1,268 research outputs found

    Emergence of social enterprises and their place in the new organizational landscape, The

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    Recent dynamics in the social and economic environment have facilitated the emergence of new-hybrid-organizational forms, a phenomenon that has been frequently associated with the blurring of boundaries among the for-profit, public and nonprofit sectors. Focusing on social enterprises, a particular type of hybrid organizations emerging in the nonprofit sector, this paper suggests that the appearance of hybrid organizational forms triggers behavioral changes at the micro-the organizational-level, but hardly affects sector boundaries. The paper offers a fresh conceptualization of social enterprises, and furthermore presents an original way to classify traditional and new organizational forms according to economic, public and social authority. The new organizational landscape is illustrated.social enterprises; new organizational forms; non-profit sector; social authority;

    How intentions to create a social venture are formed. A case study

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    This exploratory study on one social entrepreneur challenges existing knowledge on the intention formation process of entrepreneurship. Drawing from social and cognitive psychology, we adapt an intention-based model from entrepreneurship and translate it to social entrepreneurship. Building on our findings, we argue that social entrepreneurs - like traditional entrepreneurs - experience perceptions of feasibility and desirability, and a propensity to act. However, complementing research on traditional entrepreneurs, we suggest that, in a preceding stage, social entrepreneurs develop social sentiments. Furthermore, we identify willpower, support, and the construction of opportunity as important antecedents of perceptions of feasibility and desirability, and propensity to act.social entrepreneurship; intention; cognition;

    Social entrepreneurship: How intentions to create a social enterprise get formed.

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    Social entrepreneurship has raised increasing interest among scholars, yet we still know relatively little about the particular dynamics and processes involved. This paper aims at contributing to the field of social entrepreneurship by clarifying key elements, providing working definitions, and illuminating the social entrepreneurship process. In the first part of the paper we review the existing literature. In the second part we develop a model on how intentions to create a social venture -the tangible outcome of social entrepreneurship- get formed. Combining insights from traditional entrepreneurship literature and anecdotal evidence in the field of social entrepreneurship, we propose that behavioral intentions to create a social venture are influenced, first, by perceived social venture desirability, which is affected by attitudes such as empathy and moral judgment, and second, by perceived social venture feasibility, which is facilitated by social support and self-efficacy beliefs.entrepreneurship; social enterprise;

    Letter from the Latino Institute

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    Letter from Abdín Noboa, Director of the Research Division of the Latino Institute, thanking Giguère for her participation in The Retention of Minority Languages in the United States conference in Washington, D.C., and informing her of its potential publication in a report by the National Center for Education Statistics.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/giguere-conferences-and-presentations-1968-1997/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Automated License Plate Recognition Systems

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    Automated license plate recognition systems make use of machines learning coupled with traditional algorithmic programming to create software capable of identifying and transcribing vehicles’ license plates. From this point, automated license plate recognition systems can be capable of performing a variety of functions, including billing an account or querying the plate number against a database to identify vehicles of concern. These capabilities allow for an efficient method of autonomous vehicle identification, although the unmanned nature of these systems raises concerns over the possibility of their use for surveillance, be it against an individual or group. This thesis will explore the fundamentals behind automated license plate recognition systems, the state of their current employment, currently existing limitations, and concerns raised over the use of such systems and relevant legal examples. Furthermore, this thesis will demonstrate the training of a machine learning model capable of identifying license plates, followed by a brief examination of performance limitations encountered

    Factors Influencing Alzheimer\u27s Disease Healthcare Utilization Patterns in Puerto Rico

