146 research outputs found

    Estimating seed sensitivity on homogeneous alignments

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    We address the problem of estimating the sensitivity of seed-based similarity search algorithms. In contrast to approaches based on Markov models [18, 6, 3, 4, 10], we study the estimation based on homogeneous alignments. We describe an algorithm for counting and random generation of those alignments and an algorithm for exact computation of the sensitivity for a broad class of seed strategies. We provide experimental results demonstrating a bias introduced by ignoring the homogeneousness condition

    The contribution of leaching to the rapid release of nutrients and carbon in the early decay of wetland vegetation

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    Our goal was to quantify the coupled process of litter turnover and leaching as a source of nutrients and fixed carbon in oligotrophic, nutrient-limited wetlands. We conducted poisoned and non-poisoned incubations of leaf material from four different perennial wetland plants (Eleocharis spp., Cladium jamaicense, Rhizophora mangle and Spartina alterniflora) collected from different oligotrophic freshwater and estuarine wetland settings. Total phosphorus (TP) release from the P-limited Everglades plant species (Eleocharis spp., C. jamaicense and R. mangle) was much lower than TP release by the salt marsh plant S. alterniflora from N-limited North Inlet (SC). For most species and sampling times, total organic carbon (TOC) and TP leaching losses were much greater in poisoned than non-poisoned treatments, likely as a result of epiphytic microbial activity. Therefore, a substantial portion of the C and P leached from these wetland plant species was bio-available to microbial communities. Even the microbes associated with S. alterniflora from N-limited North Inlet showed indications of P-limitation early in the leaching process, as P was removed from the water column. Leaves of R. mangle released much more TOC per gram of litter than the other species, likely contributing to the greater waterborne [DOC] observed by others in the mangrove ecotone of Everglades National Park. Between the two freshwater Everglades plants, C. jamaicense leached nearly twice as much P than Eleocharis spp. In scaling this to the landscape level, our observed leaching losses combined with higher litter production of C. jamaicense compared to Eleocharis spp. resulted in a substantially greater P leaching from plant litter to the water column and epiphytic microbes. In conclusion, leaching of fresh plant litter can be an important autochthonous source of nutrients in freshwater and estuarine wetland ecosystems

    The Effect of Increasing Salinity and Forest Mortality on Soil Nitrogen and Phosphorus Mineralization in Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands

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    Tidal freshwater wetlands are sensitive to sea level rise and increased salinity, although little information is known about the impact of salinification on nutrient biogeochemistry in tidal freshwater forested wetlands. We quantified soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) mineralization using seasonal in situincubations of modified resin cores along spatial gradients of chronic salinification (from continuously freshwater tidal forest to salt impacted tidal forest to oligohaline marsh) and in hummocks and hollows of the continuously freshwater tidal forest along the blackwater Waccamaw River and alluvial Savannah River. Salinification increased rates of net N and P mineralization fluxes and turnover in tidal freshwater forested wetland soils, most likely through tree stress and senescence (for N) and conversion to oligohaline marsh (for P). Stimulation of N and P mineralization by chronic salinification was apparently unrelated to inputs of sulfate (for N and P) or direct effects of increased soil conductivity (for N). In addition, the tidal wetland soils of the alluvial river mineralized more P relative to N than the blackwater river. Finally, hummocks had much greater nitrification fluxes than hollows at the continuously freshwater tidal forested wetland sites. These findings add to knowledge of the responses of tidal freshwater ecosystems to sea level rise and salinification that is necessary to predict the consequences of state changes in coastal ecosystem structure and function due to global change, including potential impacts on estuarine eutrophication

    Primary Productivity in 20-year Old Created Wetlands in Southwestern Virginia

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    Abstract Thousands of depressional wetlands accidentally formed as a result of pre-1977 contour coal mining in the Appalachian Mountains. Eleven 20-yr old sites were found in a watershed that did not receive acid mine drainage. The purpose of this study was to quantify and model above-and below-ground plant biomass in these created wetlands and to evaluate functional development. Sampling was stratified by weighted average of two plant communities, which corresponded to shallower and deeper water levels, facultative wetland and obligate wetland communities, respectively. In 1994, peak above-ground biomass averaged 473.7 g m −2 in the facultative wetland community and 409.5 g m −2 in the obligate wetland community. Scirpus cyperinus exhibited the highest peak above-ground biomass (51.8% of total biomass) and Typha latifolia ranked second. Canonical correspondence analysis detected positive effects of longer soil exposure to the atmosphere and greater sediment depth on above-ground biomass at the site (wetland ecosystem) level. Within communities, forward stepwise regression identified positive association of aboveground biomass with water soluble reactive P, water soluble NH 3 , decomposition rate over 507 d, live S. cyperinus tissue P content, and sediment depth. When these results are combined with prior studies conducted at the same 20-yr old sites, it appears that both structural and functional development has been arrested at a somewhat immature state resulting primarily from soil and hydrologic factors

