242 research outputs found

    All-enzymatic HPLC method for determination of individual and total contents of vitamin B6 in foods

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    Background : There is a need for a reliable and accurate method for quantification of each of the seven individual vitamin B6 compounds including pyridoxine-β-glucoside in foods. Objective : To determine pyridoxal (PL), pyridoxamine (PM), pyridoxine (PN), pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP), pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate (PMP), pyridoxine 5′-phosphate (PNP), and pyridoxine-β-glucoside (PNG) in foods. Design : By specific enzymatic treatment, each of the seven vitamin B6 compounds was all converted into 4-pyridoxolactone, which is a highly fluorescent compound. In total, seven separate, enzymatic steps were performed for each sample. Separation and quantification were performed with reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with fluorescence detection. For each sample type the result was corrected for the recovery based on spiked samples. The method was applied for analyses of chicken liver, chicken white meat, egg yolk, egg white, dried anchovy, carrots, and garlic. Results : The recovery varied from 14 to 114% in chicken liver, chicken white meat, egg yolk, egg white, dried anchovy, carrot, and garlic. Each food showed a characteristic distribution of the seven vitamin B6 compounds. The PNG was only found in low amounts; that is, 17–29 nmol vitamin B6/g in the plant-derived foods, carrot and garlic. Only egg white showed a lower content, 3 nmol/g. Overall the content in chicken liver, chicken white meat, and egg yolk had a total content of vitamin B6 between 42 and 51 nmol/g. Both PM and PMP were high in the chicken liver. In contrast, PL and PLP were high in the chicken white meat. The main vitamin B6 in the egg yolk was PLP. The dried anchovy contained high amounts of PLP and PMP and a total content of 144 nmol/g. Conclusions : The enzymatic-based HPLC method was applied for the determination of seven vitamin B6 compounds in foods. Their distribution in the foods varied significantly

    Insecticide-Treated Nets for the Prevention of Malaria in Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials

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    BACKGROUND: Protection from malaria with insecticide-treated bednets (ITNs) during pregnancy is widely advocated, but evidence of benefit has been inconsistent. We undertook a systematic review of randomised trials. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Three cluster-randomised and two individually randomised trials met the inclusion criteria; four from Africa (n = 6,418) and one from Thailand (n = 223). In Africa, ITNs compared to no nets increased mean birth weight by 55 g (95% confidence interval [CI] 21–88), reduced low birth weight by 23% (relative risk [RR] 0.77, 95% CI 0.61–0.98), and reduced miscarriages/stillbirths by 33% (RR 0.67, 0.47–0.97) in the first few pregnancies. Placental parasitaemia was reduced by 23% in all gravidae (RR 0.77, 0.66–0.90). The effects were apparent in the cluster-randomised trials and the one individually randomised trial in Africa. The trial in Thailand, which randomised individuals to ITNs or untreated nets, showed reductions in anaemia and fetal loss in all gravidae, but not reductions in clinical malaria or low birth weight. CONCLUSIONS: ITNs used throughout pregnancy or from mid-pregnancy onwards have a beneficial impact on pregnancy outcome in malaria-endemic Africa in the first few pregnancies. The potential impact of ITNs in pregnant women and their newborns in malaria regions outside Africa requires further research

    Costs and cost-effectiveness of delivering intermittent preventive treatment through schools in western Kenya

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    BACKGROUND: Awareness of the potential impact of malaria among school-age children has stimulated investigation into malaria interventions that can be delivered through schools. However, little evidence is available on the costs and cost-effectiveness of intervention options. This paper evaluates the costs and cost-effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) as delivered by teachers in schools in western Kenya. METHODS: Information on actual drug and non-drug associated costs were collected from expenditure and salary records, government budgets and interviews with key district and national officials. Effectiveness data were derived from a cluster-randomised-controlled trial of IPT where a single dose of sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine and three daily doses of amodiaquine were provided three times in year (once termly). Both financial and economic costs were estimated from a provider perspective, and effectiveness was estimated in terms of anaemia cases averted. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the impact of key assumptions on estimated cost-effectiveness. RESULTS: The delivery of IPT by teachers was estimated to cost US1.88perchildtreatedperyear,withdrugandteachertrainingcostsconstitutingthelargestcostcomponents.Setupcostsaccountedfor13.2 1.88 per child treated per year, with drug and teacher training costs constituting the largest cost components. Set-up costs accounted for 13.2% of overall costs (equivalent to US 0.25 per child) whilst recurrent costs accounted for 86.8% (US1.63perchildperyear).TheestimatedcostperanaemiacaseavertedwasUS 1.63 per child per year). The estimated cost per anaemia case averted was US 29.84 and the cost per case of Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia averted was US5.36,respectively.ThecostpercaseofanaemiaavertedrangedbetweenUS 5.36, respectively. The cost per case of anaemia averted ranged between US 24.60 and 40.32 when the prices of antimalarial drugs and delivery costs were varied. Cost-effectiveness was most influenced by effectiveness of IPT and the background prevalence of anaemia. In settings where 30% and 50% of schoolchildren were anaemic, cost-effectiveness ratios were US$ 12.53 and 7.52, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study provides the first evidence that IPT administered by teachers is a cost-effective school-based malaria intervention and merits investigation in other settings


