325 research outputs found


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    Saat ini, banyak ibu yang hamil di usia resiko tinggi, sedangkan hamil pada usia tersebut sangatlah berbahaya bagi ibu maupun janin yang dikandungnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan usia ibu hamil dengan kejadian anemia di BPS Suharijati Surabaya. Desain penelitian adalah analitik dengan menggunakan teknik cross sectional. Populasi adalah ibu hamil yang melakukan kunjungan ANC pertama kali diluar UK 32-36 minggu selama bulan Januari-Maret 2015 sebanyak 52 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Simple Random Sampling. Variabel Independen adalah usia ibu hamil dan variabel dependen adalah kejadian anemia. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan rekapitulasi kunjungan ANC di BPS Suharijati Surabaya. Pengolahan data dengan teknik editing, coding, dan tabulating. Kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari responden yang memiliki usia resiko tinggi, hampir sebagian (41,7%) mengalami anemia berat. Hasil uji statistik p (0,003) < α (0,05) sehingga Ho ditolak yang disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan usia ibu hamil dengan kejadian anemia. Simpulan penelitian adalah semakin beresiko usia ibu hamil maka semakin berat kejadian anemia. Diharapkan kepada masyarakat terutama ibu hamil agar lebih memperhatikan dan melaksanakan nasihat dari bidan mengenai faktor resiko dan bahaya yang menyertai kehamilan di usia resiko tinggi pada saat ANC


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    Pasien di unit hemodialisis Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya terdapat beberapa pasien yang tidak patuh dalam menjalani terapi hemodialisis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran faktor penyebab pasien tidak patuh dalam menjalani terapi hemodialisis di unit hemodialisis Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya. Metode penelitian deskriptif. Populasi semua pasien yang tidak hadir dalam menjalani terapi hemodialisis sebesar 18 orang dan besar sampel sebesar 18 responden. Dengan teknik sampling total sampling. Variabel penelitian faktor penyebab pasien tidak patuh dalam menjalani terapi hemodialisis. Instrumen menggunakan lembar kuesioner dengan teknik wawancara terstruktur, kemudian diolah melalui tabel frekuensi distribusi yang dianalisis dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian tentang faktor penyebab pasien tidak patuh dalam menjalani terapi hemodialisis menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar (55,56%) tidak patuh terhadap isolasi sosial dan keluarga, hampir setengahnya (38,89%) responden tidak patuh terhadap keyakinan, sikap dan kepribadian, sebagian kecil (5,55%) responden tidak patuh terhadap pemahaman tentang instruksi, serta tidak satupun responden (0%) yang tidak patuh terhadap kualitas interaksi. Simpulan penelitian adalah sebagian besar pasien tidak patuh terhadap isolasi sosial dan keluarga. Untuk mengatasi faktor tersebut diharapkan keluarga memberikan dukungan kepada pasien agar patuh menjalani terapi hemodialisis

    Crowdfunding-Based Fiduciary Warrant in Providing Capital Loans for Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are organized through people's creativity in developing human and natural resources. However, investment challenges often affect their implementation and production processes, necessitating solutions, such as capital loans from banks and other entities. Crowdfunding is an online loaning service that provides easily accessible loans to SME startups, though a warrant to protect creditors from losing money to ingenuine people is necessary. Therefore, this study examines the appropriateness of a fiduciary warrant as a SMEs collateral object. When fiduciary is used as a loan warrant, debtors are allowed to use collateral objects in their production processes. To make a fiduciary warrant effective, legal protection is required. This study used juridical-normative that relied on legal norms in legislation and court verdicts dealing with societal organizational issues. The results showed that crowdfunding-based credit is an alternative with more straightforward procedures compared to conventional entities

    The role of mineral content in bamboo shell meat (shell meal) and calm flour (meat meal) and formation process on the health of living-being in Indonesia

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    The health of living organisms on Earth is crucial to their survival, and the efficient utilization of minerals is the most effective answer to this phenomenon; therefore, researchers must focus on this issue. Consequently, the current study explores the effect of the mineral content of bamboo shell meat flour and bamboo shell calm flour on the health of living organisms in Indonesia. The article also examines the moderating effect of the formation process on the relationship between the mineral content of bamboo shell meat flour, bamboo shell calm flour, and the health of living organisms in Indonesia. Using questionnaires, the researchers have collected primary data from selected respondents. The researchers have also utilized smart-PLS to examine the relationship and test the study's hypotheses. The results revealed a beneficial relationship between the mineral content of bamboo shell meat flour and bamboo shell calm flour and the health of living organisms in Indonesia. The results also suggested that the creation process moderates the relationship between the mineral content of bamboo shell meat flour, the mineral content of bamboo shell calm flour, and the health of living organisms in Indonesia. This article aids policymakers in developing legislation concerning the proper use of the mineral in daily life and which wheat is healthier for living organisms.Ninis Trisyani (Faculty of Engineering and Marine Science, Department of Fisheries, Universitas Hang Tuah)Includes bibliographical references

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Kelayakan USAhatani Padi Sawah di Desa Laantula Jaya Kecamatan Witaponda Kabupaten Morowali