    Terahertz Faraday and Kerr rotation spectroscopy of Bi1x_{1-x}Sbx_x films in high magnetic fields up to 30 Tesla

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    We report results of terahertz Faraday and Kerr rotation spectroscopy measurements on thin films of Bi1xSbx\text{Bi}_{1-x}\text{Sb}_{x}, an alloy system that exhibits a semimetal-to-topological-insulator transition as the Sb composition xx increases. By using a single-shot time-domain terahertz spectroscopy setup combined with a table-top pulsed mini-coil magnet, we conducted measurements in magnetic fields up to 30~T, observing distinctly different behaviors between semimetallic (x<0.07x < 0.07) and topological insulator (x>0.07x > 0.07) samples. Faraday and Kerr rotation spectra for the semimetallic films showed a pronounced dip that blue-shifted with the magnetic field, whereas spectra for the topological insulator films were positive and featureless, increasing in amplitude with increasing magnetic field and eventually saturating at high fields (>>20~T). Ellipticity spectra for the semimetallic films showed resonances, whereas the topological insulator films showed no detectable ellipticity. To explain these observations, we developed a theoretical model based on realistic band parameters and the Kubo formula for calculating the optical conductivity of Landau-quantized charge carriers. Our calculations quantitatively reproduced all experimental features, establishing that the Faraday and Kerr signals in the semimetallic films predominantly arise from bulk hole cyclotron resonances while the signals in the topological insulator films represent combined effects of surface carriers originating from multiple electron and hole pockets. These results demonstrate that the use of high magnetic fields in terahertz magnetopolarimetry, combined with detailed electronic structure and conductivity calculations, allows us to unambiguously identify and quantitatively determine unique contributions from different species of carriers of topological and nontopological nature in Bi1x_{1-x}Sbx_x.Comment: 17 pages, 22 figure

    Typha (Cattail) Invasion in North American Wetlands: Biology, Regional Problems, Impacts, Ecosystem Services, and Management

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    Typha is an iconic wetland plant found worldwide. Hybridization and anthropogenic disturbances have resulted in large increases in Typha abundance in wetland ecosystems throughout North America at a cost to native floral and faunal biodiversity. As demonstrated by three regional case studies, Typha is capable of rapidly colonizing habitats and forming monodominant vegetation stands due to traits such as robust size, rapid growth rate, and rhizomatic expansion. Increased nutrient inputs into wetlands and altered hydrologic regimes are among the principal anthropogenic drivers of Typha invasion. Typha is associated with a wide range of negative ecological impacts to wetland and agricultural systems, but also is linked with a variety of ecosystem services such as bioremediation and provisioning of biomass, as well as an assortment of traditional cultural uses. Numerous physical, chemical, and hydrologic control methods are used to manage invasive Typha, but results are inconsistent and multiple methods and repeated treatments often are required. While this review focuses on invasive Typha in North America, the literature cited comes from research on Typha and other invasive species from around the world. As such, many of the underlying concepts in this review are relevant to invasive species in other wetland ecosystems worldwide

    Algunes reflexions entorn de la conceptualització de la infància i adolescència en risc social a l'Estat espanyol