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    Objective: Inflammation is the reaction to injury of the living tissues. Conventional medication of inflammation is expensive and arguably associated with various severe adverse effects hence the need to develop herbal agents that are effective as alternative. Caesalpinia volkensii and Maytenus obscura are plants that grow in Mbeere County of Eastern region of Kenya. This study was designed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of C. volkensii and M. obscura plants. Methods: Experimental animals were divided in to four groups; normal group, diseased negative control group, diseased reference group and diseased experimental groups. Inflammation was inducted into the mice using carrageenan. The experimental groups were treated with leaf extracts of the plants at concentration of 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg. Anti-inflammatory activities in rats were compared with diclofenac (15 mg/kg) as the standard conventional drug. Results: The leaf extracts of C. volkensii reduced the paw edema by between 6.50%-13.42% while the extracts of M. obscura reduced it by between 4.94%-22.36%. Diclofenac reduced the paw edema by between 4.11%-10.47%. Conclusion: The phytochemical screening results showed that the extracts of C. volkensii had flavonoids, steroids and phenolics while the leaf extracts M. obscura had phenolics, terpenoids and saponins. Flavonoids, saponins and phenolics have been associated with anti-inflammatory activities. Therefore, the study has established that the DCM: methanolic leaf extracts of Caesalpinia volkensii and Maytenus obscura are effective in management of inflammation

    Comparison of common multiple imputation approaches: An application of logistic regression with an interaction

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    Background Multiple imputation is often used to reduce bias and gain efficiency when there is missing data. The most appropriate imputation method depends on the model the analyst is interested in fitting. We consolidate and compare the performance and ease of use for several commonly implemented imputation approaches. Methods Using 1000 simulations, each with 10,000 observations, under six data-generating mechanisms (DGM), we investigate the performance of four methods: (i) ’passive imputation’, (ii) ’just another variable’ (JAV), (iii) ’stratify-impute-append’ (SIA), and (iv) ’substantive model compatible fully conditional specification’ (SMCFCS). The application of each method is shown in an empirical example using England-based cancer registry data. Results SMCFCS and SIA showed the least biased estimate of the coefficients for the fully, and partially, observed variable and the interaction term. SMCFCS and SIA showed good coverage and low relative error for all DGMs. SMCFCS had a large bias when there was a low prevalence of the fully observed variable in the interaction. SIA performed poorly when the fully observed variable in the interaction had a continuous underlying form. Conclusion SMCFCS and SIA give consistent estimation and either can be used in most analyses. SMCFCS performed better than SIA when the fully observed variable in the interaction had an underlying continuous form. Researchers should be cautious when using SMCFCS when there is a low prevalence of the fully observed variable in the interaction

    Impact of intermittent screening and treatment for malaria among school children in Kenya: a cluster randomised trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Improving the health of school-aged children can yield substantial benefits for cognitive development and educational achievement. However, there is limited experimental evidence of the benefits of alternative school-based malaria interventions or how the impacts of interventions vary according to intensity of malaria transmission. We investigated the effect of intermittent screening and treatment (IST) for malaria on the health and education of school children in an area of low to moderate malaria transmission. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A cluster randomised trial was implemented with 5,233 children in 101 government primary schools on the south coast of Kenya in 2010-2012. The intervention was delivered to children randomly selected from classes 1 and 5 who were followed up for 24 months. Once a school term, children were screened by public health workers using malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs), and children (with or without malaria symptoms) found to be RDT-positive were treated with a six dose regimen of artemether-lumefantrine (AL). Given the nature of the intervention, the trial was not blinded. The primary outcomes were anaemia and sustained attention. Secondary outcomes were malaria parasitaemia and educational achievement. Data were analysed on an intention-to-treat basis. During the intervention period, an average of 88.3% children in intervention schools were screened at each round, of whom 17.5% were RDT-positive. 80.3% of children in the control and 80.2% in the intervention group were followed-up at 24 months. No impact of the malaria IST intervention was observed for prevalence of anaemia at either 12 or 24 months (adjusted risk ratio [Adj.RR]: 1.03, 95% CI 0.93-1.13, p = 0.621 and Adj.RR: 1.00, 95% CI 0.90-1.11, p = 0.953) respectively, or on prevalence of P. falciparum infection or scores of classroom attention. No effect of IST was observed on educational achievement in the older class, but an apparent negative effect was seen on spelling scores in the younger class at 9 and 24 months and on arithmetic scores at 24 months. CONCLUSION: In this setting in Kenya, IST as implemented in this study is not effective in improving the health or education of school children. Possible reasons for the absence of an impact are the marked geographical heterogeneity in transmission, the rapid rate of reinfection following AL treatment, the variable reliability of RDTs, and the relative contribution of malaria to the aetiology of anaemia in this setting. TRIAL REGISTRATION: www.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00878007

    Investigating the inequalities in route to diagnosis amongst patients with diffuse large B-cell or follicular lymphoma in England.

