435 research outputs found

    Creatividad publicitaria como estrategia preventiva de la violencia en el deporte

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    La presente comunicación tiene por objeto poner de relieve la escasa implantación de la creatividad publicitaria en el fomento de valores deportivos saludables. Desde nuestro punto de vista asistimos a una paradoja que nos parece harto significativa y que debe conducirnos a una seria reflexión. La paradoja a la que nos referimos es la siguiente: el mundo empresarial viene haciendo un uso creciente de imágenes y valores asociados a la práctica deportiva en sus estrategias de creatividad publicitaria. A nadie se le escapa que si el colectivo empresarial utiliza el deporte (asociándolo a su imagen), y más concretamente la práctica deportiva, se debe a que, expresado en términos coloquiales, éste vende. Y sin embargo, e igualmente expresado coloquialmente, ¡qué difícil nos resulta a nosotros en tantas ocasiones vender nuestro producto: el deporte como elemento educativo y formativo del desarrollo de valores sociales! En este trabajo comenzaremos definiendo el concepto de creatividad, incidiendo en la relación existente entre publicidad y creatividad, así como en la utilización de esta última como elemento de persuasión. Efectuaremos asimismo un somero análisis de la publicidad y su incidencia en los estilos de vida. A renglón seguido, presentaremos los caminos creativos más habitualmente empleados en la comunicación publicitaria. Introduciremos finalmente un apartado de conclusiones.The present paper expects to draws the attention on the rare implantation of advertising creativity within the promotion of healthy sports values. From our point of view, we attend to a paradox, which is extremely important to us, and must lead us to a serious reflection. The referred paradox is the following: the business world has been making an increasing use of images, and values related to sports practice, within their strategies of advertising creativity. However, everybody knows that if the business community uses the sport (associating it with its image), and specifically the sport practice, it is because, colloquially expressed, this sells. And yet, putting it colloquially, ¡how difficult it is for us, in some cases, to sell our product: sport as an educational and training element of development of social values! For starters, we will begin this project defining the concept of creativity, stressing on the connection between advertising and creativity, just like in the employment of this last one as persuasive element. Moreover, we will execute a draft analysis of advertising, and its effect on lifestyle. Subsequently, we will display the creative paths more employed in advertising communication. Finally, we will introduce a section of conclusions

    Diseñando estrategias de promoción deportiva en centros educativos con problemáticas sociales

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    “Disfruta con el Balonmano” es el eslogan de una iniciativa desarrollada por el Club Balonmano Badajoz dirigida a los Centros Escolares de la ciudad de Badajoz (13.243 niños), con acciones específicas a desarrollar en aquellos que presentan problemas sociales específicos. El objetivo para el club es la creación de Afición y el fomento de la identificación Emocional. Del mismo modo otro objetivo a alcanzar por parte del club es el fomento del balonmano base, así como la futura práctica del mismo en el Club Balonmano Badajoz por parte de los jóvenes practicantes, utilizando el deporte en las primeras edades como medio de inserción social. Este proyecto cuenta con el leal apoyo de la Dirección Provincial de Educación de Badajoz y de una serie de empresas colaboradoras y patrocinadoras. El objetivo a lograr por parte de la Dirección Provincial de Educación es la deseada promoción del deporte entre sus jóvenes escolares, para las entidades patrocinadoras (siete “partners” y dos entidades colaboradoras) el objetivo es utilizar la campaña como un gran escaparate para promover sus marcas, productos o servicios. Para empezar definiremos las bases de la campaña, así como las diferentes líneas de actuación de la misma (pedagógica, lúdica y competitiva). Posteriormente analizaremos la problemática existente para llevarla a cabo en ciertos centros y las soluciones tomadas al efecto. Consecutivamente examinaremos las características generales del acuerdo institucional con la Dirección Provincial de Educación y la gestión de los acuerdos tomados con los patrocinadores de la campaña, así como los beneficios derivados de dicho acuerdo para estas empresas. Clausuraremos el estudio haciendo finalmente balance de la campaña y una serie de conclusiones al respecto.“Pass a good time with Handball” is the slogan of an initiative developed by the Handball Club of Badajoz, and aimed at school centres of Badajoz city (13.243 children), with specific actions to be carried out in those that presents specific social issues. The club’s goal is the creation of supporters and the promotion of emotional identification. Similarly, another objective to achieve is, for the club, the promotion of the basic game of handball, just like its future practice in the Handball Club Badajoz, for the young participants, using sports in the early ages as a medium of social insertion. This project is supported by the Educational Provincial Board of Badajoz, and a series of contributor and sponsoring firms. The aim to reach, for the Educational Provincial Board, is the desired advancement of sport among their young schoolchildren; for the sponsoring entities (seven “partners”, and two contributor entities), the goal is the use of this campaign as a great stage to promote their brands, products, or services. For starters, the basis of this campaign will be defined, as its lines of action (pedagogic, ludic and competitive). Subsequently, it will be analyzed the existent difficulties to carry this campaign out within particular centres, and the solutions taken for that purpose. Consequently, we will examine the general characteristics of the institutional agreement with the Educational Provincial Board, and the management of those agreements taken with its sponsors, just like the benefits generated from that for these enterprises. This study will be concluded with a final evaluation of the campaign, and a series of conclusions on that subject

