1,200 research outputs found


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    Peneilitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis nilai pendidikan karakter yang terdapat pada film Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon dieu (2014) karya Philippe de Chauveron. Film ini merupakan film bergenre drama komedi yang mengisahkan tentang sebuah keluarga yang didalamnya terdapat perbedaan budaya dan agama. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif dengan mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta kemudian disusul dengan analisis. Berdasarkan teori yang diadaptasi dari Mulyana (2012) mengenai nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter, terdapat 18 nilai pendidikan karakter utama, yaitu: cinta dan kasih sayang, kepedulian dan empati, kerja sama, berani, keteguhan hati dan komitmen, adil, suka menolong, kejujuran dan integritas, humor, mandiri dan percaya diri, disiplin diri, loyalitas, sabar, rasa bangga, banyak akal, sikap hormat, tanggung jawab, dan toleransi. Teknik penelitian ini menggunakan Studi Pustaka dan Studi Dokumentasi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah film Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon dieu, sedangkan sampel penelitiannya yaitu nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terdapat pada tuturan tokoh dalam film tersebut. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa 12 nilai pendidikan karakter terdapat dalam film, 3 nilai diantaranya yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah: 1). Cinta dan kasih sayang, 2). Bersikap hormat, 3). Dan toleransi. Penelitian ini juga dapat dijadikan referensi materi pembelajaran Civiisation Française dalam bahasa Perancis. --------- This research aims to describe and analyze the value of character education which exist in the film Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon dieu (2014) by Philippe de Chauveron. This film is a drama comedy genre that tells the story of a family in which there is a difference cultural and religious. Method in this research is the method descriptive-analysis with described facts was followed by analysis. Based on the theory that was adapted from Mulyana (2012) of value character education, there are 18 values educations the main character: love and affection, care and empathy, bold, steadiness and commitment, fair, like help, honesty and integrity, humor, independent and confident, self-discipline, loyalty, proud, a lot of sense, respect, responsability, and tolerance. The instrument used in this research is the bibliographic study and documentation. The population of the research is the film Qu’est-ce qu’on a fait au bon dieu (2014), and the sampel of the research is the values of character education contained in the speech of the characters in the film. The results of this research show that 12 values characters education there are in the film, 3 values of them most commonly found. The values are: 1). Love and affection, 2). Respect, 3). And tolerance. The research can be used as a reference for material learning in Civilisation Française class in French Learning

    Land and justice

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    Cara Nine on how to decide where borders should be drawn

    Towards Autonomous Driving Using Vision Based Intelligent Systems

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    Vision Based systems have become an integral part when it comes to autonomous driving. The autonomous industry has seen a made large progress in the perception of environment as a result of the improvements done towards vision based systems. As the industry moves up the ladder of automation, safety features are coming more and more into the focus. Different safety measurements have to be taken into consideration based on different driving situations. One of the major concerns of the highest level of autonomy is to obtain the ability of understanding both internal and external situations. Most of the research made on vision based systems are focused on image processing and artificial intelligence systems like machine learning and deep learning. Due to the current generation of technology being the generation of “Connected World”, there is no lack of data any more. As a result of the introduction of internet of things, most of these connected devices are able to share and transfer data. Vision based techniques are techniques that are hugely depended on these vision based data

    Towards Robust Situation Awareness in Autonomous Vehicles

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    Automotive Industry is having a rapid progress towards highest level of autonomy. As the industry moves up the ladder of automation, safety features are coming more and more into the focus. Different safety measurements have to be taken into consideration based on different driving situations. One of the major concerns of the highest level of autonomy is to obtain the ability of understanding both internal and external situations. In order to automate this process, first, understanding and automating the situation identification is necessary. Systems will also have to have embedded intelligence of awareness in order to reach to these situations. Situation Awareness is a term that consists of extracting information from the environment, providing an understanding towards the extracted features and taking actions in order to make awareness. This journal focuses on the different levels of situation awareness, provides concepts in order to automate the process so that it can play a vital role towards highly autonomous vehciles

    Deep Excavations in Urban Environments: A Review of Recent Developments

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    Failure of excavations can be incredibly costly. Lives can be lost, projects delayed for months, and adjacent structures damaged by ground surface settlement related to both basal-heave and serviceability failures. This report summarizes developments in recent years that pertain to deep excavations in urban environments and mathematical methods to best avoid failures. The ultimate limit state (basal-heave and piping failure), and serviceability limit state (ground surface settlement and lateral wall defection) are the basis for geotechnical design in excavations. Structurally, the strength limit state (structural strength of the wall), serviceability limit state (deformation of the retaining wall), and stability (such as buckling) must be considered in design. Geotechnical and structural design must work hand in hand to provide the best retaining system to make sure lives and property are protected

    Craniosynostosis: primary and secondary brain anomalies:A radiologic investigation

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    Developing an ESP Module for English Course Participants at Unars: A Bridge to Creating Powerful Speakers