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    INTRODUCTION: Diagnostic delay is associated with lower chances of cancer survival. Underlying comorbidities are known to affect the timely diagnosis of cancer. Diffuse large B-cell (DLBCL) and follicular lymphomas (FL) are primarily diagnosed amongst older patients, who are more likely to have comorbidities. Characteristics of clinical commissioning groups (CCG) are also known to impact diagnostic delay. We assess the association between comorbidities and diagnostic delay amongst patients with DLBCL or FL in England during 2005-2013. METHODS: Multivariable generalised linear mixed-effect models were used to assess the main association. Empirical Bayes estimates of the random effects were used to explore between-cluster variation. The latent normal joint modelling multiple imputation approach was used to account for partially observed variables. RESULTS: We included 30,078 and 15,551 patients diagnosed with DLBCL or FL, respectively. Amongst patients from the same CCG, having multimorbidity was strongly associated with the emergency route to diagnosis (DLBCL: odds ratio 1.56, CI 1.40-1.73; FL: odds ratio 1.80, CI 1.45-2.23). Amongst DLBCL patients, the diagnostic delay was possibly correlated with CCGs that had higher population densities. CONCLUSIONS: Underlying comorbidity is associated with diagnostic delay amongst patients with DLBCL or FL. Results suggest a possible correlation between CCGs with higher population densities and diagnostic delay of aggressive lymphomas

    Supporting community-based natural resource management in pastoralist societies in East Africa to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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    This is the final published report.Sustainable pastoralism provides a wide range of economic, social and ecological value. However, the sustainability of this global food system has been undermined by systemic low investment. The effects of inappropriate development policies, growing population pressure and escalating economic inequalities are all being exacerbated by the increasing climate variability over the past decades. In recent years, community-based natural resource management (CBNRM) has emerged as a potential solution to these challenges. Rangeland areas may be managed more effectively by enabling communities to develop more sustainable livestock practices, restore the quality of rangelands and ecosystem services, improve the quality and market value of livestock, and ultimately aim to increase food security while reducing social inequalities. Such community-based management of economically, socially and ecologically important areas of land therefore addresses at least nine Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here, we outline the challenges facing pastoral systems, how CBNRM provides a potential solution, and the link between pastoral CBNRM and the SDGs. Our collaborative and interdisciplinary research network aims to provide context-driven evidence for pastoral CBNRM that will ultimately underpin co-designed sustainable land management strategies.University of Exeter’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF

    A Randomized Controlled Trial of Folate Supplementation When Treating Malaria in Pregnancy with Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine

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    OBJECTIVES: Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is an antimalarial drug that acts on the folate metabolism of the malaria parasite. We investigated whether folate (FA) supplementation in a high or a low dose affects the efficacy of SP for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in pregnant women. DESIGN: This was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial. SETTING: The trial was carried out at three hospitals in western Kenya. PARTICIPANTS: The participants were 488 pregnant women presenting at their first antenatal visit with uncomplicated malaria parasitaemia (density of ≥ 500 parasites/μl), a haemoglobin level higher than 7 g/dl, a gestational age between 17 and 34 weeks, and no history of antimalarial or FA use, or sulfa allergy. A total of 415 women completed the study. INTERVENTIONS: All participants received SP and iron supplementation. They were randomized to the following arms: FA 5 mg, FA 0.4 mg, or FA placebo. After 14 days, all participants continued with FA 5 mg daily as per national guidelines. Participants were followed at days 2, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 or until treatment failure. OUTCOME MEASURES: The outcomes were SP failure rate and change in haemoglobin at day 14. RESULTS: The proportion of treatment failure at day 14 was 13.9% (19/137) in the placebo group, 14.5% (20/138) in the FA 0.4 mg arm (adjusted hazard ratio [AHR], 1.07; 98.7% confidence interval [CI], 0.48 to 2.37; p = 0.8), and 27.1% (38/140) in the FA 5 mg arm (AHR, 2.19; 98.7% CI, 1.09 to 4.40; p = 0.005). The haemoglobin levels at day 14 were not different relative to placebo (mean difference for FA 5 mg, 0.17 g/dl; 98.7% CI, −0.19 to 0.52; and for FA 0.4 mg, 0.14 g/dl; 98.7% CI, −0.21 to 0.49). CONCLUSIONS: Concomitant use of 5 mg FA supplementation compromises the efficacy of SP for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in pregnant women. Countries that use SP for treatment or prevention of malaria in pregnancy need to evaluate their antenatal policy on timing or dose of FA supplementation