57 research outputs found

    La Educación Fiscal como Estrategia Social en el Cumplimiento Tributario en la Ciudad de Bambamarca Periodo 2018

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    El presente trabajo de investigación presentado, tiene como objetivo: Explicar la educación fiscal como estrategia social en el cumplimiento tributario en la ciudad de Bambamarca 2018. Se considera que la evasión tributaria en el sector comercial MYPE de la ciudad de Cajamarca, se encuentra marcada y en desarrollo por la existencia de factores que distorsionan en su formalización, esto como consecuencia del abandono del estado al sector MYPE a nivel nacional y en Cajamarca en particular. En el presente trabajo de investigación se utilizó la metodología inductivo y deductivo, así mismo el método de la observación, para obtener resultados en los mismos negocios de la ciudad de Bambamarca. La población que se ha considerado para el presente estudio fue de 1,053 negocios y una muestra ajustada de 222 negocios, sin embargo, por conveniencia se ha considerado un 13% de la muestra distribuidos en actividades diferentes, significando 137 negocios de la ciudad de Bambamarca. Para obtener la información se utilizó la encuesta y como instrumento un cuestionario, teniendo en cuenta los indicadores de las variables. La investigación desarrollada dio como resultado que

    Chiral Structure of F-actin Bundle Formed by Multivalent Counterions?

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    The mechanism of multivalent counterion-induced bundle formation by filamentous actin (F-actin) is studied using a coarse-grained model and molecular dynamics simulation. Real diameter size, helically ordered charge distribution and twist rigidity of F-actin are taken into account in our model. The attraction between parallel F-actins induced by multivalent counterions is studied in detail and it is found that the maximum attraction occurs between their closest charged domains. The model F-actins aggregate due to the like-charge attraction and form closely packed bundles. Counterions are mostly distributed in the narrowest gaps between neighboring F-actins inside the bundles and the channels between three adjacent F-actins correspond to low density of the counterions. Density of the counterions varies periodically with a wave length comparable to the separation between consecutive G-actin monomers along the actin polymers. Long-lived defects in the hexagonal order of F-actins in the bundles are observed that their number increases with increasing the bundles size. Combination of electrostatic interactions and twist rigidity has been found not to change the symmetry of F-actin helical conformation from the native 13/6 symmetry. Calculation of zero-temperature energy of hexagonally ordered model F-actins with the charge of the counterions distributed as columns of charge domains representing counterion charge density waves has shown that helical symmetries commensurate with the hexagonal lattice correspond to local minima of the energy of the system. The global minimum of energy corresponds to 24/11 symmetry with the columns of charge domains arranged in the narrowest gaps between the neighboring F-actins.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, Published online in Soft Matter journal: http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2012/sm/c2sm07104

    Effects of a Community-Based Pilot Intervention on Home Food Availability among U.S. Households

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of a pilot community-based behavioral intervention on the home food environment in U.S. households. Parents (21 females, 2 males; age = 36 ± 5.5 years; 78% Hispanic) of elementary school-aged children attended a 10-week dietary improvement behavioral intervention targeting an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption and a reduction in sugar intake. Home food availability of fruit, vegetables, and sugar-laden foods and beverages were assessed before and after the intervention using a modified version of the Home Food Inventory. Relative to baseline, the intervention resulted in significant increases in fruit availability (7.7 ± 3.2 items vs. 9.4 ± 3.1 items; p = 0.004) and low sugar cereal (2.3 ± 1.4 types vs. 2.7 ± 1.4 types; p = 0.033). There was a significant reduction in sugar-sweetened beverage availability (3.2 ± 1.9 types vs. 1.7 ± 1.3 types; p = 0.004). There was a significant increase in the number of households with accessible ready-to-eat vegetables and fruit, and a significant reduction in available prepared desserts, and candy (p < 0.01). There were no significant changes in the availability of vegetables and sugar-laden cereals. The current intervention resulted in positive changes in the home food environment. Further research to confirm these results in a randomized controlled trial is warranted