51 research outputs found

    Creatividad publicitaria como estrategia preventiva de la violencia en el deporte

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    La presente comunicación tiene por objeto poner de relieve la escasa implantación de la creatividad publicitaria en el fomento de valores deportivos saludables. Desde nuestro punto de vista asistimos a una paradoja que nos parece harto significativa y que debe conducirnos a una seria reflexión. La paradoja a la que nos referimos es la siguiente: el mundo empresarial viene haciendo un uso creciente de imágenes y valores asociados a la práctica deportiva en sus estrategias de creatividad publicitaria. A nadie se le escapa que si el colectivo empresarial utiliza el deporte (asociándolo a su imagen), y más concretamente la práctica deportiva, se debe a que, expresado en términos coloquiales, éste vende. Y sin embargo, e igualmente expresado coloquialmente, ¡qué difícil nos resulta a nosotros en tantas ocasiones vender nuestro producto: el deporte como elemento educativo y formativo del desarrollo de valores sociales! En este trabajo comenzaremos definiendo el concepto de creatividad, incidiendo en la relación existente entre publicidad y creatividad, así como en la utilización de esta última como elemento de persuasión. Efectuaremos asimismo un somero análisis de la publicidad y su incidencia en los estilos de vida. A renglón seguido, presentaremos los caminos creativos más habitualmente empleados en la comunicación publicitaria. Introduciremos finalmente un apartado de conclusiones.The present paper expects to draws the attention on the rare implantation of advertising creativity within the promotion of healthy sports values. From our point of view, we attend to a paradox, which is extremely important to us, and must lead us to a serious reflection. The referred paradox is the following: the business world has been making an increasing use of images, and values related to sports practice, within their strategies of advertising creativity. However, everybody knows that if the business community uses the sport (associating it with its image), and specifically the sport practice, it is because, colloquially expressed, this sells. And yet, putting it colloquially, ¡how difficult it is for us, in some cases, to sell our product: sport as an educational and training element of development of social values! For starters, we will begin this project defining the concept of creativity, stressing on the connection between advertising and creativity, just like in the employment of this last one as persuasive element. Moreover, we will execute a draft analysis of advertising, and its effect on lifestyle. Subsequently, we will display the creative paths more employed in advertising communication. Finally, we will introduce a section of conclusions

    Marketing strategies in sport clubs

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    El objetivo principal de este artículo es resaltar la importancia que tiene el marketing en el mundo del deporte. Durante los últimos años, se han producido numerosos e importantes avances en el estudio y en la formalización del marketing aplicado al área de los servicios, los cuales obligan a actualizar los planteamientos y enfoques que se siguen en su aplicación. Los estudios más recientes en la utilización del marketing en las entidades deportivas, demuestran que la aplicación aislada del marketing tradicional no es suficiente, por sí solo, para asegurar el éxito de mercado y que es necesario complementarlo con otras dos disciplinas desarrolladas en gran parte en el sector servicios y llegar, de esta manera, a un enfoque nuevo y específico de marketing deportivo. Este nuevo enfoque ha de estar integrado por tres áreas claramente diferenciadas y complementarias entre sí: el marketing tradicional, el marketing interactivo y el marketing interno. Palabras clave: Marketing, interactivo, club deportivo, socios, clientes.The principal aim of this article is stand out the importance of sport marketing in the sport world. During last years, numerous advances have been appear about sport marketing in services. These advances force to update the application of these approachs. Recents studies in the use of marketing in sports organizations show that the isolate application of traditional marketing is insufficient to ensure the succes, and there is need to improve it with other two developed disciplines to reach a new idea of sport marketing. This new view and perspective must be composed by three areas: traditional marketing, interactive marketing and internal marketing. Key words: Marketing, interactive, sport club, members, customers.peerReviewe

    Diseñando estrategias de promoción deportiva en centros educativos con problemáticas sociales