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    University of Abdurachman Saleh Situbondo (UNARS) through its Language Center holds a General English (GE) course every semester for its lecturers. However, the lecturers as the course participants are not satisfied with the course. They claim that an ESP course is more suitable for them because they want to develop skills to be a good speaker in international seminars. Many lecturers at UNARS have never attended any international seminars because they feel unconfident to speak in English. They say that their public speaking skills are not enough to help them speak confidently. Essentially, English learning that is suitable for these lecturers is English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The Language Center of UNARS has never held any ESP course that focuses on becoming a presenter in international seminars. This is because of the unavailability of the suitable modules that really suit the participants’ background and culture. Existing commercial books cannot be used as learning resources because of the gaps between participants’ background and culture in the context and the content commercial books offer. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop an ESP module for the English course participants at the Language Center of UNARS. The module covers materials on basic principles of public speaking, how to create powerful power point presentation, and how to become a good speaker. With the development of this module, it is expected that the course participants, in this case UNARS lecturers, will have good presentation skills to present in international seminars.   Keywords: ESP, module, presentation skills, UNARS’ lecturer


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    Keamanan air minum ditentukan berdasarkan syarat kualitas fisik kimia maupun baktariologis,Dikabupaten Wonogiri saat ini ada 9 depot air minum isi ulang. Hasil analisis laboratorium Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) akhir tahun 2002 dari 120 sampel air minum isi ulang di 10 kota besar di ketahui 18% terkontaminasi bakteri coliform. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi hygiene sanitasi depot dan kualitas bakteriologis,air minum pada Depot Air Minum Isi Ulang. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pengusaha depot air minum isi ulang yang ada di Kabupaten Wonogiri. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah total populasi yaitu 9 depot. Data yang diperoleh disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan diskripsi dari variabel-variabel yang telah diteliti.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang yang memenuhi syarat sebanyak 7 atau sebesar 77,77% depot dan yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 2 depot atau sebesar 22,22%,kondisi hygiene sanitasai depot dengan kategori pencemaran rendah sebanyak 6 depot atau sebesar 66,67%.Pencemaran sedang sebanyak 1 depot atau sebesar 11,11% dan pencemaran tinggi sebanyak 2 depot atau sebesar 22,22%. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar (77,78%) air minum isi ulang yang ada di Kabupaten Wonogiri telah memenuhi syarat kesehatan sesuai dengan KepMenKes RI NO.907/MENKES/VII/2002 dansebagian besar (66,76%) depot air minum isi ulang yang ada di Kabupaten Wonogiri memiliki tingkat pencemaran depot yang rendah. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar setiap DAMIU melakukan pemeriksaan kualitas bakteriologis air minum secara berkala. Kata Kunci: Air Minum Isi Ulang,Kualitas bakteriologis dan hygiene sanitasi depo

    Students and Online Learning: Friends or Foes?

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the system of education in Indonesia. The pandemic due to the corona virus has made the Indonesian government alter the education system from conventional meeting to online meeting. However, the closure of schools in Indonesia during the pandemic has ignited problems for teachers, students, and parents. Despite the benefits it offers, online learning also has some evident drawbacks. The pros and cons of online learning are also experienced by the students at UNARS. Accordingly, an online survey was conducted among the students to see how they perceived online learning. The result of the survey shows that although not as pleasant as offline meeting, online meeting is rated somewhat enjoyable by 50,8% of the students. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Promosi dan Fluktuasi Harga Emas Terhadap Minat Nasabah pada Produk Tabungan Emas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Promosi dan Fluktuasi Harga Emas terhadap Minat Nasabah pada Produk Tabungan Emas (Studi Kasus Pegadaian Syariah Lumajang).Adapun rumusan masalah yang di paparkan dalam penelitian (1) Apakah Promosi dan Fluktuasi harga secara bersama – sama berpengaruh terhadap minat nasabah pada tabungan emas di Pegadaian Syariah ? Sedangkan tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1)Menganalisis pengaruh Promosi dan Fluktuasi Harga terhadap minat nasabah pada tabungan emas di Pegadaian Syariah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, keusioner, wawancara, yaitu data yang mengandung keterangan serta penjelasan nasabah dalam menabung emas. Kemudian diakukan analisis terhadap data – data yang di peroeh berupa analisis kuantitatif. Analisis kuantitatif meliputi uji validitas, Uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, uji hipotesis lewat uji F dan uji T serta uji analisis koefisien determinasi (R2). Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Dari perhitungan regresi linier berganda variabel promosi (X1) variabel promosi tidak berpengaruh terhadap variabel minat. hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil output nilai t hitung sebesar -1.923 < 1,996, artinya jika promosi ditingkatkan maka minat investasi emas akan menurun. variable fuktuasi harga  (X2) berpengaruh terhadap variabel minat. hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil output nilai t hitung sebesar 6.658 > 1,996 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05, artinya jika fluktuasi harga naik maka minat investasi akan meningkat
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