    Genome-Scale in silico Reconstruction of the Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Generating Metabolism in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 and Study of the role of ROS in Different Metabolic Processes

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    The understanding of the genotype-phenotype relationship is a fundamental biological question widely studied, but still not understood in all its dimension. The existence of emergent systems' properties largely complicates the lineality of this relationship making it mandatory for the study of such properties to fully understand the biological systems. The robustness, understood as the porperty that allows the systems to maintain their functions despite external and internal perturbations, is a system-level phenomenom ubiquitously observed in living systems (Blanchini and Franco 2011). Metabolic networks can be affected by variables that have the power of modulating it as a whole and, most likely, of influencing the referred-to molecular mechanisms. Those variables, one of whihch being endogenous ROS generating metabolism, must be included in metabolic in silico models to study this robustness. We decided to model endogenous ROS generation in Pseudomonas putida KT2440 genome-scale model. P. putida is a model microorganism in biotechnology and possesses an extremely versatile metabolism, which makes it the perfect candidate to study complex metabolic processes (Belda et al. 2016). The objective of this project is to go deep in the understanding of endogenous ROS metabolism and to study the role of ROS in different metabolic processes. To do so, we built and validated the ROS generating genome-scale model and used it as a tool for two purposes: (1) to analyse, in silico, the main metabolic mechanisms to prevent the cell from ROS damage and (2) to generate hypothesis about the role of ROS in different metabolic processes that we approached experimentaly. As a result of this investigation, we have came up with (1) the theory that the main cellular mechanisms to fight back endogenous ROS generation are fuelled by NADH, and not by the activation of NADPH generating metabolic pathways, as we find in scientific literature (Mailloux, Lemire, and Appanna 2011). (2) We have also found that ROS plays an important role in different molecular mechanisms involving robustness, as the carbon flux deviation to the accumulation of  polyhydroxyalkanoate; and also influenciate the global metabolic regulator gen crc

    High-quality genome-scale metabolic modelling of \u3ci\u3ePseudomonas putida\u3c/i\u3e highlights its broad metabolic capabilities

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    Genome-scale reconstructions of metabolism are computational species-specific knowledge bases able to compute systemic metabolic properties. We present a comprehensive and validated reconstruction of the biotechnologically relevant bacterium Pseudomonas putida KT2440 that greatly expands computable predictions of its metabolic states. The reconstruction represents a significant reactome expansion over available reconstructed bacterial metabolic networks. Specifically, iJN1462 (i) incorporates several hundred additional genes and associated reactions resulting in new predictive capabilities, including new nutrients supporting growth; (ii) was validated by in vivo growth screens that included previously untested carbon (48) and nitrogen (41) sources; (iii) yielded gene essentiality predictions showing large accuracy when compared with a knock-out library and Bar-seq data; and (iv) allowed mapping of its network to 82 P. putida sequenced strains revealing functional core that reflect the large metabolic versatility of this species, including aromatic compounds derived from lignin. Thus, this study provides a thoroughly updated metabolic reconstruction and new computable phenotypes for P. putida, which can be leveraged as a first step toward understanding the pan metabolic capabilities of Pseudomonas

    Engineering self-regulated synthetic gene expression systems and its application on controlled protein expression