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    “Disfruta con el Balonmano” es el eslogan de una iniciativa desarrollada por el Club Balonmano Badajoz dirigida a los Centros Escolares de la ciudad de Badajoz (13.243 niños), con acciones específicas a desarrollar en aquellos que presentan problemas sociales específicos. El objetivo para el club es la creación de Afición y el fomento de la identificación Emocional. Del mismo modo otro objetivo a alcanzar por parte del club es el fomento del balonmano base, así como la futura práctica del mismo en el Club Balonmano Badajoz por parte de los jóvenes practicantes, utilizando el deporte en las primeras edades como medio de inserción social. Este proyecto cuenta con el leal apoyo de la Dirección Provincial de Educación de Badajoz y de una serie de empresas colaboradoras y patrocinadoras. El objetivo a lograr por parte de la Dirección Provincial de Educación es la deseada promoción del deporte entre sus jóvenes escolares, para las entidades patrocinadoras (siete “partners” y dos entidades colaboradoras) el objetivo es utilizar la campaña como un gran escaparate para promover sus marcas, productos o servicios. Para empezar definiremos las bases de la campaña, así como las diferentes líneas de actuación de la misma (pedagógica, lúdica y competitiva). Posteriormente analizaremos la problemática existente para llevarla a cabo en ciertos centros y las soluciones tomadas al efecto. Consecutivamente examinaremos las características generales del acuerdo institucional con la Dirección Provincial de Educación y la gestión de los acuerdos tomados con los patrocinadores de la campaña, así como los beneficios derivados de dicho acuerdo para estas empresas. Clausuraremos el estudio haciendo finalmente balance de la campaña y una serie de conclusiones al respecto.“Pass a good time with Handball” is the slogan of an initiative developed by the Handball Club of Badajoz, and aimed at school centres of Badajoz city (13.243 children), with specific actions to be carried out in those that presents specific social issues. The club’s goal is the creation of supporters and the promotion of emotional identification. Similarly, another objective to achieve is, for the club, the promotion of the basic game of handball, just like its future practice in the Handball Club Badajoz, for the young participants, using sports in the early ages as a medium of social insertion. This project is supported by the Educational Provincial Board of Badajoz, and a series of contributor and sponsoring firms. The aim to reach, for the Educational Provincial Board, is the desired advancement of sport among their young schoolchildren; for the sponsoring entities (seven “partners”, and two contributor entities), the goal is the use of this campaign as a great stage to promote their brands, products, or services. For starters, the basis of this campaign will be defined, as its lines of action (pedagogic, ludic and competitive). Subsequently, it will be analyzed the existent difficulties to carry this campaign out within particular centres, and the solutions taken for that purpose. Consequently, we will examine the general characteristics of the institutional agreement with the Educational Provincial Board, and the management of those agreements taken with its sponsors, just like the benefits generated from that for these enterprises. This study will be concluded with a final evaluation of the campaign, and a series of conclusions on that subject

    Management and sponsorship use: handball sponsorship

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    Desde el campo de la gestión y el marketing deportivo, contribuimos tanto al estudio de las demandas empresariales en materia económica como a los intentos por parte de las organizaciones y gestores deportivos por satisfacer estas demandas. Con el siguiente trabajo se pretenden reseñar los objetivos a conseguir y propuestas en esta línea, presentando conclusiones y ejemplos obtenidos hasta la fecha Examinamos las características generales del patrocinio, la gestión del patrocinio deportivo por parte de los patrocinados, así como su relación y gestión respecto a las demandas por parte de las empresas patrocinadoras. Para empezar definiremos el concepto de patrocinio, así como las peculiaridades del patrocinio deportivo. Posteriormente trataremos concepciones erróneas acerca de la utilización del patrocinio deportivo, ejemplificando casos prácticos de la realidad española y norteamericana. Clausuraremos el estudio hablando del uso y gestión del patrocinio deportivo como fuente de ventaja competitiva, haciendo finalmente una serie de conclusiones al respecto.Since the management and sport marketing area, we contribute both to analyze and study the business demands in economic subject both the organizations and managers attempts to satisfy these demands. The following work pretends to be a survey about the aims to achieve and the proposals on this line, expounding conclusions and examples obtained until the present time. We analyze general characteristics of sponsorship, sponsorhip management over sponsored view, and the management and relation concerning of the sponsoring firms demands. First of all we´ll define sponsorship concept and its charasteristics. Subsequently we´ll discuss mistaken conceptions about sport sponsorship use, with examples about Spanish and North American reality. Finally we´ll deal management and sponsorship use as competitive advantage and introduce a section with our conclusions.peerReviewe

    Sport promotion: "Enjoys with the handball"

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    Disfruta con el Balonmano” es el eslogan de una iniciativa desarrollada por el Club Balonmano Badajoz dirigida a los Centros Escolares de la ciudad de Badajoz (13.243 niños). El objetivo para el club es la creación de Afición y el fomento de la identificación Emocional. Este proyecto cuenta con leal apoyo de una serie de empresas colaboradoras y patrocinadoras. Para estas entidades (siete “partners” y dos entidades colaboradoras) el objetivo es utilizar la campaña como un gran escaparate para promover sus marcas, productos o servicios.“Enjoy with handball” is the slogan of a initiativa developed by the C.B.Badajoz directed to schools of Badajoz city (13.243 childs). The sport organization´s objetive is create fans and promote emotional identification. This project has got the support and sponsorship of several companies and firms. For these firms (seven partners and two contributors) the aim is to use the campaign to promote their brands, products and services.peerReviewe

