14 research outputs found

    Anticonvulsant effect of lercanidipine against pentylenetetrazole induced kindling in mice

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    Background: Emerging evidence has demonstrated the role of high-voltage -sensitive activated dihydropyridine (L-type, CaV1.x) channels in the development of epilepsy. Based on that we hypothesized that lercanidipine, a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker, would protect against Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) induced kindling in mice model of epilepsy.Methods: Kindling was induced in Swiss albino mice with PTZ in subconvulsive dose (30 mg/kg i.p.) thrice a week for nine weeks and the effect was scored using ‘4 point scoring system’. Rechallenging on the 3rd and 10th day with the same dose of PTZ was carried out after the last chronic dose.Results: The data of the present study demonstrated that pretreatment with lercanidipine (½ h before PTZ, in doses of 1 and 3 mg/kg i.p. daily) alone and in combination with diazepam (2mg/kg i.p.) had decreased the incidence and severity of seizure as well as prolonged the onset of kindling in a dose-dependent manner (p <0.05). On rechallenging, lercanidipine resulted in reduction of seizure score (p <0.05) and increased the seizure latency.Conclusions: The present study suggested that lercanidipine offered neuroprotection against PTZ induced kindling in mice

    Doxycycline induced fixed drug eruption: a case report

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    Fixed drug eruption (FDE) is an adverse drug reaction seen with various groups of drugs are antibiotics such as trimethoprim -sulphamethoxazle, pencillin, tetracyclines, non steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin etc. Doxycycline belongs to tetracycline groups of antibiotics. We herein present the case of Doxycycline induced fixed drug eruption. A 35-year - old man presented to our hospital, with a 2-day history of itching and hyperpigmentation over the chest. Patient developed skin lesion 2 days after and he started taking Doxycycline 100 mg twice a day for skin infections. Dermatological examination revealed multiple well defined hyperpigmented patches seen over the anterior aspect of the chest. Doxycycline was discontinued immediately, and the skin lesions resolved spontaneously within 2 weeks. Causality assessment by using Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale and WHO Uppsala monitoring scale categorize the reaction as Doxycycline was the probable cause for the adverse drug reaction. Severity assessment by using modified Hartwig and Siegel ADR severity assessment scale labelled the reaction as mild-level 2. The causative drug or drugs and cross reactants should be avoided in future to prevent recurrence of similar skin reactions

    A questionnaire based survey on knowledge, attitude and behaviour of antibiotic usage and resistance among undergraduates in South Indian teaching hospital

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    Background: Antibiotic resistance has become a global threat in the field of medicine. Multiple causes like antibiotic abuse, irrational usage of antibiotics, over the counter availability of antibiotics etc., have been put forth as culprit leading to antibiotic resistance. The present study aims at evaluating the knowledge, attitude and behaviour of antibiotic usage and resistance among undergraduates in South Indian teaching hospital.Methods: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey conducted in undergraduate MBBS students including 5th to 9th semester at Department of Pharmacology. The questionnaire comprised off: Demographic data; Knowledge including 12 questions using Four-point likert scale; Attitude and behaviours consisting of 8 questions of Yes/No type. Data were analysed in the software SPSS version 24.0. Association among categorical variable were analysed with Analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by post hoc Bonferroni test.Results: Among 455, 382 students completed the survey instrument and the response rate was 87%. Statistically significant (p=0.002) results have been obtained for the correct responses of knowledge questionnaire. The order of “good knowledge” about antibiotic usage and resistance according to semesters are graded as VIII>VI>V. Unfortunately, there were no significant results seen with attitude and behaviour.Conclusions: The study concluded that, though there was adequate theoretical knowledge among undergraduate students however they lack in their attitude and behaviour regarding antibiotic usage and resistance. Therefore, they need to improve their attitude and behaviour over antibiotic usage and resistance

    Drug utilization pattern in pregnancy at a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry: a cross sectional observational study

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    Background: Drug utilization pattern in pregnancy population provide insights regarding drug profile and interventional measures and also minimizes the inherent risk occurring due to unethical prescription.Methods: It was a prospective cross sectional study where prescription slips were collected. Further drugs were categorized according to the classification defined by US Food and drug Administration for pregnancy. Using Pre validated questionnaire the pregnant women were interviewed and parameters regarding knowledge about antenatal visit and contraception, self-medication practices were noted.Results: Among the total 365 participants, 81.4% had finish their high schooling and were in reproductive age group of 22-25. Study revealed predominant usage category- A drugs in I (95.5%), II (97.8%), III (96.4%) trimester. None of them received Category D or X drugs. Almost 100% and 98.6% in III and II trimester respectively received iron. Other drugs prescribed were calcium, anti-emetics, anti-ulcer, NSAIDS and antimicrobial. The awareness about Intra Uterine Contraceptive Devices and Oral Contraceptive Pills were 48.2% and 31.5% respectively. Unfortunately only 4.9% felt that drug use could be dangerous to foetus. 58.9% were aware about antenatal examination during pregnancy.Conclusions: Evaluation of drug utilization pattern periodically will minimize incidence of risk to foetus and mother during pregnancy

    A retrospective analysis of acute poisoning cases admitted to a tertiary care hospital in South India