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    One of the limiting factor in industrial biotechnology is the lack of cost-effective and regulated gene expression systems at large-scale. Thus current approaches suffer of suboptimal gene expression levels and/or they require of expensive inducer metabolites. The emergent of synthetic biology including new highthrouput DNA assembly methods and sophisticated biosensors now allow the redesign of complex bacterial trait including automata and full pre-programed gene expression control systems.  This high level of control allows save inducers in bioprocesses and/or reducing the time where the cells and toxic intermediates are in contact by generating an auto-regulated expression system.With the aim to address this important shortcoming in industrial biotechnology and provide a cheap and highly controlled gene expression system at large scale, in this work we firstly have developed a new highthrouput DNA  assembly system based on GoldenGate´s MoClo [1] adapted to the Standard European Vector Architecture (pSEVA) [2]. The new methods was further used to generate a large array of complex circuits capable of regulate genetic expression according to phosphate concentration by taking advantage of an existing collection of synthetic promoter available at SBG group [3].The circuits were generated by assembling synthetic transcriptional units using random assembly of synthetic promoters and ribosome binding sites driving the expression of  well-known reporter  fluorescent proteins such as GFP and RFP, thus resulting on a wide variety of circuits. The circuits obtained where subsequently analyzed by following the fluorescent profile under different phosphate concentrations media. Those that showed a more promissing behavior where selected to be further studied and sequenced to determine those random elements. Ongoing efforts have focus on the construction of a set of well-characterized synthetic circuits driving the a la carte and self-regulated expression of a given gene, even a whole metabolic pathway.In summary, we have obtained a way number of different plasmids, circuits and components that can be used to elaborate new circuits and constructions with all new applications and functions such as the above mentioned genetic expression self-regulation based on externals factors like phosphate concentration and its application to large scale production systems

    What are we learning about speciation and extinction from the Canary Islands?

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    Oceanic islands are excellent systems for allowing biologists to test evolutionary hypotheses due to their relative simplicity of habitats, naturally replicated study design and high levels of endemic taxa with conspicuous variation in form, colour and behaviour. Over the last two decades the Canary Islands archipelago has proved an ideal system for evolutionary biologists who seek to unravel how biodiversity arises and disappears. In this review we have evaluated the contribution of the study of Canarian birds to our understanding of how and why species occur and change over time. We focus our attention on both extant and extinct Canarian taxa, and describe how research on these species has filled gaps in our understanding of avian speciation and extinction. In addition, we discuss the necessity of revising the current taxonomy in the Canarian avian taxa, especially the status of the endemic subspecies, some of which might be better treated as full species. An accurate classification of Canarian birds is not only necessary for testing evolutionary, biogeographic and ecological hypotheses, but also for effective decision making about conservation and environmental management. Finally we introduce future avenues of research that we feel will yield the most exciting and promising findings on island evolution in the coming years. Las islas oceánicas son sistemas ideales para abordar hipótesis evolutivas debido a la relativa simplicidad de sus hábitats, el adecuado número de entidades discretas donde replicar los resultados, y las elevadas tasas de taxones endémicos con variaciones significativas en formas, colores y comportamientos. Durante las dos últimas décadas el archipiélago canario ha sido el escenario perfecto para los biólogos evolutivos en donde entender cómo surge y desaparece la biodiversidad. En el presente artículo hemos evaluado la contribución de las aves canarias para responder a las preguntas de cómo y por qué las especies están presentes, persisten y cambian con el tiempo. Centraremos nuestra atención tanto en especies actuales y extintas, y describiremos cómo las investigaciones desarrolladas en los últimos años han facilitado nuestra compresión sobre los procesos de especiación y extinción. Además, discutiremos la necesidad de revisar la taxonomía actual de los taxones canarios, siendo ello especialmente necesario a nivel de subespecies, ya que algunas de ellas serían merecedoras de ser consideradas especies verdaderas. Una clasificación correcta de las aves canarias no sería solo determinante para abordar hipótesis evolutivas, biogeográficas y ecológicas, sino también para tomar decisiones efectivas de conservación y manejo sostenible de los taxones afectados. Finalmente, terminaremos introduciendo las líneas de investigación donde creemos que en un futuro próximo proporcionarán los hallazgos más prometedores y estimulantes sobre evolución en medios insulares