    Characterisation of biological growth curves of different varieties of an endangered native hen breed kept under free range conditions

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    The aim of this study is to model the growth samples of four varieties (White, Black, Partridge, Franciscan) of Spanish Utrerana hen breed, which is endangered, by using Brody, Von Bertalanffy, Verhulst, Logistic and Gompertz models. For this purpose, a total of 16,235 weight data observations from 2004 animals reared in free range system were collected. Logistic was the best suited model for predicting the biological growth curve of White variety in both sexes, while Von Bertalanffy was the best fitting model for the rest of individuals of the breed, based on the 5 goodness-of-fit and flexibility criteria: Pseudo-R2 , mean squared error, Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion and the biological coherence of the estimated parameters. Black variety was the heaviest, with values of 2605.96 and 2032.61 g (for males and females, respectively) for a parameter, while White variety presented the lowest maturity weight (a ¼ 2442.99 and 1874.24 g, for males and females, respectively). Conclusively, this growth characterisation is essential for the conservation of the Utrerana hen, to search for new market niches and a greater profitability to this differentiated product.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Multi-Site NFV Testbed for Experimentation With SUAV-Based 5G Vertical Services

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    [EN] With the advent of 5G technologies, vertical markets have been placed at the forefront, as fundamental drivers and adopters of technical developments and new business models. Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SUAVs) are gaining traction in multiple vertical sectors, as key assets to generate, process, and distribute relevant information for the provision of value-added services. However, the enormous potential of SUAVs to support a exible, rapid, and cost-effective deployment of vertical applications is still to be exploited. In this paper, we leverage our prior work on Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and SUAVs to design and build a multi-site experimentation testbed based on open-source technologies. The goal of this testbed is to explore synergies among NFV, SUAVs, and vertical services, following a practical approach primarily governed by experimentation. To verify our testbed design, we realized a reference use case where a number of SUAVs, cloud infrastructures, and communication protocols are used to provide a multi-site vertical service. Our experimentation results suggest the potential of NFV and SUAVs to exibly support vertical services. The lessons learned have served to identify missing elements in our NFV platform, as well as challenging aspects for potential improvement. These include the development of speci c mechanisms to limit processing load and delays of service deployment operations.This work was supported in part by the European Commission under the European Union's Horizon 2020 program (5GRANGE Project, grant agreement number 777137), and in part by the 5GCity Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant TEC2016-76795-C6-1R, Grant TEC2016-76795-C6-3R, and Grant TEC2016-76795-C6-5R

    Integration of 5G experimentation infrastructures into a multi-site NFV ecosystem

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has been regarded as one of the key enablers for the 5th Generation of mobile networks, or 5G. This paradigm allows to reduce the dependence on specialized hardware to deploy telecommunications and vertical services. To this purpose, it relies on virtualization techniques to softwarize network functions, simplifying their development and reducing deployment time and costs. In this context, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Telefónica, and IMDEA Networks Institute have developed an NFV ecosystem inside 5TONIC, an open network innovation center focused on 5G technologies, enabling the creation of complex, close to reality experimentation scenarios across a distributed set of NFV infrastructures, which can be made available by stakeholders at different geographic locations. This article presents the protocol that has been defined to incorporate new remote NFV sites into the multi-site NFV ecosystem based on 5TONIC, describing the requirements for both the existing and the newly incorporated infrastructures, their connectivity through an overlay network architecture, and the steps necessary for the inclusion of new sites. The protocol is exemplified through the incorporation of an external site to the 5TONIC NFV ecosystem. Afterwards, the protocol details the verification steps required to validate a successful site integration. These include the deployment of a multi-site vertical service using a remote NFV infrastructure with Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (SUAVs). This serves to showcase the potential of the protocol to enable distributed experimentation scenarios.This work was partially supported by the European H2020 LABYRINTH project (grant agreement H2020-MG-2019-TwoStages-861696), and by the TRUE5G project (PID2019-108713RB-C52PID2019-108713RB-C52 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033) funded by the Spanish National Research Agency. In addition, the work of Borja Nogales, Ivan Vidal and Diego R. Lopez has partially been supported by the European H2020 5G-VINNI project (grant agreement number 815279). Finally, the authors thank Alejandro Rodríguez García for his support during the realization of this work