63 research outputs found

    Online Platform Application Design for Local Product

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    Web technology development is growing rapidly because all technology's core is to make it easier for other people to create a web or find any information via the web. This study aims to design an online application/website specifically for local products that focus on fashion, especially those that have not been touched by online media at all, such as in Pasar Baru and Pasar Andir, located in the city of Bandung. This research used descriptive with a qualitative approach. This study indicates that a website can be used as a promotional medium for local clothing stores to expand marketing reach. Besides that, it can also improve the image of the local clothing company. More than that, of course, visitors can find out the latest types of branded clothing products and make sales transactions with consumers without visiting the store in person. With this website, of course, it will make it easier for customers to make purchase transactions at local brand clothing stores that are not widely known

    Program Ppg untuk Membangun Kompetensi Guru Geografi (Studi Kasus di Universitas Negeri Malang)

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    The purpose of rhe research to explain PPG SM3T Program designs for building the grogrphy teacher competences, the graduates of SM3T's Program. The design implementation of PPG SM3T includes curriculum development process till the evaluation of geography teacher competences. Competence referred to are competence pedagogical, competence personality, social competence, and professional competency. The research is a case study researchs in Malang State University. Technique the data collection was done through in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis use the interactive model Miles and Huberman. This research result indicates that an implementation program PPG includes several stage are: (1) the developmental syllabus stages by the appropriate policy regarding university, (2) the pre the condition stages as the combined with plenary 1, (3) the learning system stages are consist of several stage and learning activities, thy are: (a) workshop SSP stages consist of the stage activity: plenary 2 namely the deepening of material curriculum 2013; pre-test; focus group discussion are the subject matter of geography and pedagogical that have not understood, yet; independent working group is composing device learning, combined the stage of plenary 3, revision and approval lesson plans that is peer teaching, formative tests , KKL and doing incidental activity such as writing journals and scientific paper; (b) the stage of PPL consist of procession submission the PPL students to school, KMD trainings by the PPG, doing some teaching and non teaching activities, PTK researchs, and a test of the performance by lesson study; (c) the competency test stages which are consist of intensification of the subtansial geography materials, also the local and national examination test. The implementation directed in developing geography teacher competences which are consist of pedagogik, personality, social and professional competences.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan bentuk implementasi Program PPG SM3T dalam membangun kompetensi guru geografi alumni program SM3T. Bentuk implementasi Program PPG SM3T meliputi proses pengembangan kurikulum hingga penilaian kompetensi guru geografi. Kompetensi yang dimaksud adalah kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi profesional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus di Universitas Negeri Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk implementasi Program PPG meliputi beberapa tahapan, yaitu (1) tahap pengembangan silabus oleh pihak terkait sesuai kebijakan universitas; (2) tahap pra kondisi sebagai gabungan tahap pra kondisi dan pleno 1; (3) tahap sistem pembelajaran yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan dan kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu (a) tahap workshop SSP terdiri atas tahapan kegiatan pleno 2, yaitu pendalaman materi kurikulum 2013, pre-test, diskusi kelompok yaitu diskusi materi geografi dan pedagogik yang belum dipahami, kerja kelompok mandiri yaitu menyusun perangkat pembelajaran, gabungan tahap pleno 3, revisi dan persetujuan RPP, yaitu peer teaching, tes formatif, KKL dan melakukan kegiatan insidental seperti menulis jurnal dan artikel ilmiah; (b) tahap PPL terdiri dari tahapan prosesi penyerahan mahasiswa PPL ke sekolah, pelatihan KMD oleh pihak PPG, melakukan kegiatan mengajar dan non mengajar, penelitian PTK, dan uji kinerja berupa Lesson Study; dan (c) tahap uji kompetensi terdiri dari, pendalaman materi subtansial geografi, Ujian Tulis Lokal, dan Ujian Tulis Nasional. Tahapan implementasi diarahkan dalam membangun kompetensi guru geografi, yaitu pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional

    Strategi Promosi pada Toserba Gandung dan Sopongiro Surabaya

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    Along with the development of technology, retail business in society is becoming increasingly important. The retail business is initially seen only limited to providers of goods and services only, is now viewed as a business that is more innovative, dynamic, and competitive. This study is intended for retail store owners and employees to train the design drawings and writings using Adobe Photoshop as a tool to increase sales promotion. The results of these community service is the module manufacturing  of Adobe Photoshop, as a guide to make the design drawings, manufacturing of job description framework of each business owner and employee, and the outcome of training design drawings using Adobe Photoshop is used in the media campaign such as t-shirts, banners, posters and billboards

    Struktur Komunitas Berudu Anura Di Sungai Cibeureum Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango, Jawa Barat

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    The use of various types of habitats can affect the structure of tadpole communities. The purpose of this study was to identify and measure: a) composition and diversity of Anuran species on two different seasons, b) distribution of tadpoles in different microhabitat types, and c) developmental stages of tadpole in two different season. Quantitative sampling of amphibian larvae was carried out on along the 224 m transect in Cibeureum stream, Mount Gede-Pangrango National Park, West Java. Four species were found in Cibeureum stream were Leptophryne cruentata (37.10%), Megophrys montana (34.33%), Rhacophorus margaritifer (28.49%), and Huia masonii (0.07%). Cibeureum stream microhabitat can be grouped into torrents, riffles and shingle areas. Tadpoles were only found in riffles and shingle areas. Omitting H. masonii data from linear regression test showed that microhabitat variables did not significantly affect the presence of tadpoles. Most tadpoles were found in stage 25. The dominant stage of tadpole found were in Gosner growth stage 24-28 (no foot) for both dry and wet season, which indicated that the frogs in the Cibeureum stream reproduce throughout the year

    Evaluation of GPM IMERG Performance Using Gauge Data over Indonesian Maritime Continent at Different Time Scales

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    Accurate precipitation observations are crucial for water resources management and as inputs for a gamut of hydrometeorological applications. Precipitation data from Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) (IMERG) have recently been widely used to complement traditional rain gauge systems. However, the satellite precipitation data needs to be validated before being widely used in the applications and this is still missing over the Indonesian maritime continent (IMC). We conducted a validation of the IMERG product version 6 for this region. The evaluation was carried out using gauge data in the period from 2016 to 2020 for three types of IMERG: Early (E), Late (L), and Final (F) from annual, monthly, daily and hourly data. In general, the annual and monthly data from IMERG showed a good correlation with the rain gauge, with the mean correlation coefficient (CC) approximately 0.54–0.78 and 0.62–0.79, respec-tively. About 80% of stations in the IMC area showed a very good correlation between gauge data and IMERG-F estimates (CC = 0.7–0.9). For the daily assessment, the CC value was in the range of 0.39 to 0.44 and about 40% of stations had a correlation of 0.5–0.7. IMERG had a fairly good ability to detect daily rain in which the average probability of detection (POD) for all stations was above 0.8. However, the false alarm ratio (FAR) value is quite high (<0.5). For hourly data, IMERG’s performance was still poor with CC around 0.03–0.28. For all assessments, IMERG generally overesti-mated rainfall in comparison with rain gauge. The accuracy of the three types of IMERG in IMC was also influenced by season and topography. The highest and lowest CC values were observed for June–July–August and December–January–February, respectively. However, categorical statistics (POD, FAR and critical success index) did not show any clear seasonal variation. The CC value decreased with higher altitude, but with slight difference for each IMERG type. For all assessments conducted, IMERG-F generally showed the best rainfall observations in IMC, but with slightly difference from IMERG-E and IMERG-L. Thus, IMERG-E and IMERG-L data that had a faster latency than IMERG-F show potential to be used in rainfall observations in IMC
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