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    Background: Acute poisoning is a medical emergency and a global public health problem. The poisoning pattern varies across countries and even between different regions within a country. The aim of this was to explore the demographic, etiological, and clinical characteristics of acute poisoning cases admitted to a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry, South India.Methods: This was a retrospective hospital record based study of acute poisoning cases admitted to our hospital during the period from January 2015 to December 2017. The patients’ demographic, etiological and clinical characteristics were analyzed.Results: Of the total of 275 cases of acute poisoning, majority of them were in the age group of 21- 30 years (32%) and were females (58.5%). Most of the cases were suicidal in nature (75.3%). Majority of the patients consumed a single poisonous agent (92.7%) and the route of poisoning was oral in all of them. Majority of the patients (56.7%) reached the hospital within 2 hours of exposure to the poison with median duration of hospital stay of 2 days, and mortality of 2.9%. Majority of the suicidal poisonings were associated with abuse of insecticides (39.4%), rodenticides (19.7%) and plant seeds (14.4%); whereas the accidental poisonings were mostly due to household agents (79.1%).Conclusions: Our study shows that the majority of the poisoning cases occurred with a single poisonous agent consumed orally, for suicidal purposes in young age group and women. Pesticides and plant seeds were commonly abused for committing suicides and household agents dominated the list of causes for accidental poisoning

    Assessment of drug attitude, medication adherence and quality of life among psychiatric patients in South Indian population: a cross sectional study

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    Background: In spite of many progresses in treatment of psychiatric disorders, medication nonadherence plays an important role in worsening of clinical condition and affects quality of life among psychiatric patients. There are numerous factors contributing for medication nonadherence among patients with mental illness. So, this study was conducted to assess psychiatric patients’ adherence of medication and to improve their quality of life with psychiatric disorder. The objectives of the study were to analyze impact of pharmacophilia and pharmacophobia on medication adherence among patients with psychiatric disorders at a tertiary care hospital and to assess quality of life among pharmacophilic and pharmacophobic patients.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in outpatient psychiatric department for a period of two months. After obtaining informed voluntary consent, patient’s socio-demographic details, diagnosis, and treatment were recorded from prescription slip. Patients above 18yr age with psychiatric diagnosis as per International Classification of Diseases 10 (ICD-10) and receiving at least one psychotropic medication for >1 month were enrolled in study and assessed using: Drug attitude inventory classification (DAI-10); Medication Rating Scale (MARS); Quality of life enjoyment and satisfaction Questionnaire-Short Form (Q-LES-Q-SF).Results: Among 130 patients, 116 were pharmacophilic and 14 were pharmacophobic as per DAI-10 scale. 81.9% of pharmacophilic were adherent to prescribed medication assessed using MARS scale only 14.3% were pharmacophobic. The quality of life was better in pharmacophilic compared to pharmacophobic group (p=0.002) using Q-LES-Q-SF.Conclusions: This study concluded that pharmacophilic patients have higher adherence and good quality of life index compared to pharmacophobic. Proper counselling of pharmacophobic patients by psychiatrists could improve adherence and QOL

    Effect of Genistein on Lipid Profile and Oxidative Status in Hyperlipidemic Wistar Rats

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    Background: Hyperlipidemia is a major cause of atherosclerosis-induced conditions such as coronary heart disease, ischemic cerebrovascular disease, and peripheral vascular disease. Due to various adverse effects with the current pharmacological therapy, many plant-derived compounds are being tested to lower serum lipid levels. Genistein, a polyphenolic isoflavone, showed promising results in several studies. Objective: The current study aimed to assess the effect of genistein on lipid profile and oxidative status in hyperlipidemic wistar rats.Materials and Methods: This prospective, observational in vivo study was carried out in Sri manakula vinayagar medical college and hospital, Puducherry, India. Thirty-xix adult male albino wistar rats were used for the experiment. Rats were divided randomly into six groups consisting of six animals in each group. All animals were given high cholesterol diet (0.75% cholesterol + 1.5% bile salt) to induce hyperlipidemia. The animals were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/kg oral) and genistein (1 mg/kg oral and 5 mg/kg oral) once daily for a period of 30 days. All animals were weighed at the start and the end of the experimental period.On 31st day after overnight fasting, blood samples were collected from orbital sinus for biochemical analysis of lipoproteins and antioxidants. Basic parameters like body weight was measured. Measurement of parameters like Total Cholesterol, HDL, VLDL, LDL Triglycerides was carried out for undertaking Serum Lipid Profile. And, measurement of parameters like reduced glutathione (GSH), serum malondialdehyde (MDA) and plasma catalase was carried out for undertaking Antioxidant activity. Statistical analysis was performed by one-way analysis of variance test followed by post hoc Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. p&lt;0.05 was considered statistically significant.Result: Oral administration of genistein showed a significant reduction in body weight serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein levels. Dose dependent significant changes (P&lt;0.05) were observed in MDA and Catalase levels among genistein treated animals. Conclusion: The current study demonstrated that genistein effectively attenuated raised serum TC, LDL, VLDL, and TG levels with remarkable improvement in antioxidant activity. Thus, genistein, a polyphenolic isoflavone, in a dose of 5 mg/kg alone and in combination with conventional hypolipidemic drug, atorvastatin has beneficial effect on serum lipid profile and antioxidant activity in hyperlipidemic male albino Wistar rat

    Data from: Using public surveys to reliably and rapidly estimate the distributions of multiple invasive species on the Andaman archipelago

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    To effectively manage multiple biological invasions, information on their distributions must be generated rapidly and over large spatial scales. Using public surveys in a false-positive occupancy framework, we reliably estimate the distributions of three synanthropic invasive species on the Andaman Islands

    Supplementary Information 2

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    Data on observations of common myna (Acridotheres tristis), the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) from Andaman archipelago, collated from ebird (www.ebird.org). If using these data, please cite eBird. Full citation included in the associated README file