the final accuracy of neutronic calculations increasingly depends on the quality of nuclear data used. This paper gives a broad picture of all ingredients treated by nuclear data evaluators during their analyses. After giving an introduction to nuclear data evaluation, we present implications of using the Bayesian inference to obtain evaluated cross sections and related uncertainties. In particular, a focus is made on systematic uncertainties appearing in the analysis of differential measurements as well as advantages and drawbacks one may encounter by analyzing integral experiments.The evaluation work is in general done independently in the resonance and in the continuum energy ranges giving rise to inconsistencies in evaluated files. For future evaluations on the whole energy range, we call attention to two innovative methods used to analyze several nuclear reaction models and impose constraints. Finally, we discuss suggestions for possible improvements in the evaluation process to master the quantification of uncertainties. These are associated with experiments (microscopic and integral), nuclear reaction theories and the Bayesian inference

    Recent Developments in the CONRAD Code regarding Experimental Corrections

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    The CONRAD code is an object-oriented software tool developed at CEA Cadarache since 2005 to deal with problems arising during the evaluation process (data assimilation and analysis, physical modelling, propagation of uncertainties…). This paper will present recent developments concerning the experimental corrections, which are required when a neutron resonance shape analysis is performed. Several experimental aspects are detailed in this work: the possibility to use spectra in energy as well as in time

    From low- to high-energy nuclear data evaluations

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    Evaluation of neutron cross sections between 0eV and 20MeV is based on several aspects of nuclear physics such as nuclear reaction and structure models and microscopic and integral measurements. Most of the time, the evaluation process is separately done in the resolved resonance range and the continuum. It may give rise to non-physical mismatches of cross sections and large uncertainties at boundaries. It also leads to an absence of cross correlations between high-energy domain and resonance range. In addition, integral experiments are sometimes only used to check central values (evaluation is “working fine” on a dedicated set of benchmarks). Eventual reduction of uncertainties on cross sections is not straightforward: “working fine” could be mathematically turned into reduced uncertainties. This paper will present several ideas that could be used to avoid such effects. They are based on basic physical principles, recent advances in terms of covariance evaluation methodologies, intensive use of Monte Carlo methods and High Performance Computing (HPC) and on some newly introduced models. A clear connection is made between resonance and continuum energy ranges

    Generation of

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    A new IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) aims to test, validate and improve the IRDF library. Among the isotopes of interest, the modelisation of the 238U capture and fission cross sections represents a challenging task. A new description of the 238U neutrons induced reactions in the fast energy range is within progress in the frame of an IAEA evaluation consortium. The Nuclear Data group of Cadarache participates in this effort utilizing the 238U spectral indices measurements and Post Irradiated Experiments (PIE) carried out in the fast reactors MASURCA (CEA Cadarache) and PHENIX (CEA Marcoule). Such a collection of experimental results provides reliable integral information on the (n,γ) and (n,f) cross sections. This paper presents the Integral Data Assimilation (IDA) technique of the CONRAD code used to propagate the uncertainties of the integral data on the 238U cross sections of interest for dosimetry applications

    Generation of 238U Covariance Matrices by Using the Integral Data Assimilation Technique of the CONRAD Code

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    A new IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) aims to test, validate and improve the IRDF library. Among the isotopes of interest, the modelisation of the 238U capture and fission cross sections represents a challenging task. A new description of the 238U neutrons induced reactions in the fast energy range is within progress in the frame of an IAEA evaluation consortium. The Nuclear Data group of Cadarache participates in this effort utilizing the 238U spectral indices measurements and Post Irradiated Experiments (PIE) carried out in the fast reactors MASURCA (CEA Cadarache) and PHENIX (CEA Marcoule). Such a collection of experimental results provides reliable integral information on the (n,γ) and (n,f) cross sections. This paper presents the Integral Data Assimilation (IDA) technique of the CONRAD code used to propagate the uncertainties of the integral data on the 238U cross sections of interest for dosimetry applications

    Recent Developments in the CONRAD Code regarding Experimental Corrections

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    The CONRAD code is an object-oriented software tool developed at CEA Cadarache since 2005 to deal with problems arising during the evaluation process (data assimilation and analysis, physical modelling, propagation of uncertainties…). This paper will present recent developments concerning the experimental corrections, which are required when a neutron resonance shape analysis is performed. Several experimental aspects are detailed in this work: the possibility to use spectra in energy as well as in time, the implementation of both analytical (Chi-Square) and Monte-Carlo resolution functions, the sample homogeneity corrections using log-normal distributions. Each development aspect is illustrated with several examples and comparisons with other resonance analysis codes (SAMMY, REFIT)