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    This study aims to determine the income feasibility of paddy rice farming in village of Laantula Jaya, subdistrict of Wita Ponda, Morowali district. Determination of Respondents done using simple random method (Simple Random Sampling). The number of samples taken as many as 31 people from the population of 110 people. The analytical tool used was income analysis and feasibility analysis. Anailisis results showed that the average revenue of the paddy rice farmers in the village in Laantula Jaya subdistrict Wita Ponda Morowali district of Rp.11.922.586,20/1.19 ha/Planting Season or Rp. 10.018.980 million/ha/Planting Season, the average total cost of Rp. 7.029.852,00/ 1.19 ha/Planting Season or Rp. 5.907.439,00/ha/Planting Season, while the average total revenue of Rp. 4.892.729,00 /1.19 ha/Planting Season or Rp. 4.111.537,00/ha/Planting Season. The results of the analysis of R / C showed that paddy rice farming in the village of Laantula Jaya, subdistrict Wita Ponda, Morowali district deserves can be pursued. This is evidenced by the value of R / C obtained by 1.69. This means that any expenditure of Rp. 1 will generate revenue by 1.69


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    Abstrak Penelitian tindakan kelas ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bermain menyusun menara gelas plastik dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan 1-10. Subjek penelitian adalah anak usia 4-5 tahun di TK PGRI berjumlah 12 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah observasi yang dilakukan oleh teman sejawat dan dokumentasi yang berupa foto kegiatan anak dalam proses pembelajaran. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan sebesar 36%. Berdasarkan evaluasi hasil dari siklus I dan siklus II disimpulkan bahwa melalui bermain menyusun menara gelas plastik dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengenal konsep bilangan. Kata Kunci : Kognitif, Bermain Menyusun Menara Gelas Plastik, Anak usia dini.  Abstract Research the act of this class aims to described play composing tower plastic cups can improve the ability know the concept of the number of 1-10. The subject of study is children aged 5 years in TK PGRI twelve children. Technique data collection used to research this is observation that done by companion and documentation of photos activities child in learning. Technique data analysis to research this using analysis descriptive statistics. The research results show the increased capacity know the concept of the number of equal to 36 %. Based on the evaluation the result of cycle I and II concluded that cycle through play composing tower plastic cups can improve the ability know the concept of the number. Key Words: cognitive, play composing tower plastic cups, early childhood

    Developing Prototype Integrated Reading Material For Junior High School

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    Reading skill is mainly acknowledged as the most important skill to be mastered. It is not only overemphasized for developing English skill but also critical understanding skills of students. Various factors have certainly contributed to this study. The lack of students’ interest became the main factor of the lowness of students reading skill. Besides the teaching material development required the balance of higher technology. This study aimed to optimize and accomplish the goal of learning reading which balance with the increasing of technology use as learning need nowadays by developing prototype integrated reading material for junior high school. To meet the objective of the study, the researcher used Research and Development as design of study involving need analysis, design, development, expert validation and try out. Questionnaire and interview were utilized as instrument in the field of need analysis. The result of development organized the prototype integrated reading material through PamanPinter-CALLs which developed in longtion auto run combining with adobe audition, hot potatoes, hangaroo, macromedia flash, and microsoft power point. It contained vocabulary corner, reading corner, audio corner, comprehension corner, and writing corner which covered pre-reading activity, whilst reading activity, and post reading activity. This was validated by three experts and tried out through students discussion and questionnaire. Finally the result might be utilized to help teachers and students in teaching learning reading using PC computer or smartphone. This prototype integrated reading material is able to employ in the home and in the class even individually or in group. So students can improve their reading skill autonomously by the guidance from the teachers before. Further, this program suggested to be developed in other any level. This program is more completed with speed reading correction to evaluate students speed reading and pronunciation correction to help students to have self-learning in pronunciation

    Gambaran Hematologi Tikus setelah Pemberian Terapi Gel Ekstrak Kasar Bromelin Kulit Nanas (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr)

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    Bromelin memiliki aktivitas sebagai anti edematosa, antitrombotik, dan antiinflamasi pada berbagai penelitian in vitro dan in vivo. Ekstrak kasar bromelin kulit nanas didapatkan dari proses isolasi enzim kulit nanas segar yang dilakukan dengan cara sentrifugasi. Ekstrak kasar bromelin kulit nanas dikembangkan menjadi sediaan gel yang ditujukan sebagai anti edematosa atau anti memar dengan melihat profil hematologi pada tikus yang dibuat luka memar. Formulasi gel ekstrak kasar bromelin kulit nanas menggunakan bahan aktif ekstrak kasar bromelin 450 mg/kg BB dengan perbandingan konsentrasi gelling agent dan humektan yang sama besar, serta zat tambahan berupa trietanolamin, metil paraben, dan air. Tikus putih jantan dibagi menjadi empat kelompok perlakuan, yaitu kelompok I sebagai kontrol normal tanpa terapi, kelompok II sebagai kontrol positif, kelompok III sebagai kontrol negatif, dan kelompok IV sebagai kelompok sampel. Tikus dibuat luka memar dengan teknik penjatuhan beban pada punggung tikus. Parameter uji pada penelitian ini meliputi sel darah putih (white blood cells, WBC), sel darah merah (red blood cells, RBC), hematocrit (HCT), dan platelets (PLT). Berdasarkan analisis two way ANOVA, terdapat perbedaan nilai WBC yang bermakna antar waktu dan kelompok dengan nilai p sebesar 0,008 (p<0,05). Sedangkan nilai p dari RBC, HCT, dan PLT berturut-turut sebesar 0,421, 0,297 dan 0,758, yang menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah gel ekstrak kasar bromelin kulit nanas pada dosis 450 mg/kg BB efektif menurunkan nilai WBC pada jam ke-6 dan jam ke-12, yaitu masing-masing sebesar 13,33±2.05 (x10³/µL) dan 11.80±1.30 (x10³/µL)
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