49 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Produk Dan Iklan Terhadap Brand Image Dan Keputusan Pembelian Sepeda Motor Merek Kawasaki

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    In the marketing and development of a product, the company must have a quality product, price and product positioning in the market place through the promotion, which in turn will affect the image barand and purchasing decisions. The transfer of a highly competitive business paradigm, companies are required to always be creative and innovative to get survive. The research data obtained through questionnaires and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis techniques. To perform this analysis technique, there are seven steps that must be done, which is extended on the basis of theoretical models, extended flowcharts, workflow diagrams the conversion into equity, selecting the input matrices and estimation techniques, printing identification problem, evaluating criteria of goodness of fit and the interpretation and modification of the model. The full fit modeling results received using the technique of SEM analysis and tested the hypothesis that the quality of the product known influence on purchase decisions, promotional intensity influence on purchase decisions, affect the perceived price band image and purchasing decisions. Based on the results of the study, there are several managerial implications that can be used as a review. To improve the brand image and purchase decisions may be done by improving product quality, competitive prices and promotions

    Hasil Work Engagement dari Work Life Balance karyawan: Peran Mediasi Job Crafting

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    Background - Competition between companies is very competitive to be the best organization must manage human resources and pay serious attention to the behavior, attitudes, and psychological state of employees. The company is expected to only employ competent human resources with a positive work attitude. However, the work-life balance of employees in hotels has not been felt evenly by hotel employees in Surabaya. Therefore, it is necessary to study the factors of work-life balance and work engagement by mediating job crafting for hotel employees in Surabaya. Objectives - To provide empirical evidence related to the direct effect of work-life balance on work engagement, and the indirect effect of using job crafting mediation on hotel employees in Surabaya. Design/method/approach - Quantitative research that is explanatory research is used in this study. A total of 152 hotel employees in Surabaya were used as samples using the purposive sampling technique. The data that has been collected and tabulated is then analyzed using the PLS program. Findings - This study provides evidence that work-life balance has a significant effect on job crafting, work-life balance does not affect work engagement. After that, job crafting influences work engagement. Furthermore, job crafting has a fully mediating role in work-life balance and work engagement. Conclusion - Work life balance can improve work engagement. job crafting is able to mediate between work life balance and work engagement of hotel employees in Surabaya. work life balance allows employees to build a balance between work and family roles. Research Implications - Hospitality management needs to increase work engagement which is much needed for employees in completing their job responsibilities to be better and give their best contribution in achieving organizational goals. Paying attention to the work-life balance of employees between work and family makes employees happy so they are motivated to give their best performance in providing services to hotel guests satisfactorily. Provide support by facilitating employee job crafting to modify the way of working according to the needs of the job. Research Limitations - This research is not free from limitations. This study only examines hotel employees in Surabaya, so further research needs to be carried out in different sectors that have different characteristics. The results of the study which were found to be insignificant between work-life balance and work engagement need further empirical evidence. In addition, it is necessary to further develop factors that affect work engagement, such as work stress and psychological contracts


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    Before investing in stocks, individual or organization must ensure that the investment made is correct. This can performed by applying a variety of alternative methods for valuing whether Preferred stock is really a stock that will bring positive returns in the future. One alternative investment appraisal is based on analysis of fundamental or company performance. Profitability ratios demonstrate the ability company in making a profit is one way to know the performance of the company. This study aimed to know whether there is influence profitability ratios - as one corporate performance indicators - the stock price.  The object in this study were sixteen companies engaged in the mining industry that are listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Understanding the empirical description of stock prices movement on the economical setting, firm’s perform, and the behavior of its IHSG. This study evaluates the effect of three factors: firm’s profitability, interest rate, and IHSG, toward the stock prices movement of 16 mining and mining service stocks listing at Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI). This analysis indicated that the stock prices movement was the most dominant influenced by IHSG followed by interest rate (negative) and firm’s profitability. This study also found that IHSG would become an effective intervening variable for transmitting both ROI and interest effect toward the stock prices movements, and hence the role of IHSG could be adopted as investor strateg

    Analisis Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Produk Dan Iklan Terhadap Brand Image Dan Keputusan Pembelian Sepeda Motor Merek Kawasaki

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    In the marketing and development of a product, the company must have a quality product, price and product positioning in the market place through the promotion, which in turn will affect the image barand and purchasing decisions. The transfer of a highly competitive business paradigm, companies are required to always be creative and innovative to get survive. The research data obtained through questionnaires and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis techniques. To perform this analysis technique, there are seven steps that must be done, which is extended on the basis of theoretical models, extended flowcharts, workflow diagrams the conversion into equity, selecting the input matrices and estimation techniques, printing identification problem, evaluating criteria of goodness of fit and the interpretation and modification of the model. The full fit modeling results received using the technique of SEM analysis and tested the hypothesis that the quality of the product known influence on purchase decisions, promotional intensity influence on purchase decisions, affect the perceived price band image and purchasing decisions. Based on the results of the study, there are several managerial implications that can be used as a review. To improve the brand image and purchase decisions may be done by improving product quality, competitive prices and promotions

    Orientasi Pembelajaran Dan Perilaku Kerja Inovatif (Peran Efikasi Diri Kreatif Pada UKM)