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    Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is associated with substantial healthcare utilization costs, resulting in a public health priority. In this study, the relationship between the demographic characteristics of age, gender, and type of health insurance; the presence of comorbidities of older Puerto Rican residents diagnosed with AD; and their healthcare utilization patterns (i.e., medical office and emergency room visits and hospital admissions) was examined using Andersen\u27s behavioral model. Data from the 2013 Puerto Rico Health Study was used in this retrospective cohort design study. All AD cases aged -?¥ 60 years were extracted using systematic random sampling. One-way ANOVA-WELCH, Mann-Whitney U test, and negative binomial regressions determined if there was a relationship between independent and dependent variables. Results indicated a statistically significant relationship between age, gender, health insurance type, and presence of comorbidities factors and healthcare utilization patterns among older Puerto Ricans with AD. From the results, opportunities were identified for further research and changes in professional practices in order to initiate discussions and action plans to improve services coordination for older Puerto Ricans with AD. Findings might impact social change by inspiring modifications to the public health infrastructure. These modifications may lead to enhanced disease management support, promoted social justice, and increased resources to improve healthcare access and quality of care, and overall enhancement of health outcomes, for Puerto Ricans living with AD

    Subsidiary strategy: The embeddedness component

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    This paper inductively derives a model that develops the concept of subsidiary embeddedness as the canvas within which subsidiary strategy can take place. Our model identifies three hierarchical levels of embeddedness: Operational embeddedness relates to the interlocking day-to-day relations. Capability embeddedness deals with the development of competitive capabilities for the multinational as a whole. Strategic embeddedness deals with subsidiary participation in the MNC strategy setting. We deem these three types of embeddedness as ways to develop subsidiary strategic alternatives. In as such, different types of subsidiary embeddedness imply different subsidiary roles. Embeddedness, as it was inductively derived from a revelatory case study, is not merely an outcome of the institutional setting, but a resource a subsidiary can manage by means of manipulating dependencies or exerting influence over the allocation of critical resources. A subsidiary can modify its embeddedness to change its strategic restraints. Therefore, the development of subsidiary embeddedness becomes an integral part of subsidiary strategy.Multinational management; subsidiary; strategy; organization;

    The Influence of Dust on the Absorptivity of Radiant Barriers

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    The purpose of this project was to model and quantify the increase of the absorptivity of radiant barriers caused by the accumulation of dust on the surface of radiant barriers. This research was the continuation of a previous work by the author at Texas A&M University in which a radiation energy balance inside the attic enclosure was developed. The particles were considered as flat, circular planes, all having the same radii. That early model showed that there was a linear relationship between the fraction of area of the foil covered by dust and the mean absorptivity of the dusty radiant barrier. In the present work, it was found that the assumption of treating the dust particles as plane circles, underestimated the effective area of the particles by about 20%. Experimental measurements indicated that dust particles achieved the same temperature as the radiant barrier. The new model used the linear relationship just described, and simulated the dust particles as flat circular planes having random radii and laying in random locations within the radiant barrier surface. The new model calculated the fraction of radiant barrier area covered by particles using a digital array in which the clean barrier was represented as zeroes and the dust particles were represented as a set of ones appropriately dimensioned inside the array. The experimentation used natural dust and Arizona Road Test Dust. Using an infrared emissometer, the emissivities (absorptivities) of the clean and dusty barriers were measured and using an electronic scale, the dust loading was measured. An electron microscope was used to experimentally find the fraction of radiant barrier covered by the dust particles to correlate the experimentally found absorptivity with the experimentally found fraction of dust coverage. The limited experimental data available were also used to correlate the absorptivity of the dusty radiant barrier with the time of dust accumulation and the location of the barrier inside the attic. A linear relationship between the absorptivity and the time of dust accumulation was found that can be applied to predict future barrier effectiveness based upon the rate of dust accumulation for a given location

    Necesidad de una legislación sobre derecho de la competencia luego de los compromisos asumidos en el GATT/94

