693 research outputs found

    Cristòfol Colom i les Pitiüses: la toponímia

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    Kemajuan zaman, teknologi dan informasi mempermudah dalam proses pembelajaran ilmu pengetahuan dan agama. Selayaknya ilmu pengetahuan tidak terlepas dari ajaran agama dan dipisahkan dari ilmu agama itu sendiri. Agama merupakan sebuah kepercayaan yang dianut oleh manusia kepada Sang Pencipta Nya. Sebuah ajaran agama pasti menanamkan kepada umatnya untuk berbuat baik dengan sesama makhluk hidup. Oleh karena hal tersebut, maka seseorang dianjurkan memeluk agama agar berperilaku terpuji sesama umat manusia. Telah dijelaskan dalam rukun iman yang ke-4 sebagai umat beragama islam, kita wajib beriman kepada para Nabi, dan Rasul, maka Allah SWT memberikan mukjizat-mukjizat kepada para Nabi dan Rasul tersebut untuk membuktikan kebenaran tentang kenabian dan kerasulan, serta untuk melemahkan tuduhan dari kaum-kaum yang ingkar kepada Allah SWT, yaitu melalui kejadian-kejadian atau peristiwa besar yang luar biasa. Sebagaimana Firman Allah SWT dalam Al-Qur’an surah Al-Mu’min ayat 78. Maka itu perlu adanya kemudahan bagi kalangan masyarakat luas terutama pada anak-anak untuk lebih mengetahui 25 Nabi dan Rasulnya, merancang sebuah program yang dapat membantu penyajian informasi yang dibutuhkan oleh user pada android, membuat pembelajaran dalam bentuk animasi interaktif yang bersifat menarik


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    One of financial innovations undertaken by the banking industry is the rapid growth in transaction activities of off-balance sheet (OBS). Where off-balance sheet activity is one instrument diversification of revenue related to the profitability of banks. This study aims to determine the effect of off-balance sheet activities (share of non-interest income, loan loss provision, net open position on spot and derivatives, and unused loan commitment) to return on equity. The samples used in this study were 15 Foreign Exchange Commercial Banks during 2012-2014. The analytical method used in this study was multiple linear regression on panel data approach using Fixed Effect Model and The Generalized Least Square. The results of this study showed that the share of non-interest income and loan loss provision have negative significant effect on return on equity, unused loan commitment has a positive significant effect on return on equity, and net open position on spot and derivative has insignificant effect on return on equity

    Rethinking the Concept of Competencies for Public Managers

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    This chapter will go deeper in analyzing the concept of competency according to a managerial perspective, and will then clarify the relation with the Public Sector both from a theoretical and from a practical view

    Model Pengukuran Tax Evasion berbasis Money Ethics dan Tax Morals

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    This study aims to measure tax evasion using money ethics and tax morals. The approach used is quantitative with a sample of 100 KPP Pratama employees of Karawang Regency. The analytical method uses regression with the help of the SmartPLS version 4.0 application. The results showed that money ethics has a significant effect on tax evasion, which means that the higher the nature of a person's money ethics, the higher the tendency to take tax evasion. While the conclusion regarding tax morale on tax evasion is found that tax morale does not significantly influence tax evasion, which means that a person's tax morale does not influence that person to commit tax evasion. An important suggestion for the DGT is that it is hoped that they can always maintain the good name of the institution so that public trust in the Directorate General of Taxation does not decrease so that it does not trigger tax evasion crimes so that tax revenues in Indonesia can always reach the revenue target

    Acute inflammatory response to contrast agent aspiration and its mechanisms in the rat lung.

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    Objectives/hypothesisContrast agent (CA) aspiration is an established complication of upper gastrointestinal and videofluoroscopic swallow studies. The underlying molecular biological mechanisms of acute response to CA aspiration in the respiratory organs remain unclear. The aims of this study were to elucidate the histological and biological influences of three kinds of CAs on the lung and to clarify the differences in acute responses.Study designAnimal model.MethodsEight-week-old male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into five groups (n = 6 in each group). Three groups underwent tracheal instillation of one of three different CAs: barium (Ba) sulfate, nonionic contrast agents (NICAs), and ionic contrast agents (ICAs). A control group was instilled with saline and a sham group was instilled with air. All animals were euthanized on day 2 after treatment and histological and gene analysis was performed.ResultsNo animal died after CA or control/sham aspiration. Ba caused severe histopathologic changes and more prominent inflammatory cell infiltration in the lungs compared with the two other iodinated contrast agents. Increases in expressions of inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor [Tnf], interleukin-1β [Il1b], and interferon-γ [Ifng]) were observed in Ba aspiration rats, and upregulation of Il1b was seen in ICA aspiration rats. NICA did not cause obvious histologic changes or expressions of inflammatory cytokines and fibrosis-related genes in the lungs.ConclusionsBa caused significantly more acute lung inflammation in a rodent model than did ioinic and nonionic iodinated CAs. Nonionic contrast did not cause any discernible inflammatory response in the lungs, suggesting that it may be the safest contrast for videofluoroscopic swallow studies.Level of evidenceNA Laryngoscope, 129:1533-1538, 2019

    Tindakan Bullying Berhubungan dengan Self Esteem pada Remaja SMA

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    Bullying dipandang sebagai tindakan kriminal atau ketidakberdayaan. Dimana adanya perilaku yang negatif yang sering kali dilakukan dengan sengaja dan adanya ketidakseimbangan kekuatan diantara pelaku dan korban. Adanya bullying memberikan dampak pada kecemasan, depresi, serta rendahnya self esteem. Pada penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan tindakan bullying dengan self esteem pada remaja di SMA Negeri Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain analitik korelasi menggunakan chi-square. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling didapatkan sebanyak 82 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan mayoritas responden pernah menjadi pelaku maupun korban bullying. Mayoritas responden masuk kategori self esteem tinggi adanya hubungan yang sigtinifikan antara bullying dengan self esteem  p-value 0,000. Simpulan pada penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindakan bullying mempengaruhi self esteem seseorang dikarenakan prilaku bullying dapat menyakiti orang lain dan diulangi terus menerus sehingga berdampak pada self esteem

    Desvendando os sentidos de estamira: uma análise linguística e sociocultural

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo compreender os sentidos do documentário Estamira, de Marcos Prado, considerando os aspectos linguísticos, sociais e culturais subjacentes à linguagem. Diagnosticada com esquizofrenia, distúrbio caracterizado sobretudo por uma fala incoerente, Estamira oscila entre uma fala delirante e um discurso crítico sobre a sociedade. Sendo o filme construído principalmente a partir dessas falas, a pesquisa busca explorar como se dá o processo de construção de sentidos nesse texto. Em um primeiro momento, o trabalho se fundamenta em teorias da Linguística, de autores como Marcuschi, Lustosa e Hasan, para a compreensão do gênero textual filme-documentário. Em seguida, a pesquisa recorre aos Estudos Culturais, com base principalmente nas contribuições de Woodward, a fim de analisar conceitos socioculturais relevantes para o processo de representação e comunicação, como identidade, diferença e sujeito. A partir dessas concepções, é possível compreender como a linguagem se vincula às relações de poder em uma sociedade, servindo, muitas vezes, para a exclusão e a estigmatização do outro. Além disso, a pesquisa demonstra a importância do aspecto macroestrutural no contexto de análise de um texto e no processo de construção de sentidos
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