108 research outputs found

    Changes in the Lifestyle from the Perspective of Hemodialysis Patients: Content Analysis

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    Introduction: lifestyle changes are one of the most important factors in promoting the capabilities and quality of life in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The aim of this study was to explore the lifestyle changes from the perspective of patients undergoing hemodialysis. Method: Using qualitative content analysis approach, changes in lifestyle in patients undergoing hemodialysis were explored. Patients were being dialyzed for at least one year. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Purposeful sampling was gradually started based on codes and categories and continued until data saturation. Interviews were conducted with 20 participants. The duration of interviews was between 40 and 85 minutes. Data collection and analysis was performed simultaneously based on the five-step method of Granheim and Lundman. The accuracy and rigor of the research was secured using Lincoln and Guba criteria. Results: Five themes reflecting the experiences of changes in lifestyle among the patients undergoing hemodialysis were extracted, "trying to follow the meal plan", "persistence in taking prescription drugs," "compromising with the change in sleep patterns," "coping with physical activity", and "maintaining the social and psychological independency". Conclusion: The finding in this study explored the lifestyle changes in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The therapeutic team must support the patient to gain coping strategies and make essential changes in life style, and emphasize on admitting them effectively in everyday life. Keywords: Life style, Hemodialysis, Qualitative researc

    Experiences of the Hemodialysis Patients and Medical Staff Personnel about Regarding of Nursing Care: A Content Analysis

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    Introduction: Due to the increasing number of patients with chronic renal failure and renal function replacement with hemodialysis and the central role of nurses in dialysis care, the purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of the hemodialysis patients and medical staff personnel regardingabout of nursing care. Method: This study was conducted with through qualitative approach and conventional content analysis method in 2014. Twenty participants selected by through purposive sampling and with maximum variation, 20 participants were selected. Which Data were collected through semi-structured interviews withby open questions. This the study environment was done inthe hemodialysis ward of Semnan' Kowsar Hospital in Semnan, Iran. Data were analyzed by using of conventional content analysis approach. Results: The main themes of "palliative care" and "care based on self-management" were extracted from through the data analysis. of the findings, which The theme of palliative care was abstracted from four 4 categories of: "dialysis' stressful factors in dialysis", "therapeutic plan", "interaction with others," and "preparation," and care based on self-management from the category of "dependence / independence". Conclusion: Findings of this study showed that nursing care in hemodialysis patient includeding of palliative nursing care and care based on self-management. Nurses play an important role in provides the provision of these cares to enhance the quality of life (QOL) for of hemodialysis patients. Keywords: Nursing care, Palliative care, Self-management, Nursing, Patients, Hemodialysis, Content analysi


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    Abstract. Background and aim: herbal treatment is one of the most valuable medical treasures in Iran. Iran is one of the three countries with a long history in this field. In this review and meta-analysis we have tried to examine the use of herbal medicines in fungal and bacterial infections and to achieve a comprehensive outcome. Method: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched databases, including Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials, SID, Magiran, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, for articlespublished from 2000 to 2019 on medicinal plants with antifungal and bacterial vaginitis effects. First, all the relevant studies on the effects of medicinal plants in vitro or in clinical trials in Iran, whose title or abstract included any of the keywords of “vaginal candidiasis”, “herbal medicine”, and “bacterial vaginitis” were retrieved. Result: In this study, we reviewed 7 studies. 687 women were enrolled in the study, 389 in the intervention group and 298 in the control group. In studies used Ginger-clotrimazole vaginalcream, Zataria multiflora vaginal cream, Honey vaginal cream, Garlic vaginal cream and Propolis Vaginal Cream and for control groups used clotrimazole vaginal cream, metronidazole vaginal gel, colostomyazole vagina pill and metronidazole oral pill. Conclusion: After integrating the findings from clinical trials and Meta-analysis, we concluded that the use of medicinal plants along with routine drugs can be effective.Key words: Herbal medicines, antifungal, bacterial vaginitis

    The Impact of the Explicit Teaching of Three Particle Collocations on Reading Comprehension

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    Research on collocations has been predominant for decades and decisive in debating the theoretical and pedagogical perspectives of collocations. Various approaches have been offered for best practices in teaching collocations. Despite this, we are yet to see an agreed-upon approach to teaching collocations. This study attempted to investigate the effect of explicit teaching of collocations. A further aim of the study was to see if test format affected the results. The results revealed that the explicit teaching of collocations had significantly improved the learners’ knowledge of collocations. In addition, test format did have a noticeable effect on the results. Finally, a significant variation was observed among the learners as to their ability to learn collocations

