6 research outputs found

    Rapport au Roi Souverain : rapport de la Commission d'EnquĂȘte ; A. M. le SecrĂ©taire d'État de l'État IndĂ©pendant du Congo [31 octobre 1905]

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    Bakgrund: Den palliativa vĂ„rden för hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rdspersonal innebĂ€r att försöka uppnĂ„ den döende personens maximala livskvalitet och att lindra lidandet. VĂ„rden lutar sig mot det nationella vĂ„rdprogrammet för palliativ vĂ„rd samt International Council of Nurses, ICN. Sjuksköterskans roll och uppgifter inom vĂ„rden beskrivs dĂ€r Ă€ven de fyra hörnstenarna belyses. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskornas upplevda svĂ„righeter vid vĂ„rd av patienter med palliativ diagnos. Metod: Examensarbetet Ă€r en litteraturöversikt baserad pĂ„ Fribergs analysmetod. Denna litteraturöversikt inkluderar tio vetenskapliga artiklar som har sökts i databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed. Som en teoretisk utgĂ„ngspunkt har Patricia Benners teori frĂ„n novis till expert valts som en diskussion i resultatdiskussionen. Resultat: Sjuksköterskornas upplevda svĂ„righeter av att vĂ„rda patienter med en palliativ diagnos resulterade i fyra huvudteman i litteraturöversikten; kommunikation, nĂ€rstĂ„ende och relation, vĂ„rdteamet samt kunskap och erfarenheter. Diskussion: Resultatet i litteraturöversikten har diskuterats utifrĂ„n Benners teori. Sjuksköterskornas upplevda svĂ„righeter belystes genom fyra teman – kunskap och erfarenhet, nĂ€rstĂ„endestöd, kommunikation mellan kollegor och gentemot patienten samt kultur som upplevd svĂ„righet.Background: Palliative care for health professional means trying to achieve the maximum dying person's quality of life and ease suffering. The palliative care for health professionals means to try to achieve the dying person's maximum quality of life and alleviate suffering. The care inclined towards the Swedish national health care program for palliative care and the International Council of Nurses, ICN. The nurse's role and tasks in health care are described where even the four cornerstones elucidated. Aim: To elucidate the nurses perceived difficulties in nursing patients with palliative diagnosis. Method: The thesis is a literature review based on Friberg's analysis. This literature review includes ten scientific articles that have been searched in the databases CINAHL Complete and PubMed. As a theoretical base, Patricia Benner's theory from novice to expert was selected as a discussion of the results discussion. Results: The nurses perceived difficulties of caring for patients with a palliative diagnosis resulted in four main themes in the literature; communication, family and relationship, the health care team as well as knowledge and experience. Discussion: The results of the literature review are discussed based on Benner's theory. The nurses' perceived difficulties irradiated by four themes – knowledge and experience, family support, communication between colleagues and towards the patient as well the culture as perceived difficulties

    Different agronomic and fertilization systems affect polyphenolic profile, antioxidant capacity and mineral composition of lettuce

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    The present paper aims to investigate phenolic profiles, antioxidant capacity and mineral composition of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. 'Maravilla de Verano') grown under conventional (CON) and an organic (ORG) systems with four different fertilization treatments. The polyphenolic profiles of leaf extracts were determined by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC), the levels of mineral elements by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, whereas total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity were determined spectrophotometrically. Yield, soil and meteorological parameters were measured. In all the fertilization treatments, total phenolic acids and flavonols in CON were significantly higher compared to ORG. A trend parallel to that of single phenols was observed for total phenolic content and total antioxidant capacity. Plant mineral distribution revealed significant changes between CON and ORG systems in some plant macronutrients (N, Mg, S, Na, Fe) and micronutrients (Se, Mn, Mo). The differences among fertilization treatments for all the parameters considered were also discussed. From the overall analysis of the results, the higher content of phenolics observed in CON system could be associated to the presence of more stressful conditions, in terms of plant and/or soil mineral deficits. On the other hand, the adoption of an organic management determined higher yields and a better plant mineral balance

    Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity and fast UHPLC–DAD–IT-TOF profiling of polyphenolic compounds extracted from green lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.; var. Maravilla de Verano)

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    Fresh cut vegetables represent a widely consumed food worldwide. Among these, lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is one of the most popular on the market. The growing interest for this ‘‘healthy’’ food is related to the content of bioactive compounds, especially polyphenols, that show many beneficial effects. In this study, we report the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential of polyphenols extracted from lettuce (var. Maravilla de Verano), in J774A.1 macrophages stimulated with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Lettuce extract significantly decreased reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide release, inducible nitric oxide synthase and cycloxygenase-2 expression. A detailed quali/quantitative profiling of the polyphenolic content was carried out, obtaining fast separation (10 min), good retention time and peak area repeatability, (RSD% 0.80 and 8.68, respectively) as well as linearity (R2P0.999) and mass accuracy (65 ppm). Our results show the importance in the diet of this cheap and popular food for his healthy properties

    Il turismo nelle politiche di coesione comunitarie e nazionali

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    Changes in surgicaL behaviOrs dUring the CoviD-19 pandemic. The SICE CLOUD19 Study

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    BACKGROUND: The spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus, which causes COVID-19 disease, profoundly impacted the surgical community. Recommendations have been published to manage patients needing surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey, under the aegis of the Italian Society of Endoscopic Surgery, aims to analyze how Italian surgeons have changed their practice during the pandemic.METHODS: The authors designed an online survey that was circulated for completion to the Italian departments of general surgery registered in the Italian Ministry of Health database in December 2020. Questions were divided into three sections: hospital organization, screening policies, and safety profile of the surgical operation. The investigation periods were divided into the Italian pandemic phases I (March-May 2020), II (June-September 2020), and III (October-December 2020).RESULTS: Of 447 invited departments, 226 answered the survey. Most hospitals were treating both COVID-19-positive and -negative patients. The reduction in effective beds dedicated to surgical activity was significant, affecting 59% of the responding units. 12.4% of the respondents in phase I, 2.6% in phase II, and 7.7% in phase III reported that their surgical unit had been closed. 51.4%, 23.5%, and 47.8% of the respondents had at least one colleague reassigned to non-surgical COVID-19 activities during the three phases. There has been a reduction in elective (>200 procedures: 2.1%, 20.6% and 9.9% in the three phases, respectively) and emergency (<20 procedures: 43.3%, 27.1%, 36.5% in the three phases, respectively) surgical activity. The use of laparoscopy also had a setback in phase I (25.8% performed less than 20% of elective procedures through laparoscopy). 60.6% of the respondents used a smoke evacuation device during laparoscopy in phase I, 61.6% in phase II, and 64.2% in phase III. Almost all responders (82.8% vs. 93.2% vs. 92.7%) in each analyzed period did not modify or reduce the use of high-energy devices.CONCLUSION: This survey offers three faithful snapshots of how the surgical community has reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic during its three phases. The significant reduction in surgical activity indicates that better health policies and more evidence-based guidelines are needed to make up for lost time and surgery not performed during the pandemic