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    Angélica Noboa Pagán (reseña biográfica): Abogada dominicana, egresada de la Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). Su práctica profesional se ha concentrado en las áreas de arbitraje comercial, comercio exterior, competencia, derechos del consumidor, energía y mercado de valores. Es socia fundadora del bufete Noba Pagán – Abogados. Ha sido abogada asociada de las firmas Pellerano y Herrera y de Russin, Vecchi & Heredia Bontti. También se ha desempeñado como consultora legal de la Subdirección Técnica de la DGA y como consultora jurídica de esta institución. Fue asistente del presidente del Consejo Directivo del Instituto Dominicano de las Telecomunicaciónes y ocupó los puestos de gerente de regulaciones de mercado y de consultor legal de la Compañía Dominicana de Teléfonos (CODETEL). Fue miembro honorario de la Comisión Redactora del Anteproyecto del Código de Ordenamiento de Mercado. Participó en las discusiones sobre el proyecto de reforma del marco institucional de las telecomunicaciones. Es profesora de Derecho de la Competencia en la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) y es autora de la columna “Derecho de la Competencia” en la revista jurídica Gaceta Judicial.Ante la firma de los acuerdos de comercio del GATT 1994, de la entrada en esquemas regionales preferenciales de cooperación y comercio y de la liberalización comercial y financiera que vivía el mundo en ese momento, la legislación dominicana presentaba una debilidad, y era que no tenía una regulación detallada que defendiera el derecho de la competencia. Aunque la Constitución preveía la libertad de empresa, existía un vacío jurídico en cuanto al control de las prácticas o abusos monopólicos. En este artículo, alegato a favor de una reglamentación en el área, la autora traza la historia mundial de dicho derecho, explora los sistemas existentes entonces en algunos países del área y diagnostica la endeble posición del empresariado y los consumidores nacionales debido a esa ausencia de normativas

    La mediación y el arbitraje como mecanismos alternativos de la solución de controversias en el Ecuador en el sector de las telecomunicaciones

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    El presente trabajo se realizó con el objeto de invest1igar si en el sector de Telecomunicaciones en el Ecuador, procede recurrir a la Mediación y al Arbitraje, como mecanismos alternativos para la solución de controversias, y determinar si en esta materia, seguimos acudiendo a la Justicia Ordinaria, que ha sufrido una profunda crisis, que entre otras causas, por la sobrecarga procesal, por la litigiosidad, han hecho que la Justicia se convierta en un trámite lento y engorroso. La presencia del Arbitraje y la Mediación como mecanismos alternativos para la solución de controversias en el ámbito comercial, tanto nacional como internacional en el que sin duda se encuentran las telecomunicaciones, en la actualidad ha cobrado gran importancia, ya que la agilidad con la que se mueven los negocios y la misma globalización han estrechado las relaciones entre individuos y Estados, acortando distancias. Por lo que cada vez se ha visto incrementado el sistema arbitral para resolver conflictos jurídicos que surgen de las relaciones comerciales, ya sea a nivel nacional como en el resto de países andinos y en general a nivel mundial, y encontrar en el Arbitraje el andamiaje legal apropiado para que este sistema sea ágil y oportuno, sobre todo en la fase inicial, es decir en la Mediación, se pueden llegar a acuerdos satisfactorios para las dos partes. Se partió de los conceptos de Arbitraje y Mediación, la consagración en la Constitución de la República del Ecuador y el estudio de las diferentes corrientes que demuestran su existencia legal, se confirmó que es un proceso jurídico convencional y oneroso, tramitado, desarrollado y resuelto por particulares, que surge a partir de la suscripción de contrato, en el cual debe constar una cláusula arbitral, en la que las partes de común acuerdo establecen que en caso de controversia actual o futura, ésta debe ser sometida al conocimiento de un tercero llamado árbitro. Se estableció que el Arbitraje y la Mediación son los mecanismos idóneos para la solución de controversias en el sector de las Telecomunicaciones, pero que a pesar de sus características, por ser de reciente aplicación, no se tiene la suficiente experiencia en el país. De igual manera que, a pesar de ser la Ley de Arbitraje y Mediación ecuatoriana, un cuerpo legal nuevo que contiene artículos innovadores, le falta definición en la ejecución, lo que no ha permitido que los laudos arbitrales en el país tengan la efectividad deseada, puesto que no son de ejecución inmediata y necesariamente se debe recurrir a la justicia ordinaria que es en donde más tropiezos se ha encontrado