    Exploration nursing care process in intensive cardiac care unit: Grounded theory

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    Introduction: Care is the basis and foundation of nursing. In the cardiac intensive care unit (CICU), rescuing patients in critical conditions depends on the nursing care process. The aim of this study was the exploration of the nursing care process in the CICU. Method: This study was conducted using the qualitative research method of grounded theory. Sampling was begun purposefully and gradually continued, according to the obtained codes and categories, using theoretical sampling until data saturation. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews, observations, and field notes. In this study, interviews were conducted with 15 nurses, 3 physician, 3 patients, and 2 relatives of patients in Semnan Fatemieh Hospital in 2012-2013. The time duration of interviews was between 40 to 90 minutes. Interviews were digitally recorded and immediately transcribed verbatim. Data analysis was performed simultaneously to data collection using the constant comparative analysis method of Strauss and Corbin. The accuracy and rigor of the study were confirmed using the criteria of Lincoln and Guba. Results: In the present study, 3235 primary codes, 22 primary categories, and 6 categories in the nursing care process were extracted. The categories include "threatening patient’s life ", "low attention to nurses’ professional identity", "nursing competence", "undesirable professional communications", "stressful environment", and "adequacy/inadequacy". Each of these categories contained subcategories with specific characteristics. Conclusion: The results show that the nursing care process in the CICU is a correlated, dynamic, and complex concept continually influenced by factors effective on care. On the one hand, life-threatening conditions of patients, and the other hand, environment, working conditions, communication, and competence of nurses are effective on the patient care process in the CICU.. Keywords: Nursing, Nursing care, Cardiac intensive care unit, Grounded theor

    Recovery of catalytic metals from leaching solutions of spent automotive catalytic converters using plant extracts

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    This study investigates the potential of hydroalcoholic extracts of Cistus ladanifer L., Erica Andevalensis and Rubus idaeus L. as a green method for the recovery of platinum group metals (PGMs) from both synthetic unimetallic solutions and multimetallic solutions obtained from the leaching of two different spent automotive catalytic converters (SACC). Experiments with unimetallic solutions revealed that E. andevalensis and R. idaeus extracts could separate about 70% of Pd and less than 40% of other tested metals (Al, Ce, Fe and Pt) from the solutions. Then, application of the plant extracts to two different SACCs leachates showed that E. andevalensis and R. idaeus extracts can induce high precipitation (> 60%) of Pd and Pt with co-precipitation of less than 20% of other metals. UV-Visible spectra analysis confirmed the bio-reduction of Pd2+ ions into Pd-0 nanoparticles by R. idaeus extract, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis revealed the contribution of functional groups of the phytochemicals present in the extract (such as phenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins) in the Pd2+ bio-reduction and stabilization. Afterward, scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) analysis of the precipitate obtained from one leachate with R. idaeus extract demonstrated the presence of Pd particles along with organic compounds and particles containing other metals. Therefore, particles were subjected to a washing step with acetone for further purification. Finally, scanning transmission electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (STEM-EDX) analysis showed the high purity of the final Pd particles and high-resolution STEM allowed to determine their size variation of 2.5 to 17 nm with an average Feret size of 6.1 nm and confirmed their crystalline structure with an interplanar lattice distance of similar to 0.22 nm. This green approach offers various benefits including simplicity of Pd separation from the leachates as valuable nanoparticles that makes the process more feasible from economic and environmental standpoints. A process cost of similar to 20 $/g of Pd particles recovered was estimated (excluding manpower).LA/P/0101/2020; CRESC Algarve 2020) through Portugal 2020 and European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), under the project METALCHEMBIO (no. 29251).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Care Quality in Critical Cardiac Units from Nurses Perspective: A Content analysis