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    L'article realitza una aproximació a les interpretacions del concepte de risc social de la infancia per part de diversos autors d'àmbit estatal, tenint també en compte els marcs legals català i espanyol. Pretén aclarir quins són els criteris valoratius emprats, tant des de l'àmbit acadèmic com del professional, per interpretar les categoritzacions de la infància i l'adolescència en processos de dificultat i precarietat social. Des d'aquesta perspectiva, s'hi analitza l'estreta relació entre factors de risc, desemparament i marginació. S'hi rebutgen les interpretacions que responsabilitzen el propi menor de la desadaptació, i s'hi defensa la hipótesi de la necessitat d'una intervenció socioeducativa que treballi per una disminució dels factors de risc en el propi medi, mantenint el seu protagonisme en aquest procés.This article is an approach to the different acceptances of the concept social risk as well as the terms neglect and maladjustment, based on the reflections made by different authors and both statal and autonomous legal framework. It intends to clarify which are the criteria of values used in academic and professional ambits in order to understand the categoriesfound in the fields of childhood and adolescence in difficult and precarious conditions. The strong relation between risk factors, neglect and margination has been analysed from this point of view. In the same way the interpretations that hold the minor himself responsible for his maladjustment are rejected and the author defends the necessity of a socio-educational intervention, which reduces the risk factors in the child's environment, and the need of paying close attention to the child's main role in this process.El artículo realiza una aproximación a las interpretaciones del concepto de riesgo social de la infancia por parte de diversos autores de ámbito estatal, teniendo también en cuenta los marcos legales catalán y español. Pretende aclarar cuáles son los criterios valorativos utilizados, tanto desde el ámbito academico como profesional, para interpretar las categorizaciones de la infancia en procesos de dificultad y precariedad. Desde esta perspectiva, se analiza la estrecha relación entre factores de riesgo, desamparamiento y marginación. Se rechazan las interpretaciones que responsabilizan al propio menor de la desadaptación y se defiende la hipótesis de la necesidad de una intervención socioeducativa que trabaje para una disminución de los factores de riesgo en el propio medio, manteniendo su protagonismo en este proceso

    Magnetic Control of Soft Chiral Phonons in PbTe

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    PbTe crystals have a soft transverse optical phonon mode in the terahertz frequency range, which is known to efficiently decay into heat-carrying acoustic phonons, resulting in anomalously low ther- mal conductivity. Here, we studied this phonon via polarization-dependent terahertz spectroscopy. We observed softening of this mode with decreasing temperature, indicative of incipient ferroelectric- ity, which we explain through a model including strong anharmonicity with a quartic displacement term. In magnetic fields up to 25 T, the phonon mode splits into two modes with opposite hand- edness, exhibiting circular dichroism. Their frequencies display Zeeman splitting together with an overall diamagnetic shift with increasing magnetic field. Using a group-theoretical approach, we demonstrate that these observations are the result of magnetic field-induced morphic changes in the crystal symmetries through the Lorentz force exerted on the lattice ions. Our study thus reveals a novel process of controlling phonon properties in a soft ionic lattice by a strong magnetic field.This research was primarily sup- ported by the National Science Foundation through the Center for Dynamics and Control of Materials: an NSF MRSEC under Cooperative Agreement No. DMR- 1720595. F.G.G.H. acknowledges financial support from the Brasil@Rice Collaborative Grant, the So Paulo Re- search Foundation (FAPESP) Grants No. 2015/16191-5 and No. 2018/06142-5, and Grant No. 307737/2020-9 of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). M. R-V. was supported by LANL LDRD Program and by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sci- ences and Engineering Division, Condensed Matter The- ory Program. G. A. F. acknowledges additional support from NSF DMR-1949701 and NSF DMR-2114825. J. T. and I. K. acknowledge the support from the Japan Soci- ety for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (KAKENHI No. 20H05662).Center for Dynamics and Control of Material

    Examination of Late Palaeolithic archaeological sites in northern Europe for the preservation of cryptotephra layers

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    We report the first major study of cryptotephra (non-visible volcanic ash layers) on Late Palaeolithic archaeological sites in northern Europe. Examination of 34 sites dating from the Last Termination reveals seven with identifiable cryptotephra layers. Preservation is observed in minerogenic and organic deposits, although tephra is more common in organic sediments. Cryptotephra layers normally occur stratigraphically above or below the archaeology. Nearby off-site palaeoclimate archives (peat bogs and lakes &lt;0.3 km distant) were better locations for detecting tephra. However in most cases the archaeology can only be correlated indirectly with such cryptotephras. Patterns affecting the presence/absence of cryptotephra include geographic position of sites relative to the emitting volcanic centre; the influence of past atmospherics on the quantity, direction and patterns of cryptotephra transport; the nature and timing of local site sedimentation; sampling considerations and subsequent taphonomic processes. Overall, while tephrostratigraphy has the potential to improve significantly the chronology of such sites many limiting factors currently impacts the successful application