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    Background – In the dynamic era of the business world, achieving business growth and sustainability requires human resources who have innovative skills. SMEs play an important role in the economic growth of a country. However, the added value provided is still not significant because the human resources owned by SMEs are still relatively low in innovative abilities. The solution is to conduct learning orientation and innovative behavior with the mediating role of creative self-efficacy. Objectives - To provide new insights about the innovative behavior of SMEs, the extent to which learning orientation for innovative activities and creative self-efficacy influence the innovative behavior of SMEs. Design/method/approach – This study uses quantitative methods. Respondent data was collected using a questionnaire. The sample used was 105 SMEs in Surabaya using the purposive sampling technique. Hypothesis testing using Partial Least Square (PLS). Findings - The results of this study that learning orientation has a significant effect on creative self-efficacy and innovative work behavior, creative self-efficacy has a significant effect on innovative work behavior. Furthermore, creative self-efficacy plays a role in mediating learning orientation and innovative work behavior. Research Implications - For business continuity to be maintained, SMEs must produce products that are different from competitors. SMEs must increase learning opportunities to produce highly innovative work behavior. Research Limitations - This study only involved SMEs in Surabaya so that future researchers should conduct similar research in a wider area for more comprehensive results


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    This study aims to obtain empirical evidence that the company's financial fundamentals have a significant influence both together and partial toward return and beta share on Textile and Product Textile Industry that listing on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. As an independent variable used is the Earning Per Share (EPS), Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR), Current Ratio (CR), Return on Investment (ROI) and Price Earning Ratio (PER). While the dependent variable is the stock return and beta. Testing linear regression of stock return produce the F-count of 0213 with a significance level of 0,951 and against beta stocks produce F-count is 4.748 with a significance level of 0.010. This means that simultaneously the company's financial fundamentals have no significant effect on stock returns at a significance level of 5%, while against beta stocks have a significant influence on the level of significance of 5%. Tests partially with t-test showed that none of the company's financial fundamentals variables significantly influence the stock return at 5% significance level. While in beta testing on the stock, shares that have a significant effect on ROI level 5% only, whereas other variables did not influence significantl

    Menghitung Harga Pokok Produksi yang Tepat Pada UMKM Amanah Blimbing Wuluh di Dukuh Menanggal Kecamatan Gayungan - Surabaya

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    Tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat di Dukuh Menanggal Surabaya ini adalah untuk memberikan keterampilan pada UMKM yang tergabung dalam paguyuban Amanah Blimbing Wuluh untuk dapat menentukan harga pokok produksi yang tepat dalam rangka melakukan penjualan produk yang telah diproduksi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh UMKM ini adalah keterbatasan pengetahuan mengenai cara menentukan harga pokok produksi sehingga membuat  harga jual yan ditentukan hanya berdasarkan harga pasar yang berlaku. Solusi yang diberikan oleh tim yaitu memberikan pengetahuan, pelatihan, dan pendampingan selama lebih-kurang 4(empat) bulan. Hasil pelaksanaan menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman mengenai cara menentukan harga pokok produksi, dan hasil pelatihan juga menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dalam keterampilan menentukan harga pokok produksi meskipun masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan dalam menentukan penggunaan full costing atau variabel costing. Selain itu selama pendampingan peserta merasa lebih dekat dan diperhatikan karena merasa diberikan wawasan dan tambahan keterampilan dalam menyusun administrasi sebagai kelengkapan dalam menjalankan bisnis di sektor UMKM


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    Currently, the existence of information technology is unavoidable. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes in consumer consumption patterns from traditional sales patterns to a website-based digitalized sales system. MSMEs in Janti village still use the traditional sales system. This condition makes it difficult for MSMEs in Janti village to carry out sales promotions. The purpose of community service is to provide solutions faced through socialization activities and website creation training as a means of promoting MSME products in Janti village. This is a new breakthrough for MSMEs because traditional marketing is no longer effective. Implementation of activities with the methods of socialization, discussion, and training. The socialization and training activities received a positive response from MSME actors. Overall, the activity went smoothly and received a positive response from MSME actors. The results of these activities have an impact on increasing sales so that the income of MSMEs also increases as general, so that it will impact to increase economic and role of human resource. There the COVID-19 in 2020-2021 makes MSMEs in Janti Village have capable although has hard work

    Sosialiasi Dan Edukasi Preventif Covid-19 Pada Pedagang Di Desa Kedunganyar Kecamatan Wringinanom Kabupaten Gresik

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has spread widely to various countries and regions, including East Java. The number of deaths due to covid-19 continues to grow. Traders are vulnerable to covid-19 transmission because they have many contacts with buyers who come from various places such as traders who sell in the village of Kedunganyar-Wringinanom-Gresik. Traders' knowledge about covid-19 and efforts to decide on the spread of it still needs to be improved. Activities that can be carried out to increase knowledge about Covid-19 through socialization and education. Socialization and education are carried out by providing information and ways to overcome the spread of Covid-19 as a preventive measure. The increase in traders' knowledge is observed when the traders carry out trading activities. The results obtained by traders are increasingly realizing the importance of washing hands and using masks to break the chain of spreading the covid-19 virus. During the implementation of socialization and education activities, the traders responded positively and were supported by the Covid-19 task force and local village government officials