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    Introduction: Nurses are an ideal source to report on the quality of care and the uses of their perspective is a valid index in assessment of the quality of nursing care. The aim of this study was to explore the quality of nursing care from the perspective of nurses in critical cardiac units. Method: This was a qualitative study in which purposive sampling was used with maximum variation and 23 participants were interviewed with open-ended questions in Semnan during 2012-2013. The main method of data collection was semi-structured interviews. The interviews were digitally recorded, immediately transcribed word by word, and analyzed using content analysis method. Results: By data analysis of extracted contexts, the main theme abstracted was "the need for effective nursing management". Subthemes include "adequate and efficient human resources", "human relationships", "organized nursing performance", and "appropriate environment and suitable tools, equipment, and facilities". Conclusion: The results of this study explored employed nurses' experiences on quality of nursing care in critical cardiac care units. Having effective nursing management for providing resources and human relationships are essential to maintaining and improving the quality of nursing care in critical cardiac units. Keywords: Quality of nursing care, Nursing, Critical cardiac care, Content analysi

    Professional communication among nurses, patients, and physicians in intensive cardiac care units: A content analysis

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    Introduction: Introduction: Due to the increasing number of patients, critical situations, and the need for invasive critical care in intensive cardiac care units (ICCU), dynamic and complex professional communication assessment has become necessary. The aim of this study was to explore professional communication (nurse, patient, and physician) in the ICCU. Method: This study was performed with a qualitative approach and using conventional content analysis. The participants included 23 nurses, physicians, and patients and their relatives in the ICCU in Fatemieh Hospital, Semnan, Iran. The study subjects were selected through purposive sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. Results: Through data analysis, 8 themes were extracted. These themes consisted of "nurses’ sense of responsibility", "head nurses’ supportive acts", "supervisors’ professional relationship", "effective management", "interaction with physician", "cooperation with paraclinic, services providers, and guard", "patients’ trust", and "dealing with the concerns of patients’ relatives". The main theme extracted was "necessity of creating trust in professional communication". Conclusion: Establishing a professional communication based on trust is essential in providing nursing care in the ICCU. Since gaining patients’ and their family members’ trust depends on mutual trust among nurses and, nurses and physicians, it is essential that professional communication among the medical staff of hospitals be emphasized and supported. Keywords: Professional communication, Intensive cardiac care, Content analysi

    Cerebral Protection During Coronary Artery Bypasses Grafting in Bilateral Total Internal Carotids Occlusion: Case Report

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    Introduction: The best management for the patient with coronary artery disease (CAD) that requires emergent coronary bypass graft surgery (CABG) with bilateral total internal carotid artery occlusions previously reported. Here we report two successful cases of CABG with additional occlusion in the circle of Willis anterior or posterior communicating artery “incomplete cow” with onpump technique and cerebral protection considerations. Case Presentation: Bilateral carotid artery occlusion, coronary artery disease, and emergency operation with cardiopulmonary bypass are associated with increased stroke, especially when there is one additional occlusion of the cerebral artery in the circle of Willis. Routine preoperative carotid artery sonography and selective carotid angiography revealed bilateral total carotid occlusion in both cases in addition, CT-angiography also confirmed occlusions of right posterior communicating in the first case and left posterior communicating artery in the second case. Collateral circulation feeding in the intracranial circulations originated mainly from the vertebrobasilar system (compensatory phase) preoperative physical examinations showed no neurological deficit. Operation was done successfully with moderate hypothermia and different cerebral protection considerations and postoperative courses were uneventful and patients discharged from hospital seven days post operation. Conclusions: Anesthesia should consider hemodynamic management and avoid significant tachycardia or bradycardia and severe hypertension or hypotension

    Jurisprudential-legal Analysis of Panderism

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    Imami jurists have considered panderism as one of the crimes that results in fixed corporal punishments (hadd). All the penal laws after the Islamic Revolution, including the Islamic Penal Code of 2013, follow the well-known opinion of the jurists and consider panderism as a crime results in prescribed and fixed punishment(hadd). The present study has criticized this view with an analytical-critical method and has considered the discretionary punishment awarded by the judge (ta’zir) for this crime to be more justified and rational. The article also studies various elements of the material and mental pillars of panderism. Through a jurisprudential-legal analysis of panderism in cyberspace, the article studies possibility of the occurrence of physical behavior of "bringing together" through mere acquaintance with novelty communicational technologies and participation in panderism physically or virtually. The article further examines the necessary circumstances for committing panderism and its effects on fornication and sodomy. Finally, the article examines the place of "knowledge substituting intent" and "matching the intent of the perpetrator with a criminal incident" in the mental element of this crime